The Midpoint Weighting Analysis Report
by Michael Munkasey
Cafe Astrology
Dear Friend,
This is a report about you and your potentials as shown through your personal astrological signature or chart. The date, time, and place you were born, or when an event was initiated, called the astrological signature, sets a unique pattern of energy into time and space. There is potential within this pattern, and when that potential is recognized, explained, and then used well, life flows much easier. It is important to recognize your inherent strengths and then work to maximize these in whatever ways you choose to live your life. Doing this will make you much happier than taking weak energies and trying to strengthen those.
You are unique as an individual. Capitalize on that uniqueness in ways which can bring fulfillment and happiness into your life.
This report should accomplish two things for you. First, it identifies your inherent astrological strengths as shown by the birth or event data provided; and next it explains the energy patterns associated with those strengths, while offering you guidelines and commentary on how to use those well.
Time has qualities to it, and each moment of time is unique from all others. Your astrological signature in time carries such uniqueness. This uniqueness is shown through how the planets and the personal sensitive points in a chart interact. What makes this report unique is that the chart placements are not considered one-on-one, but the geometric layout of the planet and point patterns are examined for places of power and places of weakness. Once assessed, these are then sorted from strong to weak and commentary on the top such strong interactions are given in the conversational paragraphs provided.
The chart evaluation is done through a technique I pioneered called the “Midpoint Weighting Analysis”, or MWA. Midpoints are the combination of two planets or points, and they lie on an axis across the chart, not as a single point in space. Midpoints are the middle point between pairings. The MWA is both a technique and a computer program. The technique takes the geometric pattern within a chart and analyzes this for strength and weakness of qualities. The computer program then ranks these strengths and weaknesses. By identifying and explaining the stronger midpoints, much about life can be clarified.
Why midpoints and not planets in signs or houses?
Interpretations of planets in signs or houses remains fairly one-dimensional. Interpretations of midpoints are multi-dimensional. Often a strong midpoint can be located into what appears to be an empty place in a chart. This is not something that is visual — it is a part of an energy pattern. Thus, by using midpoints, and midpoint interpretations, you can get a clearer picture of your energy patterns and intended thrusts in life.
There are many reasons as to why a midpoint can be strong or weak. You may have chosen your astrological signature because it represented a pattern of familiarity. Or, you may have chosen your astrological signature because it promised certain new situations, or having to revisit older unresolved situations. Or, you may simply have chosen the first available opportunity for an energy pattern without even realizing that you had choices, and thus wound up with a set of energies which are not so familiar or comfortable. Whatever your choices or reasonings, you are living in a fixed astrological energy pattern. Now it is your destiny, your obligation to learn how to use these energy patterns wisely.
There is no significance to the sequential order of these interpretations. All are equally important. They represent your energy patterns. Read, ponder on them, and then put these to use in your life in the best ways you are able to do.
Enjoy this personalized report. Many years of study and thought has gone into its preparation. Use the information provided to enrich your life.
Best Wishes,
Michael Munkasey
Copyright 2006
Quick Overview of Your Stronger Midpoints
Listed below are your strongest midpoints as calculated by the Midpoint Weighting Analysis, along with a short commentary about some of the midpoint’s qualities. The listed order is not important. These midpoints are ALL equally important in your life. There are 78 possible midpoint combinations using the planets and points in available, and only the midpoints that are strongest in your chart are described here.
Sat/Ura: Pressures to break through conservative barriers; lasting insights
Sun/Sat: Self-discipline, learning about and applying limitations and care
Moo/Asc: Sensitivity to environmental conditions, and also people’s reactions
Mer/Plu: Psychology; learning social aspects of human communication
Nep/Asc: Impressions from the environment or people; reading subtleties
Nod/Asc: Cultivating friendships; needs for an ongoing social atmosphere
Ura/Nep: Deciding not to follow the crowd, the practice of remaining unique
Ven/Mar: Ways to please others while pushing your agendas; artistic energy
Mar/Nep: The power of dreams, suggestions which enhance or bring insights
Sun/Nep: Working any inner inspirations into outer realistic manifestations
Ven/Plu: Creation of new approaches in art, music, dance, life or finance
Ura/MC: Accomplishments due to feats and/or efforts thought impossible
Your Midpoint Interpretations
Given below is a more detailed interpretation of each of the midpoints listed above. According to the Midpoint Weighting Analysis, the themes, issues, personality characteristics, and likely behaviors described are very strong and important for you.
