for Annie
The Solar Return Chart
Astrologers use a number of techniques for forecasting, primarily Transits, Progressions and Returns, particularly the Solar Return. This is the first report writer to provide a detailed interpretation of the Solar Return chart, both as an independent chart and in relationship to the natal chart. For those who are interested in technical details, the program provides a list of the planets’ positions in the natal chart and the Solar Return chart.
Solar Return charts are calculated for the place where you are on your birthday. Check the Solar Return data on the lower right hand portion of this page to see that the location and date are correct. Please note that the Sun may return to its birth position the day before or after your actual date of birth. Therefore, a difference of one day is not uncommon. You can see the position of the Sun, is the same for both the natal chart and the Solar Return chart.
The Solar Return Chart by Ray Merriman
Welcome to your Solar Return! The interpretations given herein apply to your year ahead, based upon the principles outlined in The Solar Return Book of Prediction by Raymond A. Merriman (Seek-It Publications, 1977, West Bloomfield, MI). In addition, there is a great deal of new material added just for this custom program!
The Importance of the Solar Return Moment “Being There on Time”
The exact time of one’s solar return is a sacred annual event for each individual. It happens at only one specific moment each year. It is at that moment – and only that moment – in which the Earth/Sun relationship is exactly the same as when you were born. Such a moment constitutes an “event”, and as with all events, this one too is the basis for a horoscope of import.
However the importance of this horoscope is unique only to the individual to whom it applies. The quality of that “moment” (i.e. the time of one’s solar return) becomes the “seed” of that annual cycle. It is the basis for a horoscope that will describe the astrological factors in effect for that one-year cycle. A “moment” of such importance favors a certain mind-set of the individual as it occurs. This is especially true if one accepts the premise that thought creates (or influences) reality. If every moment of time has its own unique quality, then one would want the “quality” of the solar return “moment” to be special in a favorable way, especially since it becomes the horoscope for the year in that person’s life.
Given this premise, the individual is encouraged to enter the solar return moment with a sense of reverence. The individual is encouraged to put some thought and effort into assuring that this moment is somehow empowered, infused, with an energy or thoughts consistent with what that individual would want to experience in the coming year.
What should one do at this moment? That of course is up to each individual (you). Obviously it would not be a favorable omen if you engaged in an argument, or sat home brooding, or went to work in an atmosphere of frustration or boredom. Such experiences at the time of your solar return would likely set the foundation for your mind-set for the entire year – and it would be negative.
The following ideas are intended only as suggestions. They take into account the premise that your solar return is the most personally sacred of all days of the year for you. Therefore, going into the moment of a solar return, you are advised to plan something special, something ideally that would “empower” that moment for you. A ritual of some sort might be a good idea.
For instance, you might take into account your location-to-be at that moment. Choose some place special, some place in which you are comfortable, happy, and in harmony with. Perhaps it is near a lake, ocean, river, or mountain. Perhaps it is on a beach or in a forest. Or perhaps it is in a favorite room.
Set the “stage”. Perhaps you wish to have a candle burning, and/or music playing. Perhaps the direction you are facing (North, East, West or South – facing the Sun, or the Moon) has special meaning to you. Perhaps there are artifacts (i.e. pets, jewelry, stones) that have personal meaning, and you wish to display them in your “circle.” Perhaps there is a special person whom you have decided to share this moment with.
The setting (if effected) should be completely set at least ten minutes prior to the solar return moment. As you enter the 10 minute time band leading into the solar return moment, you may consider beginning a meditation. How one meditates is completely individualistic. Perhaps you prefer to just enter a very relaxed state. Perhaps you like to chant. Perhaps you use visualization or affirmation exercises. If the latter, then after achieving a state of relaxation, you might visualize the areas of interest coming up in the next year. In this visualization exercise, you might try to see yourself happy and successful in each situation.
This meditation should last into – and slightly beyond – the solar return moment. Once the moment has passed, and the meditation is complete, you are encouraged to give thanks. This may be done in a prayer, or whatever form is sacred to you. In this way, you bring a gentle closure to the sacred moment which has just passed, a moment which has now become the foundation for the one-year cycle about to begin.
You cannot be late for this moment. Otherwise, you might be symbolically late throughout the entire year. Do not take this moment in time lightly. Otherwise, all of your affairs may be symbolically taken lightly all year. The solar return is best viewed in the spirit of a pilgrimage, or a mission. It is the most important “holiday” of the year to you. It is the one time during the year that you are “connected” to the Infinite through the special relationship of the Earth and Sun. It is a moment when you are potentially in tune with your destiny, which is signified by the Earth/Sun relationship. The Sun is what you are becoming (the future, your growth potential). The Earth is where you have incarnated (present, your being). Give it the reverence it is due.
General Overview for the Year
At the time of your solar return, planets are positioned throughout the sky in a system known as “houses.” Houses are simply a 12-fold division of the sky as seen from the location of your solar return.
These 12 houses are furthermore divided into three types: angular, succedent, and cadent houses. Each of these types have certain general meanings. The more planets you have in a certain type of house, the more it points to a certain type of year about to unfold. The character of the year will be shaped greatly by which house types have the most – and the least – number of planets.
