Psyche & Eros Report


The Psyche & Eros Relationship Report explores the relationship potentials of each person, as well as the ways they interact with each other.

What is it you want to know when you are checking out a romantic relationship? Basically two things. First, you want to understand the emotional needs, temperament, hang-ups, and issues each person brings to the relationship – in other words, the relationship potential of each person. And then, of course, you want to understand how the emotional needs, temperament, hang-ups and issues of one person relate to those of another person in order to see how they would get along – in other words, the compatibility analysis.

Don’t have the birth times? Click here.

To order this computerized report, please fill out the following information fields before adding to cart. Please also see the full description of the report plus the report sample below before ordering.

First Person’s Name

An initial, nickname, or first name only works fine.

First Person’s Birth Date

Month/Day/Year format or spell out the month (example, March rather than 03 for clarity).

First Person’s Birth Time

Time of birth, example 7:22 PM.

First Person’s Birth Location

City, state/country of birth.

Second Person’s Name

An initial, nickname, or first name only works fine.

Second Person’s Birth Date

Month/Day/Year format or spell out the month (example, March rather than 03 for clarity).

Second Person’s Birth Time

Time of birth, example 7:22 PM.

Second Person’s Birth Location

City, state/country of birth.


The Psyche & Eros Relationship Report explores the relationship potentials of each person, as well as the ways they interact with each other.

What is it you want to know when you are checking out a romantic relationship? Basically two things. First, you want to understand the emotional needs, temperament, hang-ups, and issues each person brings to the relationship – in other words, the relationship potential of each person. And then, of course, you want to understand how the emotional needs, temperament, hang-ups and issues of one person relate to those of another person in order to see how they would get along – in other words, the compatibility analysis.

The Psyche and Eros Relationship Analysis consists of 4 sections: the first two sections describe the relationship potential of each person, and sections 3 and 4 are the compatibility analysis, describing how the two people experience each other and the relationship from the perspective of each person.

This computerized report has been available elsewhere on the web for many years. Note that the asteroids Psyche and Eros are not interpreted.

You will need to provide the following information for each person involved in the relationship:

  • Name (First name only is absolutely acceptable).
  • Birth Day (example, Aug 15/68 – please use Month/Day/Year format if you are using numerical months)
  • Birth Time (example, 7:25 AM; Do not adjust this time – provide the birth time as given at the place of birth).
  • Birth Place (City, state/country).

#PER $5.95 US Psyche and Eros Relationship Report – With Birth Times computerized report is delivered through email usually within 24 hours of receipt of successful payment AND full information required. The email registered with Paypal will be used to send the report. If you’d prefer the report sent to you at a different email address, please add this to the “Optional Instructions” option given during the ordering process.

Report Sample


The Psyche and Eros Relationship Analysis for

Angelina Jolie


Brad Pitt

Birth Data for Angelina:

June 4, 1975

9:09 AM

Los Angeles, California

Birth Data for Brad:

December 18, 1963

6:31 AM

Shawnee, Oklahoma

Cafe Astrology

The Psyche and Eros Compatibility Report

What is it you want to know when you are checking out a romantic relationship? Basically two things. First, you want to understand the emotional needs, temperament, hang-ups and issues each person brings to the relationship. In other words, the relationship potential of each person. And then, of course, you want to understand how the emotional needs, temperament, hang-ups and issues of one person relate to those of another person in order to see how they would get along. In other words, the compatibility analysis.

The first two sections of the complete Psyche and Eros Relationship Analysis describes the relationship potential of each person. Sections 3 and 4 is the compatibility analysis and describes how the two people experience each other and the relationship from the perspective of each person.

The myth of Psyche and Eros is a love story which shows the soul’s longing for — and ultimate attainment of — love.

Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below:

Data for Angelina:                 Data for Brad: Tropical Zodiac                    Tropical Zodiac
House System: PLACIDUS             House System: PLACIDUS
Daylight Savings Time observed     Standard time observed
Time Zone: 8 hours West            Time Zone: 6 hours West
GMT: 16:09:00                      GMT: 12:31:00
34 N 03 08     118 W 14 34         35 N 19 38     96 W 55 30

Sun   13 deg 25 min Gem            Sun   25 deg 52 min SagMoon  13 deg 05 min Ari            Moon  22 deg 50 min Cap
Merc  22 deg 20 min Gem            Merc  16 deg 07 min Cap
Venus 28 deg 09 min Can            Venus 23 deg 28 min Cap
Mars  10 deg 42 min Ari            Mars  10 deg 02 min Cap
Jup   17 deg 25 min Ari            Jup    9 deg 50 min Ari
Sat   17 deg 23 min Can            Sat   19 deg 09 min Aqu
Uran  28 deg 48 min Lib            Uran  10 deg 04 min Vir
Nept  10 deg 20 min Sag            Nept  16 deg 48 min Sco
Pluto  6 deg 31 min Lib            Pluto 14 deg 14 min Vir
Asc.  28 deg 53 min Can            Asc.  11 deg 55 min Sag
MC    17 deg 52 min Ari            MC    26 deg 59 min Vir
2nd   20 deg 50 min Leo            2nd   14 deg 31 min Cap
3rd   16 deg 36 min Vir            3rd   21 deg 21 min Aqu
5th   23 deg 15 min Sco            5th   26 deg 42 min Ari
6th   28 deg 01 min Sag            6th   20 deg 49 min Tau


SECTION I: How Angelina Relates to Other People

Capricorn on 7th house cusp

You are emotional, sensitive, domestic and extremely self-protective. Your relationship with your parents was not balanced in that you were far more affected by your mother than you were by your father. You unconsciously seek your father’s qualities in a partner.

