The Merlin Report for
Bono May 10, 1960
2:00 AM
Dublin, Ireland
Cafe Astrology https://www.cafeastrology.com
The interpretation of your astrology chart begins on the following page.
You will find that the interpretation of your chart is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then you exhibit these opposite qualities at different times in your life. For example, a statement that you are highly sociable and gregarious and a statement that you prefer solitude seemingly contradict each other; this means that you vacillate, and need both sociability and solitude at different times.
The astrological factor that the interpretation is based on is also given. The astrological factor is given for the benefit of astrologers and students of astrology. If you are not a student of astrology, then obviously the factor will not be meaningful to you, and you can ignore it.
If you find this interpretation of your birth chart interesting and informative, you might want to discuss your birth chart with a professional astrologer to learn more about the astrological influences on your life.
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Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below:
Sun 19 Tau 23 Pluto 3 Vir 36Moon 2 Sco 57 N. Node 23 Vir 13
Mercury 10 Tau 32 Asc. 22 Cap 48
Venus 7 Tau 38 MC 28 Sco 49
Mars 29 Pis 02 2nd cusp 23 Pis 56
Jupiter 3 Cap 00 3rd cusp 4 Tau 59
Saturn 18 Cap 18 5th cusp 16 Gem 20
Uranus 17 Leo 02 6th cusp 2 Can 38
Neptune 7 Sco 27
Tropical Placidus Daylight Savings Time observed GMT: 01:00:00 Time Zone: 0 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 53 N 20 6 W 15
Aspects and orbs: Conjunction : 7 Deg 00 Min Trine : 5 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min Sextile : 4 Deg 00 Min
Square : 5 Deg 00 Min Quincunx : 3 Deg 00 Min
Conjunct Asc: 3 Deg 00 Min Above, 5 Deg 00 Min Below
Chapter 1: General Characteristics
Your fundamental needs, values, and orientation towards life are symbolized by the four astrological elements. Each person has their own unique balance of these four basic energies: fire (warmth, inspiration, enthusiasm), earth (practicality, realism, material interests), air (social and intellectual qualities), and water (emotional needs and feelings).
Your “elemental make-up” is described below. Remember that most people are “unbalanced” or lopsided, and if you are lacking or deficient in a certain element (or elements), it simply means that you need to consciously develop that aspect of yourself to learn to appreciate and/or to work harder in that dimension of life.
Sometimes we overvalue the element that we are least endowed with, sensing it as a lack within ourselves, but more often we neglect or ignore it. The qualities described below will be reiterated and explained in more detail in the following chapters.
You are a nurturer and a protector and are prone to what has sometimes been referred to as the “Atlas Syndrome”, carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You take your responsibilities to others very seriously and often take on more than your share of their troubles as well. Though you appear (and indeed often are) rather passive, you possess much quiet inner strength and the ability to flow with, endure, and emerge again and again from life’s inevitable adversities. You are apt to be surrounded by people who rely and depend upon you, and though you derive much satisfaction from providing, giving, and being needed, you can also let yourself be drained emotionally and/or financially by taking care of other people and not caring sufficiently for yourself.
You have a very strong need for security and are a “safety-first” creature, disinclined to make sudden changes or to take new directions which involve risk and unpredictability. Any break from the past is very difficult for you and you need a great deal of support when trying to make even healthy and positive changes in your life or habits. (“Habit” is a key word for you; you’re apt to be very attached to yours!)
You are very retentive. You hold on to (sometimes cling to) the people, places, and ways which you are familiar with. You also tend to both hold in and hold on to feelings, and you may need to learn to express and let go of old feelings and past conditioning.
Physically, you are apt to be hearty and substantial, with a tendency to be stout. Unless other astrological factors indicate otherwise, you can also be downright lazy, especially when it comes to exercise. You instinctively choose comfort over challenge. (This is true in a broader sense as well, not only regarding physical exercise).
Your strengths include depth of feeling, patience, and generosity. The qualities you need to cultivate include initiative, openness to change and new experience, and a stronger sense of self.
You are likely to be overly humble or unsure of yourself and to look to others for inspiration, motivation, reinforcement, and approval. Tending to be somewhat passive, you must learn how to take initiative and motivate yourself.
