REVELATION Chart Interpretation for
May 10, 1960
2:00 AM
Dublin, Ireland
Cafe Astrology
Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below:
Sun 19 Tau 23 Pluto 3 Vir 36
Moon 2 Sco 57 N. Node 23 Vir 13
Mercury 10 Tau 32 Asc. 22 Cap 48
Venus 7 Tau 38 MC 28 Sco 49
Mars 29 Pis 02 2nd cusp 23 Pis 55
Jupiter 3 Cap 00 3rd cusp 4 Tau 59
Saturn 18 Cap 18 5th cusp 16 Gem 20
Uranus 17 Leo 02 6th cusp 2 Can 38
Neptune 7 Sco 27
Tropical Placidus Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 01:00:00 Time Zone: 0 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 53 N 20 6 W 15
Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 10 Degrees
Opposition : 10 Degrees
Square : 10 Degrees
Trine : 10 Degrees
Sextile : 7 Degrees
“I can’t help it. I’m an Aries. Of COURSE I have a temper.” “The Moon was in Taurus. It triggered my sweet tooth. I HAD to have dessert.” “Mars squared my ascendant, so of COURSE I got angry.”
We’ve all made statements like these and, in essence, blamed the planets for our actions and the events in our lives. We look to the stars for guidance, praise them when we do well, and blame them when things don’t go the way we’d like. Don’t the stars affect our lives? Don’t they influence us? The stars do not MAKE us do anything any more than seeing a great pair of shoes in a store window MAKES you run in and buy them, or passing a restaurant when you are hungry MAKES you rush inside and grab a meal. There is a synchronicity to the universe that puts you intuitively in tune with the world around you. Subconsciously, you give and receive messages that guide and direct you to your spoken or unspoken goal, thus creating those events and circumstances that fulfill your desires. You, then, are the Creator of your life. You created being at the restaurant when you were hungry so that you could eat. YOU were the cause, not the restaurant. Similarly, you created being in front of the store window in order to see the shoes. YOU were the Creator, not the shoes.
In the winter, the leaves fall from the trees. At the same time, we put on heavier clothing. The falling leaves do not MAKE us put on heavier clothing; the cold weather does. We and the trees are responding to the same cause—the change of seasons. As part of God’s plan, we, and all of nature, are responding to the larger order of things. So, too, in astrology, the planets reflect what is occurring in our personal worlds and the lessons we are learning. They are not the lessons themselves, but the reflections thereof.
REVELATION: THE NEW ASTROLOGY is the implementation of the knowledge that you are the Creator of your life. As such, you are free to interpret each planet in your chart on its highest and best level, thereby being the highest and best manifestation of God you can be. YOU determine the level of functioning of your chart and the degree of happiness and success in your life. When you function on this level, your life takes on a richness of dimension it has not had before. You take the responsibility for creating your life the way you would like it to be. You see the planets as those gifts and talents you have chosen to express in this lifetime. You fulfill your limitless potential because you see what CAN be, rather than what cannot. The chart then becomes a guide, rather than the source of your happiness or unhappiness. It becomes a reflection of your own spiritual evolution. REVELATION: THE NEW ASTROLOGY is designed to assist you in that evolution. It is about love and appreciation of the God within, the acknowledgment of the Truth of who you are and, as a result, the beautiful expression of that Truth.
When you express the Truth of who you are by being your highest and best, you lift those around you and inspire THEM to be THEIR highest and best. They, in turn, inspire others, and so the Light is awakened in one person after another, spreading love, joy and peace across the face of the earth.
The Sun represents your greatest power and creativity in this lifetime. Its house placement indicates that area of life in which you are free to express this power and creativity–that area of life in which your Light shines most brightly.
Sun in 3rd house:
Ideas are important to you—you love all types of communication. Your thinking is creative and you express your ideas clearly and powerfully.
The Moon represents your sensitivity and feeling nature. Its house placement indicates that area of life in which you previously sought emotional security and are now more intuitively awakened and responsive.
Moon in 8th house:
You intuitively understand the creative energies of the universe, the cycles of life and death, and the ebb and flow of nature. You instinctively understand the deep emotional needs of others and can help them feel secure about their own resources. You are very powerful and can speak to others without saying a word.