The Saturn/Uranus Midpoint strong by MWA:
Tension arising between maintaining traditional methods or status quo and introducing change or innovative techniques begins here. These two seemingly different energies actually combine well to generate inner drives to push through what many would consider insurmountable barriers. Important here is the internal recognition of unacceptable situations and circumstances, and then the consistent, steady pushes to effect change. This is not to say that such changes are for the overall good, because they may be self-centered, but usually not. It is up to the individual to look at their purposes to determine whether such change is self-serving, or serving for society and mankind. This can be easily done, but is not so easily admitted, especially once events have been put into motion.
There generally is an open acceptance of new ideas, especially those embracing new technologies, thought or inventions. There should be a great interest in how objects work, what makes things tick, and when putting things back together what happens if changes or alterations are introduced. Such experimentation can occupy much time and effort, but in the end what you learn from the variations can be considered well worth the overall effort. There usually is an innate interest in computations, mathematics, harmony, etc., which are used to help explain how and why things work. These studies can lead to interesting breakthroughs, even if the insights gained only affect a few people. Some of the greatest breakthroughs affecting the overall quality of life for many people have been made with these energies. Long, persistent, and arduous efforts can finally produce objects and inventions which many thought impossible. This combination too can be very good at helping make quick repairs to systems or methods which have broken down or which are not functioning as they should. In emergency situations when something “has” to be done, it is this combination of energies which you would want present.
There usually is little letup in the need to effect change, but only when such change is seen to make existing processes or situations better. Some would call this tinkering, but such alterations can have profound social and economic effects. A little change here can make a tremendous difference elsewhere. The statement that “a butterfly flaps its wings in Tokyo, and the Stock Market reacts in New York” is typical of the idea that small changes can affect a larger whole. This interconnectedness of all living things, and the effect of all actions and thoughts on the collective is quite demonstrative of this combination of energies. Change is inevitable, and change is ongoing. It is in how you react to any change which is important. With this combination strong this is where the pressure to effect change, betterment, breakthrough, enhancement, alteration, etc., begins. The idea generated here is to move society, life, along, and not to get stuck in familiar ruts. Perhaps such “shakeups” involve the use of non-traditional ideas, like astrology, or allied new-age practices. If these help with insight to move things, people, and events forward, then this can be very good.
Saturn/Uranus Insights; Issues to Deal With; and/or Recurring Themes:
Frustrating Pressures; Plays Down the Impact of Unexpected Events
Silent Breakthroughs; Precise Computers; Extraordinarily Difficult Work
Responsible for Unprecedented Breakthroughs; Stays Aloof from Disapproval
Delays due to Mechanical Problems; Discoveries made on Shoestring Budgets
Few but very Loyal Friends; Stands by their Obligations; Unusual Traditions
Unmistakable Idiosyncrasies; Unhurried Changes; Delayed Unusual Reactions
Frustrating the Malcontents; Novel Forms of Discipline or Restrictions
Obstacles to Creating Breakthroughs; Endures along with Eccentrics
Unusual Mechanical and Electrical Applications; Understated Revolutions
Holds Back on Showing Differences, Rebelliousness; Long Lasting Astrology
Something Old is New Again; An Ambition shown without Restraint
Disinterest in Debts or Obligations; Stoical despite ongoing Changes
Famous People who are STRONG in Saturn/Uranus characteristics include: O. J. Simpson, Albert Schweitzer, Arthur Ford, Vittorio DeSica, Jerry Rubin, Lawrence Welk, Stephen Crane, Joseph Joffre, Sydney Omarr, Lord Byron, Henry Kissinger, Audie Murphy.
Famous People who are WEAK in Saturn/Uranus characteristics include: Hank Williams, Ernest Pyle, Jean Francois Millet, Johann Von Goethe, Steve Wozniak, Harry Belafonte, Bobby Fischer, Jean Houston.
Notable Events with Saturn/Uranus active or strong include (a weak event is shown in parenthesis): Ramstein Airshow Crash, Wright Brothers First Flight, James Meredith Enrolled at U. Miss, RMS Titanic Hits Iceberg, (Lindburgh Lands in Paris).
Equivalent or Corresponding Astrological Combinations: Saturn in the 11th House, Uranus in the 10th House, Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus in Capricorn, Saturn 1/11 (anything), Uranus square (anything).
The Sun/Saturn Midpoint strong by MWA:
These energies may seem to work counter to each other, but combine well and can enhance the overall quality of life when used wisely. They highlight the need for any dedication brought to patiently and thoroughly completing all endeavors. Persisting and following through to completion becomes very important. Not only achieving completion, but the attention and thoroughness given to each task is what can motivate others to appreciate the dedication and care shown. Perhaps doing the task took longer than expected, or cost more, but the finished product will probably be such that it will endure through time and stand on its own as a model of very good work. Seeing that all things are done correctly and thoroughly becomes important.
