See also a full PDF sample of Ariana Grande's Your Spiritual Path report.
Your Spiritual
for Annie
by Stephanie Clement, Ph.D.
Your Spiritual Path
Each of us has the potential to develop along psychic, intuitive and spiritual lines into the person who best suits our natural gifts. There are essentially three possibilities for how that development may occur:
- Along the lines dictated by our family, peers and social milieu: Most of us are taught a set of rules as children. Some of those rules prove to be very useful, and some lessons prove to be detrimental to our development, or at least not helpful.
- Along the lines suggested by your own conscious mind: Each of us is born with the capacity to learn. The person inside us is the life and light of the mind.
- The inevitable path is a combination of these two possibilities. No one can develop precisely the way someone else dictates. And no one can develop to suit individual desires with no connection to the outer world.
When individuals develop along the lines reflected by their astrological chart, the fullest expression of natural potential is possible. The birth chart places you at the center of your world, and shows your personal relationship to the Sun, Moon and planets. This is the astrological approach to spiritual understanding. It is not limited to one religious sect or emotional expression. The birth chart presents the possibilities that vibrate within your soul, and indicates which will be easier or more difficult to manage.
Your goal or mission is indicated by your natal chart, but you fully understand it only if you are open to the inner spiritual voice that is always present, and is truly your devoted life companion.
The best spiritual path is one that allows you to use your natural talents and skills. Sometimes your latent abilities will require training and practice to develop into spiritual tools. In this report we will consider a number of possibilities to help you get a sense of your talents, and how to develop and use them.
Your Creative Process
The Sun is the source of all physical life as we know it. As children develop, Sun sign characteristics are colored by family circumstances, cultural values, and other environmental influences. Yet we develop according to our own individual character IN SPITE of everything. The voice within us will not be denied. It cannot be eradicated and it never gives up. When we are on an appropriate path to our true spiritual destiny our inner voice is a gentle guide. When we stray into less productive territory, the voice becomes more forceful. When we attempt to stifle this inner voice of character, it waits patiently for the proper moment and speaks again. The Sun sign reveals your conscious attitude toward the external world. The following description of the Sun explores your natural tendencies of mental style and action.
With the Sun in Virgo, you are primarily the Sensation type. Sensation types are primarily interested in practical considerations of the world. They will look at the actualities – facts first. They depend on their five normal senses for perception. They wish to have the experience, not hear about it from others. Sensation types learn by doing, so the learning process may be slower. To be satisfied, they need to go over things carefully. They are not less intelligent because they go slower – they are more careful. When given the time to assimilate information, the sensation type may remember it longer and understand the practical uses in more detail. Studying the theory of engineering may be difficult for the sensation type, but the application is their forte. You demand satisfaction all along the way, and will not select occupations that are without positive feedback. You are a healthy consumer, loving life and what it has to offer on the material level and you are best in careers involving real “stuff”. You would be a good real estate person, interior decorator, or chef. You enjoy working with your hands and can make this part of the vocation or at least an avocation. You would be a good doctor or health care professional. Any career that requires attention to and intimate understanding of the details is suited to the sensation type. You generally focus on practical considerations first, and you rely on your five normal senses for perception. You first seek to have an experience, not hear about it from others. You learn by doing, and thus may be a bit slower than some people, but once you know something, you know it forever. You may need to go over things carefully. Once learned, you can apply information to the tasks you set for yourself. The sensation type’s approach to the spiritual side of life is no different. You seek the facts. You want a practical application of whatever you are learning. When contact with the spirit world feel ungrounded, you will find a way to re-establish a level of comfort in the work. You also will not be satisfied with your spiritual work until you can express it concretely in the world in some way.
How You Express Your Will
The Sun indicates your will power and its direction. One of the reasons we can identify Sun signs in other people is that they are often willful in their actions. Especially in childhood they are determined, demanding and rebellious against anything that does not conform to their will. The Children of each Sun show us the power of will. The information about your Sun sign focuses on the potential expression (and the associated undercurrents).
I will nit-pick (when I could analyze things in a useful manner). I will find fault (where I could just as well find something to praise). I will be skeptical (when I could accept something on faith). I will follow mindlessly (when I could engage intellect to serve wisely). I will be nervous (where caution is enough) .
Your Sun is in the 6th house. You benefit from work and other activities in which you can digest and assimilate many ideas before you have to manifest output. Attention to the food you eat can parallel the creative input you receive. You become consciously aware of the path through the digestive metaphor. You “chew the cud,” so to speak, of new spiritual ideas, and are not afraid to revisit important decisions when necessary. You mediate between levels of consciousness and you can be a powerful mediator in your social sphere as well. You seek to purify the spiritual process itself as you move along your path.
Aspects of the Sun
You are aware of the apparent differences between spirit and soul as they are expressed in your daily life. You often struggle to decide what activities are the best for you personally, and you may even try to make this decision for other people from time to time. A companion on the spiritual path can be very helpful. Your revolutionary attitude causes you to leave one spiritual idea and move to the next. You will benefit by retaining the value from the past while moving toward the future. You have an unusual knack for joining apparently disparate ideas into a logical whole. Psychic perception is part and parcel of your daily life. These perceptions develop into sympathy in an ordinary sense, and later into empathy for all living things. Psychic ability manifests easily once you allow it. Your powerful spiritual values can be the source of your best and worst behavior. Arrogance is the least attractive of your powerful qualities. You must first rule your own desires. Then you can move forward without creating dangerous conditions for yourself. Perhaps your biggest challenge in life is to act as though you are certain, while at each turning you are examining your own values and sense of self. Only after the fact can you be certain of your direction. Who you are, and what other people see in you are very different. You undermine your self-confidence until you set your sights on spiritual values.
