Cafe Astrology .com

December 23 2021

23decOverview of the DayDecember 23 2021Daily Overview


Thursday, DECEMBER 23

The Moon spends the day in the sign of Leo, stimulating our desire to reach out and share ourselves with others in heartfelt ways. Under this transit, we’re determined and confident and direct and sincere, and we take more pride in our actions and creations.

The Leo Moon is generous and trusting. We may want to find a personal pursuit and give it special attention. Our feelings are strong, and we’re ready and willing to share ourselves with others.

Early tomorrow, Saturn forms a square to Uranus for the final of three perfections (the first happened in February, and the second in June).

This longer-term influence generates some friction. At the root of tension is a clash between our need for freedom and spontaneity and our need for structure and stability. Ideally, we can find creative ways to satisfy these diverging needs, perhaps by giving form to our ideals and quest for progress.

Rules and limitations are harder to tolerate, but life feels too chaotic without some lines drawn. Attempts to assert our individuality, freedom, and originality can undermine our feeling of groundedness and security. Yet, we are not satisfied when we conform.

There may be sudden and unexpected twists that force us to do something different or free ourselves from old habits. Adjusting our plans may be in order, and balancing convention and innovation is the challenge.


December 23, 2021 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-04:00)

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