Star*Mate Composite Report for Camilla Parker Bowles
Prince Charles
Birth Data for Camilla: Camilla Parker BowlesJuly 17, 1947 7:00 AMLondon, England
Birth Data for Prince Charles: Prince CharlesNovember 14, 1948 9:14 PMLondon, England
Cafe Astrologyhttps://www.cafeastrology.com
This interpretation is based on the composite chart and planetary positions at birth.
Introduction“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” Carl Jung
When we enter into a relationship with another person, we become a part of something greater than ourselves, the relationship. We are lifted out of ourselves. And it is through relationship, that we can truly see who we are as individuals, both the light and dark. So it is where it is most possible to develop personally, professionally and spiritually.
Astrology, derived from the Ancient Greek word astrologia meaning “telling of the stars,” affords us information that usually remains hidden. Having a clear overview and understanding can empower us to achieve harmony and wholeness through a relationship and guide us through any troubled or dangerous waters. The composite (or relationship) chart can tell us what a relationship looks like inside, where we meet and where we dont. It shows us what experiences are possible together, what is easy or difficult. The composite chart will reveal the pattern and magic of a relationship when people come together. It is special and unique, just as the individuals who are relating, and ceases to exist when they are no longer together.
We long to participate in the magic and upliftment of relationship and we want to avoid the challenges and fears that it also brings. With the blueprint of our relationship in hand, we can gain and apply antidotes to the pains of relationship & celebrate more consciously the delights. Sometimes this means we can grow a common garden variety relationship into an exotic flower that can be appreciated and benefit all, including ourselves. And sometimes it precludes anything happening at all except the chaos of weeds. The choice all depends on the individuals involved, their goals, values and focus and what they do with the blueprint.
There is also a Mystery at the heart of every relationship that is not even revealed by the telling of astrology. This is the uncharted territory of which even astrology can only allude to as Love or Fate.
These are the strengths and limitations of the composite chart and this interpretation attempts to empower you both with the blueprint and tools to guide your way in your relationship.
“The ritual of marriage is not simply a social event; it is a crossing of threads in the fabric of fate. Many strands bring the couple and their families together and spin their lives into a fabric that is woven on their children.” Portuguese-Jewish Wedding Ceremony.
Copyright 2006 Pemo Theodore
Chapter 1: Important Issues and Themes in your Relationship “Intimate relationships cannot substitute for a life plan. But to have any meaning or viability at all, a life plan must include intimate relationships.” Harriet Lerner
Every relationship is as individual, as are its participants! This chapter looks at the very bedrock of your relationship and identifies what your potential is when you are together. Each relationship has issues that need to be dealt with on an ongoing basis and different ways of dealing with them. There are also certain areas of life within which individuals find themselves when they are together. If the essence of a relationship is healthy and positive, there is nothing that you cannot accomplish in life and then the relationship is self-renewing and fulfilling. It is important to identify what in essence you have together that you can then build on. Then everything else is bonus!
Second/Eighth House Emphasis in Composite Chart (4 or more planets): This relationship is incredibly stable and will be rock solid for you and also possibly serve others in that way too. There may be a strong focus on creating material security together and you will definitely benefit by being together, whether this is spiritually or materially will depend on your focus. This is a great relationship for business or commitment as your focus will be on going the distance together. There is a depth here too that supports intimacy, both sexual and emotional and shared resources. However it may be hard to change or loosen your hold on this relationship, if ever that is needed.
Third/Ninth House Emphasis in Composite Chart (4 or more planets): Communication and understanding is easy in this relationship. You may like to share intellectual activities together. You are continually learning, teaching and expanding your vistas together, and networks outside the relationship will be important for the stimulus that they bring to the relationship. Your relationship may also involve travel, both within your general area and foreign. There is a free quality to your mode of relating and interest and mutual understanding are usually present. This is a great relationship for teacher and student.
Sun in 3rd or 9th house in composite chart: There is a light and free manner to this relationship and you will enjoy expressing yourselves through learning, growing and traveling together. Communication and networking with others are very important and you may find it easy to include others who will bring much mental stimulus to the relationship. You both like to know that there is meaning in being together. Movement both of ideas and of the relationship is essential for it work well for both of you. Whichever person appears to be the more active partner may identify much more with the connecting and learning strength, when you are together.
Moon in 5th or 11th house in composite chart: This relationship will have a lot of heartfelt feelings. You will care about yourselves, others and any creative ventures that arise from the relationship. There is a childlike quality to the feelings that are engendered and therefore you may find it easy to play, have fun and be entertained by each other. It is easy in this relationship to stay connected to your hearts desires and this will keep the relationship at its best. Whichever person appears to be the more receptive partner may identify much more with the strong feelings of love, joy and playfulness, when you are together.
Sun Opposition Mars: This is a strongly dynamic and attractive relationship where you both need to express your individual desires whilst together. Sexuality, work and physical activities are good opportunities for togetherness with this dynamic connection. Be careful of being aggressive and too competitive with each other which can preclude relating. Whichever person appears to be the more active partner may identify much more with this very active energy, when you are together.