Often for efforts undertaken there will be an assumption that the outcome has to be practical. There has to be not only completion, but also a utility, a benefit. Learning patience when you want to rush through, or when you are pushed by others, is part of this combination’s lesson. Others may want “the quick and dirty” but you may not be satisfied until the “quick and dirty” is done correctly and also has some practical value. This is not the salesperson’s emphasis, this is the producer’s emphasis. There should always be pride taken in product. It becomes important to produce not only what is originally asked for, but perhaps going a step or two beyond that. Personal pride will often outshine the bare minimum requested. Expect better, produce more — that is one part of this combination.
There can probably be many barriers and obstacles to overcome in life. Moving past obstacles or over barriers is part of the lesson here. These probably have been thrown in your way to teach you some lesson about persistence and quality. It is through learning how to overcome and/or work through these barriers or obstacles that you learn how to live in peace with this combination. Sometimes you just have to persist through difficulties, working each out one by one to achieve your intended goal. It is in the working through that you learn and grow as a person. Keep in mind that it is not always the splashy or showy which wins, but that which produces utility.
Some lessons learned in life may turn out to be expensive. You may start out with a goal or idea, and work on it for some time, only to eventually learn that your initial assumptions were wrong and you need to start over. This is simply one lesson along the way. It is not the fact that you were wrong, but that you were able to admit a mistake and then work to correct that. Eventually you should succeed, but however that success comes you probably will not be satisfied until the effort has brought a lesson well learned, at least internally. Even through setbacks you probably will remain happy when you can see that one or two obstacles will not deter you from achieving overall success. This combination does not guarantee satisfaction or success — it asks for persistence and stability.
Sun/Saturn Insights; Issues to Deal With; and/or Recurring Themes:
Motivated by Practical Considerations; Enhances Pessimism; Enjoys a Long Life
Tones down the Notoriety; Your Ego feels Hampered; Taking Special Precautions
Restricts Individuality; Seeks Stabilization within Self; Costly Penalties
Remains Happy Despite Setbacks; Abstains from Celebrations; Austere Approval
Calculated Approval; Hesitations while Celebrating; Wasteful Commitments
Holds Confidence in Corrections Made; A Person with a Methodical Style
Lively Activities bring Frustrations; Successful Persistence; Duty Comes First
Commitments to Being Effective; Lasting Treasures; Lessens Enjoyment from Life
Deliberately Followed Formalities; Formidable Obstacles to Overcome, Work upon
Encountering Special Restrictions; Discipline Meted out with Determination
The Importance of Silence; Cheerful but also Sad; Serious Motivations
Famous People who are STRONG in this midpoint’s characteristics include: Carl Sandburg, H. G. Wells, Stephen Foster, Peter Max, Sam Sheppard, Mark Spitz, Gustav Dore, Earl Warren, Marc Edmund Jones, Dick Gregory, Bob Fosse, Paul Cezanne, Gianni Agnelli, Jean Cocteau.
Famous People who are WEAK in this midpoint’s characteristics include: Jean Houston, William K. Douglas, Bertrand Russell, Dave Garroway, George Patton, Nikola Tesla, Lawrence Welk, Bob Hope.
Notable Events with this midpoint’s active or strong include (a weak event is shown in parenthesis): Transcontinental Railroad Completed, Apollo 11 Moon Landing, First Medicare Patient Received, Pearl Harbor Attack Begins, (Ramstein Airshow Crash).
Equivalent or Corresponding Astrological Combinations: Sun in the 10th House, Saturn in the 5th House, Sun in Capricorn, Saturn in Leo, Sun square (anything), Saturn conjunct (anything).
The Moon/Ascendant Midpoint strong by MWA:
You should have sensitivity to any circumstances happening around you, often receiving impressions from more than just the five physical senses. These real and unreal impressions help you relate to people and situations in a deep and profound way, and can be helpful when you need to respond quickly to circumstances. You would be quick to pick up on people’s needs and concerns, showing sympathy and understanding of their situation and condition. While this can be good, the down side to this is becoming a sponge for other people’s feelings and needs. Thus be aware of becoming too sensitive and too helpful when you inwardly feel such pulls, or are asked to assist. When this happens your responses should slow while you make an assessment as to whether such help is for good, or simply to relieve others of burdens they need to directly address and face up to.