Core Beliefs
Much of the pain and limitation we experience is the result of being taught so-called “truths” that are incompatible with our core beliefs. Family and society train us, and sometimes little is done to nurture our individual realities. It is up to you to identify and nurture the values that are meaningful to you. When the filtering process is undertaken, you uncover a “truth” that is unique to you.
The Moon
The Moon reflects the soul. It governs fluids in your body and imagination in your mind. It generally represents a less conscious part of your being, and reflects the quality and flexibility of your memory. If the Sun indicates the most likely course of your spiritual path, the Moon indicates some of the qualities of the path itself.
With the Moon in Pisces, your secondary mental style is primarily the Feeling type. You have a powerful internal mechanism for identifying the truth in any situation. You may be able to see auras, and you can certainly feel other people’s energy. Because of this you value your privacy. You needed your own room as a child and you continue to need time alone as an adult. Yet you love to know that there are people around you who care about you and respect you as a person. You tend to judge the world on the basis of your internal meter. You often act on impulse and baffle others by your actions. They don’t have any idea where the decision came from unless you tell them. This makes it important to be surrounded by people you trust deeply. Only then can you be yourself. At the same time they will come to trust your psychic sense. On the rare occasion where others attack you directly, you are thrown completely for a loop. Until you understand their motivation, you may be stuck in a loop of trying to figure out what you did wrong.
Empathy causes you to carefully consider your beliefs, as you don’t wish to hurt anyone by taking a radically different direction. However, you also seek the ocean of values that suit your unique sailing craft and personal needs.
Aspects of the Moon
You are aware of the apparent differences between spirit and soul as they are expressed in your daily life. You often struggle to decide what activities are the best for you personally, and you may even try to make this decision for other people from time to time. A companion on the spiritual path can be very helpful. The spirit within you desires material expression, and you search fearlessly for the way to show how you feel to others. People find they can depend on your devotion to your principles. Your strong intuition provides a rich source of information in your relationships with others. You may eventually be capable of seeing into the future quite clearly. Meetings with unconventional people can provide the spiritual contacts you need to make further progress. You can be a radical without being irresponsible. Your sympathetic nature utilizes the close connection between other people and your spiritual self. You are open to experience the joy and pain in others, and thereby grow in understanding of your own values. Intense emotions are part of all your relationships. Your challenge is to become aware of which feelings are yours and which belong to others. Your spiritual life thrives in group activities if you learn to cooperate and not coerce change. Each interaction has the potential to transform your beliefs. Women bring an emotional spotlight to your self-awareness. Among the tears and anger you find gems in the form of core beliefs that have been transformed to suit your present needs. You tend to associate closely with women, and they can help you in spiritual matters. You are adaptable and seek harmonious relationships.
The Fourth House
The sign on the Fourth House cusp indicates the filter through which you view your core beliefs. It is the wellspring of all the best, most creative and most powerful ideas you will have throughout your lifetime. It indicates the refrain that the inner voice sings to you when you are sad or filled with joy, when you are pessimistic or optimistic, when you are afraid or when you are experiencing the power of love in your life.
You have Cancer on the Fourth House cusp. From the conscious point of view you are certain that your core beliefs are largely instinctual. You may resist the concept that those beliefs have been acquired from family and society at all. When you take a careful look, you find that some of your beliefs are grounded in the material world and the people you have known. Along with those beliefs, you find another, subtler layer of thinking. The symbolism of water is very important to your understanding of your spiritual path. You may be most comfortable when you live near water for this reason.
Life emerged from the water. An examination of the fluids of the body shows that they are like a mini-version of the ocean; replete with the nutrients the body needs to sustain life. Yet you need air to survive. This graphic portrayal of the dualism you experience every day of your life provides a metaphor for the dualism of conscious and unconscious processes. The path to understanding, for you, lies in identifying the two worlds of light and dark for what they are – part of the singularity of Mind.
You may mind that at some point in your life your beliefs system takes a radical departure from what you were taught as a child and believed was the proper path for you.
Communication and Mental Development
Most of us were taught a set of “truths” in childhood and we were expected to accept them. To supplement what you have been taught by your parents, teachers, and the world at large, you need to develop a spiritual learning style that works for you. If you then decide to teach others, you must develop communication skills that let you share these experiences clearly and meaningfully with your students.
Training Your Conscious Mind
Three factors contribute to your ability to train your conscious mind for spiritual development:
* the natural direction of your thinking
* training to take advantage of this direction
* training your nervous system, and learning to respond to it
Element of Mercury
The angel Raphael is associated with healing in the Bible. The capacity for both companionship and healing forms the essence of Mercury’s expression.