The people you are close to are well-organized, ambitious and, at times, a bit melancholy. They give your life structure and take care of you practically and materially (not necessarily financially) the way you take care of them emotionally. You create a nest.

You are a nurturing, loving, parenting person who likes to take care of people. You try to create an emotionally safe space for Brad to enable the sharing of inner needs and longings that people outside the home would never suspect. Privacy makes the relationship special for you.

Your partners usually require a good deal of attention. They are often serious people and sometimes rather depression-prone. They tend to be ambitious and successful but not very expressive emotionally. They may require more understanding than they give.

Saturn, Ruler of 7th house, is in 12th:

Everyone depends on you. You are there when anyone needs to talk or needs not to talk but to be understood. You have a wonderful capacity to nurture and provide care. It’s important to remember that you too need care and understanding. While you are very good at accepting outstretched hands seeking help, you are a little reluctant to reach out yourself.

You may, at some point, form a bond with someone whose life is very different from your own and with whom observers might think you don’t share much in common. However, this person offers you something very rare: understanding. If practical considerations require that you form a committed relationship with someone who shares your material and social interests, this special friend might occupy the shadows of your life, not known to most of your friends and family. You will probably have more than one significant relationship in your life. Two at the same time creates clear complications. Not everything is an either-or choice. There are trade-offs and compromises. Sometimes they become more apparent the second time around.

Jupiter Conjunct MC with an orb of less than 1/2 degree

When you were little, your teachers liked you and when you grew up, your employers liked you. You tend to approach all relationships both personal and professional with an easy assurance. It is important to you that close ties enjoy society’s approval.

Saturn Square MC with an orb of less than 1/2 degree

You learned at an early age to be cautious with people in a position of authority. This reserve may also extend to personal relationships with those you may admire or respect. Old parenting issues inevitably infiltrate all of your close relationships.

Uranus Square Asc. with an orb of less than 1/2 degree

You are an unusual person and are often perceived as “ahead of your time” in some way. Friendship is very important to you – especially in your love affairs. You don’t like relationships which are overly defined or confining. You must feel free to love.

Venus Conjunct Asc. with an orb between 1/2 and 1 degree

You are personally attractive with a natural charm which tends to draw people to you. Your native courtesy tends to make others assume that you share their values even when this isn’t quite the case. You are unusually sensitive to others’ appearance.

Venus Square Uranus with an orb between 1/2 and 1 degree

You need to be close and you need to be free. This is a major life conflict which has always created complications for you in close personal relationships. One manifestation of this may be a tendency to pursue the unavailable or the unreliable.

Moon Conjunct Mars with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

Your love-hate relationship with your mother has led to an emotional ambivalence in current close ties. You are, at once, very needy and very angry about your neediness. This may make you somewhat cantankerous at times. You are very quick-tempered.

Moon Trine Neptune with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

You are sensitive and intuitive and have an active inner life only known by those who are very close. You and your close ties like to share a private world no one else can enter and you spend most of your time alone together or with close friends and family.

Sun Sextile Moon with an orb of less than 1 degree

Whether or not your parents themselves had a successful marriage, you came away with a clear sense of how people come together and integrate. You are comfortable with others and have few problems forming healthy, enduring relationships.

Sun SemiSquare Venus with an orb of less than 1 degree

Your love nature is very turbulent. You form relationships impulsively and then worry it’s with the wrong person. There seems to be a dichotomy between the person you know yourself to be and the person you feel you should be in order to be valued and loved.

Sun SemiSquare Asc. with an orb of less than 1 degree

You have a strong, dynamic personality which is not always supported by the inner confidence that you are sufficiently recognized and respected. You may, at times, over-compensate for this anxiety by being excessively assertive or egocentric.

Sun Sesquiquadrate Uranus with an orb of less than 1 degree

You are restless and independent and, no matter how close you become to someone, you always remain your own person and there is a part of yourself you cannot share. You are uncompromisingly true to your convictions which must be shared by those close to you.

Mercury Quintile Mars with an orb of less than 1 degree

Your sense of humor is one of your outstanding qualities. It usually manifests as a rather wry wit. Anyone you’re close to must share this sense of irony. You probably have a special talent or an absorbing interest. Your closest ties are likewise involved.

Moon Conjunct Jupiter with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

You tend to dramatize your emotional state. When things are going pretty well, you’re in ecstasy-and when things are not all they might be, it’s the worst despair that ever struck mankind. People may find you a bit self-absorbed or inflated at times.

Moon Conjunct MC with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

Your emotional needs and interests transcend your immediate domestic environment. You abhor the provincial and aspire to participate in something which will be of benefit to many. This is not mere ambition but a passion. You may attract the public eye.

Sun Opposition Neptune with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

Your father was either over-idealized or he was rejected as a role model. Either way, your concept of what a man should be is not based upon a mortal person, but upon an ideal. This may lead to unrealistic expectations in close personal relationships.

Moon Square Saturn with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

You don’t have as much self-confidence as you appear to have. You long for love and affection but have never felt, since childhood, that you could have it, simply by being. You feel you have to earn it in some way. You like close ties to need and depend on you.

Sun Sextile Mars with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees

You are assertive without being overly aggressive and usually go after what you want with confidence and enthusiasm. You enjoy sex and your partners tend to be dynamic, successful people. Your natural energy and moxie is usually sexually interesting to others.

Sun Sextile Jupiter with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees

You have a genial, pleasant quality which inspires confidence in others. It sometimes surprises you the way people trust you with their innermost thoughts. Moral integrity is important to you and, while you are not judgmental, you will not violate a principle.

Mercury Sextile Jupiter with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees

You have a quality people trust and you are often sought after as a confidante or an advisor. You have high moral and ethical standards and it is imperative that anyone you’re close to is a person of the highest integrity. You prefer well-educated people.