You probably have a need to be protective of your personal spaces and privacy. People who impose on you and invade your personal realms can cause panic in one way, and rage in another. You can present a wishy-washy approach to how you let others take advantage of you, and you need to be aware of letting others take advantage of your generosity and openness. Your sensitivity to the needs of those around you is such that you can easily open your wallet and emotions to their conditions, even before rational thought kicks in to allow some personal distancing from what is happening.
You can have a strong inner focus on home, family, family needs, and family history. You may become interested in genealogy, historical events, and the evolution of social patterns. This could be a singular interest, or it may bring professional opportunities. Keeping in touch with family members, looking after the welfare of parents, especially mother, following along with mother’s interests, etc., can become important.
Your concentration on what happens around you probably comes and goes. There can be times when you are focused, and then can be times when your attention wanes and drifts. This inconsistency can lead to accidents if you are not attentive during times when many activities are happening around you, such as when driving a vehicle. Be aware of becoming too distracted by music, looking where you shouldn’t, etc., during such times.
You can have a strong sense of rhythm and a feel for music which can lead you to become proficient with a musical instrument. You probably have a love of music, and like to have such playing in your environment. Your need for romance, depth of feeling about events and people can play out through musical activities. You probably would enjoy concerts, plays, and lectures, as learning from people while watching them perform would interest you. Observing people and their responses can become important.
You can show a hesitation when responding to others, which they may take as a weakness. If they comment on this, tell them that you are simply trying to ensure that your emotional responses are deep and heartfelt.
Moon/Ascendant Insights; Issues to Deal With; and/or Recurring Themes:
A Sensitive Personal Focus; Superficial Mannerisms; Fickle Emotional Responses
Foolish, Impulsive Off the Top of the Head Responses; Careful about Appearance
Surrounds Self with Defenses; Protective of their Environment; Daily Routines
An Interest in Family, Family History; Gains Impressions from their Intuition
A Mental Focus on Mother, Family Members; Recurring Opportunities or Routines
Receives Psychic Impressions; ; Interested in Ecology, and the Role of Water
Concentration can be Easily Distracted; Atypical Facial Features; Daily Habits
Arbitrary, Changing Attitudes; Inconsistent Feelings; Realistic Concerns
Sensitive to the Attitudes of those Close-by; Feels Romantic Impressions
Takes in Impressions, Observations; Receptive to Attitudes out in the Public
Uncertainties Show in Mannerisms; Unspoken Attitudes; Inconsistent Indications
Ineffective Personal Responses; Sees Romance in Daily Interactions
Famous People who are STRONG in this midpoint’s characteristics include: Sean Connery, Lawrence Welk, John McEnroe, Melvin Belli, Tom Jones, Jack Paar, Jacques Cousteau, Ira Progoff, Benjamin Disraeli, Erwin Rommel, Jean Paul Sartre, John F. Kennedy, Charles Steinmetz.
Famous People who are WEAK in this midpoint’s characteristics include: General Charles Gordon, Enrico Fermi, Sandy Koufax, Henry Mancini, Stephen King, Sally Ride, Audrey Hepburn, Mary Martin, Art Linkletter.
Notable Events with this midpoint’s active or strong include (a weak event is shown in parenthesis): South Carolina Secession, USS Maine Explosion, Lee’s Surrender at Appomattox, James Meredith Enrolls at U. Miss, (Transcontinental Railroad Completed).
Equivalent or Corresponding Astrological Combinations: Moon in the 1st House, Cancer on the Ascendant, Ascendant opposition (anything).
The Mercury/Pluto Midpoint strong by MWA:
There probably is little which goes through the mind which does not have some basis in deep and penetrating thinking. Looking to the reasons behind why things are, or what has happened can occupy much time and inner debate. Somehow some inner sense grasps that the obvious reasons being shown or presented are not necessarily the only reasons why a situation is unfolding or has happened. Thus there can be this need to look deeper at the implications of what is going on, and what any consequences can be. There can be many twists and turns with thoughts along the way, considering first one possibility, and then another possibility, until at least one scenario, possibly more, emerges within the mind as being the answer about what happened and why. This is not so much a back and forth without resolution as it is a determination to get to the bottom of a potential mystery. And, there should be much fascination with the mysterious and possibly nefarious in life.
