Personalized Horoscope Report Package


What’s in Store for the Year Ahead?

Special. The Personalized Horoscope Report Package offers two forecast reports based on your personal birth data.

  • Life Trends reveals the general themes of the year ahead (also offered separately, below).
  • Day-by-Day offers forecasts, advice, and best days. This report runs 100+ pages and covers a full year.

This computerized report package reveals ideal days for attracting love, likely themes you will encounter, best days for business and communication, days when your thinking is challenged, and more. Life Trends (also offered separately here) offers an insightful overview of the year ahead, and Day-by-Day reveals important days and daily trends.

To order, please fill out the following information fields before adding to cart. Please also see the full description of the report plus the report sample below before ordering.


An initial, nickname, or first name only works fine.

Birth Date

Month/Day/Year format or spell out the month (example, March rather than 03 for clarity).

Birth Time

Time of birth, example 7:22 PM. If unknown, please type “unknown.”

Birth Location

City, state/country of birth.

Current Location

City, state/country


What’s in Store for the Year Ahead?

Special. The Personalized Horoscope Report Package offers two forecast reports based on your personal birth data.

  • Life Trends reveals the general themes of the year ahead (also offered separately, below).
  • Day-by-Day offers forecasts, advice, and best days. This report runs 100+ pages and covers a full year. SAMPLE: See sample of the Day by Day report (pdf).

This computerized report package reveals ideal days for attracting love, likely themes you will encounter, best days for business and communication, days when your thinking is challenged, and more. Life Trends (also offered separately here) offers an insightful overview of the year ahead, and Day-by-Day reveals important days and daily trends.

This is an excellent forecasting package. The Personalized Horoscope Report Package covers one full year (starting from the date of order placement), is $7.95 US, and is delivered by email via an attachment within 24 hours of order placement and receipt of the information requested. Note that while you will not receive the reports instantly, as they are not generated online.

Pay with your credit card or debit card: We accept payments through PayPal. This safe and secure service allows our readers to pay instantly online using their credit cards, debit cards, or e-checks.

#PH $7.95 US Personalized Horoscope computerized report package delivered through email within 24 hours of receipt of payment AND full information required to generate the report. Please enter your name (this can be first name only, if desired), your birth date (Month, Day, Year), your birth time (example: 7:36 PM – do not adjust for time zones!), and birth place (city, state/province, country), and your current place of residence (city, state/province, country). The current location is required so that the times included in the report reflect the correct and current time zone.

Life Trends Report Sample




Introduction to the Life Trends Report

The following pages describe the major transits that you will be experiencing over the coming period. These pages can give you insight into the challenges that you will encounter and the underlying lessons that they offer you. There are literally hundreds of transits occurring for you each year. This report focuses on those that occur more infrequently and therefore present the greatest challenges. These outer planet transits show the “backdrop” of important influences in the coming period.

The “Exact” transits dates, and immediately prior to those dates, are the times when the energies described will be felt most strongly and when actual events related to the transit are most likely to occur. Many transits will have three “Exact” dates listed. This is because the transiting planet goes retrograde (R) and then direct (D) again, causing three “hits.” When this is the case, the issues associated with the transit will surface on the first hit, there will be some progress toward resolving these issues on the second hit, and the third hit will bring final resolution. It is normal and expected that transits are repeated in the report, as the same transit comes in and out of orb due to retrograde motion (apparent backward motion) and then direct motion once again. Repeated transits can be considered strong influences.

Read your transit report over once now to get a general overview of the coming period. Then, as the issues described in this report begin to appear in your life, you can refer back to this report for suggestions on how to best handle the changes that you are experiencing. Even the worst transit can be a valuable experience if you are fortunate enough to “get” the lesson that it offers.

The readings stress that you are the ultimate decider of your fate. Astrology can give you a “weather report” on the energies influencing you, but it is up to you to decide how you will react. Some people can benefit greatly under normally difficult transits because they eagerly meet the challenge head on. Others will not benefit from the most positive transits because they did not pursue opportunities presented to them.