Mercury Sextile MC with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees

Since you were a child in school, your intellectual and communicative skills attracted the attention of those in positions of authority and you were always able to make your way by being exceptionally clever. This facility serves you well as an adult.

Mars Conjunct MC with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

Power is sexy to you and even when a relationship is not a romantic one, you find ambitious go-getters in positions of authority very magnetic and fascinating. It is important to you that close ties not only share your goals but are prepared to fight for them.

Moon Opposition Pluto with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

You had an over-controlling parent and something inside of you decided that no one else would ever have that kind of control over you again. You tend to repress your deepest feelings and fears and are surprised when close ties suggest you’re manipulative.

Mars Square Saturn with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

Your emotional needs were not met when you were growing up and there was nothing you could do about it. Even today, you tend not to express anger or pain or resentment except when you are in an infrequent rage. This is a problem in close relationships.

Sun Trine Pluto with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

You regenerate yourself through periodic transformations of your life situation. Your relationships can only endure if your partners grow and change with you so that you wind up still pointed in the same direction. Otherwise you will leave them behind.

Mercury Trine Uranus with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

You have an innovative turn of mind and may have a talent for an unusual subject. Your ideas are often considered to be ahead of your time. You can be somewhat impersonal and detached – even with close ties. You need to share controversial ideas with friends.

Neptune Trine MC with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

You are guided far more by your spiritual ideals than by more material motivations. While intimate ties are important to you, if the other person didn’t share your more cosmic goals, the relationship could not last. Your dreams often become realities.

Moon does not aspect Mercury

It’s as if the emotional and rational sides of your nature take turns expressing themselves. You are either utterly detached and objective about a situation or so emotionally involved you have no perspective. You are not in touch with your feelings.

SECTION II: How Brad Relates to Other People

Gemini on 7th house cusp

Any kind of confinement – mental, physical or emotional – is abhorrent to you. You cannot and will not be emotionally stifled by your partners. Thus, you may often be close to more than one person simultaneously in order to avoid feeling too dependent.

When you make a commitment (and you may do so more than once), your partner must be as intellectually stimulating and curious and restless as you are. Your boredom tolerance is noticeably low. You don’t form emotional ties unless there is mental rapport.

Your dreams, ideals and speculations about matters which transcend day-to-day living are so central to your existence that any person you feel close to must be someone with whom you can discuss these ideas since no one else seems to understand them.

Your partners are bright, verbal, curious people who, on the surface may not appear to have a great deal of emotional depth. However, they connect with you intellectually and that tie appears to be the channel through which you can share emotionally.

Mercury, Ruler of 7th house, is in 2nd:

You’ve always been able to use your talents for speaking and writing to practical advantage. Certainly, on a business level, you are quick to recognize opportunity and the people who can help you turn the opportunity into a successful venture. If your talents are more artistic, you have a special flair for marketing your creativity and making it pay. There is usually a money issue with your personal relationships. Perhaps you met through work and there are shared financial interests. It could also be that you are more possessive than you appear or that money becomes a means of manipulation or a source of conflict. The way money is spent can be an indicator of values and priorities. Sometimes when couples disagree about those issues, they are really disagreeing about matters far more fundamental such as sex or emotional security.

Moon Conjunct Venus with an orb between 1/2 and 1 degree

Lucky you. As a child you received a great deal of love leaving you not only with the capacity to love deeply yourself but with the security of knowing that you have value and that there will always be people you can turn to. You form love ties easily.

Uranus Square Asc. with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

You are an unusual person and are often perceived as “ahead of your time” in some way. Friendship is very important to you – especially in your love affairs. You don’t like relationships which are overly defined or confining. You must feel free to love.

Pluto Square Asc. with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

You are not always aware of your own magnetism. Others find you intense and, sometimes, controlling. You have such strong fears of losing relationships that sometimes you imagine that people are turning against you when the opposite is more often true.

Mercury Trine Pluto with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

You are extremely persuasive and, perhaps, skilled at manipulating others to share your views. Your intuition is powerful and the research skills which may help you professionally also manifest in your private life. You know everyone’s deepest secrets.

Jupiter Trine Asc. with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

There is a quality about you people tend to trust. They confide in you and generally feel better in your presence which has a kind of healing quality. Sometimes you tend to draw close relationships who originally came to see you for some sort of help or guidance.

Mercury Sextile Neptune with an orb of less than 1 degree

You know things intuitively as well as rationally and have a rare capacity to perceive in others feelings, thoughts and dreams they may never have openly shared. Anyone close to you would have to share your love of music and interest in spiritual thought.

Moon Trine MC with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

Your emotional needs and interests transcend your immediate domestic environment. You abhor the provincial and aspire to participate in something which will be of benefit to many. This is not mere ambition but a passion. You may attract the public eye.

Venus Trine MC with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

Love cannot exist for you without admiration and respect. You like to feel proud of your relationships and often form close ties with those in positions of authority. You are socially conscious and attract friends and good fortune through your personal charm and talent.

Venus Sesquiquadrate Uranus with an orb between 1 and 2 degrees

You need to be close and you need to be free. This is a major life conflict which has always created complications for you in close personal relationships. One manifestation of this may be a tendency to pursue the unavailable or the unreliable.

Moon Conjunct Mercury with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

You’re sensitive and perceptive and in touch with your feelings. No matter how difficult a situation is, you feel you can deal with it if you can understand it. Someone who is less emotionally self-aware or expressive would make you feel uncomfortable. You like to discuss everything. Feelings that aren’t acknowledged can’t be discussed.

