Relationship Forecast for
Heather Locklear/Ritchie Sambora
May 5, 2006 – May 5, 2007
Cafe Astrology
The following astrological interpretations are based on the assumption that the two people involved have a close ongoing relationship. As long as the people involved are a couple, transits to the composite chart will be an influence. The closer the bond, the more the influences will be felt and perceived. Thus the interpretations will make the most sense if this is the primary relationship for both people.
Tropical/Placidus Composite (Asc Midpoint) Chart 1: Heather Locklear NATAL CHART Chart 2: Ritchie Sambora NATAL CHARTCalculated for time zone 0 hours Natal positions:
Sun=25LE35 Moon= 8CN40 Merc=21VI29 Ven= 2VI39 Mars=25VI17
Jup=24SA47 Sat=12CP57 Ura=21LE39 Nep= 6SC56 Plu= 5VI36
Asc= 6GE28 MC= 0PI29
PLANET-TO-PLANET SELECTIONS Natal: Sun Moon Merc Ven Mars Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu Asc MC
Transiting: Sun Merc Ven Mars Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu
Conj ( 0 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Oppos (180 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min
Sqr ( 90 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Trine (120 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min
Sxtil ( 60 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Qucnx (150 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min
Apr 11, 2006 (Mar 23, 2006 to May 5, 2006) Ura Sxtil Sat
There is a comfortable balance between commitment and freedom in your relationship now. Old “ruts” and patterns are relatively easy to change, too.
May 5, 2006 2 PM(May 5, 2006 to May 6, 2006) Merc Sxtil MC
Clear communication and a tone of reasonableness and fair play make this a good time to work on any shared goals or joint plans. As a couple, your judgment is sound, so any decisions you make together are likely to work in your favor.
May 5, 2006 6 PM(May 5, 2006 to May 6, 2006) Ven Qucnx Ven
Disagreements arise now over personal tastes and styles, what each of you considers desirable or beautiful, how you show love or want to be loved. This will not be a direct confrontation most likely, more of a subtle sense that the other is missing something, not “getting it”.
May 6, 2006 5 AM(May 4, 2006 to May 7, 2006) Mars Oppos Sat
You are apt to be ill-humored, easily irritated or frustrated with each other now. Perhaps you believe the other person is purposely opposing and blocking you, or trying to be difficult, which most likely is not so. Patience and a willingness to find the humor in the situation will help.
May 6, 2006 6 PM(May 6, 2006 to May 7, 2006) Merc Trine Ven
You bring out a lighthearted and pleasant mood in one another. A spontaneous small gift as loving note – something small and sweet – would be perfect. Loving words come easily -and mean a lot – right now.
May 8, 2006 6 AM(May 7, 2006 to May 9, 2006) Merc Trine Plu
If one or the other of you has been wanting to divulge a secret, bring up a grievance, or discuss something difficult, now is the time. Conversation is intense, revealing, and profound.
For entertainment the two of you will go for something intense – perhaps a psychological suspense thriller or an old Alfred Hitchcock film!
May 8, 2006 9 AM(May 7, 2006 to May 9, 2006) Ven Qucnx Plu
Issues of power and control arise between you. Any unspoken “bargains” you have made with each other which disempowers one or both of you in order to please the other, may be up for change. Unreasonable fears of loss, or jealousy could also emerge.
May 8, 2006 11 PM(May 8, 2006 to May 9, 2006) Merc Oppos Nep
This is not a good time to give one another direction, arrange to meet someplace you have never gone before, or, in fact, much of anything that requires clear, logical thought and action. Muddled communication and misreading one another in some small but critical way is very likely. Make every effort to be clear and direct with each other, as confusion abounds right now.
May 9, 2006 3 AM(May 9, 2006 to May 10, 2006) Ven Sxtil Asc
Both your friendships and your romance blossom now. You are getting along splendidly, and whatever you do together should work out very well.
May 9, 2006 1 PM(May 9, 2006 to May 10, 2006) Ven Qucnx Nep
A vague feeling of dissatisfaction or confusion arises now. One of you feels you are sacrificing too much, or you just don’t know where the other person is coming from. Check out your concerns and perceptions with one another because something you may be imagining about your partner is likely to be not quite true.
May 9, 2006 7 PM(May 9, 2006 to May 10, 2006) Merc Sxtil Moon
This is a good time to introduce one another to old friends or to your family, to plan a trip home, or to share personal memories and stories with one another. You understand and sympathize with one another and can gain a new clarity about each other’s emotional make up.