In this calculation, both your natal and the solar return planets are used, as they fall within your solar return horoscope.
The majority of your natal and solar return planets fall in:
Balance: Having a balance of planets in each house type is most desirable. You have this, and it indicates a “balanced” approach to life, a nice combination of initiative, follow-through, and inspiration or new ideas.
The House Containing the Sun
The Sun is definitely the most important planet (star) to consider in the interpretation of solar returns, for the whole chart is based upon its principle. It is the only placement which is always identical (by longitude) in the natal as well as the solar return chart. Its house position shows where the greatest growth may take place during the year and where one may express the self creatively. It also denotes the area of greatest recognition as well as the area where the individual will “identify” the self this year. It is an indication of success according to house placement — an area where the person may “shine” and show honor, a place where the individual may take pride in his or her accomplishments.
The houses have basically the same principles in the interpretation of a solar return chart as they do in a natal chart. The only difference is that the solar return houses are temporal in nature, and thus the actual interpretation of their meaning will be slightly modified because of this factor.
The Sun, at the time of your solar return, falls in the 1st house.
1st house: You will tend to project a very confident and vibrant self for the coming year. Your effort will tend to be successful and bring you much recognition and attention. You tend to come across with radiance and happiness to others, with a sense of strength and “take charge”. You may assume positions of leadership and control, and be the one “in charge” in your surroundings. Overall it portends good health and psychological strength, and a year of great personal growth.
It may also indicate financial fears. Even though there is much activity, there may be some question as to your ability to save or accumulate wealth. The “I desire” or “I am” part of the yourself at this time may be quite strong too, and you must be careful of coming across egotistical, self-centered, or to demanding of others.
Cusp Conjunctions of Solar Return or Natal Planets
An area of life is highly emphasized for the year of the solar return if a solar return or natal planet conjuncts any house cusp. The orb of the conjunction is approximately 3 degrees, 45 minutes, either side of the house cusp. The house system preferred (default) by the author is Placidus, Tropical method.
The planet making the conjunction describes the nature of activities – events, conditions – that tend to unfold in the coming year. This planet’s nature is highlighted as being prominent for this year.
In your solar return chart, you have the following planets conjunct a house cusp:
Natal Moon on the 8th house cusp:
This denotes where many changes — and hence, events — may occur for you during this year. This is an area where you may have great needs, especially emotionally. Your public image for the year may be affected by circumstances that unfold in this area of life. It also indicates the areas of life in which you may form significant relationships (intimate ones) for the year. It can indicate a potential partnership or marriage in that area of life during the year. It may also indicate an area of life where dependencies upon, or with, other people may form, and these dependencies may not be healthy for you if a high degree of trust is not present. Personal qualities exhibited in this area of life are sensitive, caring, emotional, and perhaps fickle and restless.
The 8th house pertains to your dealings with taxes, insurance, estate and death matters, and also sexual issues. It may describe the nature of threats you encounter during the year, but if positive, may also describe gifts, loans, scholarships, grants, etc. It describes the nature of one’s research or investigative pursuits. It may also indicate conflicts between obligations to others versus work which one wishes to pursue.
Solar Return Mercury on the 1st house cusp:
This denotes an area of life in which correspondence, writings, business deals and transactions, signing of papers, and areas of current mental or intellectual interests may lie this year. It describes the areas in life in which you may make deals. New ideas may be expressed or learned here. In addition, you may be of service to others in this area of life. It is in these areas that you may be called forth to deal with younger people. In short, this is where a great deal of your mental energy is spent in the next year, and where communications skills come in very handy. It presents ample opportunities for learning. The qualities exhibited in this area of life are intelligence, knowledge, communicative but perhaps critical skills.
The 1st house (Ascendant) pertains to all of your efforts; the manner in which you come across to others; your immediate surroundings, and how you tend to conduct yourself, or present yourself to others. This deals with your health, your basic energy level, and in general, describes how you see your year – the “umbrella” of the year. It describes what you desire of yourself and for yourself this year.
Solar Return Jupiter on the 8th house cusp:
These are areas where unions and matters of “good fortune” occur; the areas where you might succeed and expand yourself in a favorable way. Beneficial contacts and opportunities are likely to arise here, so it is to your advantage to push matters (i.e. be assertive perhaps) in these areas. You will tend to meet with favor from other people here, particularly on a social level. It also is an area in which educational and teaching opportunities may be presented. In short, look for success and happiness in this area over the next year. However, also be aware of a tendency to “over-indulge” here. Temptations to go against your basic nature may be strong, so use common sense and good judgment in order to enjoy this area to its maximum potential – without debilitating consequences later on. The qualities you tend to exhibit here are friendly, hopeful, optimistic, happy, charitable, but perhaps “too loose.”
The 8th house pertains to your dealings with taxes, insurance, estate and death matters, and also sexual issues. It may describe the nature of threats you encounter during the year, but if positive, may also describe gifts, loans, scholarships, grants, etc. It describes the nature of one’s research or investigative pursuits. It may also indicate conflicts between obligations to others versus work which one wishes to pursue.