A lack of warmth (either physically, emotionally, or both) may be evident in you, which can show itself physically as a low energy level, paleness and lack of color in the skin, or a tendency to be easily chilled, and emotionally as a marked coolness or aloofness with little spiritedness, joyfulness, or enthusiasm for living. Eating warming, spicy foods, living in a warm, sunny place, and using fire in your daily life (lighting candles, using a wood stove or fireplace for heat) can help balance you. Also, spending time with warm, cheerful, positive-minded people and developing a philosophy based on spiritual optimism can stir up your own zest of life.
Positively, you are unlikely to be egocentric and have a capacity for great patience and peacefulness.
You tend to lack the ability to analyze yourself or your life in a detached, objective way. You feel and experience but do not necessarily understand or reflect upon your experience, and thus find it hard to communicate or talk about it. Really taking in what someone else has to say can be hard for you – you do not readily adapt to new ideas or people, and as a result may become inflexible or limit your experience of life. A broadening education and exposure to different cultures and types of people is very beneficial to you. Otherwise you are apt to be rigid and even prejudiced against those outside your own circle. (Arthritic conditions, poor flexibility, or poor circulation may reflect this).
You also tend to distrust people who are free with words or to feel inferior to those who are more articulate and intellectual than yourself. You learn much more readily by watching, doing, or apprenticing than by reading or by being told about something.
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 1:
Earth and Water are Strong (F,E,A,W Scores = 1,33,0,15)
Fire is Weak (F,E,A,W Scores = 1,33,0,15)
Air is Weak (F,E,A,W Scores = 1,33,0,15)
Chapter 2: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others
The following is a description of your basic stance towards life, the way others see you, the way you come across, the face you show to the world. In Chapter 3 you will read about the “The Inner You: Your Real Motivation”, which describes the kind of person you are at heart and where your true priorities lie. Read this chapter and the next one and compare them – there may be significant differences between them, in which case “the inner you” may not shine through and others are in for some surprises when they get to know you at a more than superficial level. This chapter describes the costume you wear, your role in life, while Chapter 3 talks about the real person inside the costume.
Cautious, prudent, and rather self-contained, you are a person who approaches life realistically and who is not inclined to take foolish chances or get carried away by the overly optimistic or idealistic schemes of starry-eyed dreamers. In fact, you frequently have a jaundiced view of such things. You are rather worldly-wise at a fairly young age, even something of a cynic. Often the world doesn’t seem like a safe, friendly place to you, and you tend to approach life in a guarded, conservative manner. You are generally calculating and careful, and are rarely spontaneous, fluid, open, and childlike.
You are pragmatic, shrewd, and an excellent strategist, carefully planning your moves for maximum effectiveness and advantage. You are willing to work long and persistently for what you want and you often do things the hard way. You do not expect others to take care of you and sometimes refuse or simply don’t seek any outside help. You are often very ambitious, but quietly so. There is nothing flamboyant or flashy about your approach. You are very responsible, conscientious, and very concerned with your duties to others and how you appear in society, your “rank” so to speak.
To others you seem mature, serious, quiet, reflective, and emotionally detached. You dislike sloppy sentimentality and won’t openly display your feelings, especially the softer ones. You like to always appear poised and in control and hate to show any weakness, vulnerability, or chinks in the armor.
You respect tradition and the time-honored way of doing things, and you feel there is much to be gained from studying history and also by learning from older, more experienced people. A wise mentor or father is often your guide in life, and you in turn develop a great deal of hard-earned wisdom which you like to impart to younger people.
You have a stern, authoritarian, no-nonsense aspect to your personality. You expect much from yourself and may not give yourself enough room to experiment and make mistakes.
You also tend to be rather close-fisted, to save and conserve your money and resources rather than spending, enjoying, or splurging with them. You spend money on things of quality and of lasting value, things which are good investments, but not frivolous, temporary pleasures. There is a bit of the ascetic in you. You have great self-discipline and self-control and can “do without” very well. Your tastes are generally understated and simple.
Though you may have other, more colorful and imaginative sides, the face you show the world is modest and rather conservative.
You radiate a sense of pride, self-assurance, and a definite awareness of your own importance. It is hard to ignore you when you are present, and your personality may overshadow or dominate the scene.
You would like to embrace the whole world and are everyone’s favorite. Very impressionable, you have an inner feeling for others and can relate well to everyone. You are likely to have a busy social life and also enjoy working in group activities.