With Mercury in Libra, your communication style is primarily the Thinking type. Your healing focus lies in words and skillful communication. You use your intellect to examine conflict, discover its significance, and illuminate the path toward resolution. Adept in the technology of communication, you may have impact over long distances. Whether you focus on oral traditions, written word or artistic communication, you use logic in the mediation between or among people.
Training the conscious mind involves reasoning on the conscious level. Spiritual Education teaches how to engage your intuitive function. Intuition can be trained. Mercury reflects a specific way for you to learn about intuition. See the section on Uranus for more information on your intuitive ability.
Your sense of harmony comes into play when intuition arises. You want to fit the new information into what you already know so that you can use the head start it gives you. By knowing the emotional tone of situations in advance, you will learn mediation skills – Because you have the feelings ahead of time, you can be calm when the moment comes.
Your Mercury is in the 7th House. Partners are a strong component of your mental life. By talking with a trusted partner, you learn both how to listen and how to speak. You develop sensitivity to others, and therefore sensitivity to your inner voice. Listen first, then determine how to communicate.
Mercury Aspects
You seek people with whom you can engage in serious spiritual work. Your capacity to concentrate on ideas can develop into deep philosophical understanding. You may become a teacher for others, as you recognize the effort required and can inspire it in your students.
Self Esteem and the Development of Spiritual Partnerships
The power of mind is unlimited, except by our own thinking. As you proceed along the spiritual path, self-esteem grows. Relationship with another person is a powerful force for the development of self-esteem and for spiritual growth.
Venus has been called the alter ego of the Earth. Very close to the same size as the earth, Venus has an atmosphere inhospitable to human life. The inner reaches of the unconscious mind were long thought to be inhospitable as well. Modern psychology has delved into the mechanism of mind, and religious mystics have long studied the rocky terrain to be found within each of us. The consensus is that to evolve spiritually, we must first look at ourselves. One way to do this is through relationship with others.
Romantic, business and other relationships all offer us the opportunity to project our thoughts onto other people. The evolutionary nature of a relationship allows us to explore our desires. Then we can achieve spiritual connections that transcend sexual expression.
Right relationships between people provides inner awareness that helps us to mediate between personality and soul, between physical life and higher consciousness. Only through fusion of these apparently separate facets of your being can you approach true knowledge.
The Planet Venus provides indications about your best approach to spiritual partnerships.
With Venus in Leo, your best approach to healthy partnering is through the Intuitive function. Your inspirational energy comes from scientific mental activity-you gather practical facts to help manifest love in your life. You are able to discriminate between extremes, and to explore a variety of options in search of the one best way to complete a project. You are able to see the future potential of the loving energy that goes into today’s work.
You thrive in situations where your creature comforts are lavishly cared for. This does not mean you cannot also seek spiritual growth. It just means that you may be expected to demonstrate generosity that you don’t always feel. You arouse love, or even devotion, in others.
Your Venus is in the 6th House. You are able to gather knowledge in on-the-job situations, and you benefit from strong, well-defined team involvement. While you recognize the difficulties of romance in the work place, you are sometimes strongly attracted to co-workers and may have to sort out complicated feelings in order to accomplish your work.
Venus Aspects
The pursuit of wisdom parallels the pursuit of love in your life. Any conflict in love relationships causes you to consider your spiritual values all over again. You may like the stage of falling in love with a spiritual idea so much that you choose to do it many times before you establish a solid foundation. Sexual relationships tend to arouse your idealistic nature and may have little foundation for a long-term relationship. Once past the initial stage of love however, your imagination fuels the flame of intense spirituality and you are capable of ecstatic insights. Mystical practices can enhance your sex life. The significant relationships in your life all share a profound loving capacity. You appreciate visual expressions of spiritual values. Vanity could be a problem if your focus is on yourself. When you focus on the spiritual connections you have, you express affection to everyone you meet.
Doubt, Resistance, and the Development of Psychic Ability
The spiritual path has a number of potential pitfalls. Some of the most treacherous of these lie within our own minds. Our innermost thoughts become a prison, trapping us within walls of our own making. These may be the karmic result of the past, or they may be the result of recent actions. There are several ways we cause our own difficulties:
1) Secrets – Privacy and secrets are part of the picture. Children love the feeling of independence and power that comes with a secret. Problems only arise when the secrets we keep are detrimental to ourselves or to others.
2) Doubts – When a situation causes you to doubt, it is largely because it is incongruent with what you have learned in the past. You want something new, but your unconscious is in turmoil. You feel naughty, anxious, reluctant, or undeserving. Because of what you have learned from people you trust or from what you have read, you doubt your own decision-making ability.
3) Resistance – Resistance is not all bad. If change were too easy, we would have no stability. We could be talked into all sorts of things. What we need is a way to identify resistance for what it is, and then find ways to work with it.
Where your spiritual path is concerned, Neptune reveals how you handle secrets, how doubt arises for you, and also how to resolve resistance. One strategy involves your psychic ability.
Developing Your Psychic Ability
We use our psychic senses to understand the world of the present. You can train yourself to be more aware of the nuances of psychic awareness, and Neptune indicates how you can develop this ability. You will then connect with the earth and other people in new ways, and also confirm the significance of your spiritual values.
With Neptune in Scorpio, your private, psychic style is primarily the Feeling type.
