Solar Return Yearly Forecast Report for:
Angelina Jolie
June 4, 1975
9:09 AM
Los Angeles, California
Solar Return calculated for:
June 3, 2025
8:23:06 PM
Venice, Italy
Cafe Astrology
***** INTRODUCTION *****
The Solar Return is a chart calculated for the time that the Sun arrives at the exact position of the Sun in your natal chart. That happens once every year around your birthday, but at a different time each year. This chart is calculated for the time of the Sun's return this year and marks the principal events for the year from birthday to birthday. This report also gives the location of your Solar Return. From this, it can be determined that some places are more favorable than others. With the aid of more than one report you could analyze the changes that are produced in the Solar Return Reports, choosing from different locations where you would want to spend the day.
This report essentially is divided into two parts. The first part analyzes the general external conditions of the year: opportunities and problems that could occur in different areas. For the benefit of students of astrology, the influence of the Ascendant and Midheaven of the return are described as well as that of the Sun and Moon.
The second part analyzes the twelve astrological houses, marking specifically in what area of your life the various astral influences will be manifested, emphasizing your probable responses and inner changes. This section analyzes the position of the solar houses on the natal houses, the planetary conjunctions, and the location of the planets in the houses. You will be given a description of the most important matters derived from the placement of the planets in the houses, which are outlined in the text for each of them.
In some cases you will find contradictions. A planet may be beneficial in a certain area, while others may indicate the opposite situation. This means that you could have two types of possible situations during the year. For example: a lover's quarrel and a following reconciliation. To get the most out of this report, it will be necessary to use your own logic and intuition, fitting the descriptions outlined here to your own particular case.
The objective of this report is to offer you a practical guide that helps you to analyze this year's prospects and to learn from them using your free will.
*** Astrological Data of Birth ***
The birth chart is a map of the positions of the planets at the time and place of birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions and other technical information is listed below:
Sun 13 Gem 25 Neptune 10 Sag 20
Moon 13 Ari 05 Pluto 6 Lib 31
Mercury 22 Gem 20 Asc. 28 Can 54
Venus 28 Can 09 MC 17 Ari 53
Mars 10 Ari 42 2nd cusp 20 Leo 50
Jupiter 17 Ari 25 3rd cusp 16 Vir 37
Saturn 17 Can 23 5th cusp 23 Sco 15
Uranus 28 Lib 48 6th cusp 28 Sag 01
Tropical Placidus Daylight Time observed
June 4, 1975 9:09 AM
GMT: 16:09:00 Time Zone: 8 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth place: 34 N 03 08 118 W 14 34
Astrological Data of Solar Return:
Sun 13 Gem 25 Neptune 1 Ari 55
Moon 20 Vir 20 Pluto 3 Aqu 37
Mercury 19 Gem 05 Asc. 8 Sag 28
Venus 27 Ari 36 MC 0 Lib 38
Mars 22 Leo 32 2nd cusp 12 Cap 36
Jupiter 28 Gem 37 3rd cusp 23 Aqu 29
Saturn 0 Ari 40 5th cusp 28 Ari 48
Uranus 28 Tau 16 6th cusp 20 Tau 19
June 3, 2025 GMT: 18:23:06
Venice, Italy 45 N 27 12 E 21
Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction : 7 Deg. 00 Min
Opposition : 6 Deg. 00 Min
Square : 6 Deg. 00 Min
Trine : 6 Deg. 00 Min
Sextile : 5 Deg. 00 Min
Semisextile : 2 Deg. 00 Min
Semisquare : 2 Deg. 00 Min
Sesquiquadrate: 2 Deg. 00 Min
Quincunx : 3 Deg. 00 Min
***** FIRST PART *****
Chapter 1:
General characteristics of the year. The external conditions.
Solar Return Ascendant Sagittarius :
This is a period of expansion, personal growth and general good luck. You will feel a desire to expand your sphere of interest beyond that with which you are familiar. Your idealism will also increase, and you will have a strong interest in the fields of religion, philosophy, law, metaphysics, and in advanced science. You will draw people to you who are positive and helpful.