Sometimes there is a start in life with an open mind and perhaps even thoughts that people generally have good intentions. But circumstances and events can change that outlook, and as life progresses looking to alternate explanations about what has happened, or is happening, becomes more the norm. Somehow accepting pat answers, those which are given off without any depth or thought, is not enough. There should be a deeper meaning behind symbols, events, or people’s motives; and getting to the bottom of these can occupy much time and energy. There can be an associations of symbols to explanations of reality, and thus noticing subtle clues within nature or people’s expressions may become an occupying interest. Perhaps even, the study of some symbolic art form, music, painting, dreams, etc., becomes an active part of how you view and see life unfolding.
There can be an interest in death, and occult processes. This can be especially true if in early life such ideas were not repressed. Then memories and current events tend to evoke inner thinking about the inter-relatedness of events and thoughts, and how these are combined within self to create the reality which becomes your world. Where thoughts of discussions on death or occult processes were repressed in early life, then needs to eventually investigate such ideas should come on later in life, but whenever they come, they will open new doors to possibilities about unseen or hidden life activities, the death process, or what happens after death.
Usually with this combination active there are interests in medicine, psychology, mathematics, logic, and the processes of communication — both at verbal and non-verbal levels. These interests may come out as hobbies, or they may come out as your life-long profession. Even if your profession is more menial, such thoughts, and the study of such subjects for better understood should become deep interests. Formal education is such areas may also be sought and undertaken. Whether the education is formal, self-taught, or informal, such interests can run deep, and needs to pursue them strong.
Mercury/Pluto Insights; Issues to Deal With; and/or Recurring Themes:
Thoughts on the Use of Power; Talk of Power; Watching for, Aware of Disloyalty
Conversations about Death, Extinction or Termination; Therapeutic Observations
Suspicious of Other’s Intentions; Deeply-rooted Ingenuousness; Cunning, Tricky
Thoughts, Plans having World-wide Implications; Discussions on Nefarious Acts
Revolutions in Medicine, Medical Practices; The Mastermind during Debates
Shouting, Angry Discourses; Shows Much Flexibility in Communications, Writings
Much Nervousness, Shaking while Discussing Ideas; Hidden Reasonings, Thoughts
Two Different Ideas on Effecting Transformations; Information which is Suspect
An Interest in the Processes of Reincarnation; Insidious Occult Ceremonies
Condensed Information Deliveries; Many Ways of Being Able to Show Their Power
Morbid Analogies; Drastic Changes Occur from Times of Youth to Mature Life
Fast to Dismiss Those Who Cannot be Counted Upon; Rapid Developments, Changes
Famous People who are STRONG in Mercury/Pluto characteristics include: Bob Dylan, Israel Regardie, Lord Byron, Adolf Hitler, Norman Mailer, Earl Warren, Ivar Kreugar, Dane Rudhyar, Olivia Newton-John, Art Linkletter, Georges Seurat, Alan Leo, Steven Spielberg.
Famous People who are WEAK in Mercury/Pluto characteristics include: Gustav Dore, Elvis Presley, Melvin Belli, John Lennon, Walt Whitman, Steve Wozniak, Lawrence Welk, Peter Max, Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Notable Events with Mercury/Pluto active or strong include (a weak event is shown in parenthesis): George Washington’s Inauguration, Challenger Explosion, Transcontinental Railroad Completed, First Medicare Patient, (Lindburgh Lands in Paris).
Equivalent or Corresponding Astrological Combinations: Moon in the 1st House, Moon in the 8th House, Pluto in the 4th House, Moon in Aries, Moon in Scorpio, Pluto in Cancer, Moon semi-sextile (anything), Pluto opposition (anything).
The Neptune/Ascendant Midpoint strong by MWA:
Whether you realize it or not, you tend to color reality by the thoughts and/or prejudices of what you want reality to look like and/or affect you. You have good powers of visualization, and derive much inspiration from people and events as they happen. You are quite intuitive and can read people’s motives, even when what they are saying or doing is counter to what they are projecting. You need to realize that your view of reality can run quite counter to people whose view is more stark and realistic. You tend to feel reality, while other people tend to see reality. Neither is a right or wrong, as both can be useful — but it is not worth arguing over who is correct or wrong. A person’s view is simply that person’s view.
The good side to this is that you become easily aware of other’s motives and intentions. You can see and feel things others can not, like visions and apparitions. A down side is that you can become quite sensitive to energies and motivations, and these may sometimes overwhelm your inner sensory processing mechanisms. This hyper-sensitivity to people and the environment, if not handled well can lead to bodily malfunctions through chemical imbalances. It is important for you to: (a) be aware of this sensitivity to people and your environment; (b) not allow yourself to be so overwhelmed with impressions that you become non-functional; (c) realize you need to include proper nutrition and exercise to keep your body in balance; and (d) remove yourself quickly from circumstances causing you internal upsets.