Solar Return Uranus on the 8th house cusp:
These are areas where sudden changes are experienced, where matters are apt to be rather erratic and unpredictable during the year. It shows where you may either encounter separations from established relationships or attractions to new ones. It indicates an area where ingenuity may be applied, or an “awakening” transpires, frequently attracting others to you because of such “original” ideas. It is possible that new developments in technology or with computers and/or software programs play an important role for you in this area during the year. It signifies the area of life where you might become extraordinary, or at the least, non-conforming and unconventional. Here you can expect the unexpected to occur. That which you take for granted as secure isn’t; that which you never expected to work out, may indeed work out. Surprises are in store for you here, so it’s best to be flexible and adaptable in this area of life. It could be exciting or disturbing. It is also an area where you may exhibit a very poor sense of timing – you are ahead of yourself and others. The qualities you tend to exhibit are charismatic, excitable, inventive, ingenious, but perhaps arrogant and over-zealous.
The 8th house pertains to your dealings with taxes, insurance, estate and death matters, and also sexual issues. It may describe the nature of threats you encounter during the year, but if positive, may also describe gifts, loans, scholarships, grants, etc. It describes the nature of one’s research or investigative pursuits. It may also indicate conflicts between obligations to others versus work which one wishes to pursue.
Natal Ascend. on the 8th house cusp:
This signifies a special area of importance to you this year. You are likely to project much energy into this area. Immediate attention may be necessary to handle circumstances which arise here. It is an area in which you hope to succeed (and probably will), to “look good,” both to yourself and to others.
The 8th house pertains to your dealings with taxes, insurance, estate and death matters, and also sexual issues. It may describe the nature of threats you encounter during the year, but if positive, may also describe gifts, loans, scholarships, grants, etc. It describes the nature of one’s research or investigative pursuits. It may also indicate conflicts between obligations to others versus work which one wishes to pursue.
Perceiving Reality and Relationships: Planets in Aspect to the Solar Return Horizon
Since the time and location of the solar return set up a structure (astrologically) for which an experience will occur that the individual will relate to, the foundation of that structure becomes extremely significant. This structural foundation is symbolized by the angles of the horoscope, the axes of the Earth, in which all the zodiac and all of the planets combine within. The relationship of these axes (angles) to the planets — both natal and solar return planets– give special meaning to the structure of experience the native will undergo during the period of the solar return’s influence (one year).
A planet (solar return and natal) in close aspect to the solar return horizon (Ascendant-Descendant) — orb no more than six degrees — affects the nature of how one perceives reality, how one projects the self, what one considers important in dealing with others, and the behavior and activities which one expresses in the world during the year. It also describes how one tends to handle situations as they arise during the year.
The following represents a brief description of the planets (solar return and natal) in close aspect to the Ascendant/ Descendant axis in the solar return wheel (plus means trine, sextile and conjunction aspects; minus means square and sometimes conjunction aspects):
Return Mercury Conjunction Ascendant (Orb: 026′)
Mercury in harmonious aspect to horizon: This year is favorable for communications of all kinds: writings, speeches, business transactions, negotiations, sales, and reading. The mind is highly alert and active, and very ripe for new learning – whether intellectually or in terms of learning a new skill. It is also favorable for teaching a skill to others. You are encouraged to make deals with others, as everyone (especially you) tends to benefit. It is also favorable for working with young people, doing any kind of detailed or analytical projects, and purchasing a new computer, computer products, or automobile. You tend to exhibit excellent organizational skills.
Return Venus Sextile Ascendant (Orb: 030′)
Venus in harmonious aspect to horizon: This is a year in which agreements and relationships of a very positive nature may unfold. In business, agreements lead to financial success. Many new and favorable contacts and contracts may arise, and you are encouraged to pursue these. Others seem to find you most agreeable and pleasant to be with. For the year, you exude more than your usual grace and charm. Romantic matters also are highlighted. You have a wonderful and appealing nature which draws others to you. In addition, your personal appearance is very attractive – even you like the way you look! Furthermore, others whom you find exciting and attractive come into your life, and from this, love may transpire. Things of beauty and value may also come into your possession. Financially, you tend to do very well this year, and your savings may increase, thus affording you a greater sense of financial and psychological security. You are encouraged to purchase things that will make you feel “good” about yourself, or to change your appearance in some way if you wish (i.e. clothing, plastic surgery, etc.). You may also function very well as a mediator between two opposing views, and receive compliments from both sides. If the aspect to the Ascendant is not exact, you may wish to consult with a qualified professional astrologer who can advise you on where this aspect would be more exact. The closer this aspect is to exact, the more powerful its correlation to your life experience is likely to be.
Return Mars Sextile Ascendant (Orb: 453′)
Mars in harmonious aspect to horizon: This is a year of great motivation to do things successfully. You seem highly charged and energetic, and very self-directed. Your pioneering spirit can be a great aid in starting a particular (or many) new ventures. You seem eager to try new things. One area that may be of great benefit is physical exercise or athletic competition – or competition of any kind this year. You tend to fare very well in such endeavors. This indicates a year of great activity, and one not given to boredom.