May 11, 2006 1 AM(May 11, 2006 to May 12, 2006) Ven Sqr Moon
The mood between you is soft, loving, understanding, supportive. The need for love is strong in one or both of you, perhaps more than you are comfortable with. A little reassurance goes a long way.
May 11, 2006 10 PM(May 11, 2006 to May 12, 2006) Merc Trine Sat
Topics under discussion now: money, investments, material security, practical realities and limitations and how they figure in to mutual wishes and desires. If your relationship is fairly new, keep your eyes and ears open to discover how the other person deals with or avoids adult responsibility.
May 12, 2006 9 AM(May 11, 2006 to May 13, 2006) Sun Trine Merc
You flow together rather easily now, especially on a mental or intellectual level. This is a good time for you to talk, air things out, further your understanding of one another’s ideas and beliefs. Going for a drive, to a movie, or on some other short outing is favored also.
May 12, 2006 1 PM(May 11, 2006 to May 13, 2006) Sun Sqr Ura
Excitement, surprises, or an unusual turn of events color your relationship now. Routines may be upset or plans go awry. You also seem to bring out the untamed side of one another, and one or the other of you may “act out” in an impulsive or reckless urge for freedom.
May 12, 2006 (May 4, 2006 to May 21, 2006) Jup Sxtil Sat
Aid from elders, mentors, or teachers can benefit the two of you now. This is a good time to consult with an expert, planner, or counselor to help you with anything the two of you want to do.
May 14, 2006 7 PM(May 13, 2006 to May 15, 2006) Ven Sqr Sat
You may be having some serious reservations about this relationship right now, perhaps because you are focusing on the lacks, flaws and least pleasing aspects of one another. Your mutual fears, insecurities and barriers to love and intimacy are up right now. Although unpleasant, it would be wise to take responsibility for your unhappiness rather than conveniently blaming the other. Temporarily pulling back and having some solitude may not be a bad idea.
May 15, 2006 7 PM(May 15, 2006 to May 16, 2006) Sun Qucnx Jup
The two of you experience some minor inconveniences or injustices. At worst, you could have a run-in with the law over something you overlooked or were lazy about doing. This time may pass with no perceivable effects, however, as long as you do not get sloppy. There is also a tendency to take one another and the good of your relationship for granted right now.
May 15, 2006 11 PM(May 15, 2006 to May 16, 2006) Merc Trine Merc
New ideas and stimulating conversation flows. This is also a wonderful time to take a trip together, or at least to plan one.
May 16, 2006 1 AM(May 15, 2006 to May 17, 2006) Merc Sqr Ura
You stimulate, excite, and/or irritate one another intellectually now. Unexpected differences of opinion may arise which lead to a sudden change of plans or the reversal of an agreement you thought was certain. This is a brief fluctuation, however, so try to ride it through. Also, you both tend to thoughtlessly blurt things out which you may feel foolish about later.
May 16, 2006 7 AM(May 15, 2006 to May 17, 2006) Sun Trine Mars
You energize and invigorate one another, and you are a “dynamic duo” right now. Confidence and a positive spirit runs high in one another’s presence. Joint work projects are favored, as is any vigorous play.
May 16, 2006 2 PM(May 15, 2006 to May 17, 2006) Sun Sqr Sun
Even if your relationship is basically sound, a challenge or crisis is apt to occur around this time. Your basic differences come out now, and can cause a sense of separateness or conflict. If you are harmonious most of the time, this will be relatively minor.
May 17, 2006 12 PM(May 17, 2006 to May 18, 2006) Merc Qucnx Jup
The two of you do not have very good judgment right now, especially in money matters. This is not a good time to make a joint purchase; avoid gambling, too!
May 17, 2006 5 PM(May 17, 2006 to May 18, 2006) Merc Trine Mars
This is a good time to bring up something that may be difficult for you to talk about, and to state your point of view clearly and unambiguously. Expect a bit of intellectual bantering as well.
May 17, 2006 8 PM(May 17, 2006 to May 18, 2006) Merc Sqr Sun
There is a sort of busy, quick, restless quality in the atmosphere between you now, and you could even get on one another’s nerves a bit. Or, it could be mentally stimulating and fun, if a bit frenetic. It is not the best time to bring up a touchy subject, however, as you have a tendency to overstate yourselves or blurt out something you might regret.
May 20, 2006 2 AM(May 19, 2006 to May 21, 2006) Merc Sqr MC
Right now both of you tend to say more than is necessary. If you have plans for the day, make sure you do not fritter away the time discussing your various options or negotiating over trivialities. Nit picking over details can create tense moments.