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 2: Capricorn Rising
Sun Trine Asc.
Asc. Opposition Sun/N. Node
Chapter 3: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation
Although you often appear self-controlled, disciplined, and even something of an ascetic (as described in the previous chapter), there is also a pleasure-loving sensualist in you that thoroughly enjoys “the good life”. You may feel pulled, at times, between saving your hard-earned money and conserving your resources versus indulging yourself and appeasing your appetites for pleasure and beauty.
You are a steadfast and patient soul, capable of tremendous devotion, dedication, endurance, and constancy. The ability to follow through and stick with things is one of your greatest assets. Once your course is set, you pursue it tenaciously until it is completed, stubbornly resisting any attempts to sway you from your purpose.
You have a very practical nature and want to see concrete, tangible results for your efforts, and you are not one for spinning wild dreams that are unlikely to come into fruition. Most of your “wild dreams” have to do with material achievements, well-being, and security, for you have a great love of the physical world and you want to experience and enjoy it to the full. Though you will work long and persistently, you also have a strong sensual and comfort-loving side, and you want to enjoy what you have worked for. In fact, you can be enormously lazy at times and have a tendency to overindulge in good food and other earthly pleasures. You also love the beauty of the natural world and probably prefer a serene country setting rather than an urban life style.
At heart your needs are simple and you are easy to please. You have a strong desire for security, stability, and peace, and will rarely make changes unless you are forced to do so. You are not very demanding emotionally, though you do crave lots of physical closeness and affection. Because of your faithfulness, emotional steadiness, and gentle strength, others often depend upon you for support. Though you hate upheaval and sudden changes, you usually maintain your poise and equanimity. You also have an innate sense of harmonizing with nature, allowing things to grow and unfold in their own time, and the patience to nurture something into being – be it a garden, a child, or some creative project. You make an excellent mother or father, especially if you follow your instincts more often than “the experts”.
You have three major faults: one is your bullheaded obstinacy. The second is your unwillingness to deviate from your safe, predictable routine. And the third is your tendency to always insist upon realism and undervalue the imaginative, speculative, and fanciful – in other words, you lack the ability to play with ideas and possibilities, to open your mind to the new.
The urge to learn and to communicate is essential to you, and you express yourself very well through writing, teaching or sharing ideas and information. You are persuasive and fluent with language.
Restless and inquisitive, you enjoy being mobile and taking short trips and excursions in order to see for yourself what is going on in the world around you.
Realistic and practical, you set goals for yourself that are modest enough for you to actually achieve. You are able to tackle long, difficult projects and see them through, for you possess self-discipline, concentration, and perseverance. You also have a strong sense of responsibility and are very conscientious in fulfilling your obligations. Often you do things because you feel it is expected of you.
Although you take yourself and your responsibilities seriously, there is also a part of you that rebels against rules and restrictions and answering to outside authority. You can feel torn between conforming or fulfilling your obligations, and breaking free of them. Your wilder side will now be described.
Impulsive, restless, and spontaneous, your life is apt to be somewhat unstable and full of sudden changes. You are extremely independent and crave excitement, adventure, freedom, and discovery. You have a rebellious streak and often feel you are unusual and different from the mainstream of society. The unorthodox and novel appeal to you.
You are inclined to feel uncomfortable or restrained in some way in the presence of others and prefer to be alone. You are modest and shy in your approach to others and tend to accept more responsibility than you really need to.
It could be hard for you to face up to your mistakes because of your insecurity and self-doubt. Your early years may have been undermined by a poor relationship with one of your parents who may have been ill, weak or alcoholic.
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 3:
Ascendant in Capricorn and Sun in Taurus
Sun in Taurus
Sun in 3rd house
Sun Trine Saturn
Sun aspects Saturn and Uranus
Sun Square Uranus
Sun Opposition Saturn/N. Node
Sun Opposition Neptune/MC
Chapter 4: Mental Interests and Abilities
Your mind operates in a very deliberate and methodical manner and you dislike being rushed or forced to give an opinion before you have thoroughly ruminated and digested an idea. You are also difficult to influence once your mind is made up.
Though slower to grasp new concepts or learn new skills, you are patient and persevering and, in fact, often become quite adept at whatever you put your mind and hand to, for you are willing to devote much time and attention to it. You succeed not so much because of your mental brilliance, but because you have the ability to concentrate and follow a project through to its completion. You have an aptitude for singing or drawing.