Now, on to your personal transits report…


Angelina Jolie

Wednesday, June 4, 1975 9:09:00 AM

Los Angeles, California

Time Zone: 07:00 (PDT)

Longitude: 118° W 14′ 34″

Latitude: 34° N 03′ 08″



House Transits and Transiting Aspects

Jupiter is in the 1st: 3/10/2015, Moving Backwards at Degree 15 in a 22 Degree House

Jupiter is in the 1st house now, bringing great improvement to your environment, self-confidence and advantages. Relationships are a source of mutual benefit; personality is expansive.


Saturn is in the 5th: 3/10/2015, Moving Forwards at Degree 11 in a 35 Degree House

Saturn is in the 5th house now, putting the damper on fun and games. Gambling is taboo. Love affairs become restrictive or more serious. Creativity can find concrete expression through hard work.


Uranus is in the 9th: 3/10/2015, Moving Forwards at Degree 28 in a 31 Degree House

Uranus is in the 9th house now. Thinking and understanding are enhanced by a sudden and unique experience. Travel or legal complications could be disruptive or unusual.


Neptune is in the 8th: 3/10/2015, Moving Forwards at Degree 16 in a 26 Degree House

Neptune is in the 8th house now. Shared resources, taxes, inheritance and sexuality may be a source of misunderstandings and confusion. Hidden elements may cause problems.


Pluto is in the 6th: 3/10/2015, Moving Forwards at Degree 17 in a 31 Degree House

Pluto is in the 6th house now, affecting the health and well-being. Making excess demands on the body will result in stress-related illness. There may be enforced changes at work.


Chiron is in the 9th: 3/10/2015, Moving Forwards at Degree 0 in a 31 Degree House

Chiron is transiting your 9th house. Your beliefs could become obsessive or fanatical now. Be willing to allow others to follow their own truths, even if different from yours.


Chiron trine Saturn: 3/10/2015, Exact

This transit will occur only twice in each 50-year cycle of Chiron. During this time you will closely re-examine your level of commitment in various areas of your life (especially your relationships). You may form a deep, committed relationship, or reach new levels in an existing romance. Or, you may end a long-time partnership after realizing you initially made the commitment for all the “wrong” reasons (usually as a result of duty, obligation or even tradition). If you have shirked your responsibilities toward others in the past, they are likely to come back and haunt you. This gives you the opportunity to do things differently now and deal with others fairly and honestly.

You may change careers during this time, especially if someone else, such as your family or spouse chose your current profession for you. If you’ve enjoyed a relatively secure and stable existence, you may have to tighten your belt and modify your lifestyle in order to adapt to the changing world around you. However, you’re very perceptive now and are quick to come up with creative solutions. Instead of becoming bitter over unfulfilled dreams, learn to give thanks for what you do have. Events in your life are likely to bring many latent problems to the surface to be resolved (mostly related to childhood wounds that have never healed. The more progress you can make toward healing these scars, the easier it will be for you when Chiron squares or opposes your natal Saturn in a few years.

During this time you’ll focus on building the foundation for a new future–one based on your own ideas and life goals, rather than those thrust upon you by others. You realize that you create your reality, and you’re ready to work hard to manifest your own personal and professional success. Others will offer you plenty of advice, but in the end you have to follow your own inner guidance. Once you learn to find and pursue your own destiny, you’ll be able to share your experience and help others do the same.


Jupiter sextile Sun: 3/16/2015, Exact

enters orb: 3/10/2015, 0.51 deg. orb – leaves orb: 4/1/2015, 0.75 deg. orb

You are able to accomplish a great deal at this time with very little effort. Even your most idealistic dreams seem possible, and you are able to maintain a positive attitude toward life. This is an excellent time for relaxing and reviewing the progress you are making in life. You are optimistic now and can more easily make necessary changes in order to achieve your goals.

Now is a great time to make a good first impression, especially with people who are in a position of authority. You convey an image of self-confidence, which leads others to believe in you and support your endeavors. This transit brings a kind of “good luck” but does not provide the motivation to do something with it. This must come from your own sense of self-discipline and commitment to your life purpose.