Mercury Conjunct Venus with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

Intelligence is sexy to you. If a person you find physically attractive isn’t also bright, verbal and someone you can talk to, you’re not interested. You have a highly developed aesthetic sense and are drawn to people of taste, wit and charm.

Mercury Conjunct Mars with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

Since you tend to be rather irritable and sharp-tongued at times you require a partner with a sense of humor who is not too thin-skinned. You are bright, curious and restless and enjoy the company of those who are equally high-spirited and enterprising.

Mercury Square Jupiter with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

Details are not your cup of tea. You are fascinated by philosophy and the world of ideas. You are a great talker and reader and your best companions will be those who share your concepts and ideals. You prefer professional people with a certain flair.

Mercury Trine Uranus with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees

You have an innovative turn of mind and may have a talent for an unusual subject. Your ideas are often considered to be ahead of your time. You can be somewhat impersonal and detached – even with close ties. You need to share controversial ideas with friends.

Sun does not aspect Moon

Your parents’ interests and emotional natures, while not in violent conflict, were so different it was hard to understand how they ever came together. You associate close relationships with both longing and loneliness and may be unclear about roles.

Sun does not aspect Asc.

People do not receive an accurate first impression of you. Owing to shyness or lack of confidence, you have cultivated a persona which is not expressive of the person you experience yourself to be. This creates complications in personal relationships.

SECTION III: The Relationship from Angelina’s Point of View

Angelina, the following information explains how you view your relationship with Brad, and explores some of the major issues that arise.

Your Mars Conj Brad’s Jupiter (orb < 1 deg)

You really enjoy being together, sharing interests and activities. This is a productive working relationship as well as a satisfying personal one. You enjoy helping Brad to grow and achieve and Brad stimulates your best energy. Over-enthusiasm leads to excesses.

Your Sun Square Brad’s Pluto (orb < 1 deg)

You may feel an excessively strong need to assert yourself as your ego feels very threatened by Brad’s subtle power over you. Your fascination with Brad makes it difficult for you to sever the tie even if you feel the relationship is wrong for you.

Your Mars Square Brad’s Mars (orb < 1 deg)

You don’t go about things in the same way. Perhaps one of you is more direct or more circuitous than the other. This can lead to quarrels because you don’t always feel like doing the same thing at the same time. This can be a strain on sexual compatibility.

Your Moon Conj Brad’s Jupiter (orb 1-5 deg)

No matter how intimate the nature of your relationship, basically you are wonderful friends. You trust each other implicitly and enjoy being together. This can be a negative relationship in that you may tend to encourage each other in excesses or bad habits.

Your Sun Oppos Brad’s Asc. (orb 1-5 deg)

There was always something about Brad with which you could strongly identify, an outward personification of some deeply felt sense you have of yourself. There was a strong, enduring attraction and compatibility from the start.

Your Mercury Oppos Brad’s Sun (orb 1-5 deg)

You may occasionally be a little intimidated by Brad or feel your ideas and opinions are either misunderstood or not being taken seriously. Even while you’re defending your views, Brad has a way of making you feel privately insecure about your position.

Your Venus Oppos Brad’s Venus (orb 1-5 deg)

While you may be very fond of each other, you’re quite dissimilar in some important ways. Your tastes diverge widely and you tend to express love very differently. You don’t like the same people and have different interests. You wish Brad dressed differently.

Your Sun Square Brad’s Uranus (orb 1-5 deg)

You were attracted from the very first meeting. You felt, on one hand, that you completely understood Brad and, on the other, that you never knew what to expect next. You admire Brad’s originality. It taps into a uniqueness of your own.

Your Moon Square Brad’s Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

You often come away from discussions with Brad feeling kind of irritated. You’ve made your point and Brad replied but somehow there’s been no connection. The logic is there but not the understanding. You probably shouldn’t work together.

Your Moon Square Brad’s Mars (orb 1-5 deg)

When the two of you are together, you are competitive and combative. This might be owing to a sexual energy which is present and with which you are not entirely comfortable. You may feel that if you are not especially assertive, you will be somehow overrun.

Your Mercury Square Brad’s MC (orb 1-5 deg)

This would be a very good working relationship. You connect very strongly with Brad’s goals and ambitions and can, through your communication skills, work together to attain them. Brad respects your intelligence and opinions and will frequently defer to your judgment.

Your MC Square Brad’s Moon (orb 1-5 deg)

Brad always had an intuitive sense of your deepest yearnings, ambitions and goals and that strong emotional support has done much to point you in your life direction. Brad is very proud of your successes but hopes they won’t overshadow the more intimate aspects of the relationship.

Your MC Square Brad’s Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

You really admire Brad’s intelligence and way of speaking. There is something about it that you respect. It vibrates with a certain authority for you and you will defer to it. Brad enjoys sharing new ideas with you. You would work well together.

Your Moon Trine Brad’s Asc. (orb 1-5 deg)

From the first time you saw Brad you intuitively sensed an emotional tie and were attracted. You are very comfortable together. You enjoy special feelings of closeness and camaraderie. Brad may outwardly manifest the feelings you may hold within.

Your Mercury Trine Brad’s Saturn (orb 1-5 deg)

Brad doesn’t encourage you to take chances and, since you’ve been together, you rarely do. On some level, Brad is your teacher and helps you to structure and organize your ideas. Whatever your current status, you defer to Brad’s authority.

Your Mars Trine Brad’s Asc. (orb 1-5 deg)

You like the way Brad does things. It connects with a certain energy deep within yourself. Sometimes, however, you may be a bit hard on Brad and make more demands than anyone could reasonably be expected to handle. This naturally leads either to a quarrel or Brad’s withdrawal.