May 20, 2006 2 PM(May 18, 2006 to May 22, 2006) Mars Sxtil Merc
This is a good time for the two of you to put your heads together and make plans. Problem-solving is favorable now. You will also want to start implementing some of your ideas; the pace of the day is active and lively.
May 21, 2006 2 AM(May 21, 2006 to May 22, 2006) Merc Sqr Ven
This is a favorable time to discuss matters of the heart -what you both want, need, wish for, long for, delighting. You are flirtatious and playful, also.
May 21, 2006 5 PM(May 21, 2006 to May 22, 2006) Sun Sqr MC
The two of you are apt to be wrapped up in one another, and somewhat oblivious to the rest of the world right now. This is a good time to air out any problems you have been having, and to “set the record straight”.
May 22, 2006 5 AM(May 21, 2006 to May 23, 2006) Ven Qucnx Merc
A minor social embarrassment or some awkwardness between the two of you occurs now. Someone inadvertently strikes a discordant note. As long as you can laugh at yourselves, you will be fine.
May 22, 2006 8 AM(May 21, 2006 to May 23, 2006) Ven Trine Ura
Spontaneous playfulness, singing, dancing, or lovemaking adds zest to your time together. Music and movement open you up. Your rhythms are in harmony.
May 22, 2006 10 AM(May 21, 2006 to May 23, 2006) Merc Sqr Plu
This is a time to have a conversation about something you have both avoided in the past. One of you may confront the other with unsuspected grievances, acute but unwelcome observations, or some problem that has been brewing for some time. Even if somewhat difficult or heavy, your interaction can deepen your understanding and knowledge of one another tremendously.
May 22, 2006 8 PM(May 22, 2006 to May 23, 2006) Merc Conj Asc
This is a time of conversation, intellectual exchange, curiosity, teaching, or making a presentation, movement, perhaps taking a short excursion together. While not especially dramatic, the two of you can make a significant connection with one another and with other people at this time.
May 23, 2006 1 AM(May 23, 2006 to May 24, 2006) Merc Qucnx Nep
As a twosome, you are not likely to have very sound judgment or clear perceptions right now. Fantasies, illusions, even a seemingly innocent “white lie” can cloud the atmosphere between the two of you, and someone is apt to get rather confused.
Obviously this is not a time to make practical commitments or decisions that will affect both of you for a long time. Make every effort to be unambiguous and truthful right now.
May 23, 2006 11 PM(May 23, 2006 to May 24, 2006) Sun Sqr Ven
Although you may really want to be together or relax and enjoy yourselves right now, some sort of obstacle temporarily hinders this. Also beware of excesses and indulging yourselves in too much of a good thing.
May 24, 2006 (May 10, 2006 to June 5, 2006) Sat Sxtil Asc
Things should be humming along quite smoothly and steadily now. In fact, nothing much is likely to change radically for the two of you during this period – which is good if you are happy and satisfied and not so good if you are trying to make changes. “Maintaining the status quo” is the theme at the present time.
May 25, 2006 1 AM(May 25, 2006 to May 26, 2006) Ven Trine Jup
Let the good times roll! The two of you put one another -and those around you as well -into an upbeat, exuberant, expansive frame of mind. All you really want to do when you are together now is to play or relax. Festive events and social gatherings are favored; work or serious matters are put on the back burner.
May 25, 2006 12 PM(May 25, 2006 to May 26, 2006) Ven Qucnx Mars
Some subtle awkwardness or tension creeps into your relationship. Something just is not clicking between you right now, romantically or sexually. One of you may be missing the other’s cues or inadvertently putting the other off.
May 25, 2006 6 PM(May 25, 2006 to May 26, 2006) Ven Trine Sun
Love is flowing and romance flourishes. Whatever you do together now will be beautiful, and beautifully received. If you have been neglecting each other or have some hurt feelings between you, this can be a day to bring love back into your relationship.
May 25, 2006 8 PM(May 25, 2006 to May 26, 2006) Merc Qucnx Sat
You tend to miss one another’s messages right now, both literally and figuratively. Beware of blaming one another for simple human error.
May 26, 2006 3 AM(May 24, 2006 to May 27, 2006) Mars Qucnx Jup
If the two of you are together now, avoid speeding or breaking the law even in a trivial way, as you could have a run-in with the authorities. Your timing is a bit off, too, so minor accidents are possible too. With careful attention, all of this can be avoided.