Your relationships with others will be very rewarding now, and you enjoy socializing with friends and loved ones. Your optimism and self-confidence are infectious, and your positive outlook on life inspires others. You may meet a new love interest through Jupiter-related activities, such as travel, education, publishing or religion. It is possible that new opportunities for growth or advancement will present themselves to you now. Keep your eyes open and be ready to seize the chance when it appears; opportunity will not knock twice.

At this time you are more outgoing and generous than usual. Minor problems and obstacles don’t throw you completely off track. You are able to plan ahead and to make adjustments when your plans don’t work out quite right. Often this transit indicates a sudden windfall or unexpected acquisition of cash. Now is certainly a good time to negotiate business deals and to enter into well-planned transactions. It’s also an excellent time to resolve legal matters. You are willing to compromise with others now and are therefore more likely to receive cooperation from others.

This can be an excellent time for financial transactions, making plans for the future, making investments, resolving conflicts with others, and boosting your self-confidence. You may be feeling particularly vital and confident, and this inner “sunny-ness” can bring its rewards.


Jupiter trine Moon: 3/21/2015, Exact

enters orb: 3/10/2015, 0.84 deg. orb – leaves orb: 4/9/2015, 0.49 deg. orb

During this time you have the ability to draw what (or who) you need to you. This will be a very pleasant time, although nothing magnanimous is likely to happen unless there are other simultaneous transits that can give you the drive you need to accomplish things now. You feel laid back and happy, but not particularly motivated. Unfortunately, your present ability to attract what you need with little effort will not last forever, even though you may feel that it will. So unless you provide the motivation, this time may come and go without leaving any permanent changes or major accomplishments in its wake.

Your home will be a source of good feelings at this time, as your family and friends are supportive of you now. You will make important connections with people now who will later be able to help you in some way, women in particular. Opportunities to improve your living situation will come your way now, either through relocating, remodeling or expanding your space in some way.

Now is a good time to take on sports or other physical activities. It is also an excellent time to make progress in your business or profession, since your confidence is high. It is also a favorable time to buy or sell real estate. This transit often sparks an interest in spiritual or religious matters. At the very least, you will be at peace with yourself.


Uranus square Saturn: 4/22/2015, Exact

enters orb: 3/31/2015, 1.28 deg. orb – leaves orb: 5/6/2015, 0.75 deg. orb

This transit occurs only twice in each 84-year cycle of Uranus. You will find that restrictions you have tolerated until this point must go! You feel a strong urge to break free from oppressive relationships and situations, and you will do whatever is necessary in order to do so. For instance, if you’ve been putting up with an unsatisfactory love relationship or job situation because you are afraid you couldn’t make it without the emotional or financial security it offers, now is the time you will decide that nothing is worth the oppression you suffer.

Events and situations will present tests for your belief system, and you may have to reconsider many of your long-held ideas. By the end of this transit, your beliefs will be more based on reality, even though the process may have been unpleasant. You will experience sudden realizations (enlightenment) as to how situations in your life REALLY are and then will have to decide which are still appropriate enough to be included in your life.

You are challenged now to remove anything from your life that is preventing you from realizing your greatest potential, whether this is an outward situation or an inner block. As you look around you are likely to realize that you’ve settled for much less than you want or deserve in life. During this transit you are likely to make abrupt changes without looking back, and others will be very surprised by your actions. This is not a good time to take on major changes in your business or profession. Trust could be an issue in your business associations, and legal conflicts could arise.

Since this is a stressful transit, it can aggravate physical conditions such as ulcers, heart disease, nervous disorders and other tension-related ailments. Be sure to find a release for the frustration you feel now, even if it is no more than talking to an understanding friend.


Uranus conjunct Jupiter: 4/23/2015, Exact

enters orb: 3/24/2015, 1.70 deg. orb – leaves orb: 5/12/2015, 1.00 deg. orb

Traditionally, this is a time of great luck and good fortune; whether you are able to hold onto any such windfalls is another question. This transit occurs once every 84 years and therefore usually only once in a person’s lifetime. And indeed you may be presented with opportunities that have a “now or never” quality about them.