Return Pluto Trine Ascendant (Orb: 423′)
Pluto in harmonious aspect to horizon: This is a year in which you might feel and express tremendous power and influence over others. You have the ability to positively affect the lives of others, to help them (and yourself) make a successful transformation at a crisis point in life. You are like a psychologist or detective. This is a year of great insight and discovery. It favors research and intense study. What you find could be powerfully illuminating. It is a favorable year for getting rid of things that are no longer relevant to your life, and for terminating relationships that have been detrimental. It may be favorable for entering into new financial partnerships, or collecting debts owed to you by others. In group settings you tend to wield much influence, and be an agent of constructive reform, reflecting the values of the larger group who this group supposedly represents.
The Significance of Vocation and Family: Planets in Aspect to the Solar Return Meridian
A planet in close aspect to the meridian — Midheaven and I.C. axis — describes influences upon your vocation and home or family matters. It may also describe your spiritual impetus in the coming year and sense of purpose.
You have the following planets in close aspect to your solar return meridian this year.
Return Moon Trine Midheaven (Orb: 106′)
Moon in harmonious aspect to meridian: Your work may feel like a family, and your family may be very supportive of your work this year. Both family members and work associates care a great deal about you. You are truly blessed this year with love. Any matters dealing with real estate or relocation seem to go very smoothly. If there are changes professionally, they also seem to coincide with favorable changes in income.
Natal Sun Trine Midheaven (Orb: 629′)
Sun in harmonious aspect to meridian: This year favors recognition in your profession. Along with this may come financial gains. It portends great growth and success in regard to your work and home, which directly enhances yours confidence in yourself. It brings clarity to your sense of purpose. You tend to feel favorably identified with your work, or “calling in life.”
This is a very favorable set up, and if the aspect is not exact (within 1 degree), you may wish to travel a short distance (i.e. probably less than 300 miles) to bring it closer to being exact. The more exact this planetary aspect is to the meridian, the more powerful this planet’s nature is likely to be in your life this year. Consult a qualified professional astrologer for assistance in this matter if you are open to it.
Return Mercury Square Midheaven (Orb: 546′)
Mercury in discordant aspect to meridian: Numerous deals and/or agreements seem to go awry this year. Misunderstandings seem to undermine your business and family efforts, and it is necessary to stay clear and current with others. There may be difficulties with co-workers who seem uncooperative.
Natal Venus Square Midheaven (Orb: 410′)
Venus in discordant aspect to meridian: Obtaining agreements from others in work, or sale of property, may be difficult this year. It may not be easy to reach a point of compromise where all sides feel a gain. Your goals at work may be thwarted by others who are not as ambitious as you, or perhaps are jealous of you. It may be the other way around too – perhaps you are the one thwarting the goals of others. A need for compromise and a spirit of teamwork are necessary in order to complete projects successfully. You may need to be careful of distractions caused by romantic thoughts, or partners who are not carrying their fair share of responsibilities. These could lead to a sense of falling behind in your financial obligations.
Natal Mars Conjunct Nadir (Orb: 405′)
Mars in discordant aspect to meridian: This year may be fraught with numerous battles and conflicts, both in home and at work. It may be helpful to develop more sensitivity to the effects your actions are having upon others around you. They may feel you are making too many hasty and unwise decisions, decisions that are detrimental to the goals of the company or family. Perhaps you might ask them their thoughts on the matter before embarking upon it. Otherwise you may find yourself stepping on many toes, and upsetting those who support you may have been counting on. The result could be loss of support, even loss of job, as well as conflict within your own home. This set up portends some difficult conditions during the year. You may wish to consider traveling elsewhere for your solar return in order to remove this aspect. If you are open to this idea, you are advised to consult with a qualified professional astrologer for assistance.
Return Jupiter Sextile Midheaven (Orb: 302′)
Jupiter in harmonious aspect to meridian: A great deal of success and growth are possible in your work and home setting this year. Opportunities abound. There is great joy and happiness possible. Along with this comes the possibility of a large bonus or increase in income. If you are in business for yourself, then sales probably increase greatly as a number of new accounts and contacts are developed. There is no need to go anywhere else for your solar return, as this setup is one of the most favorable possible. It is also possible that there is cause to celebrate in your family. Perhaps it coincides with the birth of a child, grandchild, or a marriage – either yours or someone close to you in the family. Unions of many kinds are possible, and they all look favorable. This is a very favorable set up, and if the aspect is not exact (within 1 degree), you may wish to travel a short distance (i.e. probably less than 300 miles) to bring it closer to being exact. The more exact this planetary aspect is to the meridian, the more powerful this planet’s nature is likely to be in your life this year. Consult a qualified professional astrologer for assistance in this matter if you are open to it.
Return Saturn Trine Midheaven (Orb: 421′)
Saturn in harmonious aspect to meridian: This is a year gaining respect and prestige in your work or community. You get what you deserve, according to the amount and quality of effort you put into your duties. You may tend to be very thorough and organized, which helps in the successful completion of important projects. It also enhances your image as an authority, or expert, in your field. Many years of solid work now gives credibility and status to your position. Your reputation in your field is now earned, and you may feel as if you have finally “arrived.” There may also be a clarity of purpose in life, a sense of fulfillment in terms of understanding, or realizing, your “calling in life.” There is a sense of self satisfaction for a job well done.