May 26, 2006 11 PM(May 25, 2006 to May 28, 2006) Mars Sxtil Mars
You bring out a spirit of enthusiasm and confidence in one another now and you can get a lot done together. You are apt to reinforce and aid one another rather than fight or get in each other’s way. Anything you undertake as a couple should work out very well indeed.
May 27, 2006 12 AM(May 27, 2006 to May 28, 2006) Sun Sqr Plu
There may be a “heavy” or intense encounter between the two of you at this time, or between the both of you and someone or something in your environment. You may see clearly something which has been operating subliminally or beneath the surface in your relationship. On a very practical, material level there may be breakdowns of machinery, or of something else that has been needing repair for some time.
May 27, 2006 10 PM(May 27, 2006 to May 28, 2006) Sun Conj Asc
This is a special day for the two of you. You are likely to feel especially strong as a couple. Together, you attract the attention and recognition of other people in your environment, so if you want your privacy, do not go out in public together. On the other hand, if you want to make a favorable impression as a couple, this is the time.
May 28, 2006 10 AM(May 27, 2006 to May 29, 2006) Sun Qucnx Nep
Confusions, mix-ups, not showing up on time or at all, forgetting something significant, or just feeling a little fuzzy or spacey in each other’s presence is likely now. Do your best not to let each other down or be unreliable toward one another right now.
May 29, 2006 11 PM(May 29, 2006 to May 30, 2006) Ven Sxtil MC
You are fortunate together at the moment, and no matter what you do it is likely to work out very well. A spirit of friendliness, agreeableness, and harmony with others infuses your relationship and you make a good impression as a couple.
May 30, 2006 12 AM(May 29, 2006 to May 30, 2006) Merc Sqr Merc
Your communication with each other takes on the quality of a ping-pong match: quick, lively, but not necessarily purposeful. You may spat about trivial matters, or go on and on about very little.
You may enjoy word games, playing cards, or similar activities now. Intellectual and mental energies are stimulated.
May 30, 2006 2 AM(May 29, 2006 to May 31, 2006) Merc Sxtil Ura
If you are together now, you are not as apt to be focusing on one another as on doing something exciting or out of the ordinary. You will both want to pursue new friends, fresh or unusual ideas, or a different social or cultural scene than you are accustomed to. There is also an increase in the mental telepathy between you.
May 30, 2006 (May 17, 2006 to June 10, 2006) Sat Sqr Nep
Some struggle arises now between your wishes and fantasies versus practical limitations, earthly reality, or the way things really are. If either or both of you has any problems with substance abuse, dependency, deceit, or evasiveness this will have a strong effect upon your relationship now, and has to be dealt with. If not, you may simply feel somewhat discouraged about the disparity between how things are and how you wish they were.
May 31, 2006 4 PM(May 31, 2006 to June 1, 2006) Merc Oppos Jup
Conversations about your personal philosophies and understanding about life, your religious beliefs, and attitudes, or your personal dreams and aspirations for the future come up now. This is also a favorable time to travel or plan a vacation together.
May 31, 2006 7 PM(May 31, 2006 to June 1, 2006) Ven Trine Ven
You are pleasantly at ease and flowing harmoniously together at the moment. You could attract something wonderful into your shared lives at this time – it is your “lucky day”. The spirit of Eros, of love, is blessing you in some way.
May 31, 2006 11 PM(May 31, 2006 to June 1, 2006) Merc Sqr Mars
Nerves are edgy and tempers flare. You may feel inordinately irritated by the opinions and ideas expressed by your partner. What seems atrocious now, however, may well seem not worth fighting about later.
A hot game of tennis or some other one-on-one sport would be fine, as long as you leave the game behind when it is over. Apologize immediately for any rudeness toward one another.
June 1, 2006 2 AM(May 31, 2006 to June 2, 2006) Merc Sxtil Sun
There is a good flow of ideas and conversation now, and you certainly will not be bored as being in one another’s presence stimulates you intellectually and mentally. The emphasis is on curiosity, exchanging thoughts, clarity, and understanding.
June 3, 2006 8 AM(June 2, 2006 to June 4, 2006) Ven Trine Plu
The two of you can experience the magical, transforming power of love, if you are willing to really be vulnerable and open with one another now. Sexual and emotional healing through deep contact, deep acceptance, and your love for one another can occur. Share the longings you have had, the secret wishes and desires, and the losses you still carry. Superficial relating is not on the agenda now.