Your Sun Sextile Brad’s Jupiter (orb 1-5 deg)

Brad has a calming effect upon you. When you are together, you feel wonderful. Brad gives you the confidence to grow and expand and may be quite helpful to you in material ways by opening doors and providing opportunities.

Your Venus Sextile Brad’s MC (orb 1-5 deg)

We all have fantasies about the sort of person who would be an ideal partner. When you first met Brad, it was like a recognition. You felt oddly at home with someone you idealized. Happily, Brad reciprocates these feelings.

Your MC Sextile Brad’s Saturn (orb 1-5 deg)

Brad may help you to crystallize and work hard toward your goals and ambitions and, at the same time, be so controlling and demanding that you may question whose goals you are working to achieve. Brad constantly brings up issues of responsibilities.

Your Sun Sesqu. Brad’s Venus (orb 1-5 deg)

While you may like Brad very much, you may worry that you don’t share the same values. Your taste may be different. You may like different types of people. Sometimes you feel insecure in the relationship and feel less valued than you might wish.

Your Sun Quincunx Brad’s Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

Sometimes it seems to you that when Brad is speaking, it is not with a clear perception of who you are or what you believe to be true. This may make you a little uncomfortable. Watch a tendency to be a little overbearing.

Your Sun Quincunx Brad’s Mars (orb 1-5 deg)

Brad arouses in you either love or hate – nothing lukewarm here. There is a strong underlying sexual energy and if circumstances make this inappropriate, it may manifest in competitiveness or quarreling. Here is someone who really challenges you.

Your Sun Quincunx Brad’s Neptune (orb 1-5 deg)

There is a strong element of fantasy and idealization in this relationship and it is important to make sure that the person you think is so wonderful is really the person before you. Clarity is not the key word here. There is a lovely sense of Shangri-la.

Your Moon Quincunx Brad’s Uranus (orb 1-5 deg)

One thing’s for sure: Brad doesn’t exactly have a calming effect upon you emotionally. We might even go so far as to say that Brad rattles you at times. However, Brad also stimulates and intrigues you. Even if the ideas are odd, you must admit they’re not dull.

Your Moon Quincunx Brad’s Neptune (orb 1-5 deg)

Watch out for illusion. You have a tendency to over romanticize and idealize Brad. The truth is you don’t see each other very clearly. Emotionally, you may find this relationship quite confusing. Try not to be vulnerable to deception or flattery.

Your Mercury Quincunx Brad’s Venus (orb 1-5 deg)

There is something about Brad’s personal style and taste and way of expressing affection which doesn’t comfortably merge with your own. It may not exactly lead to war, but it may have delayed the initial attraction. Your philosophies aren’t quite in sync.

Your Sun does not aspect Brad’s Moon

While you may communicate very well on a rational level, sometimes you may feel as if Brad doesn’t really understand you. You may find Brad’s emotional responses incomprehensible as well. You have to make a special effort to share and connect.

Your Moon does not aspect Brad’s Moon

While you may like and respect each other and understand each other intellectually, there is an emotional distance which might prevent you from being truly at home with or comfortable with each other. You may, at times, find each other’s moods or responses puzzling.

Your Mercury does not aspect Brad’s Mercury

You don’t think alike. Even if you are in emotional accord, there are times you seriously question if you see the same world since, while your perceptions are not necessarily in conflict, they are so different. Discussions are rarely fruitful or pleasurable.

Brad’s Sun in your 5th house:

Basically, this is a love tie, whatever the external reality may be of this relationship. You have fun together. You enjoy many of the same things and share many of the same attitudes toward the arts and usually have a good time when you’re working on a project.

Brad’s personality has a strong effect on your creativity and encourages you to be personally expressive and the best you can be. This may lead to your becoming so sure of yourself, you find yourself taking unnecessary chances and risking security.

Brad’s Moon in your 6th house:

When it comes to working together, you are a good team. Brad is very sensitive to your moods and to the way you like things done. Even if you are not actually in a position of authority, Brad is helpful to you and assists you in your efforts.

It’s important that you don’t take advantage of this sensitivity. If you are not as in tune to Brad as Brad is to you, you may unconsciously pick up an unspoken resentment which would make you feel almost ill when you are together.

Brad’s Mercury in your 6th house:

You really rely on Brad’s judgment in your work. You would do well to work together on projects relating to writing, publishing or communications. Much of your conversation is centered around work projects. You may also share an interest in health matters.

Brad’s Venus in your 6th house:

You love to work with Brad – particularly on projects which are, in some way, creative. Even in other types of work, Brad brings out the best in you with cooperation and good humor. You value this input. What would you do without such support?

Brad has a wonderful effect upon your moods and sense of well-being. You simply function better when you are together. You even seem to take better care of yourself physically. All in all, Brad is a wonderful influence on your health and your productivity.

Brad’s Mars in your 6th house:

This is someone who probably means well but there is something about the way Brad works which gets on your nerves perhaps by being too bossy or too demanding. However, it may be that the source of your irritation is not in Brad, but in you. Some people’s energy can feel threatening.

It may be difficult for you to work cooperatively with Brad because of the feelings of competition between you. If you are not in touch with this, it may manifest in your not feeling very well when you are physically together.

Brad’s Jupiter in your 9th house:

This relationship has the potential for being truly inspirational. Brad enlarges your world through a special vision and philosophy and may play the role of your teacher. This unique perspective gives you a clarified sense of your life purpose.

You would travel wonderfully together. Frequently you visit far-off places which are not familiar to you. Brad is a wonderful guide and would be helpful to you in any matter relating to the law, education or public relations.

Brad’s Saturn in your 7th house:

This is someone you may very well know all your life. You will always expect a great deal from Brad in terms of love and loyalty. Sometimes if Brad is not behaving very affectionately, you may worry about the love but don’t ever question the loyalty.