Your desire for independence will be strong, along with a desire to travel and become acquainted with distant lands. If you have been thinking about taking a vacation, this is a good year to do it. You will carry out your plans with great enthusiasm. And this year you think big! Nothing less will do.
You may feel discontented and restless with your normal, daily routine. There will be a tendency to exaggerate, to be overly optimistic, and to be so preoccupied with the outcome that you ignore any potential dangers. You will have faith in yourself and your plans, but there is a risk of making mistakes that you will later regret if you do not plan well and pay attention to necessary details. Be positive but realistic!
If you are by nature quite serious and reserved, this year you will surprise everyone. You will become more talkative and spontaneous. If you are normally outspoken and friendly, these traits may be even more emphasized. But regardless of your basic temperament, good humor will prevail and you will find ways to resolve any problems you may encounter.
You may be attracted to adventure and conquest. The new and unusual will appeal to you, especially if it involves a degree of risk or danger. You should be careful not to go overboard in your search for excitement. This spirit of adventure could bring you into contact with new people, cultures, and languages. You could be involved in a light-hearted romance that may or not last after the year is over.
Under the influence of Jupiter, there is a tendency to gain weight, particularly in the hips and thighs. Therefore, you should be more than usually careful about your diet. And, of course, getting a lot of exercise is desirable.
You are likely to meet some interesting people who will stimulate your intellect and expose you to new and exciting ideas. They also will encourage you to spread your wings and travel. This could be a social year for you where you can go places and do things you have never considered before. If you are single, you will have the opportunity to meet other unattached people. One of them could become important to you. However, the relationship will probably not turn out to be long-lasting. If you are in a committed relationship, you might feel a little restless with the restrictions that it places upon you. One solution is to bring the new friends you make home to meet your partner. This is certainly a year when you can explore and grow in mind and spirit.
Solar Return MC Libra:
It will be possible this year to find the balance you long for. You will work tenaciously and persistently to materialize your goals. Diplomacy and your gift for sociability will go a long way toward achieving success in whatever you do this year. Overhasty actions and decisions without forethought will interfere with your progress. It will be important to think before you leap and plan your work carefully and calmly.
There is a possibility for romantic problems to occupy your mind a lot, which may interfere with your professional life. Deal with this by keeping your personal and professional life separate and don't waste your energy on it. If you can achieve emotional balance, you will be stronger in everything you do, but don't rely on others in order to achieve your personal success.
This influence favors working in groups to accomplish your goals, finding a solution to any legal problems you may have, and reconciling any differences you still have with others. It is important that you overcome and heal any bitterness or hurts you may have experienced in the past which might be standing in the way of your progress.
If your work is related to the courts, public relations, diplomacy, or some artistic form, you will have a year of progress and professional satisfaction. As a matter of fact, regardless of the kind of work you are involved in, you will find more harmony and balance than before.
However, this influence could also generate strong tensions within your home. The principal cause of the disagreements and arguments will come from others wanting to impose their authority on you. Fire also could be a threat now, especially if similar indications in this report indicate it. You should take the necessary precautions to insure your safety.
Chapter 2: Astrological influence of your personality.
Sun in 7th house:
Under this solar influence you will seek balance in your emotional life. If you don't have a partner, chances are that you will look for one. Possibly family members or a close friend might introduce you to someone. If you are already committed, this influence could bring you closer and you will spend the majority of your time this year with him or her. If you have plans for marriage, it would be an ideal year to tie the knot. You will be more influenced by others and will listen to and adopt their ideas with greater interest. It's important to select people who are compatible with your interests, because this is a year of sharing for you. Surrounding yourself with positive, interesting people will bring better results.
This year also favors team work and political or social activity. You could find yourself in the public eye in some way. It would also be a good year for settling legal claims.
The most favorable period will be halfway through this year (from birthday to birthday), at which time you will be most receptive to this energy and better able to profit by it. You will ask for and receive help from people in the position to give you positive assistance.
Sun conjunction Mercury:
Your ideas will be on the right track this year. You will be able to understand situations better and put things in their proper place. Communication will be important to you and this influence will prompt you to keep your correspondence up to date and to stay in contact with your friends. You probably will take one or several short trips, especially if other astrological factors in this report indicate the same.