Sun Square Uranus: Your individual expression is challenged by this relationship and you may struggle to be involved. It is important to balance your individual insight and needs for space together with working together on meaningful projects. There is a danger here that you may feel it is easier to fly solo than to be together, so be creative with this relationship – it has to have its own stamp! Whichever person appears to be the more active partner may identify much more with this pull to do their own thing, when you are together.
Sun Semisextile Saturn: You can establish a sense of security within this relationship. You value consistency and are in touch with what motivates your security needs. Whichever person appears to be the more active partner may identify much more with this stability, when you are together.
Moon Opposition Jupiter: You feel good benefiting others and are very giving emotionally. You may have personal benefactors who support you and that inspires a confidence and optimism about yourselves. However you may also be controlled by big displays of feelings and need to make sure that you are in touch with the simple exchanges within the relationship. Whichever person appears to be the more receptive partner may identify much more with these extreme feelings, when you are together.
Chapter 2: How You Complement One Another“Passion makes the world go round. Love just makes it a safer place.” Ice T, The Ice Opinion
It feels like a kind of magic when people are attracted to each other, about which we can only wonder. If it is not there, we are not drawn to continue connecting with each other. Depending on the strength and quality of this attraction it is easy, delightful or compulsive to connect. When we are in a long term relationship with someone it provides a pull that brings us back together through more difficult times. It is the desire adhesive that sticks us together; otherwise we would easily drift away from each other due to all the pressures of modern life. This magnetism, lack of it or repulsion is the subtle energy that binds us, or not, in relationship with others. That attraction can comprise of sexual desire, physical appreciation and feelings of love and warmth that are easily accessible. It helps us make the compromises that are necessary in any partnership and encourages our collaborating and co-operating with one another. As a result it is an extremely important factor in the fate and enjoyment of any kind of relationship.
Venus in 2nd or 8th house in composite chart: You value & appreciate this relationship and love each other very loyally. You may enjoy building up your financial and creative resources together. You have a sense of security and trust in the love that you share together. You may feel very deep levels of love for each other and the sexual expression of your love would be a further dimension of care towards each other. You love to express your romantic love intimately.
Mars in 3rd or 9th house in composite chart: You need a lot of movement in this relationship, either physical travel or ideas. You may like to communicate and this could be good for a friendship or learning type of relationship. You spark each other off and will be stimulated mentally when together. Be careful if you spar verbally, that your partners feelings are not hurt. Make sure that you either travel together or spend some time together. You need the freedom to explore and providing for that need should keep the connection dynamic and passionate.
Venus Conjunct Saturn: You may have difficulties expressing your love for each other and may veer to minimal displays. However you both value the longevity of the relationship and so will be able to weather hard times together. Sometimes this aspect will feel like a strong love attraction initially that draws you together and it is later that you may notice that you feel shy or inhibited about being demonstrative once the relationship is established. You both value a conservative expression of love and money.
Venus Sextile Uranus: You have opportunities to feel the excitement of a love, which includes who you are as individuals. Your friends may help you stay aware whilst caring for each other. The freedom that you afford yourselves and others is the magnet that keeps you together.
Mars Opposition Mercury: You are easily triggered by each other mentally, for good or ill. You may find that your communications become heated easily and also they may inspire sexual attraction. Your ideas challenge each other and stimulate new ways of thinking and acting. However you also need to be careful that you are not critical of each other and dont promote too much anxiety or worry in each other. Also you may find that you think and talk about sex a lot?
Mars Trine Chiron: You are instinctively drawn together and your physical relationship is very healing to both of you. You are attracted to each other on a very basic human level. There is an easy and sensual flow of energy together.
Mars Quincunx Pluto: You may find it difficult to handle the intensity of the sexual and physical side of this relationship. You will need to find a creative balance between asserting your will and desires and regenerating and renewing your energies between you.
Asc. Trine Jupiter: There is a great ease between your philosophy and how the relationship expresses itself. You will easily feel inspired and enthused and find a sense of meaning when you are together. Initially you may have felt excited about the possibilities when you are together. Others too may be uplifted by this relationship and you will generally have a positive response when you are together. The world just becomes a better place, full of more opportunity by being together.
Asc. Sextile Moon: There is a great ease between the personal side of your lives and how the relationship expresses itself. You feel comfortable together and can share how your feelings naturally. Others will also see the feeling flow that you share and may benefit from your caring too. When you first met you probably instantly connected to each other emotionally. Whichever person appears to be the more receptive partner may identify much more with this flow of feeling, when you are together.
MC Opposition Neptune: This is an incredibly significant and strongly intuitive relationship! You will instantly empathize and feel connected to each other on a soul level. You may feel drawn to being together spiritually. However you will have to practice consciousness on boundary keeping as this relationship tends to dissolve your individual boundaries instantly. Be careful to honor each others individual selves and clarify those as well. Clear communication is the main tool that can support this relationship in working at its most positive.
MC Trine Jupiter: This is a significant relationship as your opportunities for expansion and growth flow easily with the integrity and core of the relationship. You both feel blessed by the sense of optimism that this relationship engenders and there may also be a sense of confidence that there is nothing you cant do together.