You have a mystical side to your personality, and people see you as either a visionary or a mental case. To you, reality is all one thing, but people may make judgments which bring you upsets. Should this happen then you need to learn to step aside from their judgments and calmly and as rationally as possible look at what they are saying and then determine whether or not you want to accept their view, as opposed to your view. When you let other people rule your life by imposing their impressions of how you should think and live, then you open yourself to difficulties in seeing who you are, should be, and where your life should be progressing. Thus one of the important lessons you should learn is how to live comfortably with yourself and others when you see reality differently.
Because you are so intuitive this does not mean that your impressions are always correct. It is just as easy for you to make misjudgments as it is for other people. You have a gift of mind, and like any other talent or gift you need to learn how to use it, what the boundaries are on its usage, and when not to use it. This, then is an important lesson for you. Your great gift needs to be nurtured, understood, and used. It is unwise for you to trust it implicitly without understanding its limitations and applications.
Neptune/Ascendant Insights; Issues to Deal With; and/or Recurring Themes:
Unsure of what Reality is; Can be Confused by Appearances; Doubtful Outcomes
Awkward Opinions; Not always Aware of what they are Confronting or Seeing
Weak Hunches; Very Sensitive to the Presence of Others; Fake or False Identity
Compassionate Attitudes; Complex Emotional States; Unsure of What Reality is
Inspires Introspection; Dwells on the Implications of Daily Events
A Mystical Life Style; The Influence of Drugs; Things just Disappear
Neglects to Respond to Others; Bewildered by Attitudes; Puzzling Expressions
Incorrect First Impressions; Hides within their Locality; Professional Insight
Visionary with a Sense of Style; Indications of Fraud; Aware of Wasted Efforts
Drug Induced Visions; A Subtle Personal Style; Loses Track of Time
Sees things which Others do not; A Complicated Daily Routine; Dreary Places
The Effects of Decay or Rot; Facial Subtleties; Grease or Oil on the Ground:
Famous People who are STRONG in Neptune/Ascendant characteristics include: Benito Mussolini, Benjamin Disraeli, Drew Pearson, Steve Allen, Elton John, Pierre Renoir, Jean Cocteau, Robin Williams, Carroll Righter, Bob Newhart, Georges Seurat, Ernest Hemingway, Paul Gauguin.
Famous People who are WEAK in Neptune/Ascendant characteristics include: Lance Reventlow, Charles Addams, Komar, George Patton, Johann Von Goethe, Sir Laurence Olivier, Al Unser, Sir William Crookes.
Notable Events with Neptune/Ascendant active or strong include (a weak event is shown in parenthesis): Apollo 11 Moon Landing, James Meredith Enrolls at U. Miss, Watergate Burglary Discovered, Lindburgh Lands in Paris, (Lewis & Clark Expedition Starts).
Equivalent or Corresponding Astrological Combinations: Neptune in the 1st House, Neptune in the 12th House, Sagittarius on the Ascendant, Pisces on the Ascendant, Ascendant novile (anything).
N. Node/Ascendant
The Node/Ascendant Midpoint strong by MWA:
This combination calls for the cultivation of attitudes and expressions when meeting and interacting with others on an on-going basis. Learning to become aware of impressions you make, observing how others affect you, and learning how to set the right tone and circumstances for interacting with others is important. Everyone needs people and people interactions. But, how do you teach yourself, or how do you learn to interact in socially acceptable ways with others? This combination emphasizes such learning. Your daily routines and habits and the effect these have on others, as well as the effect you have on others, is emphasized here.
You may feel an emotional tug or pull of some indefinable sort between you and another or others. This pull probably arises from past situations or encounters. In any case, how you react to this, and what you choose to make of this with the other person or persons, is part of the learning process associated with this combination. Like minded friends, especially those who in some way seem to offer help or comradeship, at least on subconscious levels, can help you along the paths of life. It is in learning how to recognize, utilize, and then capitalize on such opportunities that is addressed here.
Your appearance and mannerisms when meeting and greeting others is very important. They way you dress, the openness of your greetings, the choice of words, even the tone of speech used, all have effects on others. This combination deals with the development of such personal and social skills, and can be quite good when used well for putting others at ease about you and your intentions. You may embark on a life-long professional quest about the interactions of people amongst people. You may just be contented to keep such observations within self, learning what you can, as well as increasing your social and observational skills about people as you mature. What ever way you choose to go, when this combination is strong the need for interacting with others, as well as the need to present proper and correct social interfaces, is usually quite strong.