This will never be a casual relationship. Your tie may be personal or professional, but unless you are comfortable with the commitment Brad is prepared to make, you will feel too pressured and uncomfortable to permit the relationship to function at all.

Brad’s Uranus in your 2nd house:

If you are looking for new and unusual ways to spend your money, stick with Brad who will have no problem coming up with something. If a stable financial situation is important to you, you may have to rethink this relationship and its volatile effects.

On the other hand, if you are looking for new and unusual ways to earn money, you should also stick with Brad whose originality and inventiveness and can stimulate you to add to your resources in ways which you wouldn’t have thought of independently.

Brad’s Neptune in your 4th house:

You could live very comfortably with Brad because you have similar ideas of the ideal, happy home. You also tend to like the same music and can, very happily, enjoy quiet times in which you enjoy being together even when doing different things.

Close as you may be, however, there is an elusive quality about Brad which remains mysterious to you. You may often sense what is being thought or felt but it surely isn’t being discussed. Sometimes you may wonder about out-and-out deception.

Brad’s Pluto in your 2nd house:

Either Brad is going to have a truly transforming effect upon your finances or you will come together at a time when you are undergoing major changes in this area and this relationship will play a significant role in the ensuing adjustment process.

You may also find that Brad has a subtle but far-reaching effect upon your value system. Brad’s influence has a particularly intense impact upon matters you did not consciously realize were as profoundly important to you as you now recognize that they are.

SECTION IV: The Relationship from Brad’s Point of View

Brad, the following information explains how you view your relationship with Angelina, and explores some of the major issues that arise.

Your Mars Square Angelina’s Mars (orb < 1 deg)

You don’t go about things in the same way. Perhaps one of you is more direct or more circuitous than the other. This can lead to quarrels because you don’t always feel like doing the same thing at the same time. This can be a strain on sexual compatibility.

Your Moon Quincunx Angelina’s Mercury (orb < 1 deg)

You often come away from discussions with Angelina feeling kind of irritated. You’ve made your point and Angelina replied but somehow there’s been no connection. The logic is there but not the understanding. You probably shouldn’t work together.

Your Asc. Conj Angelina’s Neptune (orb 1-5 deg)

Angelina has a special vision of you which corresponds to a secret inner sense you have of yourself. The experience of seeing your most private self both mirrored and idealized in an admired person’s eyes can be strangely exhilarating, unique and bonding.

Your Sun Oppos Angelina’s Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

There is something about the way Angelina thinks and communicates which enables you to be yourself. Sometimes it may seem as if Angelina is able to verbalize aspects of yourself you may have sensed but have never been able to adequately put into words or ideas.

Your Mercury Oppos Angelina’s Saturn (orb 1-5 deg)

Angelina tends to intimidate you and you don’t like to express ideas which are in disagreement. Even when you know you are right, you wind up feeling wrong. You often feel that Angelina misinterprets your ideas and doesn’t understand you.

Your Venus Oppos Angelina’s Venus (orb 1-5 deg)

While you may be very fond of each other, you’re quite dissimilar in some important ways. Your tastes diverge widely and you tend to express love very differently. You don’t like the same people and have different interests. You wish Angelina dressed differently.

Your Asc. Oppos Angelina’s Sun (orb 1-5 deg)

This is a natural partnership. Angelina has a type of dynamic energy you admire but can’t play out yourself. When you are together, this imbalance is corrected and you feel more whole and vital. You understand Angelina and enjoy giving center stage.

Your Mercury Square Angelina’s Jupiter (orb 1-5 deg)

The two of you talk easily. Angelina enables you both to expand your ideas and to express them. If anything, Angelina tends to trigger so much enthusiasm in you, sometimes you say more than you should. You trust Angelina’s intelligence and guidance.

Your Mercury Square Angelina’s MC (orb 1-5 deg)

This would be a very good working relationship. You connect very strongly with Angelina’s goals and ambitions and can, through your communication skills, work together to attain them. Angelina respects your intelligence and opinions and will frequently defer to your judgment.

Your Mars Square Angelina’s Moon (orb 1-5 deg)

Temper tantrums and irritations are real dangers to the viability of this relationship. Angelina’s sensitivity often annoys you to a point where you say or do things which are truly wounding. Whatever your tie, there is always emotional turbulence or conflicts.

Your Mars Square Angelina’s Pluto (orb 1-5 deg)

Your connection is intensely erotic and compulsive. Angelina’s personal magnetism both intrigues you and stimulates you to be at your productive best. Your energy may initiate major transforming changes in Angelina whose charisma empowers you.

Your MC Square Angelina’s Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

You really admire Angelina’s intelligence and way of speaking. There is something about it that you respect. It vibrates with a certain authority for you and you will defer to it. Angelina enjoys sharing new ideas with you. You would work well together.

Your Asc. Trine Angelina’s Moon (orb 1-5 deg)

Angelina identifies with you in a very personal way and you respond in a rather physical way to Angelina’s emotional state. Sometimes this can create great bonding and closeness and sometimes it can lead to irritation. This is a very intimate and emotional tie.

Your Asc. Trine Angelina’s Mars (orb 1-5 deg)

From the first meeting, Angelina’s physical presence affected you so strongly it was almost unsettling. You continue to find Angelina interesting and stimulating but when you need to relax, you seek quiet places where you can be totally alone and private.

Your Sun Sextile Angelina’s Uranus (orb 1-5 deg)

You may have met in a group situation and the basis of the strong mutual attraction was the unusual interests you share. You enjoy Angelina’s independence. It stimulates you to act on your own uniqueness, knowing you have the support of an admired friend.