Sun opposition Asc:
During this period your energy will increase a lot. However, you might use it ineffectively. You could use your energy trying to impose your will on others or fighting with people who try to dominate you. You could also become more selfish and rigid in your way of thinking. Your interests and desires will probably collide with those around you. Be careful to act in good conscience. Your personal vanity or your excessive pride will be your enemy during this time. You will blame everything on others because you won't be able to recognize and acknowledge your own errors.
The relationship with your father, or with other people who represent a certain type of authority, will be difficult. You will feel unjustly imposed upon. You will find it very difficult to live peaceably with others during this year.
It is important to watch your energy level and your nutrition. You should not allow yourself to get to the point of physical exhaustion. It is advisable to adopt a diet that supplies your body with the proper nutrition to keep your strength up.
Sun semisquare Venus:
You may encounter, and have to deal with, some unresolved romantic problems from the past. Stay calm and develop a positive attitude toward your partner, as well as your social life in general. The irritations and displeasures caused by others could be the reflection of your own inner uneasiness. This aspect generates a desire for comfort and pleasure, which could lead to disruptions in your routine, followed by a possible loss of income. Do your best to control these yearnings and search for a creative solution for your inner dissatisfaction.
Chapter 3: The emotional world.
Solar Return Moon in Virgo :
You will be self-contained and more reserved during this time. You will be very sensitive and receptive to any criticism or comments of others, especially those coming from women. It is important for you to keep your self-esteem high and to remain on solid ground during this time so that you don't become too critical of yourself. You will tend to be more analytical, paying more attention to details than you usually do.
You may tend to be more helpful and cooperative at this time, especially with people who appeal to you. In your professional life, you could possibly become dissatisfied with your job and think about finding another one. It would be wise to think seriously before you make any changes, because you will be acting from your emotions and may not make the wisest and most advantageous decision.
You may notice that your memory is better and that you can concentrate better. You will have more interest in taking up some new study, especially in such subjects as nutrition or diet.
You may be more quiet and reserved than is normal for you this year. Or you may find yourself being victimized in some way. This could lead to your getting some sort of psychosomatic disorder. Maintain a mentally positive attitude, express your emotions freely, and use this time to study, with your goal being to know yourself better and to improve yourself.
Solar Return Moon in 9th house:
This year favors the possibility of a long journey to a foreign country, probably with your family or with someone you know intimately. You will feel the desire to visit places of a different culture and to increase your knowledge of the world in general. The decision to travel will be more emotional than logical.
On the other hand, your consciousness and your emotional depth will be expanded. You will need and search for new experiences in scientific as well as philosophical or metaphysical fields. Your general attitude will be more open and liberal. You could also become more interested in pursuing a search for religious or spiritual truths. The practice of meditation or prayer will be very favorable during this time, and you could experience moments of inspiration and illumination.
Moon square Mercury:
Your thinking will be less sure, precise, and positive. This could affect your ability to communicate with others and your ability to concentrate. You also will have frequent changes of mood, which may confuse the people around you. You will be more subjective and less logical.
You may want to make a change of residence or make some changes within your home. Any possible change should be considered and thought out thoroughly, avoiding impulsive or capricious decisions. There could be communication problems within the home which will lead to conflicts and difficulties. Always be clear and precise in what you want and ask for. Your popularity will be up and down as you could sometimes be the target of criticism.
In addition, you will be involved in a variety of projects which do not produce any satisfactory, appreciable results. The failure will be a consequence of the lack of continuity in your ideas and projects. Be alert and use your analytical mind in making your decisions.
Moon sesquiquadrate Pluto:
Your emotions will be very profound, intense, and difficult to control with your own will. You could have violent and unexpected reactions due to the great activity of your subconscious mind. Fears and negative memories from your childhood will come to the surface, and it will be necessary to deal with them. Take care not to repress these emotions, but to allow them to be expressed freely now.
