Progressions Report for Jennifer Aniston 2 Years, Beginning 01/01/2005
Secondary progressions represent a symbolic movement of the planets and cusps of the birth chart. This progressed motion is based on the idea that naturally occurring cycles (e.g., days, weeks, months, years) can be compared proportionally. In secondary progressions, each day after (or before) birth corresponds to one year in the life. For example, if someone were born on October 5, 1960, then their progressed chart at age 19 would correspond to a chart cast for 19 days after birth, that is, for October 24, 1960. When we measure backward in time before the birth chart, we speak of converse secondary progressions.
When interpreting secondary progressions, we compare the positions of the planets and other horoscope factors for a particular time after birth with their locations in the birth chart. Certain angular separations, called aspects, have special significance. The most important progressed aspects are those formed by angular separations of 0 (conjunction), 30 (semi-sextile), 45 (semi-square), 60 (sextile), 90 (square), 120 (trine), 135 (sesquiquadrate), and 180 (opposition) degrees. The aspects involving 30, 60, and 120 degrees are considered harmonious and easy; they represent luck and opportunity. The aspects involving 45, 90, and 180 degrees are considered inharmonious and stressful; they signify challenges that force up to grow and develop. If their energy is used unwisely, they confront us with crises and difficulties that get our attention and help us get back on track.
The aspects formed by the secondary progressed planets and cusps among themselves and with the natal placements indicate the unfolding of major life trends. The progressions act like the unfolding of the “genetic code” of the birth chart and form the backdrop against which the transits (the current actual movement of the planets) for a given period take place.
When reading this report, pay special attention to the following factors:
1) The house and sign placement of the progressed Moon. These influences last for about a 2 1/3 year period and strongly influence one’s life during that time.
2) The aspects formed by the progressed MC, ASC, Sun, and the planets (other than the Moon). These will indicate major trends for a year or more surrounding the date on which they become exact.
3) The aspects formed by the progressed Moon. These are briefer influences that will color a several week period either side of the date on which they occur. These progressed Moon aspects can also act as “triggers” that stir the aspects formed by the other planets to manifest themselves. Aspects formed by transiting planets to progressed positions can act as triggers in a similar manner.
4. Of less importance are the house and sign placements of the progressed Sun and planets other than the Moon. For the slower planets the progressed placements will be the same as the birth placements for much or all of the life cycle. Thus, they will have a similar meaning to their occurrence in the natal chart. However, whenever a planet changes to a new sign or house, that will have a major impact for at least a year either side of the date on which it occurs.
5. When a progressed planet becomes stationary (has no apparent motion with reference to the earth), this has a major influence in the progressed chart.
Note that next to each aspect is the date on which it becomes exact. The influence of the aspect spreads out like waves in a pond on either side of the exact date.
Next to the entry of each planet into a house or sign is an indication of whether that planet is moving forward or backward in the horoscope and how many degrees into the house or sign it has already traveled. The signs of the zodiac are 30 degrees wide, so a planet at 10 degrees would be one third of the way through the sign. The twelve houses of the horoscope vary in width. The report will indicate the width of each house and how far the planet has already traveled into the house.
Report Background: Planets That Have Changed Sign or House The Sun in the 5th House: 01-Jan-2005, Moving Forwards at Degree 29 in a 30 Degree House
The Sun by progression is in the 5th house, where it spreads sunshine into creative and recreational activities, your love life, speculative ventures, artistic pursuits, theatrical interests, and dealings with children. You may find yourself at the center of attention as you provide enjoyment to other people. You are capable of creative self-expression that will be appreciated by others. You enjoy sports, friendly competition, teaching, coaching, and activities that have an element of risk or adventure.
The Moon in the 6th House: 01-Jan-2005, Moving Forwards at Degree 23 in a 25 Degree House
The Moon by progression is in the 6th house (the Moon stays in an average 30 degree house for a little over two years). The focus is now on your health and any service you perform for others. If you have not had a recent physical examination, call your doctor to schedule one. You are likely to find yourself quite busy at work, and the emotional tension may take its toll on your health. A sensible regimen of diet and exercise is just what the doctor ordered. Some will need to do work with computers and data processing. Many will enjoy the company of their pets under this progression. There is also a likelihood of spending more time with coworkers and with the siblings of your parents (i. e. , aunts and uncles). You have a tendency to be more critical of others.