Your MC Sextile Angelina’s Venus (orb 1-5 deg)

Angelina is attracted to your social or public image even though it isn’t entirely congruous with personal values and tastes. Sometimes you may feel that Angelina’s values and affectional needs may make achieving your personal goals somewhat more complicated.

Your Moon SemiSqr Angelina’s Neptune (orb 1-5 deg)

Watch out for illusion. You have a tendency to over romanticize and idealize Angelina. The truth is you don’t see each other very clearly. Emotionally, you may find this relationship quite confusing. Try not to be vulnerable to deception or flattery.

Your Sun Quincunx Angelina’s Venus (orb 1-5 deg)

While you may like Angelina very much, you may worry that you don’t share the same values. Your taste may be different. You may like different types of people. Sometimes you feel insecure in the relationship and feel less valued than you might wish.

Your Mercury Quincunx Angelina’s Sun (orb 1-5 deg)

You may occasionally be a little intimidated by Angelina or feel your ideas and opinions are either misunderstood or not being taken seriously. Even while you’re defending your views, Angelina has a way of making you feel privately insecure about your position.

Your Venus Quincunx Angelina’s Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

Communication and shared intellectual interests are an important part of your relationship but sometimes Angelina’s way of speaking or writing rubs you the wrong way. It’s not exactly what is being said, but the way it’s being said that may tend to bother you.

Your Sun does not aspect Angelina’s Moon

While you may communicate very well on a rational level, sometimes you may feel as if Angelina doesn’t really understand you. You may find Angelina’s emotional responses incomprehensible as well. You have to make a special effort to share and connect.

Your Moon does not aspect Angelina’s Moon

While you may like and respect each other and understand each other intellectually, there is an emotional distance which might prevent you from being truly at home with or comfortable with each other. You may, at times, find each other’s moods or responses puzzling.

Your Mercury does not aspect Angelina’s Mercury

You don’t think alike. Even if you are in emotional accord, there are times you seriously question if you see the same world since, while your perceptions are not necessarily in conflict, they are so different. Discussions are rarely fruitful or pleasurable.

Your Mercury does not aspect Angelina’s Venus

There is something about Angelina’s personal style and taste and way of expressing affection which doesn’t comfortably merge with your own. It may not exactly lead to war, but it may have delayed the initial attraction. Your philosophies aren’t quite in sync.

Angelina’s Sun in your 7th house:

Angelina has a personal vitality and energy you admire but don’t customarily express yourself. When you first met, Angelina struck you as a natural partner. You were instantly attracted, felt comfortable, and wanted to get to know each other more intimately.

This relationship is a true partnership. While there may be a lot of admiration and respect, neither of you assumes authority over the other. You may particularly appreciate your connection when dealing with the public. Angelina enhances your image.

Angelina’s Moon in your 4th house:

There were strong parallels in your childhood experiences and you intuitively sensed when you met Angelina that you had a great deal in common. Perhaps you were reminded of one of your parents. In any event, you experienced an odd familiarity from the beginning.

You both have similar ideas about the way a home should be and could live together quite compatibly. You are happily comfortable when the two of you are alone. Even if you don’t actually live together, Angelina understands your needs and creates an emotional nest for you.

Angelina’s Mercury in your 7th house:

You have a strong intellectual compatibility and this would be an excellent working or business partnership. You also share many views and communicate your ideas so well to each other that, as a team, you could probably make effective contact with the public.

Your relationship is also interesting with regard to your personal communications. Angelina really understands the most sensible way to approach you and may well be the one person on whom you can test out your new ideas. You know they will be understood.

Angelina’s Venus in your 8th house:

A subtle and delightful bond exists between you. Angelina arouses in you feelings of eroticism and sensuality as well as an odd sense Angelina intuitively understands and appreciates a side of you most people don’t see. This lends an intimacy to your tie.

Even if circumstances make a sexual relationship inappropriate, this energy is very strong between you and may manifest in other ways. You would, at the very least, find each other attractive. Angelina would also be creatively helpful in a business venture.

Angelina’s Mars in your 4th house:

Angelina is not interested in being kept at arm’s length. This is someone who wants to come to your home, meet your family and be a part of your inner circle. If you resist this for any reason, Angelina might become pushy. This can create problems and exacerbate family dislike or opposition to the relationship.

Living together should be considered with caution if domestic harmony is important to you. Angelina will be assertive, sometimes aggressively so. If you weren’t prepared to be extremely accommodating and flexible, petty quarrels and irritations could result.

Active involvement in a project of mutual interest might reduce the tension and be an effective channel for this energy. Should you have a problem finding a place to live or figuring out how to make your home more livable, Angelina can be astonishingly helpful to you.

Angelina’s Jupiter in your 4th house:

You really do enjoy living together. Angelina’s generous, genial, easygoing manner makes any home environment you would share a busy center for learning and growth as well as more personal satisfactions. You are very much at home together emotionally.

Any place you share for living or working must be spacious or you would both feel unendurably confined. Your early home lives may have contributed to your having very similar philosophies of life. Your home may also be a busy center for spirited discussions.

Angelina’s Saturn in your 8th house:

It would be better if this was a friendship or business relationship. There could be difficulties if it were more intimate or sexual. Of course, things can be worked out. The problem has to do with trust. You’re a little afraid to be vulnerable to Angelina.

You have a strong sense of responsibility for Angelina’s financial situation. If you don’t actually wind up paying the bills, you are certainly concerned about the expenses. Angelina’s lack of funds or judgment might reduce your own business prospects.

Angelina’s Uranus in your 11th house:

Your connection with Angelina may lead to a marked change in your social life. Your more conservative friends may fade out of the picture. They will be replaced by innovative, original people who hold unconventional views. Your first meeting may be unusual in some way.