Return Uranus Sextile Midheaven (Orb: 306′)
Uranus in harmonious aspect to meridian: This may be a year of a windfall financially or professionally. A major shift in one’s work – and hence one’s income – is possible. Sudden opportunities arise to move in a new direction professionally, and you are encouraged to explore this possibility. It could open up new ground for you, and be quite exciting. It may also lead to changes in residence. Any dealings with computers or electronics are highlighted favorably. Developments here may be favorable to your work or career. Developments with new or old friends may also be positive, particularly as they apply to your career or work prospects. Work seems to be a real “turn on” now, as new challenges arouse your sense of adventure. You may be very inspired, so do not be afraid to try new things.
Return Neptune Square Midheaven (Orb: 517′)
Neptune in discordant aspect to meridian: This is a year in which your reputation is vulnerable. You may be the subject of gossip and even slander. It is very important for you to conduct all of your professional and social efforts totally above board. You must remain above reproach, for if you do anything that lets others down, they may cause great embarrassment to you. Trust is also an important issue in all relationships and work efforts this year. Know who you are dealing with – are they honest? You yourself must also be honest in your dealings, or it will come back to haunt you. Take extra precautions to make sure you understand correctly what others are saying – do not assume anything that has the slightest chance of being interpreted differently by others. By the same token, make sure you are very clear in your communications to others – do not allow them to interpret issues in any other way than what you intend. The danger this year is that a major misunderstanding could lead to great loss and/or embarrassment. This could be very disappointing to you and others.
This set up portends some difficult conditions during the year. It may be wise to consider traveling elsewhere for your solar return in order to remove this planetary aspect to your meridian. If you are open to this idea, you are advised to consult with a qualified professional astrologer for assistance.
Being in the Flow: Solar Return Planets Related to their Natal Positions
Some years we feel totally in synch with certain aspects of our nature, and some years we feel completely out of synch. Such periods may show in the relationship of your solar return planets to the natal planets of the same type. Although specific aspects between the two (solar return and natal planet of same type) are most powerful, a simple analysis of gender can be quite revealing. Generally speaking, if the solar return planet is in the same sign as your natal counter-point, you tend to be very much in synch with that planetary principle. If they are even in the same gender (Earth-Water are Yin, or Feminine, while Fire-Air are Yang, or Masculine), there is the sense of being compatible and in synch with this planetary principle. However, when the planet of the same type are in different genders, and especially if square or semi-square to one another, we may feel awkward and out of synch with that principle.
We will now examine the gender relationships between the solar return and natal planets of the same type, and see the areas in which you feel in synch with your natural rhythms, and which areas you may feel out of synch with those rhythms. In those cases where the two actually make an aspect to each other that aspect is listed. Sextiles and Trines tend to be favorable, as do most conjunctions. The squares and oppositions may be more discordant, although the opposition benefits by being in the same gender in most cases.
Moon to Moon: When the solar return Moon aspects its own natal position, it is a year in which one’s emotions and public image are highlighted.
Moon to Moon, Different Gender: Obstacles, conflicts, and awkwardness in your emotional life may be felt this year. This may result in tension and discomfort with those close to you. You may tend towards moodiness, and your traits and mannerisms seem to upset those who are close to you. This may be a period of social discomfort, frustrations in the domestic realm and with members of the family, associating with those who do not fulfill your emotional needs (you may feel hurt and/or angry at these people). This may be a year of inner struggles, blockage of your basic psychological urges, and role disparity leading to erratic behavior.
Mercury to Mercury, Different Gender: You are apt to be more scattered in energy than usual (restless and/or nervous). You may find little time for rest and relaxation, and you are advised to make time for the latter. It also indicates a year of potential misunderstandings with others, likely causing annoyance and some frustration. You can help this matter greatly by adopting an open-minded, flexible attitude towards new ideas. Basically you may find your self out of synch mentally. The ideas you are accustomed to may not be readily embraced by others. Perhaps it is wise to see things from the others’ viewpoint this year.
Venus to Venus, Different Gender: Inharmonious situations with those whom you love may be experienced this year. It portends a time of disagreements, or differences in desires with those whom you want to please. Generally speaking, this is a year of incompatibility with others, social differences, discontent with your appearance and/or style and taste, and not being able to acquire things that give you pleasure. There may also be a great deal of indecisiveness and hesitation in making up your mind. Psychological conflicts regarding personal values may arise, which could cause some embarrassment. There may be problems figuring ways to please others. You are advised to be more firm and at the same time compromising with others, seeking those means that will provide the greatest balance and harmony in your life, and also to avoid displays of pomp and arrogance which will be upsetting to others you may be trying to please or impress. Chill out, and understand you may not be able to please others all the time – nor will they always be able to please you.