Mercury in the 5th House: 01-Jan-2005, Moving Forwards at Degree 11 in a 30 Degree House
Mercury by progression is in the 5th house. During this time there is an increasing emphasis on intellectual creativity. Your mind becomes a vehicle of creative self-expression, and mental activities provide much pleasure and delight. You may develop an intellectual interest in the arts. Romance with a younger partner is possible. Children are a source of fun and enjoyment. Your style of verbal expression becomes more dramatic and commanding. You might enjoy vacations that combines learning and pleasure such as studying a foreign language abroad.
Venus in the 7th House: 01-Jan-2005, Moving Backwards at Degree 2 in a 28 Degree House
Venus by progression is in the 7th house, bringing benefits to partnerships and close relationships. For some this can indicate marriage. Others will profit from negotiations, contracts, disputes, lawsuits, legal agreements, or running for political office. Your social life will improve, and you may join with another in a creative joint venture or intellectual project.
Saturn in the 7th House: 01-Jan-2005, Moving Forwards at Degree 0 in a 28 Degree House
Saturn by progression is in the 7th house, increasing your sense of responsibility in marriage and partnerships. You are drawn to older, established, highly educated, or professional partners. You may feel deprived of love or neglected by your significant other. You are committed to carrying your portion of the load in close relationships. You may assume a position of responsibility dedicated to serving the needs of others. Your career may involve you in legal matters, negotiating, counseling, or political activity.
The Sun in Pisces: 01-Jan-2005, Moving Forwards at 29 Degrees
The Sun by progression is in Pisces, emphasizing dreams, fantasies, illusion, meditation, introspection, solitude, compassion, empathy, psychological healing, spirituality, research, and the hidden or unconscious aspects of life. You are sensitive, intuitive, psychic, creative, and attuned to the needs of others. You defend the underdog and feel drawn to do service or volunteer work. You find music, art, acting, decorating, creative writing, poetry, imaginative work, visualization, and occult studies appealing. You may work with the mentally ill or with others less fortunate than yourself. You value time alone and would benefit from the regular practice of meditation. You are able to tune into the hidden or unconscious dimensions of the universe. You desire oceanic spiritual experiences. If the Sun makes stressful aspects, you may feel victimized or play the martyr role in close relationships. There is no reason you must act like a doormat. You should also be careful with drugs, alcohol, excessive fantasizing, and other forms of escapism.
The Moon in Aries: 01-Jan-2005, Moving Forwards at 23 Degrees
The Moon by progression is in Aries where it spends a little over two years. This is a time of changeable moods, impatience, tactlessness, lack of introspection, and increased subjectivity. Issues related to mothering or nurturing of self and others come to the fore. You are likely to seek more independence and to become more competitive with others at this time. Matters related to the house containing the Moon or the house ruled by the sign Cancer in your natal horoscope play a prominent role in your sense of identity. You will find yourself being more assertive about family issues and domestic concerns. You may take the initiative in launching a new enterprise. Be sure to look before you leap.
Mercury in Pisces: 01-Jan-2005, Moving Forwards at 11 Degrees
Mercury by progression is in Pisces, lending a receptive, intuitive, meditative, psychic, or spiritual cast to your thinking processes. You receive much information by way of hunches that prove accurate. You are sensitive to subliminal messages and unconscious communications. You need time alone to do research and thinking. You may find yourself traveling to visit those who are less fortunate than yourself. You can benefit from the regular practice of meditation or another spiritual discipline. You develop an interest in psychological, metaphysical, spiritual, or occult subjects.