You are most certainly feeling restless now and want to break out of your old routine and widen your perspective on life. Unless you find your job extremely stimulating, you may seek a promotion or change in career during this transit. The change you make will undoubtedly be for the best, although it may seem rather radical at the time.

Now would be an excellent time for travel, and you have increased curiosity about and contact with foreign lands or people from other cultures. You will not have much time to be bored during this transit, nor will you be in the mood for it. Because you are receptive to new philosophies and ways of viewing the universe, you will achieve higher understanding of your role in a larger Universal plan. Your sense of intuition is stimulated by this transit, and you may receive psychic insights or have spiritual experiences. At the very least, your interest in metaphysical sciences (including astrology) will grow.

Since you are basically optimistic and feel nothing can go wrong, you are more open to new ideas and concepts. This optimism is healthy, but don’t let it become overconfidence. If you are receiving windfalls now, don’t spend like they will always be there. In fact, with this transit it is possible to lose wealth as quickly as you receive it–expect the unexpected. Be sure you are prepared to let go of any riches you receive now, for they are probably temporary.

You enjoy a good challenge during this transit and may feel like directing some of your energy to fighting for social reform and civil rights. Your freedom is very important to you now and so you have a healthy respect for others’ need for same.


Jupiter trine Moon: 4/26/2015, Exact

enters orb: 4/9/2015, 0.49 deg. orb – leaves orb: 5/9/2015, 1.00 deg. orb

During this time you have the ability to draw what (or who) you need to you. This will be a very pleasant time, although nothing magnanimous is likely to happen unless there are other simultaneous transits that can give you the drive you need to accomplish things now. You feel laid back and happy, but not particularly motivated. Unfortunately, your present ability to attract what you need with little effort will not last forever, even though you may feel that it will. So unless you provide the motivation, this time may come and go without leaving any permanent changes or major accomplishments in its wake.

Your home will be a source of good feelings at this time, as your family and friends are supportive of you now. You will make important connections with people now who will later be able to help you in some way, women in particular. Opportunities to improve your living situation will come your way now, either through relocating, remodeling or expanding your space in some way.

Now is a good time to take on sports or other physical activities. It is also an excellent time to make progress in your business or profession, since your confidence is high. It is also a favorable time to buy or sell real estate. This transit often sparks an interest in spiritual or religious matters. At the very least, you will be at peace with yourself.


Jupiter sextile Sun: 5/1/2015, Exact

enters orb: 4/9/2015, 0.83 deg. orb – leaves orb: 5/10/2015, 0.75 deg. orb

You are able to accomplish a great deal at this time with very little effort. Even your most idealistic dreams seem possible, and you are able to maintain a positive attitude toward life. This is an excellent time for relaxing and reviewing the progress you are making in life. You are optimistic now and can more easily make necessary changes in order to achieve your goals.

Now is a great time to make a good first impression, especially with people who are in a position of authority. You convey an image of self-confidence, which leads others to believe in you and support your endeavors. This transit brings a kind of “good luck” but does not provide the motivation to do something with it. This must come from your own sense of self-discipline and commitment to your life purpose.

Your relationships with others will be very rewarding now, and you enjoy socializing with friends and loved ones. Your optimism and self-confidence are infectious, and your positive outlook on life inspires others. You may meet a new love interest through Jupiter-related activities, such as travel, education, publishing or religion. It is possible that new opportunities for growth or advancement will present themselves to you now. Keep your eyes open and be ready to seize the chance when it appears; opportunity will not knock twice.

At this time you are more outgoing and generous than usual. Minor problems and obstacles don’t throw you completely off track. You are able to plan ahead and to make adjustments when your plans don’t work out quite right. Often this transit indicates a sudden windfall or unexpected acquisition of cash. Now is certainly a good time to negotiate business deals and to enter into well-planned transactions. It’s also an excellent time to resolve legal matters. You are willing to compromise with others now and are therefore more likely to receive cooperation from others.