Mars to Mars, Different Gender: A tendency towards carelessness leading to accidents and/or disagreements (arguments) may highlight this year. There is a tendency for rashness and bluntness, perhaps causing offense to others. You are advised to be cautious of jumping into new things without thinking carefully (and consequently letting others down as you then jump out just as fast). You may lack foresight, thereby leaving new projects unfinished. There may be problems with self-assertiveness, obstacles in the success of new ventures — perhaps even catastrophes of sorts. You may also feel over-stimulated and/or excited. You are advised to think before acting, to use discretion and care in all projects, especially new ones, and to practice safety in all of your affairs and activities where danger of accidents is even remotely possible. It may not be favorable to take an aggressive or competitive stance with others this year, as you are out of synch with your basic physical instincts.
Areas of Harmony or Stress: Aspects to a House Ruler by Planets in its House
A planet in a house, in an aspect (especially major aspect) to the ruler of that same house, will indicate the ease or the difficulties to be encountered in those areas of life ruled by that house, according to the nature of the aspect. Of course, most of the planets in a particular house do not usually aspect the ruler of that house, but in those cases where they do, the nature of the aspect will indicate whether matters pertaining to that house will go smoothly and harmoniously (harmonious aspect) or whether they will tend to be obstacle-forming and conflict-orienting in their nature (affliction aspect). The aspects between these two planets, when they occur, take precedence over all other aspects to the planet located in the house.
This method applies to a solar return planet located in a particular solar return house, in aspect to the ruling planet of that house. That ruling planet may be either the solar return or natal planet. In cases where the solar return planet falls in the same solar return house as the ruler of that house, this may be treated as a conjunction. The matters of that house are thus considered very significant for the year.
First house planets in discordant aspect to rulers:
This year may fall short of your expectations. Recognition or attention comes your way, but it may not of a flattering kind. You may find yourself the subject of criticism, probably as a result of how you express yourself. You might want to check out your emotional and mental state: are you depressed? are you angry? are you too sensitive? are you too critical? If so, make an effort to overcome these negative states, otherwise others may not feel like associating closely with you. You may also have to pay close attention to your physical as well as psychological health, for this set up does not favor a healthy constitution.
Third house planets in discordant aspect to rulers:
Misunderstandings and difficulties in communications mark this year. Tensions may be present in relationship to siblings or neighbors. You may experience problems with automobiles or any communications equipment (i.e. computers, telephones, fax machines, etc.).
Fourth house planets in discordant aspect to rulers:
This year may be fraught with domestic troubles. There tends to be a very unsettling feeling to one’s residence and/or family. Close relationships may sour. In addition, there may be an inner, or spiritual crisis. It may be wise to spend time in meditation and reflection during this year. It is generally not a favorable time to relocate, or it may indicate structural problems with the house you currently live in.
Fifth house planets in harmonious aspect to rulers:
This year indicates excellent relations with your children. It is generally a very happy and creative year, filled with many pleasurable experiences in one’s social life. It favors romance and play. Entertaining, and going out to see entertainment, is favorable this year. All in all, it is a marvelous time to enjoy yourself. If you speculate, you may experience much success. Socially, you may be very popular.
Eighth house planets in harmonious aspect to rulers:
This year presents an opportunity to get out of unhealthy and or unproductive relationships that have been plaguing you. Matters of great difficulty may now be brought to a culmination, and successfully terminated – at least terminated for your good. Matters to do with taxes, insurance and estate settlements may work in your favor, and from these you may receive sizable moneys. If you engage in research efforts, there is much of value waiting to be discovered. It is a year of insight. It is also a year that may highlight exciting and satisfying sexual activity. You may be given, or have earned, a position of influence and power as well.
Significant Time Periods for the Year Indicated by the Solar Return Chart
The art of predicting events — or changes — and the timing of such by the solar return chart is a three-fold process. The first of these, the progressed solar return Moon, will be discussed initially, whereas transits and the “one degree per day angular progression” methods will follow.
Time Bands of Significant Change: The Progressed Solar Return Moon
The following is a listing of the dates in which your progressed solar return Moon makes these exact aspects in the course of the next year, and their potential implications in your life at that time. Please note two things: first, you must allow an orb of six weeks before and after each date, as these progressed lunar aspects have a time band in which they may be effective. Second, this listing covers the period beginning three months before your actual solar return date, and 15 months following it. It covers an 18-month time band.
The reason for this is that your life doesn’t just suddenly change on your birthday. There is a transition phase in which the conditions and issues of the last year (as shown in last year’s solar return) begin to give way to the new conditions and issues denoted by this years solar return. According to the principles developed by Raymond A. Merriman in The Solar Return Book of Prediction, this transition phase begins three months prior to your birthday, and continues for three months following your birthday. That is, three months prior to your solar return (when transiting Sun squares your natal Sun), you begin to witness the issues and conditions arising that will be relevant during your next birth year. Furthermore, the issues you are working through in any solar return year, will continue to be of importance for about three months following your next solar return (when the transiting Sun forms the waxing square to your natal Sun). You don’t just leave those issues at once at the time of your birthday. During the three months before and after your birthday, there is this transition period where the conditions of the past begin to be resolved (or require less and less attention), and the new conditions and issues – shown in the new chart – begin to command increasingly more attention.