Mars in Sagittarius: 01-Jan-2005, Moving Forwards at 9 Degrees
Mars by progression is in Sagittarius, channeling energy into intellectual interests and the promulgation of ideas. You become more hopeful, idealistic, optimistic, and freedom-loving. You tend to put too many irons in the fire and to scatter energy in many directions. Variety and novel experience become crucial to your sex life. You develop strong interests in philosophy, religion, law, science, publishing, broadcasting, forecasting, gambling, advice giving, preaching, travel, foreign affairs, sports, the outdoors, and other Sagittarian matters. If Mars makes stressful aspects, you might have problems with long distance travel, legal matters, foreigners, or your in-laws. You must learn that some restrictions on your freedom are a necessary part of life.
The Ascendant in Scorpio: 01-Jan-2005, Moving Forwards at 23 Degrees
The Ascendant by progression is in Scorpio, emphasizing intense emotional experiences, sexual attitudes, power, passion, secrecy, stamina, will power, endurance, magnetism, vitality, rigidity, obsessionality, probing insight, joint money and resources, psychology, the occult, death issues, sexuality, transformation, transition, and rebirth. You will find yourself dealing with necessary losses and endings. You are fascinated by mystery, secrecy, sexuality, power, and control of others. You seek to understand in depth and to transform. You can be extremely resourceful, relentless, determined, and productive. The negative traits of the Scorpio progression include becoming driven, moody, stubborn, envious, jealous, cynical, vindictive, controlling, fanatical, possessive, suspicious, manipulative, and fearful of betrayal. You must learn to forgive and forget rather than harbor negative emotions. If the Sun is afflicted, you may choose to remain a loner after a painful involvement in a master-slave type of relationship.
The Midheaven in Virgo: 01-Jan-2005, Moving Forwards at 2 Degrees
The Midheaven by progression is in Virgo, bringing into the career arena a strong desire to provide meaningful service and to do detailed, methodical work. You may find yourself working in a subordinate capacity. You are capable of work requiring careful analysis, advice giving, manual dexterity, technical skill, mathematical understanding, communication, attention to detail, or the manipulation of data. You develop your ability to tinker, fix, repair, and heal things as well as people. Typical Virgo occupations include teaching, health care, service professions, nutrition, editing, secretarial work, computer programming, repairing, bookkeeping, mathematics, science, veterinary medicine, etc.
Progressed Moon trine Moon: 02-Jan-2005, Exact
For a month or two before and after this date you will experience emotional harmony and domestic tranquility. Your popularity increases, and your relationships with women and with the public at large are favored. Friendships prosper. You desire increased intimacy and rapport with others. This aspect may indicate a pregnancy, marriage, or birth in the family. Emotional support is available when you need it. Matters related to real estate or domestic needs should go well.
Progressed Moon in harmonious aspect to Sun: 05-Jan-2005, Exact
For a month or two before and after this date you should be on the lookout for opportunities to improve your health, succeed in your personal aims, or further your career. You feel confident that you are on the correct professional path. A person of influence may intervene in your favor. This is a fortunate time for popularity and improving relationships. It can sometimes indicate a birth. If Venus is also well-aspected, a marriage is possible.
Progressed Moon inconjunct Mars: 17-Jan-2005, Exact
For a month or two before and after this date, required adjustments, adaptations, and demands on your time may place a strain on your health, stamina, or financial situation. This aspect (150 degrees) often indicates a stressful situation involving some sort of parting, leave taking, release, separation, readjustment, correction, or letting go. Your worry or concern may focus on young or aggressive men in your life. Quarrels, arguments, or aggressive situations may be taxing. You are likely to be called upon to do strenuous physical labor that leaves you feeling exhausted. Hasty actions and angry reactions may cause difficulties. This can be an accident prone period. Be sure to see your doctor if you spike a fever. Since the Moon represents the mother, a stressful aspect to Mars can sometimes indicate a concern about your mother’s health or well-being.
The Sun in the 6th House: 29-Jan-2005, Moving Forwards at Degree 0 in a 25 Degree House
The Sun by progression is in the 6th house, putting the focus on your health, diet, exercise, pride in your work, and services you perform for others. You health and vitality should improve but you may put on some weight. Dealings with subordinates and coworkers go well. A pet may play an important role in your life during this progression. Your work may involve you with animals, with the general public, or with some type of healing activity.