Inquisitive and communicative, your mind seems to be “on” all of the time and you are forever gathering information and sharing ideas. Your attention span may be rather brief; you have many and diverse interests, and are easily distracted. You learn quickly, are eager to pass on what you are learning and thinking about, and may talk excessively.
You appreciate aesthetics and have a fine sense of form, design, and beauty. You could develop considerable technical skill as an artist, designer, craftsman, or creative writer. You could also sell objects of beauty – artistic products, cosmetics, jewelry, etc.
You have the ability to please and harmonize well with others and tend to ameliorate relationships between people. Your sense of humor, tact, and personal charm are of great benefit to you in any work with people on a one-to-one level.
Your mind is intuitive, imaginative, colorful, and strongly influenced by imagery or fantasy. You see the world with the eyes of an artist or a poet, and the hard sciences and fields of endeavor based on concrete facts, rules or rigorous logic are not your forte. At times you are able to perceive things that other people do not, the “aura” of a place or a person for instance, while at the same time you apparently do not see and/or overlook things that are glaringly obvious to others. One problem you are prone to is you project your fantasies, wishes, and dreams on to other people or an outside situation, and simply do not see what is actually there.
You are very thorough and are likely to commit yourself to some type of study or research work. Not very talkative, you try to avoid contact with others as much as possible and prefer to do your work in seclusion or solitude.
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 4:
Mercury in Taurus
Mercury in 3rd house
Mercury Conjunct Venus
Mercury Opposition Neptune
Mercury Opposition Saturn/Pluto
Chapter 5: Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance
Secretive and inclined to brooding silences, it is difficult for others to really know your inner core, for you trust and open yourself to very few. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable and to relinquish control in relationships is not easy for you.
You have intense, passionate loves and hates and are a jealously loyal and protective friend – or a fearsome foe. You have a nasty habit of holding on to past hurts, resentments, and guilt – and to keep such feelings to yourself. It is important for you to learn to forgive and let go, as well as to express your feelings openly and directly, rather than hiding or repressing them.
You are not content with superficial appearances and are always probing beneath the surface of things for hidden motives. You have a great deal of emotional depth.
Though you want closeness very much, you often close yourself off and do not really trust others who may wish to get to know you. You are very wholehearted in your feelings and responses to people, and you want all or nothing from the people you care for.
You need love, affection, nurturing, and enjoy being pampered – all of which is fine, as long as you are willing to give as well as receive the attention and “babying”. There is a rather childish dependency on loved ones which can make you cling to them, or to be very uncomfortable with any conflict which could conceivably lead to separation. Creating a loving family is certainly a challenge for you, one that can be enormously satisfying if you can achieve it – and a source of great sadness if you can not.
Generally sunny and optimistic yourself, you have a cheering effect on those around you. You like and need people, and others genuinely like you too. You enjoy a wide circle of friends who are like family to you. Entertaining, partying, social activities, and fellowship are essential ingredients for your emotional well-being.
You are a sensitive soul, a dreamer, very much attuned to the world of imagination and fantasy. You often retreat into your own inner world in order to escape the harshness of everyday living in the “real world”. Gentle and often rather passive as well, you will not fight or assert yourself, even when you need to. You are very sympathetic and somewhat naive emotionally and must guard against being taken advantage of.
You have very deep feelings and profound attachments to people you care about. Your relationship to your mother, sisters, daughters, and other females in your life is apt to be incredibly close and intense. You may be easily manipulated too, when it comes to one of these important relationships, because you’re so emotionally invested in it.
You have a very rich emotional life and the ability to do the right thing at the right moment. Through an appeal to the feelings, you are able to influence the public; you may have the desire to work in some capacity to bring about social improvements.
Your emotional tension could be quite strong and the pressure may seem unbearable at times. You may have a sudden desire to liberate yourself from the stress and may release your tension towards women. You also could feel lonely and depressed at times.
In love, you are steadfast and loyal, especially if you have a warm, demonstrative partner. You are very sensually oriented and need lots of touching and physical affection. You enjoy being pampered with a good meal, loving massage, or other sensual delights. You are a wonderful lover, very attentive to the comfort and enjoyment of the one you love. You are tremendously responsive to beauty and physical appearances, and the physical attractiveness of your partner is very important to you.