Conditions in your home could become tumultuous and you may find that someone is trying to manipulate you. At times you could also be the one who wants to manipulate the others. The relationship with your mother and with women in general will be closer, but there could be difficulties in communicating.
***** SECOND PART *****
HOUSE 1: Personality. Principal interest of the year.
Solar Return Asc in or within 3 degrees of natal 5th house:
Love will be the principal theme this year. Your desire to achieve a stable and happy relationship will cause you to direct your attention to any problems within yourself that need to be dealt with. If you are not involved with anyone, there is a real possibility of beginning a new relationship. If you are already in a committed relationship, it will be a year of pleasure and enjoyment. In either case, your desire to enjoy life and to search for amusement will be accentuated. This could lead you into some risky situations.
Your contact with children will also be important. In the chart of a woman, this influence could indicate pregnancy.
Solar Return Asc Conjunct natal Neptune:
Your mystic and spiritual side will surface. You will search for a closer understanding of spirituality and will become interested in the mysteries of life. You may find it more difficult to concentrate hard on day-to-day tasks. Your sensitivity and intuition will also increase.
Any bad habits you have could become more serious, especially at times when you are confronting problems or upsetting situations.
HOUSE 2: Financial situation.
Solar Return 2nd house cusp in or within 3 degrees of natal 6th house:
You may find yourself earning your principal source of income this year while working in a more subordinate or dependent position than you are used to. If you are self-employed, your financial stability will probably depend in great measure on some other person or persons whom you work with. There could be some medical expenses to be paid out.
Pluto in 2nd house of Solar Return:
This year will bring profound changes in your financial situation. You will be presented with possibilities for discovering new sources of income which you didn't expect. However, this could require you to make some radical changes in your life style.
You will concentrate more on your material security needs, and will pay more attention to people and to situations that can help you obtain a more secure financial base. You will be concerned with finding new meaning in your daily activities.
However, the changes you attempt to make could also result in loss or setbacks that will force you to explore new strategies and plans for your future. It is possible that these adverse situations are not under your control but are caused by the general economic conditions at the time.
HOUSE 3: The conscious mind. Study, communication, and short trips.
Solar Return 3rd house cusp in or within 3 degrees of natal 8th house:
This year brings a certain danger of accidents or problems while taking short trips. It is also important to use caution in the commitments you make and the contracts you sign during this year. Some of your letter-writing relationships may terminate.
HOUSE 4: The home.
Solar Return 4th house cusp in or within 3 degrees of natal 9th house:
You could feel the desire to begin a new life in a foreign country, but your final decision will depend on the current conditions in your home. There is the possibility for some of the members of your family to do some long-distance traveling. Your own opportunities will come toward the end of this solar year.
Your spiritual life will be strongly influenced by your family traditions.
Venus in 4th house of Solar Return:
You will be thinking about beautifying your home, redecorating, buying new furniture or other things that increase your comfort and provide a harmonious environment. However, it would be wise to be practical and not spend too much on luxuries or unnecessary objects.
This astrological influence promises happiness in your home and improved relationships with family and loved ones. You will enjoy each other's company. You will probably be in the mood to have some social affairs in your own home.
The last three months of this solar year will be very favorable and harmonious, especially regarding your personal and home life.
Saturn in 4th house of Solar Return:
You will confront problems or obstacles within your home, especially with older people. Commitments and responsibilities at home could weigh you down and limit your freedom, causing you to become frustrated and unsatisfied. You may have to return to your parents' home to lend assistance, or you may receive a family member into your home who needs your help and support. This period could bring about ties and responsibilities that will be difficult to cut off later on.
During this year you will be concentrating on your security needs and building a financial base for the future. However, any efforts you make to invest in real estate will be delayed or frustrated at this time.
The most difficult period will be during the last months of this solar year.
Neptune in 4th house of Solar Return:
The climate in your home could be confused and uncertain and you could have problems that are difficult to resolve. This uncertainty in your home could be the result of dishonesty, betrayal, or envy. There is also the danger of robbery or theft so it would be advisable to increase your security methods. Make an attempt to carefully select the people who visit your home. Also become aware of any current problems or disagreements between the persons in your family circle. If you don't take these precautions, you will suffer the consequences at some future date.