June 3, 2006 4 PM(June 2, 2006 to June 4, 2006) Sun Qucnx Sat
Frustration, doubts, or feeling rather disconnected from one another colors this time period. Small problems may seem more serious than they are, and issues that do not have immediate, clear solutions may arise. Forbearance, patience, and a gentle approach are called for.
June 3, 2006 6 PM(June 3, 2006 to June 4, 2006) Merc Trine MC
This is a good time to gather information about joint projects and plans, and to make contacts. Any business dealings or legal matters that involve both of you go well now, also.
June 4, 2006 11 AM(June 4, 2006 to June 5, 2006) Ven Oppos Nep
Wishes, fantasies, and sweet dreams of love color your responses to one another now. This can be a particularly enchanting, even intoxicating time – or a disappointing one if your partner does not fulfill your ideals. Share your heart’s secret wishes with one another.
June 4, 2006 2 PM(June 2, 2006 to June 6, 2006) Mars Qucnx MC
You are not as prone to disagree about what you both want as how to go about achieving it or doing it. Avoid pushing your own agenda without considering your partner’s reservations. Premature or one-sided decisions will have to be redone.
June 4, 2006 11 PM(June 4, 2006 to June 5, 2006) Merc Sxtil Ven
This is a pleasant, lighthearted time. Save the heavy subjects or deep emotional discussions for another day. Socializing, visiting friends, going shopping for fun, or some other bit of frivolity would be just right.
June 5, 2006 11 PM(June 5, 2006 to June 6, 2006) Ven Sxtil Moon
It is family time, and being with young ones is favored. You may want to “adopt” others’ youngsters for the day if you do not have any of your own. Or you may want to spend some time with a beloved pet. Visits with relatives go very smoothly also.
June 6, 2006 5 PM(June 6, 2006 to June 7, 2006) Merc Sxtil Plu
The two of you play spy, detective, private investigator. You may find something lost, inadvertently uncover a secret, or get some inside information. A friend comes to you with a problem that requires discretion.
June 7, 2006 1 PM(June 6, 2006 to June 8, 2006) Merc Trine Nep
A shared flight of imagination brings pleasure: you could write a song together, discuss your latest psychic experiences, visit a tarot card reader, plan an exotic vacation, talk about your dreams. Spiritual topics or otherworldly tales fascinate you now. You may want to see a film that interests the idealistic, believing, hopeful sides of you.
June 8, 2006 3 PM(June 8, 2006 to June 9, 2006) Merc Conj Moon
Go for a walk in the moonlight! This is a time for intimate confidences and sharing your personal stories with one another. A flow of mutual understanding, sympathetic interest, trust, and support can make this a special time.
June 9, 2006 2 PM(June 8, 2006 to June 10, 2006) Ven Trine Sat
Things are on an even keel between you right now. Though not necessarily wildly exciting or the stuff dreams are made of (unless you have some other astrological influence operating), being with one another is comforting, reassuring, stabilizing. Quiet pastimes are favored.
June 10, 2006 (Apr 24, 2006 to July 21, 2006) Plu Trine Sun
At this time you will begin to feel a stronger sense of shared destiny and shared purpose. If you don’t feel this way, you are likely to uncover the deeper reason for your coming together. There is a quality of inevitability, fate, or karma which makes itself felt now. Aspects of your relationship may change irrevocably or die now, and this will be all to the good for you both.
June 11, 2006 11 AM(June 10, 2006 to June 12, 2006) Merc Oppos Sat
You are seeing something of the shadow side of one another and your relationship now. Perhaps you will observe how the other person handles frustration or a tough situation. Communication between you is inhibited also, and one or the other may be unwilling to talk openly or may even temporarily cut off communication altogether.
June 12, 2006 2 PM(June 12, 2006 to June 13, 2006) Sun Sqr Merc
Expect lively conversation, which can lead to bickering or arguing for the sake of an argument. You may get on one another’s nerves a bit, or simply be unreceptive to what the other person is trying to convey. A short trip will be fun as long as you do not disagree on who should do the driving.
June 12, 2006 7 PM(June 12, 2006 to June 13, 2006) Sun Sxtil Ura
Something new, unexpected, surprising, or unusual adds sparkle to your relationship now. The atmosphere between you is lively, spontaneous, open to novelty and discovery.
June 14, 2006 12 PM(June 12, 2006 to June 16, 2006) Mars Sxtil Asc
Together you will want to be active and getting something accomplished. You are prone to push each other to do more, but in an encouraging and positive way. Sports or outdoor activities are also favored.