This can be an excellent time for financial transactions, making plans for the future, making investments, resolving conflicts with others, and boosting your self-confidence. You may be feeling particularly vital and confident, and this inner “sunny-ness” can bring its rewards.


Uranus is in the 10th: 5/1/2015, Moving Forwards at Degree 0 in a 35 Degree House

Uranus is in the 10th house now. Career goals and conditions could change suddenly, and may seem restrictive. A steep rise or fall in position is possible. Conformity is difficult.


Uranus conjunct Midheaven: 5/1/2015, Exact

enters orb: 4/1/2015, 1.70 deg. orb – leaves orb: 5/21/2015, 1.00 deg. orb

This transit occurs only once in each 84-year cycle of Uranus. During this time your reputation before the world will go through sudden changes, especially in the area of your career. It may be that your present work situation will become unbearably restrictive and you will seek to break free in order to allow greater freedom expression. If, however, you choose to cling to an old job which has outlived its usefulness, you will encounter upsets and opposition which will eventually force you to let go.

You will break free of any and all situations which have held you back in achieving your goals. If your chosen occupation allows you the freedom to pursue your goals unhindered, you will experience exciting new developments in your life now. In fact, you may receive a sudden promotion. If your present job is in any way restrictive, you will most likely attempt to initiate drastic changes or leave it altogether and begin another. The new career you choose may be surprisingly different from anything you have attempted in the past.

Now would be a good time to take advantage of opportunities in fields associated with Uranus, such as science and technology, astrology or other metaphysical sciences. Whatever you choose to concentrate on, it will be unique and innovative. Exciting opportunities will be presented to you now, many of them with a little help from your friends. It’s up to you to choose the most appropriate.

This transit can indicate revolt against authority figures, especially employers. It may also indicate sudden changes in your relationship with your parents. You will certainly emerge from this transit a much stronger individual and much better able to take on the responsibility of running your own life.


Jupiter trine Jupiter: 6/6/2015, Exact

enters orb: 5/24/2015, 1.70 deg. orb – leaves orb: 6/12/2015, 1.00 deg. orb

This is a time of increased optimism and self-confidence and is an excellent time to review your goals and make long-range plans for the future. It is a good time to reorganize your life in some way–your office, kitchen, etc. You feel like expanding your knowledge about the world and may even enroll in a class now or travel to distant places. Now is also a good time to join a consciousness-raising group or otherwise indulge in self-discovery.

You generally feel good now, and if you have been sick recently this transit will help a great deal to rebuild your strength. This is also an excellent time to improve your family life and to grow in the process. Your finances are likely to improve, and business investments are favored. Legal matters will be resolved with little effort (often to everyone’s mutual benefit).

This is a good time to reflect on your goals and to explore ways to eliminate stress and tension from your life. You may become involved in a group dedicated to bettering the world, and this would be a good outlet for your energy now. Actions undertaken with a group at this time are generally successful.

This transit leaves you with a feeling of “laziness,” and so you may find that you do nothing but feel good during its duration. If you can, however, take this opportunity to travel or get involved in mind-expanding experiences, study new subjects, etc. The ability to benefit greatly from such activities exists now; you have to add the motivation.

Continue reading this sample here

Day By Day Report Sample

See the full PDF sample of the Day By Day report here

Report Order FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions related to Report Orders

Reports are generally delivered within 24 hours of order placement, or if there were missing details, within 24 hours of the receipt of full information needed to generate the report(s). Occasionally, an order might arrive a little late if there was an unexpected influx of orders, for example, a power outage, etc.

However, if 24 hours have passed and you don't find an email from Cafe Astrology ( in your inbox or spam folder, then please write and let us know. Please understand that we make every effort to send your order, and if this is impossible, you will receive a refund.

Some people have problems with email delivery, particularly with emails that have attachments. In these cases, we can put the report(s) in a secure place online for download. If you prefer this method regardless, write us an email at with the request or add the request in the notes with your order placement.