MC Trine Pluto: This is a significant relationship as the intensity and profundity when you are together flow easily with the integrity and core of the relationship. There is an ability to support each other in change through love rather than manipulation. It is easy to empower each other through this relationship.
MC Quincunx Mercury: This is a significant relationship but you will need to be creative as regards your communication styles and ideas. There may be challenges between the integrity and core of the relationship and how you think independently and communicate to each other. You will both value your individual ideas and understand what motivates them. Others will acknowledge the creativity that is necessary to resolve this.
MC Sesquiquadrate Venus: Although a significant relationship, there will be some conflict with the integrity and core of this relationship and the attraction and love you feel for each other. You will be forced to act to resolve this in a positive manner within the relationship.
Chapter 3: How You Communicate“Listen. Do not have an opinion while you listen because frankly, your opinion doesnt hold much water outside of Your Universe. Just listen. Listen until their brain has been twisted like a dripping towel and what they have to say is all over the floor.” Hugh Elliott, Standing Room Only weblog, 02-14-2003“When in doubt, tell the truth.” Mark Twain (1835 – 1910)
The bridge that links us as individuals and saves us from our isolation is communication and so it is a key piece to any relationship. The good news is that anyone can learn communication skills if they are interested in bridging that gap. One of the main skills is listening, and of course we can listen not only with our ears but on all levels. And the other key skill is truth telling. These two basic keys are the best foundation for any kind of good relationship and guarantee that you can continue to grow and develop together.
In some relationships we easily develop good communication patterns but in others there are inherent stresses or resistances to healthy sharing on this level. We then have to work harder to maintain optimum communication levels. So when starting any new relationship, it would bode us well if we are initially challenged, to be realistic about how much effort will need to be expended in developing consciousness and healthy habits for the future relationship. Then we can choose whether this is worthy of our effort or not.
Be forewarned that the largest common cause of relationship breakdown is when there is a breakdown in communication. Then the bridge that everything else must cross to link us has fallen into the crevasse between us. Bringing consciousness to this area in all your relationships will pay off dividends with healthy, happy and flourishing connections with others.
Mercury in 3rd or 9th house in composite chart: You talk easily and learn from each other by exchange of ideas. You also love the stimulation of contributions from your networks and neighbors. Movement is central to you both, of ideas and travel and so development needs to be obvious. You will include others in your exchange of ideas and learning. This makes for a very good friendship at the very least but doesnt necessarily denote stability of the connection.
Mercury Square Jupiter: Your individual thinking and communication styles run into conflict as you tend to leap into grand ideas without paying attention to the details. You may find that it is challenging to plan your goals or you may get lost in the details to the cost of seeing where they are leading. You generally aim for a positive direction in your conversations but there may be a tendency to be too overoptimistic, without getting a reality check or just too much talk without the follow through. You may become disillusioned as if there is no substance in your conversations or thinking at times. Checking with each other at the end of conversations to make sure that each person has had a chance to have their input and brushing up on your listening skills will support you in experiencing this positively.
Mercury Sextile Chiron: You have opportunities to be instinctively connected with your ideas and conversations. Others may provide support in understanding past challenges in thinking and communicating as regards your basic humanity that emerges when you are together. The healing effect of your ideas and communications will benefit others around you too.
Mercury Semisextile Pluto: You value the intensity and power of your ideas and conversations. You are also aware of what motivates your intimate exchanges. As a result you are able to deepen your ideas and communications with each other as well as empower yourselves.
Chapter 4: Challenges to Relating“I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” Rita Rudner
In some cases the challenges to relating are easily transformed and then integrated and in others they feel more like stumbling towards the eventual collapse of the relationship! Challenges in life can be important to help us remain conscious in our participation with each other, rather than falling into a state of unconscious participation that allows our complexes full expression! However there is a middle line, a relationship cannot be all about work, but needs an element of relaxation so that we can rest and restore ourselves whilst together. If this place of refuge is not available then we cannot and will not persist with the development of a mature relationship. So it is important that any relationship is not overburdened with challenges and lacking any ease, joy and fun.
There are many kinds of challenges within relationships; these occur mainly in the areas of communication, sexuality, finances, security and trust to name just a few. All these challenges can be alleviated and bridged through clear communication. Trust can be established if you know that both parties are committed to growing the relationship. That is the foundation underneath any relationship, the willingness to go the distance through good times or bad, so that when life intervenes to spoil our fun we have tools and a sense of perseverance to persist.
It is up to the individuals whether the challenges within their relationships are workable and ultimately elevating or whether they are more trouble than they are worth.
Saturn in 2nd or 8th house in composite chart: Safety and security are big issues for you when you are together. This relationship will be focused on building trust with each other and establishing both these themes. Whatever these issues mean to you individually, you will work together, whether building material security or emotional stability and security together. You will feel committed to being together to learn certain lessons about these for a certain period of time and may not find it easy to move on. Be careful that the fear of lack and insecurity doesnt underpin your relationship.
North Node in 4th or 10th house in composite chart: You will feel drawn to build a structure together, whether that is family and home or a business. You will identify with certain roles as individuals within this relationship. Within the context of these roles and the structure that you build together, you will discover the areas that need to be developed or worked upon as individuals within this relationship. These lessons will tend to be focused on home, family, career and your roles in the world.