There is always activity in the deepest recesses of your mind. You feel movement well before it emerges from the subconscious so you can examine it in the light of day. Your instincts have always been good, and you may occasionally want to kick yourself for ignoring them.
Your interest in the psychic realm can be fostered through study of different kinds of psychic work. When you find methods that resonate with you, they are easily learned and even easier to apply. Experiment with dowsing, psycho-kinesis, and telepathy. Look into astrology, Tarot, numerology or other methods of forecasting. Try several styles of meditation to see what works best for you.
The best path is to find a combination of approaches that work for you. No one teacher will be able to give you everything you need. As you develop a package of psychic skills, you find that any self-doubt recedes into the background. You will still probably question yourself from time to time, but your ability to extend your awareness into your present surroundings, as well as into the future, will serve to strengthen your self-confidence.
Neptune is in the 8th House. You may have spiritual gifts that you never really had to develop – you just have them. For example, you may be able to see auras around people and objects, and you may be able to read the person’s health or emotional state. Whatever your extrasensory gifts, you can use them to help others, and to understand your own spiritual direction more clearly. For example, you can decide not to associate with individuals whose auras seem ugly to you, and you can find ways to cleanse your own aura so that your perceptions are sharper. You are connected to the world of shamanism and magic through a deep personal understanding of death, birth and other important life transitions. You may be able to feel big changes well ahead of time, and use this sense to plan ahead. You also feel the texture of other people’s emotional and material resources, and thus learn just how much you can ask of them.
Neptune Aspects
Your sympathetic nature utilizes the close connection between other people and your spiritual self. You are open to experience the joy and pain in others, and thereby grow in understanding of your own values. Psychic perception is part and parcel of your daily life. These perceptions develop into sympathy in an ordinary sense, and later into empathy for all living things. Psychic ability manifests easily once you allow it. Sexual relationships tend to arouse your idealistic nature and may have little foundation for a long-term relationship. Once past the initial stage of love however, your imagination fuels the flame of intense spirituality and you are capable of ecstatic insights. Mystical practices can enhance your sex life. You seek the company of visionaries, as you appreciate their ability to speculate on the future and to develop something radically new and different out of something well established. You either succumb to your impressionability, and gullibility, or you learn to discern the motives that drive others and then make your own decisions. You have natural psychic ability that can express through mediumship, conscious psychic or telepathic communication and mystical interests. This needs to be balanced with physical grounding of some kind. You are sensitive to the urgings of your inner voice, and you may even hear the voice within other people. You will experience visions and other forms of psychic awareness.
The Twelfth House
The sign on the Twelfth House indicates how you color issues of doubt and resistance. It also reflects your most direct approach to your psychic insights.
You have Aquarius on the Twelfth House cusp. You find that you attract people like a magnet, and it may be difficult to sort out the positive connections from destructive relationships. Your dreams provide a way to measure the sincerity of others toward you. Your inner voice will tell you when there is something not quite right about a situation or person. Meditation that focuses your mind on an object supports clarity in your dreams, and together the two help you to loosen the bonds of the physical body, as well as to find the best soul companions.
Planets in the Twelfth House
Planets in the Twelfth House have just risen over the horizon. They have a quality similar to the Sun in that they are casting their influence on you in a fresh, genuine expression of their energy. You accept this energy and consider it, but you may not choose to reveal your thoughts to anyone else.
Both doubts and psychic strengths are a reflection of planets in the Twelfth House that serve as guideposts along the path of self-discovery. Your private thoughts may center on the qualities these planets represent. Your teachers may exemplify the qualities of these planets to the extent that they reach your inner psychic core and help you understand your potential. In the end these planets indicate qualities that you can bring into the world to help others, as well as the feelings of compassion surrounding all your activities.
Moon in 12th House:
Institutional patterns have stamped your core beliefs with a nearly indelible set of strictures. You need private time in which to consider what remains valuable from the formal beliefs your family and childhood impressed on you. Use that time to meditate, read, study and then evaluate what works for you now.
Twelfth House Aspects
You are aware of the apparent differences between spirit and soul as they are expressed in your daily life. You often struggle to decide what activities are the best for you personally, and you may even try to make this decision for other people from time to time. A companion on the spiritual path can be very helpful. The spirit within you desires material expression, and you search fearlessly for the way to show how you feel to others. People find they can depend on your devotion to your principles. Your strong intuition provides a rich source of information in your relationships with others. You may eventually be capable of seeing into the future quite clearly. Meetings with unconventional people can provide the spiritual contacts you need to make further progress. You can be a radical without being irresponsible. Your sympathetic nature utilizes the close connection between other people and your spiritual self. You are open to experience the joy and pain in others, and thereby grow in understanding of your own values. Intense emotions are part of all your relationships. Your challenge is to become aware of which feelings are yours and which belong to others. Your spiritual life thrives in group activities if you learn to cooperate and not coerce change. Each interaction has the potential to transform your beliefs. Women bring an emotional spotlight to your self-awareness. Among the tears and anger you find gems in the form of core beliefs that have been transformed to suit your present needs. You tend to associate closely with women, and they can help you in spiritual matters. You are adaptable and seek harmonious relationships.