Progressed Moon inconjunct Pluto: 07-Feb-2005, Exact
For a month or two before and after this date, required adjustments, adaptations, and demands on your time may place a strain on your health, stamina, or financial situation. This aspect (150 degrees) often indicates a stressful situation involving some sort of parting, leave taking, release, separation, readjustment, correction, or letting go. Intense emotional issues may be a focus of worry or concern. Power plays and dogmatic attitudes will only drain your vitality. Lighten up and let the other person be right once in a while. Aspects of your sexual life may become troubling. It is especially important to follow safe sexual practices while this progression is in effect. Be sure to see your doctor is something seems amiss with your reproductive organs. For women, this aspect sometimes correlates with a miscarriage, premature birth, or problem with a pregnancy.
The Moon in the 7th House: 10-Feb-2005, Moving Forwards at Degree 0 in a 28 Degree House
The Moon by progression is in the 7th house (the Moon stays in an average 30 degree house for a little over two years), putting the spotlight on partnerships, binding agreements, intimate contacts, and close personal relationships. You grow very attached to your loved ones and feel they are “good enough to eat.” Some will marry under this progression. For others a significant new relationship, an important consultant, or a business partner will enter the life. For still others, relationship problems become acute. The bottom line is that close partnerships come into focus. There is a chance of legal involvements and dealing with lawyers.
Progressed Moon oppose Ascendant: 10-Feb-2005, Exact
The Moon crosses your Descendant today, symbolizing a month or two of emphasis on close relationships in which you have a strong emotional involvement. Your partner may become quite sensitive or moody. There may be more than usual contact, and possibly confrontation, with your mother or with other women in your life. You become more aware of how your basic emotional needs are being met–or not being met! If you are perceptive enough, you will learn much about your own feelings by observing the emotional reactions of close associates. If the progressed Moon receives favorable aspects, this may indicate a marriage or the start of a significant intimate relationship. Women may attract men with lunar qualities (emotional sensitivity, domesticity, etc. ) into their lives. If the progressed Moon receives discordant aspects, relationship problems become acute. The ball is in the other side of the court right now.
Progressed Mercury in discordant aspect to Midheaven: 10-Apr-2005, Exact
For about a year (longer if Mercury is approaching a station) before and after this date career and/or family matters are likely to be a source of stress and tension. Gossip, misunderstandings, or negative publicity can have adverse consequences for your public image. You may over-estimate your professional standing or feel aimless about your goals. You may not be able to communicate clearly with parents, superiors, and those in authority. Carelessness about details can prove costly. An unwelcome change of job or residence is possible. Verbal altercations may occur with siblings, relatives, or close family members.
Progressed Moon square Midheaven: 27-Apr-2005, Exact
Within a month or two of this date you may experience an event that challenges your career, popularity, or public standing. You may feel emotionally drained by domestic or job-related responsibilities. This can be a trying time during which you feel a lack of emotional support. There is a possibility of domestic upset and of difficulties while traveling away from home. A conflict may arise between your family life and your professional interests. Your mother or a woman in your life may suffer illness, sadness, or emotional turmoil. Because the MC – IC axis symbolizes the parents, you may find yourself quite concerned about mom and dad at this time. An upheaval in your domestic situation is quite possible.
Progressed Moon inconjunct Neptune: 03-Jun-2005, Exact
For a month or two before and after this date, required adjustments, adaptations, and demands on your time may place a strain on your health, stamina, or financial situation. This aspect (150 degrees) often indicates a stressful situation involving some sort of parting, leave taking, release, separation, readjustment, correction, or letting go. You may feel somehow handicapped, limited, or grief-stricken at this time. Your concern or worry may focus on someone who is confined, victimized, secluded, or hospitalized. Your acts of compassion and self-sacrifice may drain you more than you realize. Daydreams, fantasies, foggy thinking, and escapism are a source of stress. Alcohol and drugs are best avoided. You should avoid self-pity and a self-defeating attitude. You may find spiritual issues troubling, or you may have a falling out with a spiritual advisor. This is a good time for a medical check-up because any hidden health problems may now come to light.