June 15, 2006 6 AM(June 13, 2006 to June 16, 2006) Mars Sqr Nep
Either or both of you experience a vague sense of dissatisfaction or confusion about what you want right now. What is in fact happening is that you are wanting to act out some fantasy or dream-wish, and are uncertain or unclear about it. You encourage each other to pursue the impossible dream – which may not be impossible at all if you are able to distinguish fact from fiction and are completely honest with each other. Some kind of weirdness and a taste for the bizarre or unattainable are part of the scenario.
June 16, 2006 1 AM(June 16, 2006 to June 17, 2006) Sun Oppos Jup
This is a positive time for the two of you, when people and outer circumstances seem to be on your side. Whatever comes your way now will give your relationship a boost. Together, the two of you are hopeful and forward-looking and it is an excellent time to make plans for your future. Travel is favored also.
June 16, 2006 2 PM(June 16, 2006 to June 17, 2006) Sun Sqr Mars
You aggravate one another for no particular reason, and conflicts may erupt over rather minor issues. This is especially true if one or the other has the tendency to dominate or try to tell the other what to do or how to do it. Pushiness will back fire now. As long as the two of you are not cooped up together -say on a long car ride or in a small office space – battles can be avoided, if you give one another plenty of breathing room.
June 16, 2006 8 PM(June 16, 2006 to June 17, 2006) Ven Trine Merc
This is the time to send one of those lusciously romantic or sentimental cards. Even better, write a love letter or song for your partner. At this time your relationship is enhanced through WORDS artfully or heartfully expressed. Speak or write about your appreciation, admiration, passion, or affection for one another.
June 16, 2006 9 PM(June 16, 2006 to June 17, 2006) Sun Sxtil Sun
This is a good time for the two of you to be social together. Accept invitations, or extend them, join friends, neighbors or other groups you enjoy. If you are working together on a project, that too will go well. Cooperation and mutual encouragement are the tone of this time period.
June 16, 2006 11 PM(June 16, 2006 to June 17, 2006) Ven Sqr Ura
A restless mood and a yearning for something different comes over the two of you. Perhaps you will want to do something you have not done in a long time, like going roller-skating, or dancing, or to see an erotic film. If you are both open and willing to experiment, you have some exiting, even thrilling, moments.
June 18, 2006 3 AM(June 18, 2006 to June 19, 2006) Merc Sxtil Merc
There is mental and intellectual compatibility between you now. Even if you usually disagree on any number of topics, you will find areas of harmony and agreement. Thus it is a good time for discussion, or just being together. Friends come into the picture as well.
June 19, 2006 3 PM(June 18, 2006 to June 20, 2006) Ven Qucnx Jup
You bring out in one another tendencies toward excessive spending, partying, or consuming. Too much of a good thing can cause mutual regret later.
June 20, 2006 1 AM(June 20, 2006 to June 21, 2006) Ven Trine Mars
Currents of warmth and magnetic attraction are flowing between you, and you respond lovingly and passionately to one another. Creativity is inspired, too, and you can make something or design something beautiful together. This is a wonderful time just to enjoy one another’s presence.
June 20, 2006 7 AM(June 20, 2006 to June 21, 2006) Ven Sqr Sun
This is a time of lighthearted pleasure and you encourage one another to relax, feel good, maybe a bit self-indulgent. Romance flourishes.
June 21, 2006 10 AM(June 20, 2006 to June 22, 2006) Merc Qucnx Jup
The two of you do not have very good judgment right now, especially in money matters. This is not a good time to make a joint purchase; avoid gambling, too!
June 21, 2006 10 PM(June 20, 2006 to June 23, 2006) Merc Sxtil Mars
This is a good time to plan a joint work project, or to do something together that requires both brain and muscle. You are an effective team right now.
June 21, 2006 (May 11, 2006 to Aug 7, 2006) Plu Sqr Mars
Even if you are both relaxed, agreeable, mellow individuals something about being with each other right now triggers a deep fierceness. There may be a complete unwillingness to back down or set aside your own agendas. You challenge and provoke each other. Passions – both angry and highly sexual – run high.
June 22, 2006 1 AM(June 22, 2006 to June 23, 2006) Sun Trine MC
This is a time for clarifying or affirming your mutual long-range goals and the direction you see yourselves headed together. Happy and useful plans can be made now.
June 24, 2006 7 AM(June 24, 2006 to June 25, 2006) Sun Sxtil Ven
Conviviality is featured now. This is a great time to spend just relaxing or having fun together, and you will want to include other friends or loved ones as well.