Death and Transformation as Spiritual Processes
Pluto, Scorpio and the Eighth House in the birth chart deal with issues of death and transformation. On the spiritual path a shaman must undergo a death-like initiation in order to come into his or her shamanic powers. In our own lives we continually experience the death of old ways of being and the birth of new possibilities. Transformative events can teach lessons concerning your spiritual growth:
* They are signposts to indicate progress.
* They allow you to modify your behavior in positive ways.
* They remind you to be gentle and kind with yourself.
* They remind you to accept yourself as you are, and to move forward.
* They remind you to support and encourage the child within yourself, just as you would encourage another person.
The Eighth House in your chart defines the mechanisms for change and self-acceptance that are most appropriate for you. By understanding them you develop a sense of self and a set of behaviors that lead more directly to your goal. You discard behaviors that no longer serve you in your journey on the spiritual path.
Scorpio is the natural sign on the Eighth House, and the associated planet is Pluto. How appropriate that Pluto, mythological ruler of the underworld, should be the planetary ruler of the Eighth House of death and transformation.
Yet Pluto attracts the living, though it cannot hold on to them for long. So it is with life. We are attracted to one way of doing things, but we know that change is the only certainty in life. As we travel the spiritual path, we find that each ending is the source of a new beginning, and that we often benefit from even the most traumatic events. By descending into the world of darkness and pain, we borrow a bit of Pluto’s power, so that on the next step along the path we are stronger and more courageous.
With Pluto in Virgo, your approach to death and transformation is primarily through the Sensation function. Potentially more mater-of-fact about issues concerning death and change, you take transitions In stride for the most part. In the occasional instance when a death or change catches you off guard, you may feel that you are unable to move out of one feeling into another. When you feel stuck, you may need to gather your will to take some action. By focusing on simple practical details, you take steps, one at a time, to lift the weight of feelings that have mired you temporarily. Generally you are able to handle the details of planning that are required when death or change occurs. You grasp the practical need for one thing to die before another may be born, for example. You also may be profoundly aware of past life events or the potential of a future lifetime, and you find practical ways to bridge the apparent gaps between.
You and many of your peers have the inquiring minds that have led to advances in medicine, the computer industry, and many other fields. You manage to get great results with relatively little. Spiritual issues demand the same level of attention, and yield the same high quality results.
Pluto Aspects
Intense emotions are part of all your relationships. Your challenge is to become aware of which feelings are yours and which belong to others. Your spiritual life thrives in group activities if you learn to cooperate and not coerce change. Each interaction has the potential to transform your beliefs. Your powerful spiritual values can be the source of your best and worst behavior. Arrogance is the least attractive of your powerful qualities. You must first rule your own desires. Then you can move forward without creating dangerous conditions for yourself. Transformation suits you very well, and the changes that come your way are easily absorbed, as long as the other people involved are not emotionally upset. Plan your entrances and exits with other people in mind. You are sensitive to the urgings of your inner voice, and you may even hear the voice within other people. You will experience visions and other forms of psychic awareness.
The Eighth House
The sign on the Eighth House cusp indicates the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual approach you take when dealing with birth, death and transformation.
You have Scorpio on the Eighth House cusp. The direct path to change is always a good choice. Your strong awareness of the rhythm of change matches your will in such situations. Death is seen as a natural adjustment or companion for life. When major transitions occur, you tend to face them and enter into them with all your faculties alert. Open to the experience, you feel the joy or sadness, anger or fear of the moment in the moment.
Planets in the Eighth House
Mars in 8th House:
The focus of your spiritual persona is on issues of death and transformation. You seek experiences that help you to understand your own life and death cycle, with a desire to help others understand their own. A second issue that affects your path is your own sexuality. Physical desires can be very strong, and you need to develop judgment in this area of your life. Long term relationships transmute physical sexual drives into spiritually ecstatic experiences that lift you to peak moments of understanding.
Neptune in 8th House:
You may have spiritual gifts that you never really had to develop – you just have them. For example, you may be able to see auras around people and objects, and you may be able to read the person’s health or emotional state. Whatever your extrasensory gifts, you can use them to help others, and to understand your own spiritual direction more clearly. For example, you can decide not to associate with individuals whose auras seem ugly to you, and you can find ways to cleanse your own aura so that your perceptions are sharper. You are connected to the world of shamanism and magic through a deep personal understanding of death, birth and other important life transitions. You may be able to feel big changes well ahead of time, and use this sense to plan ahead. You also feel the texture of other people’s emotional and material resources, and thus learn just how much you can ask of them.
Eighth House Aspects
The spirit within you desires material expression, and you search fearlessly for the way to show how you feel to others. People find they can depend on your devotion to your principles. You may find that you go from one transformational situation to another, never really settling into any one thing. Yet you have the endurance necessary for the long haul. Your fighting spirit reflects the sincerity and importance of your spiritual values. Others see you as enthusiastic, and sometimes pushy. Your sympathetic nature utilizes the close connection between other people and your spiritual self. You are open to experience the joy and pain in others, and thereby grow in understanding of your own values. Psychic perception is part and parcel of your daily life. These perceptions develop into sympathy in an ordinary sense, and later into empathy for all living things. Psychic ability manifests easily once you allow it. Sexual relationships tend to arouse your idealistic nature and may have little foundation for a long-term relationship. Once past the initial stage of love however, your imagination fuels the flame of intense spirituality and you are capable of ecstatic insights. Mystical practices can enhance your sex life. You seek the company of visionaries, as you appreciate their ability to speculate on the future and to develop something radically new and different out of something well established. You either succumb to your impressionability, and gullibility, or you learn to discern the motives that drive others and then make your own decisions. You have natural psychic ability that can express through mediumship, conscious psychic or telepathic communication and mystical interests. This needs to be balanced with physical grounding of some kind. You are sensitive to the urgings of your inner voice, and you may even hear the voice within other people. You will experience visions and other forms of psychic awareness.