It is possible that your family will demand certain types of sacrifices from you that you won't be willing to comply with, and if you do, they will become a heavy load. This will be coming mainly from your parents or others in authority over you. These problems will probably surface toward the end of this solar year.
HOUSE 5: Romance & amusement. Relationship with children.
Solar Return 5th house cusp in or within 3 degrees of natal 10th house:
You will become very creative in your professional work. You will develop many new ideas that will allow you to improve your work style. You could also be successful in business investments and speculative ventures that involve a degree of risk. You could receive help and encouragement in your professional growth from a spouse or partner.
If you have children, their achievements will bring you great satisfaction.
HOUSE 6: Health and illness. Employment. Service.
Solar Return 6th cusp Conjunct natal 11th cusp:
Your health could be affected by your determination to pursue your goals and aspirations at the expense of your physical body. It would be advisable to take this into consideration as you plan your work schedule. This influence could also indicate concern over the health of a friend.
In the work arena, there is the possibility of beginning some activity with friends whom you trust, or you may receive the support of friends which will improve your present conditions.
Uranus in 6th house of Solar Return:
You will have problems in your work due to your new progressive ideas. You will start to resent a routine that you feel is too stringent and will search for more freedom. Your rebellion against authority and rigid schedules could cause problems with your superiors. You could be tempted to make drastic changes in your work or start looking around for another position. It is not wise to make impulsive decisions. Your desire for more independence will cause you to act first and think about it later.
In the physical area, you could have nervous problems because of the great stress you will be feeling during this year. You may have health problems that are difficult to diagnose and it would be advisable to get a second opinion in the type of treatment you require.
HOUSE 7: Associations. Marriage and partnerships.
Solar Return 7th house cusp in or within 3 degrees of natal 11th house:
Some of your friendship ties will be reaffirmed and strengthened this year. You will probably renew your association with some people who you have not had much contact with recently, or you may begin a romantic relationship that could become a long-term one. You will appreciate the help you receive from friends and associates that assists you in realizing your hopes and aspirations.
Solar Return 7th cusp Conjunct natal Sun:
You will feel very pleased with your spouse or committed partner and will have the opportunity to show others who he/she is. At the same time, your partner will help you to have more trust in yourself and to develop your personal authority. The relationship will also help you to undertake enterprises and fulfill objectives that perhaps you could only accomplish together. The same applies to your friends and business associates. Success during this period will depend in great measure on the quality of your relationship with the people close to you.
Mercury in 7th house of Solar Return:
You will be attracted to interesting people with whom you can share ideas and opinions. This will be a very good year for communication with those close to you, particularly if you are involved in a committed relationship. You will be able to clarify your problems more objectively, because you will be more detached and logical. On the negative side, this could be carried too far in your intimate relationships. You could become more detached and cerebral, searching only for intellectual stimulation and good conversation. This could very definitely affect your partnership in a romantic situation. Any problems you may encounter should be dealt with very carefully. On the other hand, this influence is good for business contacts and negotiations.
Solar Return Mercury Conjunct natal Sun:
The ideas and comments of others will be very beneficial to you this year, and they will increase your personal pride. On the other hand, they could also be critical or full of gossip. You will feel more sure of yourself and better established in your current position and will be less influenced by the ideas of others.
Solar Return Mercury Conjunct natal Mercury:
Your intellectual capacity will increase during this year. You probably will associate with people who have the same interests and will stimulate you to continue studying or to participate in intellectual groups. It will be easy for you to learn and also to relate your knowledge during this period. It will be important not to spend all the time talking about your projects without giving anyone else the opportunity to share.
Jupiter in 7th house of Solar Return:
You will enjoy your intimate and personal relationships a great deal, especially if you are with a partner. This year will be very favorable for companionship and for all types of relationships. You will have a positive response from others and will feel the protection and help from those around you. If you are not involved with anyone, you could begin a very positive relationship during this year that will be very beneficial for you. You will have contacts with influential and powerful people, probably people from other countries. The important relationships could be personal as well as professional. If you are planning marriage during this year, you will have a very happy union that will permit you to expand your own horizons.