Mercury rules the conscious mind and communication. Wherever it is placed in the chart is the area of life about which you think and talk the most.
Mercury in 3rd house:
You are a natural communicator and can “translate” ideas, making them easy to understand.
Venus represents the principles of love, beauty, art and sociability. Wherever it is placed in your chart is that area of life where you most easily express love and beauty.
Venus in 3rd house:
You see beauty all around you and love to share your ideas with others. You have a beautiful, loving way of expressing yourself that makes your words easy to hear.
Mars rules passion and energy. Wherever it is placed in your chart is the area of life that comes first to you, the area into which you throw yourself and your energies, the area about which you feel passionately.
Mars in 2nd house:
You throw yourself into making money — and spending it. You feel deeply about your priorities, values and possessions, and ardently take a stand for what is yours.
Jupiter represents the principles in which you believe, and rules expansion, abundance, truth, generosity and optimism. Its house placement indicates that area of life in which you are blessed, and in which you believe most strongly.
Jupiter in 12th house:
Your faith is enormous. You know that you are blessed and protected, and that things always work out perfectly. Serving and doing God’s work quietly and privately fulfills you. As a result, there is a feeling of joy that you bring to any project you undertake. Your greatest happiness comes in those moments of solitude when you can lose yourself in union with God.
Saturn rules responsibility, authority, strength and power. Wherever it falls in your chart is the area of life where you take charge, assume your responsibilities and express your greatest strength.
Saturn in 12th house:
You make the mystical tangible through the practical application of universal laws. You find your strength in solitude, and are the power behind-the-scenes, the glue that silently holds things together.
Uranus rules originality, innovation, and invention. Wherever it falls in your chart is that area of life in which you express your unique individuality.
Uranus in 7th house:
Because you are always yourself with others, you attract this type of person to you. As a result, your relationships are unique. You break free from the limitations of traditional relationships and give others the same freedom you want.
Neptune represents spirituality, faith, and divine inspiration. Its house placement indicates that area of life in which you seek to fulfill your most beautiful dreams, and where you are inspired to selflessly serve.
Neptune in 9th house:
Your faith in God is enormous. You know that everything always works out for the best, that the sun is just over the horizon. You believe in expanding your vision, and you see the big picture. You inspire others to go for their dream.
Pluto represents total transmutation, the death of the lower nature and subsequent emergence of the reborn God within. Wherever it falls in your chart is that area of life in which you have been transformed, where you are empowered and completely in command.
Pluto in 7th house:
You offer others autonomy and give them the freedom to take charge of their lives. Your personal power and magnetism are so strong that you can re-awaken, resurrect and transform an old relationship.
The South Node, the Dragon’s Tail, represents those qualities and abilities previously developed in past lives. The North Node, the Dragon’s Head, represents those qualities and abilities to be further developed in this life. Combining both nodes balances their energies and creates a natural flow. Because they are 180 degrees apart, they teach us how to interact successfully with others and, therefore, affect all our relationships. Their house placements indicate those areas of life which can thrive as a result of their blending.
Nodes in 1st/7th houses:
You have the ability to create warm and loving relationships in which both parties get what they want without feeling they are giving anything up.
By seeing the positive manifestation of the planets in the signs, you are able to express your highest and best.
Sun in Taurus:
Your perseverance and loyalty make you a desirable friend and employee. Your practical approach helps you deal realistically with life.
Moon in Scorpio:
You are instinctively drawn to the hidden, the metaphysical. Your intuition is very strong and you feel things deeply.
Mercury in Taurus:
You express yourself practically and logically. You speak slowly and understandably.
Venus in Taurus:
Your love nature is deep, passionate and affectionate. You are loyal to the object of your affections.
Mars in Pisces:
You want to dedicate yourself to a cause in which you believe, and lose yourself in spiritual service.
Jupiter in Capricorn:
You are optimistic about your career and strive to be a benevolent authority figure.
Saturn in Capricorn:
You assume your leadership responsibilities, especially those dealing with power and authority.
Uranus in Leo:
Your creations are innovative because you love to try the unique and unusual.
Neptune in Scorpio:
You are able to lose yourself in the power of the universe and become one with God. You are very psychic and receive constant spiritual insights.