The Development of Intuition
Intuition is an ability beyond logical thinking. Through it you can consider future outcomes. In the Buddhist tradition, intuition is a mental ability, equal to intellect that can provide direct insight. In mathematics intuition is the capacity to “guess” the answer to a problem, skipping the regular logical processes.
Intuition is more than your inner voice. Intuition is one of the methods by which you understand the world. It is a skill you can develop and use consciously. Intuition often surfaces during meditation. When the mind is quiet, then intuition can be heard. Once trained, you can access intuition by stopping your normal waking process and entering the calm that you have cultivated.
The planet associated with intuition is Uranus. With Uranus in Virgo, your intuition works best through the Sensation function. Your intuition comes to you in very concrete images. For example, you can see a piece of land and clearly envision a house, a road, or a bridge being built there. You actually see the finished product in your mind’s eye, and then take the practical steps to achieve the result you see. You also can find multiple uses of tools, and can usually handle an emergency with whatever materials and tools you have available.
You need to apply intuition to your work in a methodical way. Given the future solution you perceive, you have to find the tools you need, even when they are designed for other tasks.
Your Uranus is in the 6th House. Your intuition works a lot better for other people than it does for you. As you solve problems for others, you will at least reap the benefit of knowing you are doing good work for them. Find another person to be your intuitive beacon.
Uranus Aspects
Your strong intuition provides a rich source of information in your relationships with others. You may eventually be capable of seeing into the future quite clearly. Meetings with unconventional people can provide the spiritual contacts you need to make further progress. You can be a radical without being irresponsible. Your revolutionary attitude causes you to leave one spiritual idea and move to the next. You will benefit by retaining the value from the past while moving toward the future. You have an unusual knack for joining apparently disparate ideas into a logical whole. You have natural psychic ability that can express through mediumship, conscious psychic or telepathic communication and mystical interests. This needs to be balanced with physical grounding of some kind. Transformation suits you very well, and the changes that come your way are easily absorbed, as long as the other people involved are not emotionally upset. Plan your entrances and exits with other people in mind. Self-awareness comes through dramatic, sudden events. To the extent that you can foresee them intuitively, you can avoid the harsh impact to some extent.
The Midheaven: Self-Awareness and the Use of Intuition
How can you use your self-awareness to access intuition, a presumably involuntary, less conscious capacity? To take the direct, conscious path is challenging at best. This method only works if you can consciously enter unconscious territory, and by definition, that territory is unconscious because you cannot access it directly. You can rarely dive in intentionally.
You can wait for intuition to arise naturally without doing anything. Or you can practice meditation. It is fairly easy to learn and requires no particular physical or mental skills, except the ability to focus the mind.
In addition, you have specific avenues, or points of focus, to aid you in the practice. The sign on the Midheaven indicates an area of the subconscious that you can access through meditation, thereby identifying spiritual keys to your development. By going within, you find the higher values most suited to your own path.
With the Midheaven in Capricorn, your self-awareness and your path to self-realization are primarily through the Sensation function.
Beneath the subconscious desire to be comfortable with your present belief system, you find the desire to create conditions that provide for the transformation from a being driven by instinct to a person governed by intellect. The Moon combines its energy with other planets to bring this change about, so the Moon’s aspects will have an important impact on how this change is wrought. In childhood you may simply absorb and accept the beliefs (and thereby act on the instincts) of your family. As you complete your childhood and begin adult developmental processes, you will find that not every basic belief of your family suits your individual needs. You then apply your mind to discovering what will work better for you.
You have a fluid mind and are able to retain what you have been taught while at the same time motivating yourself through new experiences. Because you are listening for the nuances of your soul, you find the proper direction for your own activities, and you do this without needing to break the mold provided by your family and social position. When the intellect has been fully engaged, you will move into the rich experience of intuition, and you will be able to foresee the results of your decisions and plan even more responsibility.
Midheaven Aspects
Women bring an emotional spotlight to your self-awareness. Among the tears and anger you find gems in the form of core beliefs that have been transformed to suit your present needs. Perhaps your biggest challenge in life is to act as though you are certain, while at each turning you are examining your own values and sense of self. Only after the fact can you be certain of your direction. Vanity could be a problem if your focus is on yourself. When you focus on the spiritual connections you have, you express affection to everyone you meet. Your have the capacity to become fully conscious of your spiritual values and the path you follow this lifetime. You also can become content with your progress toward self-awareness. Self-awareness comes through dramatic, sudden events. To the extent that you can foresee them intuitively, you can avoid the harsh impact to some extent.