Affection flows freely. This is also a favorable time to work out differences or difficulties you have been having, as a spirit of cooperation permeates your interactions with one another at present.
June 24, 2006 10 AM(June 24, 2006 to June 25, 2006) Ven Sqr MC
You will definitely want to be together now, and you will miss each other if apart. You will be focusing on your relationship too and considering ways to improve it or make things go better. Gifts of affection – like flowers sent to the office or something else you know would delight the other – are happily received now.
June 25, 2006 3 AM(June 23, 2006 to June 26, 2006) Mars Qucnx Sat
Very poor timing can make for some tense, unpleasant, frustrating times. The two of you may have to re-do something you thought you had already finished.
June 26, 2006 6 AM(June 26, 2006 to June 27, 2006) Ven Sqr Ven
Disagreements about personal tastes and styles, some lack of consideration or thoughtfulness, or one of you wanting more attention and affection will lead to… kissing and making up! Or, it will lead to an awareness that you need to be doing things differently to please one another as well as yourselves.
June 27, 2006 9 AM(June 26, 2006 to June 28, 2006) Sun Sxtil Plu
You are drawn to the mystery or secret depths of one another now. You may discover something about your partner you only glimpsed before. This can be a revitalizing time for the two of you. Certainly it will not be a superficial encounter.
June 28, 2006 5 PM(June 28, 2006 to June 29, 2006) Ven Sqr Plu
Forces within both of you which sabotage the closeness you could be experiencing come to the fore. You may touch upon some long standing or “hidden” problems which you have tried to ignore. If one or the other feels dominated or controlled, unloved or unappreciated – all of this may come up now. Passions and deep feelings of all kinds are intensified between you now.
June 28, 2006 7 PM(June 28, 2006 to June 29, 2006) Sun Trine Nep
You are very open and physically sensitive to one another at the moment, and can experience unusual extrasensory perception, or telepathy with one another. You are in a dreamy, imaginative space together. Perhaps you can take a long walk on the beach and tell one another your dreams.
June 29, 2006 11 AM(June 28, 2006 to June 30, 2006) Ven Conj Asc
This is a very favorable time for you as a couple. The spirit of Eros – love, affection, pleasure, beauty – flows though and brings the two of you together. Any sharing you have now will be delicious! If you live together you may spend time making your environment much more appealing, harmonious and inviting.
June 29, 2006 9 PM(June 29, 2006 to June 30, 2006) Ven Qucnx Nep
A vague feeling of dissatisfaction or confusion arises now. One of you feels you are sacrificing too much, or you just don’t know where the other person is coming from. Check out your concerns and perceptions with one another because something you may be imagining about your partner is likely to be not quite true.
June 30, 2006 12 AM(June 27, 2006 to July 11, 2006) Merc Qucnx MC
You may notice that there is altogether too much thinking going on now. Trying to second guess one another or figure things out, the two of you may be just spinning your wheels. Be discreet now, as there is a tendency to say too much or tell something to the wrong person, which can adversely affect the two of you as a couple.
June 30, 2006 2 PM(June 30, 2006 to July 1, 2006) Sun Conj Moon
At this time your shared history or events from the past dominate your relationship. If it is a relatively new relationship, you may find out something particularly personal and intimate about your partner which increases your feelings of closeness. If you have been together quite a while and your relationship is sound, the comfort, security, and sense of belonging you have with one another will be emphasized.
You will see what habits you have developed as a couple, and whether or not you are emotionally satisfied, feel supported, and are feeling close to one another. If hurt feelings over past behavior come up now, let the aggrieved one fully share those feelings. Simply LISTEN and RECEIVE one another. A tone of nostalgia, or longing for what was, may pervade this time period.
July 4, 2006 10 PM(July 4, 2006 to July 5, 2006) Ven Qucnx Sat
You have difficulty connecting to one another right now, and either or both of you may want to separate or temporarily withdraw from the relationship. Fortunately this is apt to be short-lived if your relationship is essentially good. Use this time to clue yourselves in to what could be improved in your ways of relating to one another.
July 5, 2006 2 AM(July 4, 2006 to July 6, 2006) Sun Oppos Sat
Questions about the seriousness of your commitment to one another, or personal insecurities, creates a rather heavy tone. One or the other of you may put the brakes on or have some serious doubts. A joint project may encounter a delay, set back, or rejection also.