Your relationship has a startling effect upon your goals which may outlive the relationship itself. It’s as though Angelina enters your life, shakes it up a bit, and departs. If Angelina stays, continue to expect lots of surprises. You definitely won’t get bored.

Angelina’s Neptune in your 12th house:

You may think you understand each other better than you do. Actually, you tend to weave many fantasies around Angelina. They range from romantic illusions to anxieties and suspicions which may be almost paranoiac. You sometimes find Angelina vaguely threatening.

This relationship may not have the best effect upon your state of mind. This is due in part to the fact that you are far more easily influenced and, perhaps, manipulated by Angelina than you may realize by bringing out aspects of your personality you cannot control.

Angelina’s Pluto in your 10th house:

Your life was at a crossroads when you met. You were at a point when you were considering transforming changes in life direction. Then Angelina came along and everything was set in motion. It’s still unclear if Angelina actually influenced you or was merely a catalyst.

Whatever position of authority you normally hold, when you’re with Angelina, the seat of power is clear. And you’re not sitting in it. Angelina’s influence over you can be quite astonishing. At times you almost appear to be irresistibly under a magical spell.

Report Order FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions related to Report Orders

Reports are generally delivered within 24 hours of order placement, or if there were missing details, within 24 hours of the receipt of full information needed to generate the report(s). Occasionally, an order might arrive a little late if there was an unexpected influx of orders, for example, a power outage, etc.

However, if 24 hours have passed and you don't find an email from Cafe Astrology ( in your inbox or spam folder, then please write and let us know. Please understand that we make every effort to send your order, and if this is impossible, you will receive a refund.

Some people have problems with email delivery, particularly with emails that have attachments. In these cases, we can put the report(s) in a secure place online for download. If you prefer this method regardless, write us an email at with the request or add the request in the notes with your order placement.

By default, we send report orders placed in this shop to the email address you enter during the checkout process. You can specify an email address where you prefer we send your reports.

No, you should specify that the birth time is unknown rather than guess it so that the report can be created specifically for unknown birth times.

Although unknown birth time reports can be a little shorter than the reports with known birth times, they only include information that is known. Most importantly, the ambiguous information is excluded from the report.

Some people feel that they will get more for their money if they guess at the birth time, as they assume that more interpretations in the reports are better. However, it's much better to have a shorter report with accurate interpretations than a longer report with a mix of accurate and inaccurate interpretations! In this case, less is definitely more.

Yes, absolutely. The start date of a report can be any date in the past or the future.

In the case of a Solar Return, the start date will be on or in the two days surrounding the birth month and day due to the nature of this type of forecasting technique, but the year of the report can be any year in the future or past.

In the case of the Time Line report, the software only allows the start date to be the first of any given month, for example, May 1st, 2017.

No, the shopping cart used on the site is run by Paypal, but all the usual payment options are included so that you can use credit cards, debit cards, and the like. There are different shopping cart technologies available to sellers, and Cafe Astrology has selected the Paypal shopping cart as its solution. All payment details are sent to Paypal and not to Cafe Astrology. Paypal sends Cafe Astrology an email with each order that lists the order details and email address, not any payment information. We are not set up as a merchant at this time.

Reports are based on your birth time, while horoscopes are based on solar charts. A solar chart places the Sun's sign on the Ascendant, and most people don't have the same Sun and Ascendant in their natal charts. While a solar chart is a valid chart and certainly has its merits, the natal chart should be the first you look at.

For reports, the default house system used is Placidus. However, you can request another house system for your order (example, Koch, Equal, Whole Sign, etc.).

It's important to note that there are many different valid methods for arriving at various astrology calculations, including the Zodiac (Sidereal or Tropical), system of houses used, method of progressing the houses in the case of progressions, use of current or birth location for certain forecasting techniques, and many more. It's rare that an astrology software program is making wrong calculations. Typically, discrepancies have to do with different systems and not about one or the other being "wrong." When the Ascendant differs, it's usually about an ambiguous time zone since we must use the time zone that was in effect at the time of birth and historical time zone information is not perfect. It is simply not true that any one particular software program has every historical time zone correct, although many efforts are made to get them right.

If you receive unexpected results, please send us an email at so we can look into the matter and explain the reasons for it, such as an ambiguous time zone or a particular calculation method. It's important to provide as many details as possible.

The Solar Return chart is drawn for the date and time of the return of the Sun to its exact position at birth, and not to the birthday itself. The Sun returns to its birth position once a year on or near the day of birth, and rarely coincides with the time of birth. For example, if my birthday is September 2nd, 1970 @ 5:00 PM, my Solar Return could be September 1st, 2016, @ 4:24 AM one year, September 2nd, 2017, @ 1:22 AM the next, and so forth. If the birth data is entered correctly on the report, you can expect the Solar Return date and time to be accurate.

Report orders are promised within approximately 24 hours from the time of order placement and complete information required to create the report. We send out reports by email and are at the report computer typically eight hours a day. Because orders and responses come in from all around the world at all hours of the day and night, rush orders are not possible. However, to prevent delays, making certain that you've included all information requested and that it's accurate will prevent the need for email back and forths that will cause delays.

Typically orders are emailed out within 12 hours or so, but they do sometimes come closer to 24 hours. The most common reason is a sudden influx of orders. There are times when more than the usual number of orders come in and it takes much longer to complete orders.

Within 24 hours of order placement, you should receive an email from Cafe Astrology, either as a request for further information or clarification if there is missing/unclear information or with a report attachment. If the information is incomplete, we will request it from you and you will receive your order within 24 hours of receipt of the full information necessary to create your report.

If you are buying more than one report in one order, you can enter birth information only once if you prefer. However, it's important to note that some reports require different or additional information, so be sure to supply all that is needed to create your reports.