Karma and Dharma
Perhaps no single principle of Asian religions has fascinated us more than karma and its link to reincarnation. Karma refers to the cause and effect relationship between what we do and the results we get. Our actions bring reactions, constructive and not so constructive. However, everyday feedback often comes from individuals who are no more clear about their spiritual values than we are. So, what should you take seriously?
How does karma work in your life? Will it be played out in your next incarnation, or will you experience it in the here-and-now?
Certainly you do not have to believe in karma or reincarnation to make progress along your spiritual path. However, if you do astrology can offer insight into what factors in the past may be influencing you today. The following are suggestions concerning past influences. Think of them as relating to family and childhood experience, or you can relate them to your past lives, or both.
With Saturn in Aries, you experience karma and dharma primarily through the Intuitive function. Intelligent activity in your life is inspired by your vision. You live in the moment, and you place yourself there in three ways: 1. You welcome the opportunity to make wise decisions. Because of this you dislike being forced to make decisions without thinking things through carefully; 2. You are generally able to look at your past and accept as just that-the past. Yet you consider the lessons you have learned and apply them to your present life; or 3. You use your intuition to prepare for the future. You are often able to forecast future events accurately, even though it seems unlikely that you would know what is going to happen.
The spiritual path will transmute your material ambition into a higher aspiration to use intelligent activity in service to humanity. Instead of ruling, you aspire to be the facilitator of each person’s individual progress.
Your Saturn is in the 1st House. Your lessons come from your sense of personal responsibility. You are ambitious in terms of career and material things, and your ambition extends to your spiritual life as well. As you transcend selfish ambitions, you engage instead in the pursuit of higher spiritual aspirations, which are firmly grounded in your ability to learn from all your experiences.
Saturn Aspects
You seek people with whom you can engage in serious spiritual work. Your capacity to concentrate on ideas can develop into deep philosophical understanding. You may become a teacher for others, as you recognize the effort required and can inspire it in your students. You may find that you go from one transformational situation to another, never really settling into any one thing. Yet you have the endurance necessary for the long haul. You prefer to associate with your elders, and you gain spiritual maturity early in life. You learn from experience, your own and that of others.
Transcendent Values
Behind what you know about yourself – behind all other considerations of spirituality, lie the transcendent values that are most important to you. These are the values you have worked to discover from among all the rules you have been taught. They are the reason you have read books, studied with teachers, privately pondered and examined the events of your life. They are the fundamental principles that you believe will help you find fulfillment as a human being. As such they are the source of energy behind your self-awareness, the motivation of your spiritual search, and the principles that you apply to your dharma, or life path.
With Jupiter in Leo, your approach to and understanding of transcendant values is primarily through the Intuitive function. You feel more optimistic and more successful when your daily activities incorporate intuition in a meaningful way. Whatever your natural direction, based on your Sun and Moon elements, you can develop intuition as a spiritual guidance mechanism. You may find that you become physically sensitive in the heart area-you may feel heat in the skin on your chest or back, for example. This change in temperature can serve as an intuitive barometer. When your human energies are spiritually directed, you approach the moment when you are no longer subject to the ordinary limitations of the physical world. Your mind and heart foresee the karmic effects of your actions and you can make intelligent choices. Then you are no longer limited by the wheel of birth and rebirth, and can fully experience the life for which you are intended.
Self-confidence makes you a strong leader, and you gain popularity in direct proportion to your personal ethical input. Contemplative practice that focuses on the inner space of your heart and mind will serve to align your spiritual aspirations with your activities in the world at large.
Aspects of the Jupiter
The pursuit of wisdom parallels the pursuit of love in your life. Any conflict in love relationships causes you to consider your spiritual values all over again. You may like the stage of falling in love with a spiritual idea so much that you choose to do it many times before you establish a solid foundation. You seek the company of visionaries, as you appreciate their ability to speculate on the future and to develop something radically new and different out of something well established. You either succumb to your impressionability, and gullibility, or you learn to discern the motives that drive others and then make your own decisions. On the practical level you value the harmonious relationships you have with others. The spiritual value lies in the capacity to form strong partnerships that support your spiritual path. Your have the capacity to become fully conscious of your spiritual values and the path you follow this lifetime. You also can become content with your progress toward self-awareness.
The Ninth House
You have Sagittarius on the Ninth House cusp. While human emotions may not seem transcendent, understanding them is one of your highest values. This is important for you as an individual, and it is also significant in the way you interact with others. A second value is focused consciousness. Learning to focus is key to the proper orientation of your work, whether in the material or spiritual realm. Without focus, your work wanders all over the map, never reaching its destination. A third transcendent principle lies in the perceived duality of physical existence. You find many ways to understand the illusion of duality, and to help others understand it as well. As you become aware of these specific values, you find that your efforts follow as sure a path as an arrow shot from a bow, and the power of your path lies in your personality, just as the power of the arrow is inherent in both arrow and bow.
Mars: Your Spiritual Persona
Mars indicates an area of life that is vitally important to your spiritual growth. Whatever path you choose, this factor will come up again and again. Others will see how it affects you, but they are unlikely to understand the depth of its significance. You yourself may not understand the power of this influence on your life.