During the 18 months surrounding your solar return (3 months before through 15 months following), your progressed solar return Moon makes the following aspects to your solar return and natal planets, or their solstice points:
Jun 16, 2010: Moon Quincunx Venus (Natal)
Within six weeks of this date you may feel uninspired, lazy, and lethargic. You may feel amorous, like you would like love in your life, but either your relationships are not terribly exciting, or else you yourself may not be acting with much enthusiasm. Perhaps the right person for you is not around, or if she/he is, then perhaps the relationship is having difficulties. This may be a period of great indecision and wavering. Taking too long to make up your mind could be costly. Opportunities may disappear or be withdrawn. Furthermore you may not feel very attractive. You may be hard to please. This is not a favorable time to make large purchases, or to radically alter your appearance or style, although some amount of shopping may be helpful to the spirit temporarily. It may be in your best interest to be more independent, and less reliant upon others, now. It may also be useful to clearly think out what it is you want in regard to others, and to clearly express these thoughts to them – especially in business matters, but also in personal relationships. You can meet people now, but tread carefully before making any commitments.
Jul 01, 2010: Moon Opposition Midhvn. (Return Solstice Point)
Within three months of this date, you may experience changes for the better in your work and/or home. Yet this may be accompanied by a great deal of worry and restlessness if the aspect is a conjunction or opposition. There is much support for your changes here. Whether you actually change careers, or just work on different projects within the same role, the change appears beneficial. There is a feeling of “family” with those who you work with. At home, there is a special bond between you and your spouse, children, parents, or whomever you might live with. Your nurturing qualities are appreciated by others. This period favors changes in residence should you or your relatives wish to move.
Jul 08, 2010: Moon Sextile Moon (Natal)
Within six weeks of this date, you may feel a great and special love for – and from – someone in your life. This arouses the closeness and intimacy drive. This is a fine time to do very special things with people whom you care a great deal about. These experiences may be deeply cherished, and remembered fondly. It is an excellent period for family activities and any domestic changes you wish to make (i.e. renovation, moving, fertility, pets, etc.). A bond is likely strengthened between you and someone special. It is a time that you can depend upon others, and they can depend upon you.
Jul 18, 2010: Moon Sextile Uranus (Return)
Within six weeks of this date, you are apt to feel great excitement in your life. It is as if you’ve suddenly been turned on. You have great new ideas, in fact perhaps some kind of breakthrough – either in your work life, social life, or mentally speaking. This is an inventive period for you. New possibilities come to mind. As you tap into this new awareness, you become very magnetic to others around you. They are now attracted to you, turned on by your energy. This period favors computers, technology, travel, new automobiles, new adventures, and new friends or romance. Extraordinary things can happen, and this creates much youthful vigor and excitement.
Jul 20, 2010: Moon Sextile Jupiter (Return)
Within six weeks of this date you may experience a great deal of success and/or happiness in all of your affairs. This is a time of celebration and joy. Perhaps there are many occasions to socialize or party with friends and/or family. There may be weddings, announcements of births, or other special occasions with which to celebrate. Or, it may be just a very active and pleasurable social period. Your attitude of friendliness and positive thinking helps you in dealings with others. There may be gains through work, contracts, and agreements. Unions with people are positive now as well. This is a time of expansion and success, bringing about great happiness in general. If you are in school, or learning or teaching something of value, or traveling, your experience tends to be very positive. This is a time of confidence and “good feeling.”
Aug 03, 2010: Moon Sextile Moon (Return Solstice Point)
Within six weeks of this date, you may feel a great and special love for – and from – someone in your life. This arouses the closeness and intimacy drive. This is a fine time to do very special things with people whom you care a great deal about. These experiences may be deeply cherished, and remembered fondly. It is an excellent period for family activities and any domestic changes you wish to make (i.e. renovation, moving, fertility, pets, etc.). A bond is likely strengthened between you and someone special. It is a time that you can depend upon others, and they can depend upon you.
Oct 01, 2010: Moon Trine Jupiter (Return Solstice Point)
Within six weeks of this date you may experience a great deal of success and/or happiness in all of your affairs. This is a time of celebration and joy. Perhaps there are many occasions to socialize or party with friends and/or family. There may be weddings, announcements of births, or other special occasions with which to celebrate. Or, it may be just a very active and pleasurable social period. Your attitude of friendliness and positive thinking helps you in dealings with others. There may be gains through work, contracts, and agreements. Unions with people are positive now as well. This is a time of expansion and success, bringing about great happiness in general. If you are in school, or learning or teaching something of value, or traveling, your experience tends to be very positive. This is a time of confidence and “good feeling.”
Oct 03, 2010: Moon Trine Uranus (Return Solstice Point)
Within six weeks of this date, you are apt to feel great excitement in your life. It is as if you’ve suddenly been turned on. You have great new ideas, in fact perhaps some kind of breakthrough – either in your work life, social life, or mentally speaking. This is an inventive period for you. New possibilities come to mind. As you tap into this new awareness, you become very magnetic to others around you. They are now attracted to you, turned on by your energy. This period favors computers, technology, travel, new automobiles, new adventures, and new friends or romance. Extraordinary things can happen, and this creates much youthful vigor and excitement.