True Node Opposition Chiron: You will feel fatefully and instinctively drawn together physically. The vulnerabilities that are exposed from past relationship wounds will be brought to the surface to be released and healed. Within the context of this vulnerability, you will discover the areas that need to be developed or worked upon as individuals within this relationship. These lessons will tend to be focused on relationship wounds, physicality, sense of meaning and wholeness within relating and vulnerabilities.
True Node Square Saturn: This destined commitment to each other may be in conflict with your individual social contexts. There may be a sense of undue responsibility, work and pressure as a couple. Within this conflict, you will discover the areas that need to be developed or worked upon as individuals within this relationship. These lessons will tend to be focused on trust, loyalty and responsibility.
True Node Square Pluto: Your fateful intensity of relating may be in conflict with your individual sense of empowerment. The transformative quality of the relationship may cause disharmony due to issues around control. Within the context of this conflict, you will discover the areas that need to be developed or worked upon as individuals within this relationship. These lessons will tend to be focused on empowerment, transformation and intensity.
True Node Trine Sun: You may take it for granted how easily you integrate the destiny of your purpose in being together. You will smoothly harness your focus for the goals that will be developed together. Within the context of this flow, you will discover the areas that will be developed as individuals within this relationship. These lessons will be around mission, purpose and creative expression. Whichever person appears to be the more active partner may identify much more with the flow of destined purpose that is available, when you are together.
True Node Trine Mercury: You may take it for granted how easily you integrate the destiny of the sharing of ideas together. You will smoothly develop a fated friendship and communication patterns together. The destiny of movement will flow smoothly. Within the context of this flow, you will discover the areas that will easily be developed as individuals within this relationship. These lessons will be around learning, communicating and understanding.
Black Moon Lilith in 1st or 7th house in composite chart: This relationship has a strong soul to soul partnership, and you feel linked together at the roots of your being. Very strong sexual and instinctual feelings are also triggered, and this can be wonderful. However there will also be a lot of unconscious content activated, and that can show up as willful behavior, strong sexual drive and extreme independent action. There are no rules for this relationship; in fact trying to force structure to contain this energy will defeat the wonderful potential is possible. You have a very strong pull to be together that will draw you both in and the fulfillment that you will both feel can be deep and soul fulfilling. Just be aware of the potential dangers of the hidden sides of your natures which is also released. Communication and acceptance are the keys here to promote the best of this potential.
True Lilith Opposition Pluto: This relationship is very profound and transforming as deep emotional and sexual feelings are triggered in each other and those around you. There is a need for deep intimacy and acceptance will allow these wild feelings to nourish you and others. It is important too that you allow the feeling of Love to sustain you rather than revert to willpower. Then normally hidden and unconscious contents can surface and be integrated in a healing way.
True Lilith Square Chiron: There is a conflict between your vulnerabilities from past relationship wounds and the deep emotions and sexuality that are released from being together. You may find that these more unconscious feelings disturb your sense of wholeness and need to be accepted and integrated. Repressing these feelings will only prove disruptive to the relationship and contribute to lack of depth.
True Lilith Trine Neptune: You may take it for granted how easily your subtle, spiritual connection flows together with the deep emotions and sexuality that surface within the relationship. Your individual boundaries integrate easily together with this level that is normally unconscious. It is easy to accept and integrate, so that you are capable of intuiting together on a profound, soulful level.
True Lilith Sextile MC: This is a significant relationship as the integrity and core of the relationship flows easily with the deep emotions and sexuality that surface within the relationship. The roles you share together whether in work, home or family integrate easily together with this level that is normally unconscious. It is easy to accept and integrate, so that you are capable of functioning together on a profound, soulful level.
True Lilith Quincunx Mercury: You may find it difficult to integrate the deep emotional and sexual feelings you share with how you think and communicate. You need to find a creative resolution to this paradox and find ways to bring to consciousness these normally hidden and unconscious components.
True Lilith Sesquiquadrate Uranus: There may be underlying tensions between your needs for freedom and space and the deep emotional and sexual feelings you share. Others may appear to trigger this; however you will need to resolve this by integrating this normally hidden and unconscious level.
Chapter 5: Background of the Relationship“My mother used to say that there are no strangers, only friends you haven’t met yet. She’s now in a maximum security twilight home in Australia.” Dame Edna Everage (1934)“Nobody sees a flower – really – it is so small it takes time – we haven’t time – and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.” Georgia O’Keeffe (1887 – 1986)“Don’t accept rides from strange men, and remember that all men are strange.” Robin Morgan
We have many different types of relationships. These days we have the luxury of being able to be very creative with all our relationships and can work together to make them suit us as individuals. We have grown beyond automatically relating from predetermined roles. This is truly wonderful as it has the great advantage that we then are challenged to stay conscious whilst we interact with each other.
It is important in any kind of relationship to have friendship as the underlying foundation. The origins of the word friend come from the Old English word “freond” which meant “to love, to favor” and is related to the Old English word “freo” which meant “free”. This is a clue as to how to make all our relationships successful, to honor each other”s freedom as individuals and to love each other. This can be applied to all business and personal relationships if we want to achieve the highest expression of potential between others.