The Element of Mars
Mars is naturally associated with Aries, a fire sign. Traditionally Mars was also associated with Scorpio, a water sign. Thus the expression of Mars shares the nature of these two elements to some extent. The movement between water and fire involves the capacity for discriminating awareness. Mars governs the five senses-touch, taste, sight, hearing and smell. The position of Mars directly reflects your capacity to relate to the world through your senses.
With Mars in Sagittarius, your spiritual persona is expressed most fluently through the Intuitive function. You naturally consider the future while taking action in the present. You relate to the physical world via intuition, and you do the same in spiritual considerations. When you encounter a dilemma or paradox in your life, you tend to project the problem into the future to hypothesize how it will be resolved, and then you take action in the present to move toward that outcome. Your actions, while focused on the future, are always a reflection of a purification process that is usually associated with water.
The sign placement of Mars is significant to developing your spiritual persona. The sign colors the message you receive concerning the direction your spiritual path will take. Here are three personality traits associated with Mars in your chart: Reverence for All Life, Open-minded Attitude, Cheerfulness. If you consider each trait and consciously evoke it in your daily activities, you will find that the path becomes more fulfilling, more insightful, and easier. By actively devoting energy to the development of the traits of your Mars, you spontaneously develop several traits associated with other signs.
House Placement of Mars
Your Mars is in the 8th House. The focus of your spiritual persona is on issues of death and transformation. You seek experiences that help you to understand your own life and death cycle, with a desire to help others understand their own. A second issue that affects your path is your own sexuality. Physical desires can be very strong, and you need to develop judgment in this area of your life. Long term relationships transmute physical sexual drives into spiritually ecstatic experiences that lift you to peak moments of understanding.
Mars Aspects
The spirit within you desires material expression, and you search fearlessly for the way to show how you feel to others. People find they can depend on your devotion to your principles. You may find that you go from one transformational situation to another, never really settling into any one thing. Yet you have the endurance necessary for the long haul. Your fighting spirit reflects the sincerity and importance of your spiritual values. Others see you as enthusiastic, and sometimes pushy.
The Ascendant: Expressing Spirit in the World
The Ascendant provides a personal anchor for understanding spiritual potential and process in the birth chart. It shows how you express yourself in the world. This is because the rising sign represents choice – you choose what you want to show to the world. Ultimately, however, you come back to the Sun sign on the spiritual level.
Each person learns about the Sun sign’s higher spiritual values and cultivates those values by developing the positive traits of the Ascendant. Each sign as it rises brings to light different personality traits, different physical appearance, and a different sense of spiritual direction. The rising sign offers a container for your experimentation with constructive, creative personal choices about how to act in the world. Later you can take this practice back to the Sun sign and master its lessons.
Remember that the Midheaven and Ascendant depend on an accurate birth time. If you have no idea of your birth time, the material included here may help you to focus on a spiritual persona for yourself.
Your Rising Sign (Ascendant)
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It expresses the will to power, but its primary expression is the unfoldment of potential – the power to manifest in the physical world. You are expressing the power to create on the material plane, but you are also capable of expression on the intuitive level. You understand the capacity of intuition to illuminate your life and the lives of others.
During your life you will find yourself going through cycles of intuitive insight and more practical application. All intuition without the practical effort carries little impact, so you have to learn a compassionate style for delivering your psychic messages. With Mars as ruler, Aries is not known for its compassion, so you have an interesting task. Qualities that you can easily demonstrate are your endless enthusiasm for life, your quick wit, and your spontaneous responses. Practice being enthusiastic about the path of other beings. Inject humor into difficult situations to ease their path. And don’t withhold your true response to their sadness and pain. If you are impatient, be impatient to see them reach the next level of creativity. If you are foolish, be foolish with your willingness to help. If you are jealous, show it as protectiveness of their tender hearts.
As you practice the strengths of your rising sign, you will find that what began as a lively, expressive personality is developing into your soul expression. For Aries the shift is from “I am” toward “I aspire to become.” You aspire to become the container for intuitive truths that you can act upon for yourself, and also share with others. You know, deep within yourself, that intellect functions best when it is paired with intuition. As you open yourself to the world of intuition, your sensitivity deepens. You become and active participant in the creative process as you re-orient toward the inner voice.
As you activate the purifying process of fire in your life, you may find that your physical health is affected. Wholeness and wellness are significant factors in your spiritual quest. The head, and especially the eyes, become the focus of your intuition and expression. When spiritual energy first arises, you may experience headaches and your eyes may tire easily. You may benefit from meditative practice in which you visualize energy moving up your spine and out the top of your head. See it flow around you like a fountain, to be pulled up your spine again. In this meditation you use the energy within you to move through any pain in your eyes or head, and you also can use it to connect with the immediate environment.
Ascendant Aspects
You tend to associate closely with women, and they can help you in spiritual matters. You are adaptable and seek harmonious relationships. Who you are, and what other people see in you are very different. You undermine your self-confidence until you set your sights on spiritual values. Your fighting spirit reflects the sincerity and importance of your spiritual values. Others see you as enthusiastic, and sometimes pushy. You prefer to associate with your elders, and you gain spiritual maturity early in life. You learn from experience, your own and that of others.
This interpretation of your life path has provided a systematic look at astrological factors that together add up to a spiritually oriented map. As you come to understand your unique map, you can move forward through life joyously and courageously, knowing that the path is appropriate to your personal beliefs, desires and needs.