Beautiful, elegant, and harmonious surroundings are very important to you, and you have an innate sense of style, design, and form. Socially, also, good form and politeness are important to you and you instinctively avoid crudeness and dissonance.
You enjoy talking about love, relationships, art and the beautiful side of life. You appreciate artistic people.
You appreciate beautiful surroundings and congenial company, and though you enjoy helping people, you will rarely put yourself out too much in order to do so. You are good-humored and generous at heart but inclined to be lazy.
You tend to be attracted to people who are not quite what they seem to be. Gullible, romantic, and rather easily seduced, you frequently fall in love with an image in your own mind which you then project onto the person, only to discover later that this person never really possessed the lovely qualities you endowed her or them with. You also confuse love with pity, sacrifice, or misplaced notions of “selfishness”, and thus set yourself up to be taken advantage of. You are capable of much devotion to a spiritual path, for you are actually seeking some sort of transcendent or mystical experience through love.
You love deeply, passionately, and wholeheartedly, and others may find your intensity either extremely attractive or threatening. You are charismatic and can have a powerful emotional influence on others, especially romantically. You may use your attractiveness to manipulate others, sometimes without even realizing it.
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 5:
Moon in Scorpio
Moon in 8th house
Moon Opposition Venus
Moon Sextile Jupiter
Moon Conjunct Neptune
Moon Sextile Pluto
Moon Conjunct Jupiter/Pluto
Moon Conjunct Saturn/Uranus
Venus in Taurus
Venus in 3rd house
Venus Trine Jupiter
Venus Opposition Neptune
Venus Trine Pluto
Chapter 6: Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your Goals
You are noncombative, noncompetitive, and something of a pacifist. You will give something up rather than fight for it. You may seem weak-willed or ineffectual, for you do not have a strong ego drive for personal achievement and material advantage, or for winning at the expense of someone else. Being first, being best, being on top doesn’t mean much to you, and you can be quite happy in a supporting role, working for the benefit of others or for a cause that you believe in. You are gentle and impressionable and are motivated by less mundane and less tangible things than most other people. You may have difficulty formulating clear, definite goals for yourself and making your way in the world. You have many dreams, high ideals, and a strong mystical or religious impulse. You also have a creative imagination and can successfully apply yourself to art or music. You have a sensitive physique and need to maintain good regular health habits in order build strength and stamina.
You often buy things on impulse and you can be reckless with your material resources and money. You have certain possessions that you are extremely attached to and possessive of.
You are enterprising, ambitious, and have a strong desire to succeed in a big way. Ever on the lookout for new opportunities and promising new ventures, you are willing to take risks if you sense that something is going to be a winner. No matter how much you accomplish, you never seem to be completely satisfied. You always feel you can do more, and set your sights on another goal. You feel frustrated in limited circumstances, and you will leave secure and reasonably successful situations if they do not offer challenges and potential for growth and expansion in the future. You like to keep stretching your limits, to see how far you can go. Sometimes you overextend yourself or promise more than you can actually achieve, due to an overly optimistic or overly confident assessment of your own capacities. You relish healthy competition and feel that it spurs you on to even greater achievements.
In some ways you may feel that you have little choice about your role in society. You’re compelled either by unusual outer circumstances or by an inner drive, to bring things which may be dark, difficult, or taboo, into public awareness. You delve into the hidden side of life, things which may have been purposefully concealed or repressed, and bring these things to light. You could come into direct conflict with the authorities or powers-that-be as a result. You’re apt to have extraordinary ambitions, and could become overly zealous and fanatical also.
You have an abundance of energy, drive, and spirit to accomplish just about anything you desire. Your single-mindedness and zeal to get things done enable you to accomplish much. Sometimes you push yourself too hard without even realizing it, but sometimes even you need to relax and stop doing. You have the reputation for being a go-getter and a good worker.
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 6: Mars in Pisces
Mars in 2nd house
Mars Square Jupiter
Pluto Square MC
Mars Trine MC
Chapter 7: Growth and Expansion: Areas That You Enjoy You have an innate shrewdness, and the ability to develop a clear strategy and follow it carefully in order to reach your goals. You also have a natural sense of order, structure, and self-discipline. You are likely to excel, both because you are ambitious and because it is very important to you to do a professional job, no matter what field you are in, or how humble the task.