Progressed Ascendant in discordant aspect to Venus: 05-Jun-2005, Exact
The year before and after this date may be an emotionally trying time. There is the possibility of a health problem or of difficulty in close relationships. Contacts with women may be strained. Finances may be tight, or expenses may be heavy. Extravagance or overindulgence will exact their price. You may find yourself questioning any existing relationships, or you may be feeling lonely if you are not romantically involved.
The Moon in Taurus: 12-Jul-2005, Moving Forwards at 0 Degrees
The Moon by progression is in Taurus where it spends a little over two years. You yearn for a more peaceful and serene existence. There is a strong focus on finances, sources of income, and material possessions. You may be able to earn extra income through matters related to the house containing the Moon or the house ruled by the sign Cancer in your natal horoscope. Goods or services related to women or to public taste or fashion may play an important role in your financial situation. There is a tendency toward possessiveness and impulse buying, especially of luxury items. Others may see you as more conservative and opinionated. Spend time clarifying your values and getting your financial house in order. Now is a good time to develop artistic or musical talents. There is much tenderness in relationships with a spouse and children.
Progressed Moon square Mercury: 25-Jul-2005, Exact
For a month or two before and after this date your brain may not be functioning properly. Your thinking might be a bit off, or your speech may get you into difficulty. You tend to be overly sensitive. There is a lack of popularity. You may receive bad or troubling news, public criticism, or negative publicity. An emotional speech or a disquieting announcement can become a source of pain or difficulty, causing you to withdraw from public attention. With other adverse aspects, there is a possibility of malicious gossip or scandal. Communications and written agreements are not favored. You should speak with care and read any fine print carefully. Difficulties with travel or transport may occur.
The Sun in Aries: 24-Aug-2005, Moving Forwards at 0 Degrees
The Sun by progression is in Aries. This is a time to develop your independence, initiative, personal identity, courage, confidence, self-assertion, sense of adventure, pioneering spirit, and leadership. You want to be your own boss and to do your own thing. You enjoy competition and risk taking, are able to stand up for yourself, confront others, and succeed in the outer world. You excel at taking the lead and encouraging others in the areas of research, discovery, and development. You recognize the value of keeping physically fit to maintain your vitality and positive energy. You feel best when you stay physically active or engage in vigorous sex. You are able to motivate others but also project a “me first” attitude to those around you. You know what you like and dislike, and have a strong sense of your personal identity. Impatience and impulsivity may be problematic. Aries is a sign that symbolizes the budding life of early spring. Within a year of the time that the Sun first enters Aries, you are likely to be “feeling your oats” and may feel an urge to produce a child of your own.
Progressed Moon inconjunct Uranus: 19-Oct-2005, Exact
For a month or two before and after this date, required adjustments, adaptations, and demands on your time may place a strain on your health, stamina, or financial situation. This aspect (150 degrees) often indicates a stressful situation involving some sort of parting, leave taking, release, separation, readjustment, correction, or letting go. A friend, astrologer, or advisor may be a cause of worry or concern. Sudden and unexpected events or disruptions may feel overwhelming. Some sort of defeat or upset may occur. Dealing with separations or sudden losses takes an emotional toll. Your own erratic or odd behavior may cause difficulties. The need to learn a technical skill, such as using computers, may be taxing. You are likely to be somewhat accident prone now.
Progressed Ascendant in harmonious aspect to Pluto: 02-Nov-2005, Exact
Within a year of this date you will undergo profound positive changes in your sense of personal identity. Your life undergoes a transforming regeneration. Intense involvements with partners spur personal growth and psychological understanding.
Progressed Moon inconjunct Jupiter: 10-Dec-2005, Exact
For a month or two before and after this date, required adjustments, adaptations, and demands on your time may place a strain on your health, stamina, or financial situation. This aspect (150 degrees) often indicates a stressful situation involving some sort of parting, leave taking, release, separation, readjustment, correction, or letting go. You are likely to feel overwhelmed and over-extended. Most likely you have bitten off more than you can chew. You may feel burdened and overwhelmed by extra work. Matters related to the natal house containing Jupiter or with Sagittarius on the cusp may be a source of stress. You may feel drained by tasks related to higher learning, teaching, publishing, the law, religion, real estate, or foreign interests.