Jupiter in 5th or 11th house in composite chart: In this relationship you are blessed in the areas of love, creativity, friends, fun and possibly also children. You grow and learn from each other by following your heart’s desires and as a result you have a lot of generosity of heart towards those around you. This could be a “great love”! You are both playful together and may like to be involved in entertainments, sports or just having fun with whatever you are doing together. Creative projects will be done in a big way and you could benefit very much from these.
Chiron in 4th or 10th house in composite chart: This relationship brings to consciousness vulnerabilities from past relationship wounds, as they relate to the roles that you share. Your very humanity at the core and integrity of being together is incorporated as you build the structure of home, family or business. These vulnerabilities may come from the past, from family or your work environment. As you accept and feel more whole about these issues, you will experience a great sense of healing. This can extend to those around you too.
Uranus in 5th or 11th house in composite chart: This relationship is about individual creative expression whether through love, creative projects, following your heart’s desires or children. You both will value the freedom to explore your inner child within this relationship. Just be careful that the disruptive and willful behavior of your “inner children” does not destroy the mature love that you have for each other. By affording opportunities for creating this relationship to suit both your individual needs for freedom and independence as well as the truth of your care for each other will be a positive expression of this relationship.
Neptune in 3rd or 9th house in composite chart: This relationship has a very strong intuitive level of communication. You may find it hard to keep your thoughts to yourself as the permeable membrane between each other’s minds is so strong. In spite of this, it is important that you practice clear and regular communication to avoid confusion or disappointment. You both may share a spiritual path together and therefore share your ideas and conversations on these topics.
Pluto in 1st or 7th house in composite chart: This is a very profound partnership where you may feel compulsive, driven or drawn to be together. There may be a fateful quality to the partnership. Being together will change you both and has the potential for great empowerment individually. Others will see you both as a very powerful force when you are together. It is important that you stay connected to the Love with the relationship and not resort to manipulation or control of each other, or those around you.
Chiron Square Pluto: You find that your empowerment is challenged from past relationship wounds that are exposed when you are together. You will be challenged to balance both your need for transformation with acceptance of your basic human vulnerability. You have the potential for profound healing and sense of wholeness together.
Ceres in 5th or 11th house in composite chart: This relationship has a strong caring focus for creative projects or children. You are able to nourish from a deep well within your hearts, and your hearts are certainly pivotal in how you care for each other and others. You look after yourselves by having fun, through entertainment or sports or just through the sheer joy of Love. This could certainly be a very fulfilling, great Love! However if this love together is threatened, then you will experience the opposite face of devastation and loss. This will be a heart-breaking loss!
Juno in 1st or 7th house in composite chart: This partnership has clearly defined roles and an inherent basis that you were meant to be together. You can go through challenges to the partnership and still come back together. This is probably a formal relationship such as a marriage or business partnership. You definitely can go the distance with each other for long term results and goals. It is necessary to be aware of game playing within the clearly established roles that you have together. It is human nature to “want to have it all”, much better to be honest about that than to live by deception and game playing.
Vesta in 2nd or 8th house in composite chart: This relationship has a strong focus on working to build material and financial security together. You will expend a lot of hard work to achieve your goals in this area. You both will have extreme devotion to building trust and stability in the relationship through work and sexual expression. In fact the sexual part of the relationship may become a thing almost holy and definitely an area of spiritual transformation! Be careful not to distract yourselves with work and when matters of the heart may need to be addressed with love and or passion.
Psyche in 4th or 10th house in composite chart: This relationship is focused on a core level with integrating the human vulnerabilities that you share within your love and sexual relationship. You focus the very integrity of the relationship on the deep feelings that surface and are brought to consciousness. You are then able to weave those together with your involvement in building together some sort of structure, whether home, family or business. There is a great sense of meaning in being together that feeds your soul on a higher level.
Sappho in 5th or 11th house in composite chart: Your heart’s desires and expression are the focus of your passionate romantic and sexual attraction. You have deep value for each other and the areas of life that you share, whether creative expression, children, entertainment, fun or sports. The bond between you is the focus of most of your creative expression, which can be poetic in some way. As a couple you possibly support others in preparation for the challenges of formalizing partnerships through marriage or some other official bond.
Eros in 4th or 10th house in composite chart: You focus your erotic love on a core life structure that you are building together, whether business, home and family. Your sexual passion is integral to the lives you share together and will bring a life and vitality to your personal lives or business. You are very sexually compatible and this may stem from your family or heredity. Your family and business life will tend to revolve around your sexual life as it can be compulsive.
Cupido in 1st or 7th house in composite chart: You were pulled together due to your strong physical attraction and chemistry that you have together. Your physical appearance is very appealing to each other and as a couple you look very attractive together. This is a partnership that is blessed with a high value on beauty and harmony. You need to be careful to not be caught too much in the superficial look of the relationship. It is also important to attend to the heart of your love and care for each other.