Legal matters will also be favorable as well as contacts with the public in general. However, try not to be so confident and outspoken that you invite deception or other problems in the future.
Solar Return Jupiter Conjunct natal Mercury:
You will look for contacts with certain people who will mentally stimulate you through the knowledge or wisdom they share with you. In addition, their kindness and sympathy will make it easier for you to communicate more effectively.
HOUSE 8: Life and death issues, inheritances, and mysteries.
Solar Return 8th house cusp in or within 3 degrees of natal 12th house:
You should not neglect your health during this period, especially if you have had a serious illness in the past. There is a possibility of having a relapse, or an aggravation of a chronic condition. You may have to confront other serious problems that you have been carrying around for a long time and finally resolve them.
There also is the possibility that you will need to confront old enemies and come to terms with them.
Solar Return 8th cusp Conjunct natal Saturn:
You will try to find logical, realistic, and rational explanations for the extraordinary or paranormal events in your life. During this year you will change by becoming more responsible and aware of your obligations to others. On the other hand, there could be the possibility of acquiring some new chronic bad habits that are difficult to cure. You should be aware of this and use your will power in order to avoid serious, future problems. You should also take special care of your joints, teeth, and skin.
Mars in 8th house of Solar Return:
During this year you could have conflicts relating to inheritances, legacies, or the possessions of your partner or another person very close to you. If you are married, you could have arguments in reference to the handling of community property or of your money. There is the possibility that you will tend to waste money or assets which you control. It won't be a good time to ask for any type of credit or loan.
During this time you could have an encounter with someone which will have a powerful effect on you and will lead to some sort of transformation within you. This encounter could be in the form of a positive or negative confrontation or an argument or disagreement with this person.
On the other hand, your sexuality will be revitalized and will be an important means of expression for you and for your transformation.
HOUSE 9: Religion and spirituality. Long-distance travel.
Solar Return 9th house cusp in or within 3 degrees of natal 2nd house:
You could take a journey to a foreign country with the end result of beginning a business or making investments there. You will search for ways to increase your income and will investigate the possibilities available in other places. Progress in business affairs is very positive.
HOUSE 10: Your profession, success, and status.
Solar Return MC in or within 3 degrees of natal 3rd house:
You may have to take some short trips relating to your profession, or you may receive certain job proposals by mail or other communication. Your professional growth will be in direct relationship to your intellectual achievement, your conscientious pursuit of your studies, and your relationship with your environment. If you are involved in some type of intellectual work, you will have much success during this year.
Solar Return MC Conjunct natal Pluto:
You will have the desire to change the direction of your life and your profession. Your desires will be more profound and will come from your most inner self, which will make you more ambitious and tenacious than you were before. You could become impatient and demanding with people you work with, and could develop a great need to control which will result in opposition to your ideas. You will make many changes in your daily routine and could even make a complete change in your occupation.
HOUSE 11: Friendships and social life.
Solar Return llth house cusp in or within 3 degrees of natal 4th house:
You will base many of your hopes and expectations on profit gained from investments in real estate or land.
This influence brings changes in your circle of friends. On one hand, certain friendships will become closer to the point that you are more like family. And on the other hand, there is the possibility of ending some friendships. You will want to be more hospitable and will organize social affairs in your home.
Solar Return 11th cusp Conjunct natal Uranus:
Friendships will be very important to you during this year. You will enlarge your social world and will be very willing to meet and begin relationships with various types of people. You will become interested in the kind of people who are unusual or less conventional. Being with friends or participating in some group will make you feel most free, and you will show your more rebellious and personal side. On the other hand, you will develop many ideas and new projects for your future. Some of these ideas could be very wild, and changes in your routine could result in a new life style.
HOUSE 12: Limitations, enmities and hidden things.
Solar Return 12th cusp Conjunct natal 5th cusp:
You will have possibilities for secret or forbidden romances during this year. You may get involved with someone who is married or in a committed relationship and will suffer the aftermath of your actions. This influence could also bring about a meeting with someone with whom you have a karmic debt or responsibility.