By default, we send report orders placed in this shop to the email address you enter during the checkout process. You can specify an email address where you prefer we send your reports.

No, you should specify that the birth time is unknown rather than guess it so that the report can be created specifically for unknown birth times.

Although unknown birth time reports can be a little shorter than the reports with known birth times, they only include information that is known. Most importantly, the ambiguous information is excluded from the report.

Some people feel that they will get more for their money if they guess at the birth time, as they assume that more interpretations in the reports are better. However, it's much better to have a shorter report with accurate interpretations than a longer report with a mix of accurate and inaccurate interpretations! In this case, less is definitely more.

Yes, absolutely. The start date of a report can be any date in the past or the future.

In the case of a Solar Return, the start date will be on or in the two days surrounding the birth month and day due to the nature of this type of forecasting technique, but the year of the report can be any year in the future or past.

In the case of the Time Line report, the software only allows the start date to be the first of any given month, for example, May 1st, 2017.

No, the shopping cart used on the site is run by Paypal, but all the usual payment options are included so that you can use credit cards, debit cards, and the like. There are different shopping cart technologies available to sellers, and Cafe Astrology has selected the Paypal shopping cart as its solution. All payment details are sent to Paypal and not to Cafe Astrology. Paypal sends Cafe Astrology an email with each order that lists the order details and email address, not any payment information. We are not set up as a merchant at this time.

Reports are based on your birth time, while horoscopes are based on solar charts. A solar chart places the Sun's sign on the Ascendant, and most people don't have the same Sun and Ascendant in their natal charts. While a solar chart is a valid chart and certainly has its merits, the natal chart should be the first you look at.

For reports, the default house system used is Placidus. However, you can request another house system for your order (example, Koch, Equal, Whole Sign, etc.).

It's important to note that there are many different valid methods for arriving at various astrology calculations, including the Zodiac (Sidereal or Tropical), system of houses used, method of progressing the houses in the case of progressions, use of current or birth location for certain forecasting techniques, and many more. It's rare that an astrology software program is making wrong calculations. Typically, discrepancies have to do with different systems and not about one or the other being "wrong." When the Ascendant differs, it's usually about an ambiguous time zone since we must use the time zone that was in effect at the time of birth and historical time zone information is not perfect. It is simply not true that any one particular software program has every historical time zone correct, although many efforts are made to get them right.

If you receive unexpected results, please send us an email at so we can look into the matter and explain the reasons for it, such as an ambiguous time zone or a particular calculation method. It's important to provide as many details as possible.

The Solar Return chart is drawn for the date and time of the return of the Sun to its exact position at birth, and not to the birthday itself. The Sun returns to its birth position once a year on or near the day of birth, and rarely coincides with the time of birth. For example, if my birthday is September 2nd, 1970 @ 5:00 PM, my Solar Return could be September 1st, 2016, @ 4:24 AM one year, September 2nd, 2017, @ 1:22 AM the next, and so forth. If the birth data is entered correctly on the report, you can expect the Solar Return date and time to be accurate.

Report orders are promised within approximately 24 hours from the time of order placement and complete information required to create the report. We send out reports by email and are at the report computer typically eight hours a day. Because orders and responses come in from all around the world at all hours of the day and night, rush orders are not possible. However, to prevent delays, making certain that you've included all information requested and that it's accurate will prevent the need for email back and forths that will cause delays.

Typically orders are emailed out within 12 hours or so, but they do sometimes come closer to 24 hours. The most common reason is a sudden influx of orders. There are times when more than the usual number of orders come in and it takes much longer to complete orders.

Within 24 hours of order placement, you should receive an email from Cafe Astrology, either as a request for further information or clarification if there is missing/unclear information or with a report attachment. If the information is incomplete, we will request it from you and you will receive your order within 24 hours of receipt of the full information necessary to create your report.

If you are buying more than one report in one order, you can enter birth information only once if you prefer. However, it's important to note that some reports require different or additional information, so be sure to supply all that is needed to create your reports.