Progressed Mars in discordant aspect to Ascendant: 26-Jan-2006, Exact
Within a year of this date you are likely to be struggling with issues of defining your self-identity. Questions like “Who am I?” and “Where am I going?” are frequently on your mind. You put a great deal of energy into dealing with a matter that can change your entire life course. You may have a run-in or confrontation with another person. Your energy level is high but not necessarily well-controlled. Passions are overstimulated. Impulsive or rash actions cause problems. Be careful around cars, machinery, and mechanical devices. There is some risk of an injury, accident, inflammation, infection, cut, burn, or a need for surgery. Since the Ascendant can symbolize the body and Mars governs energy, this square can signify a period of over-exertion and consequent depletion of vital energy.
Progressed Sun in harmonious aspect to Mercury: 04-Feb-2006, Exact
The year before and after this date is a time of mental clarity and alertness. You are open to new ideas and significant changes. You are able to study, write, publish, travel, teach, learn, and communicate with confidence. You are adaptable and efficient with detailed work. Business trips prove worthwhile. Signing important papers or contracts produces favorable results. This is an excellent time to further your education. Scholastic and literary pursuits are favored and may bring public recognition. Students may receive awards or scholarships. Benefits come to siblings and young people. An important favorable event may occur involving a male in the family, perhaps a marriage, birth, or graduation.
Progressed Moon in discordant aspect to Moon: 07-Mar-2006, Exact
Expect a month or two of tension, sadness, or dissatisfaction. There may be difficulties with one’s mother, one’s family, with troublesome women, or with the general public. Dependency bonds are broken, and conflicts are likely on the home front. You may feel a lack of warmth, intimacy, support, or rapport in previously close relationships. A loss or a separation from a loved person or thing is possible. For men, this may mean a break-up with a girlfriend or spouse. Women may experience problems with a pregnancy. A beloved pet may go away. Squares diminish one’s vitality, and lunar squares may signal health problems in oneself or the females in one’s life.
Progressed Moon in discordant aspect to Pluto: 14-Apr-2006, Exact
During the month or two before and after this date, strong emotions may lead to a power struggle or a show of force. You may find yourself erupting at times with strong emotions. Passions run high, and a thirst for blood or vengeance may be in the air. Jealously, lust, or death wishes may underlie current behavior. Sexual energies may be particularly intense and seek expression. Beware of emotional or even physical abuse. Stand up for your rights in an appropriately assertive way. The women in your life may be especially troublesome. Watch your temper and curb any wish to manipulate or dominate others. Finances can become troublesome and complicated. On occasion, this aspect may correlate with an accident, theft, robbery, loss, or bereavement.
Progressed Moon in discordant aspect to Moon’s Node: 29-Nov-2006, Exact
During the month or two before and after this date you are likely to experience stress in close emotional relationships. Issues of jealousy may come to the surface. There may be problems or distressing news involving a woman in your life. Chances are you will feel unsupported, rejected, distanced, or isolated from others. Your emotional needs may go unmet. Child care may be difficult. An accident, injury, or health upset is possible. Women may experience problems with their breasts, fluid balance, or a pregnancy. It might be wise to schedule a routine mammogram for this period.
Progressed Moon in discordant aspect to Uranus: 31-Dec-2006, Exact
The month or two before and after this date are a rebellious time that may be marked by tension, agitation, manic behavior, and emotional crises. Abrupt unexpected changes or sudden travel may disrupt your life. This can indicate a break-up of a relationship. Rash, careless, or impulsive actions cause difficulties. Upsets or sudden incidents may occur on the domestic scene. There may be problems with electrical devices, computers, appliances, or major purchases made at this time. You may experience difficulties with the women in your life. A baby may be born prematurely, or there might be other problems with or due to a pregnancy. Travel plans may suddenly go awry; and accidents while driving, riding a bicycle, etc. , are possible.