Sometimes chance encounters bring the right people into your life. You may set an intention to locate a person(s) with just the right set of personality or professional skills. When you do, having this combination activated can be quite helpful for actualizing the thought put in motion earlier. The conclusion of how meetings or encounters turn out is generally a reflection on the social skills you develop when interacting with people, and it is in the honing and development of such social skills that these energies lie.
Sometimes there are barriers to moving forward in life, and often these can be due to the reluctance of others to accept your directions or requests for assistance. Sometimes such barriers are a bureaucratic posture, but they can also arise from the way you approach others, as well as your mannerisms. Thus, learning about how you affect others, and then developing social skills is an important skill to be learned here.
Node/Ascendant Insights; Issues to Deal With; and/or Recurring Themes:
Developing a Personality; Rejection of your Appearance; Greeting Mannerisms
Relations with Others; Interpersonal Roles; Changes in Mannerisms, Expressions
Opportunities for Mutual Efforts; Observations, Thoughts on Predestination
Seeking Public Approval; Surrounded by Allies; Trade-offs in Temperament
Accustomed to Assurances; Ridding Self of Inhibitions; The Habits of Others
Recognizing Everyday Realities; Observations during Daily Encounters
Relationship Building; Sexual Observations; Feels Sexual Pulls or Ties
Delayed Impressions of What is Happening, or, Other’s Reactions
Karmic Interactions in Daily Encounters; An Ongoing Awareness of Now
Immediate Cooperation and/or Mutual Efforts; The Consequences of Layoffs
Bureaucratic Attitudes; The Implications of Borders or Barriers
Hostile Neighbors; Focus on Attentiveness during Times of Contact
Famous People who are STRONG in Node/Ascendant characteristics include: Steve Wozniak, Ida Rolf, Albert Camus, Bjorn Borg, Mark Spitz, Jean Cocteau, Rupert Murdoch, Bob Dylan, Benjamin Disraeli, Earl Warren, Jackie Robinson, Ernest Pyle, Vittorio DeSica, Vida Blue.
Famous People who are WEAK in Node/Ascendant characteristics include: Johnny Carson, Gen. Ferdinand Foch, Rollo May, Amadeo Modigliani, Peter Max, John Lennon, Grant Lewi, Harry Belafonte.
Notable Events with Node/Ascendant active or strong include (a weak event is shown in parenthesis): James Meredith Enrolled at U. Miss., Transcontinental Railroad Completed, F. D. Roosevelt Wins First Election, (First A-Bomb Explosion).
Equivalent or Corresponding Astrological Combinations: Node in the 1st House.
The Uranus/Neptune Midpoint strong by MWA:
You may find yourself thrust into correcting circumstances which require a total revision and new direction. You may have been selected or asked to take on a task of either small or great proportions which requires new insight and approaches to rooting out that which no longer serves. You may see the weakness, and also see how to incite the spark which then calls for you to remedy the situation in innovative ways. Generally, this will not be met well by established forces and turmoil can result, but in the end if your vision and dream is clear you should succeed. Taking on established and entrenched ideas is never easy, but this combination’s energies can help in that regard.
Your religious views may vary from the traditional to the unorthodox. Along paths of life you will probably need help from higher sources with carrying out your visions, but you may also be abandoned by these sources while you fight on to complete your goals. In any event, a turn-around in religious thinking can happen in your life, and perhaps not in such easy or smooth ways. You probably will be called upon to examine your ideas about God and Church and when this examination is done and changes are made, then you can proceed with fulfilling your dreams and ambitions.
You may be hampered by unreliable friends, or disturbing dreams or visions, to make promises or commitments you may not be able to fulfill. If you rely on insufficient information or untrustworthy friends, which you can have a tendency to do, then your lack of foresight can cause difficulties. You have good intuition, but it may fail you in times of need. Just because you have inspiration and dreams, and can inspire others to support your dreams and visions, this does not mean that these intentions carry an overall good for your adherents. When deceits and unreliability are discovered you can be ruthless in your correction or elimination of the sources which did not meet expectations. Friends and advice can only go so far without requiring some validity.
This combination brings an interest in the occult and astrological practices. You may study and apply these from student to professional levels, or you may rely on qualified others to give you advice using astrology or psychic readings. Inwardly you should have a feeling for nonphysical energies and their potential, but the messages received through such sources may be ambiguous or not always prove helpful. Thus if there is uncertainty, or if there are questions about the reliability of this information, then use more conventional means to back up decisions. In astrology you will probably prefer an esoteric approach or the use of mythology more than a scientific or rational approach.