Pluto in Virgo:
Your attitude toward work and health have been transformed. You are free to work at what you choose, and are passionate about serving. You have the ability to heal yourself non-traditionally.
The North and South Nodes teach us the same lessons in the signs as they do in the houses.
Nodes in Virgo/Pisces:
Your desire to serve, and willingness to do whatever task is needed is the oil that keeps the machinery running smoothly and has much to do with the success of the projects you undertake.
Traditional astrology identifies certain aspects between planets as “positive”, and others as “negative”. Aspects between planets are simply contacts between them. When you are coming from limitlessness, when your chart is functioning on its highest and best level, your attitude is one of loving acceptance because you know that every situation is a reflection of where you are and what your next learning experience is. As a result, every aspect is positive. By accepting planetary aspects as positive learning experiences, they function that way in your life.
Sun – Mercury aspects:
You are an idea person, and can express yourself clearly and articulately.
Sun – Saturn aspects:
You are mature and reliable. You assume your responsibilities and have the determination and discipline to work toward the attainment of your goals. Your integrity enhances your leadership ability.
Sun – Uranus aspects:
You are a unique individual—true to yourself at all times. You are a humanitarian, and believe in the welfare of the whole. You have a natural healing ability that you may apply to yourself and others.
Sun – Asc. aspects:
You are powerful, confident and create your own reality.
Sun – MC aspects:
You are a powerful, confident leader, and interact well with authority figures.
Moon – Mercury aspects:
You are intuitive and able to express your feelings. You speak not only to the conscious mind, but to the subconscious as well. You speak to people’s needs and answer their unasked questions.
Moon – Venus aspects:
You are a loving person. This draws people to you—they want to be in the presence of your love. You have a charm and beauty that make you desirable. You have an appreciation of harmony, music and beauty.
Moon – Jupiter aspects:
You are positive, optimistic and generous. Your joy is contagious, and brings abundance to you. People love to be with you—you make life fun.
Moon – Neptune aspects:
You are mystical, inspired, and see beauty everywhere. Your faith is strong and your greatest joy comes from serving God.
Moon – Pluto aspects:
Your psychic and healing energies are very strong. You feel things deeply and are a natural detective. You are powerful and can lift the energies in a room with your presence.
Mercury – Venus aspects:
You are friendly, sociable and charming. You appreciate music, art and beauty, and articulate beautifully.
Mercury – Jupiter aspects:
You are philosophical and see the big picture. Your mind is open to new ideas, and you willingly share them. You see the positive, sunny side of life.
Mercury – Saturn aspects:
You are intelligent, reason well, and think logically and practically. You are disciplined and assume your responsibilities.
Mercury – Uranus aspects:
Your mind is quick, inventive, and sees the humor in everything. Your thoughts are intuitive, original and years ahead of their time.
Mercury – Neptune aspects:
You are mystical, romantic and poetic. You can receive many inspired ideas through dreams or visions. You express yourself in gentle, loving tones.
Mercury – Pluto aspects:
You are psychic and get to the truth of the situation because you hear what people are NOT saying as well as what they ARE saying. Your words influence people strongly because you speak to the subconscious as well as the conscious mind.
Venus – Jupiter aspects:
You are kind, generous and loving. Your faith and love of God are strong. Your happiness and optimism bring many friends and much happiness into your life.
Venus – Uranus aspects:
You are magnetic and exciting. You love humanity and attract all kinds of unique relationships and adventures. Love and money can come easily to you through unusual sources.
Venus – Neptune aspects:
You are spiritual, romantic and artistic. You are inspired by love, and happily serve the object of your affection. You fulfill your dream of divine love by serving God in all that you do.
Venus – Pluto aspects:
Your love nature is powerful and intense. You are magnetic and can attract deep, meaningful love relationships. When you give your heart, you give it completely.
Mars – Jupiter aspects:
You are sincere, straightforward, and optimistic. You act quickly, speak honestly, and willingly take a stand for your principles.
Mars – Asc. aspects:
Your energy is dynamic. You move quickly, directly, and go for what you want NOW.
Mars – MC aspects:
You are ambitious and move quickly toward your career goal. Your enthusiasm can fire others up.