You are drawn to social work, the ministry, giving your time and energy to charitable organizations, or to serving and helping the disadvantaged in some way. Your generosity and unselfishness will bring you and others much good.
Your sensitivity to the larger social context of a project gives you the perspective to discern good opportunities and attract successful pursuits. You are likely to achieve a high level of success in your career or business.
You have a very good intellectual grasp and are interested in anything new and progressive. You could do well in some technical field or perhaps even invent something. You also may join a cause or movement and could be successful carrying out reforms.
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 7:
Jupiter in Capricorn
Jupiter in 12th house
Jupiter Trine Pluto
Jupiter Opposition Sun/Uranus
Chapter 8: Areas That Challenge You Or Are Difficult For You You have a great capacity for self-denial in the pursuit of a long-range goal. You are capable of hard work and persistent labor, but you may lack joyfulness and the ability to play. You often feel burdened by life’s demands and responsibilities, and may envy those who seem to attract what they want in life without a great deal of personal effort.
There is a very judgmental, stern, and uncompromising side of yourself which may inhibit you a great deal. You must avoid becoming heavy and cynical, or becoming a rather callous, sophisticated adult whose practicality and realism squeeze out the playful, imaginative side of life.
You may have nebulous but ever-present guilts and fears that are difficult to pinpoint or eradicate. It’s as if you don’t trust Life itself, and are always seeking ways to defend yourself from its dangers and its unknowns. You must learn to overcome your ingrained habit of discouragement and anxiety, and to see the world more as a friendly place than as a treacherous one.
The side of you that wants and needs structure, order, stability, and a disciplined way of life is at odds with your urges for unfettered freedom, change, excitement, and discovery. There is apt to be much discontent, inner stress, and tension due to this, and at times you find it hard to relax. You may act out in a rebellious way now and then, or clamp down hard on yourself, in an attempt to strictly control your “wild” impulses. Your task is to try to find a reasonable balance between order and creative chaos in your life.
Basically shy, you may become a bit inhibited when talking with other people. You tend to withdraw from others and like to live a humble, quiet live in seclusion. You may get involved with a group of a secretive nature, although not one to join groups in general.
You are inclined to feel inferior and may easily be taken in by others. You have to guard against being deceived or used by others, though your intentions may be good. Don’t let your desire to have things cloud your ability to see what is really happening.
Now we will discuss patterns of behavior which you instinctively and habitually revert to when under stress – a mostly unconscious process and one which you are apt to overdo because it is so familiar and thus easy for you. The direction you need to follow in order to develop balance, greater awareness, and wholeness is also described.
Your natural instinct, especially when under stress, is to passively flow along with whatever is easiest, not clearly analyzing or assessing your situation and perhaps even trying to escape seeing your situation clearly by indulging in fantasies, intoxicants, and the like. Dreaminess and impracticality, being unfocused and undefined (at least in certain areas) are ways you cope with stress. You also have trouble setting boundaries and saying no.
Your path of development lies in cultivating discrimination and clarity, becoming more precise, developing technical and practical skills that will enable you to function more efficiently in the world. Finding a way to be of practical service is also important.
The arena you are most likely to wrestle with these issues is in your marriage and other intimate, one-to-one relationships. You may see the qualities you need to develop more fully (described above) in your partner. It is important for you to recognize, appreciate, and listen to the people in your life who express such attributes, as well as developing them yourself. Put energy and attention into learning about others, and about yourself through others.
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 8:
Saturn in Capricorn
Saturn in 12th house
Saturn Quincunx Uranus
Saturn Opposition Mercury/N. Node
Saturn Conjunct Mars/Neptune
N. Node in Virgo
N. Node in 7th house
Chapter 9: Originality and Imagination Areas Where You Are Creative, Unique, Unstable, or Compulsive
You need a lot of freedom in your close one-to-one relationships and you may experiment with nontraditional forms of relationships. You rebel against conventions and restrictions when it comes to marriage or personal relationships, and you’re likely to choose a highly unusual, eccentric, or unconventional partner.
You love to dream, fantasize, and speculate. You are willing to entertain the most far fetched ideas and philosophies, since to you anything is possible.
Anything exotic, alien, or faraway holds a great attraction for you. You can have very otherworldly beliefs which are quite impractical and irrelevant to your everyday existence.