Amor in 3rd or 9th house in composite chart: In this relationship your thinking and communicating will be focused on the unconditional love that you share and how to develop that together. You may talk about the ideal aspects of loving each other and the boundaries between you that contribute to loving each other. You may also become involved in speaking, lecturing, writing, publishing and media that is focused on ideal love in relationships. You like to learn how to keep the love flowing so you would be able to teach each other and those around you. This could be a very creative, even poetic relationship.
Aphrodite in 2nd or 8th house in composite chart: This relationship feels fated in developing a sense of security and trust in your love for each other. There will be a strong focus on beauty and art and this may be part of your financial security, you will definitely own beautiful things together. You will build your stability and value on the sense of magic that draws you together and supports you in staying together. Your sexual relationship is a major component of this and this may almost be equivalent to a tantric relationship where you feel touched by the divine when you share your most intimate moments together. You were meant to be together and trust in the love you share.
Ceres Conjunct Uranus: This serious relationship had an instant magnetic attraction to care for each other. This care comes in the form of encouraging freedom and independent action within the relationship. This makes for unusual care and nurture which focuses very individually on your independence and freedom. You can bring excitement back to nurture each other by allowing this freedom within the relationship.
Ceres Square Sun: You have difficulty bringing your care and support for each other together with the purpose of why you are together. You want to be nurturing to each other but there seems to be inherent differences in your goals for the relationship. Be careful to pay attention to balancing both your relationship purpose and nurturing each other so that difficulties will be minimized. Whichever person appears to be the more active partner may identify much more with this conflict with care and purpose, when you are together.
Juno Opposition Asc.: This very important partnership will have some kind of contract or bond, possibly marriage which will be integral to how you present as a couple. Others will also see you as a united force and a tight couple. As vulnerable humans we need to work together and partnerships are a foundation of our relationships with others. So we need to develop these to serve and protect our vulnerabilities. In this context of safety, we can grow the relationship in love and trust together. This should be a long term relationship where you are seen as a strong partnership and can foster other partnerships.
Juno Opposition Pluto: This is an important relationship which has some sort of contract or bond, possibly marriage or business that involves the intense, transformative exchanges that you share. You are bonded together but at times you may find it challenging in feeling empowered within the relationship. Others may be involved in this dynamic within the relationship.
Juno Trine Moon: This important personal relationship easily incorporates the contract or bond that you share, whether marriage or business with your feelings. There is a real flow between your bond together and your comfort levels. Whichever person appears to be the more receptive partner may identify much more with the flow of feeling, when you are together.
Juno Trine Neptune: This important relationship easily incorporates the contract or bond that you share, whether marriage or business with your subtle, soul connection. There is a real flow with this bond and your spiritual lives. You have an easy empathic connection and a harmony with your boundary issues so that you really feel well matched.
Juno Sextile MC: This is a significant important relationship as the contract or bond that you share, whether marriage or business combines easily with the integrity and core of the relationship. There is a real flow between the bond you share and your roles in building home, family or business. You can experience harmony just being together and could easily live together.
Juno Sextile Jupiter: You have opportunities to broaden your world and yourselves within the contract or bond you share, whether marriage or business. You can easily be inspired and enthusiastic within the contract you have with each other, with just a little attention. Friends may be integral in assisting you both to experience this fulfillment of confidence together.
Vesta Conjunct Venus: This relationship has a strong work ethic which you will embrace with your desire and attraction. You may both tend to overcompensate for any difficulties within the relationship by throwing yourselves into work, healing and creative sacrifice. However within the relationship this is where your desire and love burn and so does not imply conflict between you as regards this focus. You can creatively configure this strong sense of service and healing within the context of the sexual relationship as well, so that it can be almost a tantric experience of wholeness.
Vesta Conjunct Saturn: This relationship has a strong work ethic which you will embrace within your commitment to each other. You may both tend to overcompensate for any difficulties within the relationship by throwing yourselves into work, healing and creative sacrifice. However this is where the foundation and structure lies within the relationship and so does not imply conflict between you as regards this focus. You can creatively configure this strong sense of service and healing within the context of the sexual relationship as well, so that it can be almost a tantric experience of wholeness.
Psyche Trine Uranus: You easily integrate this soul union which embodies your personal development, with your individual and freedom needs. You go with the flow of independence and find who you are as individuals by looking in the mirror of each other’s eyes. You are also very connected to each other psychologically and the relationship easily affords you transformation and healing.
Psyche Sextile Venus: You can see opportunities for this soul union which encompasses personal development and the desire and attraction you have for each other. Others may offer you opportunities to find who you are as individuals by looking in the mirror of each other’s eyes. You also have the potential to connect with each other psychologically and the relationship can afford you transformation and healing.
Sappho Opposition Uranus: This is a profound meeting where your sense of comradeship will be polarized with your individual paths. You share similar values in beauty and the arts but at times may find it challenging to integrate your independent and freedom needs. You aim for refinement as regard deeper more unconscious feelings and your sexual expression. By elevating these areas through the arts and ideas and balancing them with your independence, you will experience acceptance, and therefore healing.