July 6, 2006 (June 14, 2006 to July 27, 2006) jup trine moon
An increased sense of well-being, contentment, abundance and ease emerges in your relationship now. You are very tolerant, forgiving, even indulgent toward one another right now as well. Expect blessings, helpfulness, or gifts from your families or those people the two of you have helped in the past. If the two of you struggle with an ongoing problem, difficulties can be eased now by reaching out for help.
July 9, 2006 7 AM(July 7, 2006 to July 10, 2006) Mars Conj Ura
This is a time of very dynamic and potentially explosive energy between the two of you. You bring out the wild, dare-devilish, thrill-seeking side of one another. You could behave erratically toward one another, too. Impulsive actions, unexpected out bursts, or surprise upsets are also quite likely.
July 9, 2006 2 PM(June 27, 2006 to July 11, 2006) Merc Qucnx MC
This astrological influence (Merc Qucnx MC) also occurred on June 30, 2006 (peak date). Please refer to this date.
July 12, 2006 1 AM(July 12, 2006 to July 13, 2006) Ven Sqr Merc
You seek out amusement or entertainment that is just fun and which does not demand much of you intellectually or emotionally. You also enjoy flirting or teasing one another in a friendly way. Some of these “jokes” or playful remarks contain quite a bit of truth about your thoughts and feelings towards each other, but you sweeten them with humor and affection.
July 12, 2006 (June 2, 2006 to Nov 28, 2006) Plu Conj Jup
Being together during this period will transform your personal beliefs and philosophies, your ways of understanding the world, and/or your relationships to authority and the principles of society. You may find yourselves in deep philosophical discussions, or pursuing a teacher, class, or group which changes and expands your view of life. You also encourage one another’s growth and ambitions in a big way.
July 12, 2006 4 AM(July 12, 2006 to July 13, 2006) Ven Sxtil Ura
The two of you could start up a relationship with some new people. Follow your spontaneous impulses as they will lead you to new pleasures and vitality for your relationship. Music and movement play a role.
July 14, 2006 1 AM(July 14, 2006 to July 15, 2006) Sun Sxtil Merc
If the two of you need to attend to any business matters, commercial negotiations, or joint projects, this is a good time. Communications are favored.
July 14, 2006 9 AM(July 14, 2006 to July 15, 2006) Mars Trine Jup
You have an encouraging, strengthening, and beneficial affect on one another now. If you enjoy sports or outdoor activities together, this is an excellent time.
July 14, 2006 7 PM(July 14, 2006 to July 15, 2006) Ven Oppos Jup
Good humor and a desire for fun prevails. Whatever you do together now, you will have a grand time doing it. You are inclined to live it up, enjoy the moment, and not consider consequences too much. Even so, you two are quite “lucky” together now.
July 15, 2006 5 AM(July 14, 2006 to July 16, 2006) Ven Sqr Mars
Tensions in the sexual aspect of your relationship – perhaps due to differing interests, desires, preferences, or love styles – can cause some friction now. Most likely one of you is more ready than the other. Trying to balance the satisfaction of your own desires versus pleasing your partner is at issue here.
July 15, 2006 10 AM(July 14, 2006 to July 16, 2006) Ven Sxtil Sun
You are feeling sociable and festive together now. Spend time with people you enjoy or attend a cultural event together. In general, you are getting along beautifully now.
July 15, 2006 4 PM(July 14, 2006 to July 17, 2006) Mars Conj Sun
Your interactions are infused with greater heat, vitality, and energy now, and if you are together you will not want to do anything passive, like watch television or sit and talk. You can accomplish a lot together at this time, as long as neither of you tries to override the other. In fact it is an excellent time to initiate a joint project. Passion and enthusiasm run high.
July 17, 2006 12 PM(July 16, 2006 to July 18, 2006) Sun Qucnx Jup
The two of you experience some minor inconveniences or injustices. At worst, you could have a run-in with the law over something you overlooked or were lazy about doing. This time may pass with no perceivable effects, however, as long as you do not get sloppy. There is also a tendency to take one another and the good of your relationship for granted right now.
July 18, 2006 1 AM(July 18, 2006 to July 19, 2006) Sun Sxtil Mars
You can accomplish a lot together right now. Hard work or strenuous physical play is favored. Being together puts both of you in a self-assertive mood, but not so much that you run over each other’s desires or feelings. Actually you will be a strong force together at this time.
July 18, 2006 4 PM(July 17, 2006 to July 20, 2006) Merc Sxtil Mars
This is a good time to plan a joint work project, or to do something together that requires both brain and muscle. You are an effective team right now.
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