Emotional intensity, compulsive attraction, and a sense of fate or destiny characterize your one-to-one relationships. It’s as if you simply cannot have light, superficial relationships; they are inevitably profound, intense experiences which reveal your depths to you. You may be drawn to powerful, charismatic, willful people that challenge, thwart, and ultimately evoke your own power and strengths. Your marriage is likely to be the arena for your greatest growth.
You are quite amorous and subject to sudden attachments that are not lasting. Somewhat inconsistent in love, you are likely to fall in love many times. Some of your relationships could begin under unusual circumstances.
You are ambitious, very independent, and have a great need for freedom. You probably had the urge to be on your own early in life and strongly resisted parental guidance. You are quite restless, but have the ability to make the right decisions very quickly.
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 9:
Uranus in 7th house
Neptune in 9th house
Pluto in 7th house
Uranus Opposition Venus/MC
Uranus Opposition Mars/Jupiter
Chapter 10: Generational Influences: Your Age Group
In this chapter we will discuss characteristics and traits of your generation. Of course, you may not share all of the characteristics of your generation, but you are greatly affected by the tone that is set by your generation.
The first topic is “The Subconscious and Emotional Drive of Your Age Group”. In this section we will describe a deeply felt urge, even compulsion, of your age group. This deeply felt drive comes to the surface with great force and power, and consequently leaves in its wake considerable upheaval and change. The second topic is “The Ideals and Illusions of Your Age Group”, that describes the dreams, fantasies, and spiritual aspirations of your age group. The third and last topic is “What is New and Different in Your Age Group”, which describes areas in which your age group tends to be innovative, inventive, unusual, and also where it may be unstable and unreliable.
The characteristics described below may affect a group of people for anywhere from a few years to about 30 years. There are one or more different astrological factors described in each of the three sections below.
The Subconscious and Emotional Drive of Your Age Group
You are part of a 15 year group of people that are driven by the need to find an ethical standard and a clear sense of what is right and what is wrong. There is a subconscious drive to straighten out all the world’s evils and create a world of perfect order. There is a feeling of repulsion to anything ugly, dirty, or grotesque. Oddly enough, there is also often a fascination with these very things that are so distasteful, and often a feeling of hopelessness and despair about the world’s condition.
These inner, emotional and conflicting qualities are reflected in the attitudes and life styles of your generation. Most people of your age group are conservative and ethical, and a small minority goes to the opposite extreme and relishes being strange or unusual in appearance, and sloppy or even grotesque in manners and appearance. There seems to be no middle ground for your generation. Usually, the rebellious type of behavior comes out during adolescence, and tends to subside thereafter, and your age group tends to be very conservative in later life.
Your age group is not very good at compromising and tends to have strong ideas about what is right and what is wrong. There is a strong feeling that you must extinguish evil in the world. Certainly, fostering good works is very commendable, but a categorical and simple-minded response to complex issues is not helpful. Your age group will undergo great transformations in attitudes regarding Good and Evil and will swing to great extremes. Your generation will also make great contributions in the areas of medicine and nutrition, ecology, and education.
The Ideals and Illusions of Your Age Group
You are part of a 14 year group of people that have very intense psychic sensitivity and imagination. Your age group is very attracted to the strange, weird, and unusual. The sense of the macabre and bizarre is strong, and this is reflected in much of the music, art, and fashions of your age group. Novels and movies with mystery and chilling suspense are also popular with your age group. Emotional depression, drug use, and suicide are likely to be relatively high in your age group. There is also a deep mystical sense, and Eastern religions and meditation are very attractive to your age group.
The entire generation to which you belong has tremendous opportunities for spiritual rebirth and awakening. This will not be forced upon you or precipitated by unavoidable events, rather it comes from an inner yearning and a natural propensity to seek the depths.
What is New and Different in Your Age Group
You are part of a 7 year group of people who are unusually self-willed, proud, and egotistical. You are a group that defies authority and insists on having its own way. Parents and school teachers found that it was extremely difficult to discipline your age group. Governments that are repressive to individual expression and freedom meet a great deal of resistance from your age group, and you tend to rise up against any form of tyranny and oppressive rule.
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 10:
Pluto in Virgo
Neptune in Scorpio
Neptune Sextile Pluto
Uranus in Leo