Sappho Square Sun: You have difficulty combining the sense of comradeship between you and its expression aesthetically, with the purpose of being together. You share similar values in beauty and the arts but there seems to be inherent differences in how you view your goals. Your aim for refinement as regard deeper more unconscious feelings and your sexual expression needs to be balanced with your mission. You can then experience acceptance and healing and difficulties will be minimized. Whichever person appears to be the more active partner may identify much more with this bonding conflict, when you are together.
Sappho Trine Venus: You easily feel comradeship together, where you share similar values in beauty and the arts as part of your attraction and desire for each other. Refinement flows as regard your deeper more unconscious feelings and your sexual expression. You can easily elevate these areas through the arts and ideas and will be accepting of each other so that the relationship is healing.
Sappho Trine Saturn: You easily feel comradeship together, where you share similar values in beauty and the arts as part of the commitment you share. Refinement flows as regard your deeper more unconscious feelings and your sexual expression. You can easily elevate these areas through the arts and ideas and will be accepting of each other so that the relationship is healing.
Eros Conjunct Chiron: This is a great Love and you can accept and heal past relationship wounds that emerge when together! Your vulnerabilities are touched and shaped deeply by this erotic connection. You are both challenged to love your vulnerabilities and find a sense of meaning in surrendering to Love.
Eros Opposition True Node: This is a destined great Love and you were meant to be together! Your fates are touched and shaped deeply by this erotic connection. You are both challenged to love your vulnerabilities and find a sense of meaning in surrendering to Love. Within the context of your erotic connection, you will discover the areas that need to be developed or worked upon as individuals within this relationship. These lessons will tend to be focused on this erotic Love.
Eros Square Pluto: You have difficulty combining the power of this great Love with your sense of empowerment in the relationship. You are touched and shaped deeply by this erotic love for each other but there seems to be inherent differences in your empowerment needs. Be careful to pay attention to balancing both the power of this erotic Love and each other’s sense of power so that difficulties will be minimized. You are both challenged to love your vulnerabilities and find a sense of meaning in surrendering to Love.
Eros Trine Mars: It is easy to surrender to this great Love as part of your energies and sexual expression together! Your activities and sexuality together flow smoothly as you are touched and shaped deeply by this erotic connection. You can easily love your vulnerabilities and find a sense of meaning in surrendering to this Love.
Cupido Conjunct Pluto: You are strongly drawn together from a deep unconscious level because you complement each other in attractiveness and beauty. You find a beauty in each other that reflects a hidden beauty in yourself and this is integral to your empowerment together. As a result you turn each other on sexually too.
Cupido Square Chiron: You have difficulty coming to terms with your attractiveness to each other and past relationship wounds that are exposed when you are together. You are very much attracted to each other from a deep unconscious level because you complement each other in attractiveness and beauty but there seems to be inherent differences in your human vulnerabilities. Be careful to pay attention to balancing both the attraction to each other’s beauty and your acceptance of vulnerability so that difficulties will be minimized. You are challenged to understand that the beauty you are attracted to in each other reflects a hidden beauty in yourself and that is why you turn each other on sexually too.
Cupido Trine Jupiter: Your attraction for each other flows easily with your sense of meaning together. This attraction flows from a deep unconscious level because you complement each other in attractiveness and beauty. It is easy to find a beauty in each other as that reflects a hidden beauty in yourself and this is pivotal to your philosophy and belief systems. As a result this promotes desire and turns each other on sexually too.
Cupido Trine MC: This is a significant relationship where your attraction for each other flows easily with the core and integrity of the relationship. This attraction flows from a deep unconscious level because you complement each other in attractiveness and beauty. It is easy to find a beauty in each other as that reflects a hidden beauty in yourself and this is pivotal to building together home, family or business. As a result this promotes desire and turns each other on sexually too.
Cupido Sextile Neptune: Others can offer you opportunities to integrate your attraction for each other with the intuitive, subtle connection together. This attraction flows from a deep unconscious level because you complement each other in attractiveness and beauty. There are possibilities to find a beauty in each other that reflects a hidden beauty in you and this is pivotal to the empathy you share together. As a result this will promote desire and turns each other on sexually too.
Amor Conjunct MC: This incredibly significant relationship embodies a destined, perfected love, which may be difficult to experience in reality, in your home, family or business that you build together. You can creatively incorporate more hidden unconscious dimensions of desire and attraction in this relationship. Both of you can identify the boundaries between you and honor and love each other as a result.
Amor Opposition Neptune: This is a profound meeting where your destined, perfected love, which may be difficult to experience in reality, will be polarized with your subtle, intuitive connection together. You love each other purely but at times may find it challenging to integrate the more hidden unconscious dimensions of desire and attraction. Both of you will be challenged to identify the boundaries between you and honor and love each other as a result.
Amor Trine Jupiter: This relationship flows easily with your destined, perfected love, which may be difficult to experience in reality with your sense of meaning together. You can easily and creatively incorporate more hidden unconscious dimensions of desire and attraction in this relationship. Within the ease between you, both of you can identify your boundaries and honor and love each other as a result.
Amor Trine Asc.: This significant partnership flows easily with your destined, perfected love, which may be difficult to experience in reality. You can easily and creatively incorporate more hidden unconscious dimensions of desire and attraction in this relationship. Within the ease between you, both of you can identify your boundaries and honor and love each other as a result.