Oct 14, 2010: Moon Trine Moon (Natal Solstice Point)
Within six weeks of this date, you may feel a great and special love for – and from – someone in your life. This arouses the closeness and intimacy drive. This is a fine time to do very special things with people whom you care a great deal about. These experiences may be deeply cherished, and remembered fondly. It is an excellent period for family activities and any domestic changes you wish to make (i.e. renovation, moving, fertility, pets, etc.). A bond is likely strengthened between you and someone special. It is a time that you can depend upon others, and they can depend upon you.
Oct 21, 2010: Moon Trine Midhvn. (Return)
Within three months of this date, you may experience changes for the better in your work and/or home. Yet this may be accompanied by a great deal of worry and restlessness if the aspect is a conjunction or opposition. There is much support for your changes here. Whether you actually change careers, or just work on different projects within the same role, the change appears beneficial. There is a feeling of “family” with those who you work with. At home, there is a special bond between you and your spouse, children, parents, or whomever you might live with. Your nurturing qualities are appreciated by others. This period favors changes in residence should you or your relatives wish to move.
Nov 04, 2010: Moon Square Mars (Return)
Within six weeks of this date you may feel very testy, argumentative, combative. As result, you may have more than the usual number of quarrels and disputes with others. Accidents could happen now, so it is best to be cautious and even defensive, to take your time with getting places. Hurrying through things could result in errors and a need to do them over again, not to mention how you may tend to react to such events (i.e. could be quite upsetting). This is a period in which meditation may be very beneficial. It is certainly a time in which you should carefully review everything before you put it into motion. This is not the most favorable time for starting new projects. However you may have ample energy and passion – just try to direct it positively.
Nov 05, 2010: Moon Square Venus (Natal Solstice Point)
Within six weeks of this date you may feel uninspired, lazy, and lethargic. You may feel amorous, like you would like love in your life, but either your relationships are not terribly exciting, or else you yourself may not be acting with much enthusiasm. Perhaps the right person for you is not around, or if she/he is, then perhaps the relationship is having difficulties. This may be a period of great indecision and wavering. Taking too long to make up your mind could be costly. Opportunities may disappear or be withdrawn. Furthermore you may not feel very attractive. You may be hard to please. This is not a favorable time to make large purchases, or to radically alter your appearance or style, although some amount of shopping may be helpful to the spirit temporarily. It may be in your best interest to be more independent, and less reliant upon others, now. It may also be useful to clearly think out what it is you want in regard to others, and to clearly express these thoughts to them – especially in business matters, but also in personal relationships. You can meet people now, but tread carefully before making any commitments.
Dec 07, 2010: Moon Sextile Ascend. (Natal)
Within three months of this date you may notice positive changes within your home and close relationships. You tend to feel an increase in affection for others, and from them as well. Improvements in your family and domestic setting are possible. You look good to others too, as your power of attraction is quite strong. This favors romance, dealings with women, and an increase in a close, intimate bond with someone special.
Dec 09, 2010: Moon Square Neptune (Return Solstice Point)
Within six weeks of this date, you may feel as if you are in a fog, out-of-touch, and distracted by thoughts other than what is happening right in front of you. It is necessary to harness all of your energy to keep focused. You may be vulnerable to deception and even betrayal, but you can probably prevent this by just noticing the signs as they arise. If you do notice, then talk to these individuals before they do you harm. Clear things up for them, about you. You are likely to be very imaginative now, and this could be positive in an artistic sense. However you may also be given to fantasies and delusional thinking, so before you fully believe something, make sure there is a basis in reality for your belief. You may be well advised to avoid gossip or talking negatively about others, as it may come back to haunt you. Your “secrets” are not likely to be held in confidence, so be careful of what you say and who you talk about. Your reputation may be on the line, and you may be the subject of false accusations or deceptions. Try to see things as they are, and check your intuition out with reality during this time.
Jan 15, 2011: Moon Sextile Sun (Natal Solstice Point)
During this period you will tend to feel a sense of harmony and success in all of your efforts. Changes for the better are likely in regard to your career, family, and close relationships. Your health may improve as well, or you might notice greater energy and vitality. You tend to shine in situations which require leadership, and others may look to you for direction. Overall it is a time of confidence, potential recognition, and creative self-expression. It is a time when you are likely to feel as if you are growing, or have grown, and many of your activities are coming to fruition in a successful manner.
Jan 30, 2011: Moon Sextile Uranus (Natal Solstice Point)
Within six weeks of this date, you are apt to feel great excitement in your life. It is as if you’ve suddenly been turned on. You have great new ideas, in fact perhaps some kind of breakthrough – either in your work life, social life, or mentally speaking. This is an inventive period for you. New possibilities come to mind. As you tap into this new awareness, you become very magnetic to others around you. They are now attracted to you, turned on by your energy. This period favors computers, technology, travel, new automobiles, new adventures, and new friends or romance. Extraordinary things can happen, and this creates much youthful vigor and excitement.
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