Jupiter – Neptune aspects:
You are kind, generous and compassionate. You are inspired to serve God by serving mankind.
Jupiter – Pluto aspects:
Your psychic and healing energies are strong and powerful. You have the ability to bring about transformation. By turning your life over to God, you tap even more deeply into your power.
Saturn – Asc. aspects:
You are responsible, dignified and mature. You are steadfast and keep your promises.
Uranus – Neptune aspects:
You are an inspired, intuitive humanitarian. You believe in the welfare of all, and come up with new ways of serving mankind.
Neptune – Pluto aspects:
You possess a powerful spiritual energy that inspires you to serve mankind. By letting go and letting God, you tap into your highest power.
Pluto – MC aspects:
You are a powerful, magnetic leader and can bring about total change.
The ascendant is the most personal point in the chart. The sign on the ascendant gives a powerful description of you. By knowing its most positive qualities, you may use your ascendant on its highest and best level.
Ascendant in Capricorn:
You are responsible, dignified and willing to work hard to achieve success. You are practical, frugal and assume your responsibilities.
The ruler of the sign on the ascendant is the “chart ruler.” It is a key planet in the horoscope because the ascendant is the most personal point in the chart. Its sign, house placement and the aspects it makes to other planets explain how you express YOU. (Refer to chapters: Planets in Houses, Planets in Signs and Aspects.)
You express wisdom, maturity and dignity. You are practical, realistic and responsible.
The signs on the house cusps are the principles to be learned; the cusp on which a sign falls tells us the area of life in which that particular principle will manifest. The planetary ruler, or “roving delegate” of that sign, acts as a messenger, bringing the energy from the house it rules to the house in which it is placed. For example, if Aries is on the 3rd cusp and Mars is in the 10th, the ruler of the 3rd is in the 10th. The energy flows from the 3rd to the 10th, linking the two. The same principle applies if Taurus is on the 3rd and Venus is in the 10th, or Cancer is on the 3rd and the Moon is in the 10th.
Ruler of 1st house in 12th:
You are a private person and enjoy serving behind the scenes. Your spiritual/mystical nature is strong and thrives in solitude.
Ruler of 2nd house in 9th:
You spend money in pursuit of the truth and put your resources into the principles, causes and philosophies in which you believe.
Ruler of 3rd house in 3rd:
You are an idea person and do best when you express yourself, whether verbally or on paper.
Ruler of 4th house in 3rd:
You are able to bring your innermost security needs to consciousness and express them.
Ruler of 5th house in 3rd:
You think creatively, artistically and romantically. You constantly find new ways to have fun. You express your enjoyment of life, and this makes you fun to be with.
Ruler of 6th house in 8th:
Through your work you help other people develop their own natural resources, whether material, emotional or physical. You assist them to get clear on their values and, in so doing, you can transform your own work. You love to be involved in work that deals with underlying cause rather than effect.
Ruler of 7th house in 8th:
Your attitude about the world in general and your partner in particular undergoes a total transformation. They teach you to look beneath the surface at what is REALLY going on rather than what appears to be happening. Dependency on others can be replaced with reliance upon God within.
Ruler of 8th house in 3rd:
You are psychically in tune with what is really going on rather than what appears to be happening. You understand innately what people really want and what their values are.
Ruler of 9th house in 7th:
Your principles influence others and help them get clear on their own belief systems. One of the principles by which you live involves treating others as equals.
Ruler of 10th house in 7th:
The authority figures in your life support and encourage your partnerships. You take your partnership responsibility seriously, knowing that others see you as an authority. You see authority figures as your equals.
Ruler of 11th house in 12th:
Your friends support your desire for solitude and privacy. You are a behind-the-scenes friend.
Ruler of 12th house in 12th:
You have a strong need for solitude and privacy, and serve best behind-the-scenes.
When you believe you are intelligent, you act intelligently. When you believe you are loving, you act lovingly and attract love. When you believe you are limitless, you act limitlessly and attract success. Why not accept the truth–that you were born to be happy, to succeed and to live life abundantly? By putting your attention on the most positive manifestation of your chart you create love, joy and peace in your life. It’s your life—live it!