Aphrodite Conjunct Venus: This is a “bolt out of the blue” fated relationship and figures largely in your attraction and desire for each other. You are challenged to be creative in developing this relationship in its own mold and to benefit from the depth and profundity that it offers.
Aphrodite Square Moon: You have difficulty combining your “bolt out of the blue” fated relationship together with your feelings together. You are destined to be connected but there seems to be inherent differences in your feelings of comfort together. Be careful to pay attention to balancing both your fated relationship and your feelings so that difficulties will be minimized. You are challenged to be creative in developing this relationship in its own mold and to benefit from the depth and profundity that it offers. Whichever person appears to be the more receptive partner may identify much more with this conflict of feelings, when you are together.
Chapter 6: Summary“Just because you love someone doesn’t mean you have to be involved with them. Love is not a bandage to cover wounds.” Hugh Elliott, Standing Room Only weblog, February 16, 2004“The conception of two people living together for twenty-five years without having a cross word suggests a lack of spirit only to be admired in sheep.” Alan Patrick Herbert“Why is it so hard to find a soulmate? Because most of us are actually searching for egomates instead. We place the most limited and unloving aspect of our minds in charge of our search for love, and then wonder why we aren’t succeeding. To the degree that we identify with this false sense of self, and operate on the basis of its limited point of view, we aren’t looking for someone to love so much as recruiting fellow actors to take on supporting roles in a favorite melodrama.” Carolyn Godschild Miller “Soulmates: Following Inner Guidance to the Relationship of Your Dreams.”
Relationships can be challenging & sometimes seem more trouble than they are worth. We are challenged to live our best life & to be the best that we can be! These days going down the relationship path, consciously, can be more profound & enlightening than getting thyself into a nunnery! We see each other through the mirror & reflection in each other’s eyes, of who we are & what we are doing or not doing! We cannot hide or delude ourselves when we live in the light of our partner’s eyes. So if we choose to take this path in life we are subject to all the gifts & joys of sharing, companionship, care & love that relating can bring. We are also brought more fully into conscious attention to our own souls & personal development. We honor & respect each other’s boundaries & separation so that we can unite with each other in love & compassion. On a bigger scale the microcosm of our personal & business relationships are the seed of our community, our country & our planet. We have all been brought together under the banner of humanity & our spiritual challenge is learning to live with ourselves firstly & then others in a harmonious, peaceful & respectful way! When seen from this perspective, whatever needs to be addressed in our immediate relationships, will provide a good basis for a better planet! May these reflections help serve that purpose!
Romantic and Sexual Attraction Medium Score (99): This relationship has a reasonable level of romantic & sexual attraction & that means that you would enjoy being together. This is a good foundation for any kind of relationship that you wish to develop together.
Good Communication, Problem Solving High Score (215): The bridge that links 2 people is their ability to communicate & this therefore facilitates understanding of each other. This relationship scores high & therefore your ability to maintain a good relationship with mutual understanding & solve lifes problems is excellent.
Longevity & Commitment High Score (174): This relationship has an excellent ability to go the distance & be a stable foundation for both of you. You can rely on each other & will easily be able to face challenges or difficulties. In fact these will only increase your commitment.
Sense of Fate & Destiny Together High Score (217): There is an incredibly powerful pull, possibly a compulsion, to be together that often feels stronger than your own individual personal needs. You may also experience a strong sense of familiarity even when you initially meet. You will learn profound & life changing lessons together. It probably feels fated to be together, so ready or not you will be propelled into big changes together. This may be a soul mate relationship!
Challenges & Weaknesses High Score (135): There are many challenges in this relationship & it would bode you well to pay a lot of attention to them. If one or both of you feel trapped, ignored, dissatisfied, manipulated, disillusioned or disappointed then you will need to consciously address these issues. If you want this relationship to work it would be easier & quicker to seek professional assistance from a therapist, counselor or coach.
“Love is the most difficult and dangerous form of courage. Courage is the most desperate, admirable, and noble kind of love.” Delmore Schwartz
Chapter 7: Credits Pemo Theodore has been a practising Australian astrologer for 26 years in many countries including Australia, Canada, Ireland & the US. She completed the Federation of Australian Astrologer’s certificate exam in November 1983 & was then President of the FAA on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. She taught astrology classes & lectured. She was a Jungian therapist for 7 years having trained with an Jungian analyst, Patrick Jansen, graduating with a Diploma of Rebirthing & Transpersonal Psychodynamics in 1985. She is now a certified International Coach Federation Associate certified Coach. She established her business Star Consulting in Dublin, Ireland in 2000 & was featured on radio, TV & newspaper articles. She was the founding President of the Ireland chapter of the ICF. She was in the first round of ISAR certified astrologers in August 2005.
Pemo’s gift & greatest love, both as an astrologer, therapist & coach, has been relationships; what makes them work & what undermines them. She was featured in 2004 in a Dublin 98FM promotion in which she was the relationship coach & astrologer and achieved an extremely positive outcome for a couple. She continues to coach them & other couples. This project, the “Star-Mate Composite Report”, has been a labour of love!