One trait you need to develop is to discern when advice given you is correct, and when it can be self-serving to others. Be aware that you may ally yourself with unreliable friends, or people who will expect more from you than you can deliver, even after assurances from self and others.
Uranus/Neptune Insights; Issues to Deal With; and/or Recurring Themes:
Unpredictable Weaknesses; Eccentric Religious Views; Progressive Costuming
Unusual Shortcomings; Companions with Hidden Agendas; Oddball Make-Believe
A Troubled Imagination; Shocking Incapacitations; Shocking Insincerity
Confused Astrologers; Surprised by Delusions; Novel Frauds; Enigmatic Reserve
Mixes Astrology and the Occult; Errors Leading to Revisions; Chemical Changes
Rebels against Shoddiness; Strange Inspirations; Imagines Strange Happenings
Innovative Inspirations; Extraordinary Inspiration; An Uncustomary Blunder
Out of the Ordinary Myths; Familiar with their Intuition; Confused Astrologers
Uncommon Enigmas; Extraordinary, Baffling Disappearances; Obscure Inventions
Scientific Deceit; Discovers the Invisible made Visible; Visitors from Space
Irregular Faith; Companions on Drugs; Agitations Lead to Complications
Misunderstood Challenges; Confusion about Computers, Mechanical Devices
Famous People who are STRONG in Uranus/Neptune characteristics include: Jack Paar, Benito Mussolini, Arthur Ford, Paul Gauguin, John Glenn, Alan Leo, Jerry Reed, Vittorio DeSica, Maurice Ravel, Sam Peckinpah, Shirley Jones, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Robert McNamara.
Famous People who are WEAK in Uranus/Neptune characteristics include: Manly Palmer Hall, Arthur Rimbaud, Nikola Tesla, Al Unser, Sam Sheppard, Peter Max, Richard Alpert, Amadeo Modigliani.
Notable Events with Uranus/Neptune active or strong include (a weak event is shown in parenthesis): George Washington’s Inauguration, USS Maine Explosion, First A-Bomb Explosion, Woman’s Suffrage Amendment Passed, (Lindburgh Lands in Paris).
Equivalent or Corresponding Astrological Combinations: Uranus in the 9th House, Uranus in the 12th House, Neptune in the 11th House, Uranus in Sagittarius, Uranus in Pisces, Neptune in Aquarius, Uranus novile (anything), Neptune 1/11 (anything).
The Venus/Mars Midpoint strong by MWA:
The two planetary male and female social indicators combine to offer a wide range of male and female, man and woman, or boy and girl, interaction opportunities. Gentle Venus combines with aggressive Mars; or, an impulsive, insistent Mars combines with the jealous, raging Venus. Any combination of these possibilities comes with this combination strong. This combination adds to the appreciation others feel toward the way you do your work or present yourself. There probably will be an inherent like for your ideas and activities. There is a sexual energy permeating your actions which others pick up on and feel an attraction and appreciation toward.
You probably have an innate way of presenting your ideas to others such that they are accepted with enthusiasm and respect. The more that you achieve personal respect, the more that people tend to admire you. Through hard work on your part, even taking on potentially dangerous assignments, others come to cherish and admire the efforts put forth. Part of this admiration comes back to you in financial remuneration, but your expenses may often offset profits, so keeping a close check on the financial status is important.
Friends in the music or arts business should meet well with friends in athletics or the military. All sides, art and athletics, etc., should bring opportunities your way to make significant impacts in life. Athletic aggressiveness and athleticism can blend well with the artistry and beauty available. Setting up and fostering entertainment which includes athletics within artistry, or artistry within athletics should prove successful.
Through these two planets you should learn to combine love and beauty with action and toughness. Difficulties encountered should somehow be lessened or handled with ease, while comfort zones or times to relax may be somewhat rough and primitive, or interfered with. There may be periods of great activity, and then periods of rest broken by noise and abrupt changes of plans. It is always good to leave flexibility within your schedule for unexpected circumstances, as these can happen often with this combination.
You may find yourself at the center of controversies among people of the same sex: women fighting with or jealous of the privileges or opportunities given to other women; men arguing with other men over differences of approach, who will be paid more attention, or given more time to show off. These come with the territory, and it is how you learn to handle and mediate in these disputes that you can eventually earn the overall esteem and gratification of those who are observing what is happening. In general you should take satisfaction in resolving such issues, as it is more the activity, as opposed to the lack of activity, which keeps you interested in life.
By using these energies wisely people will come to admire the innate talents you have for bringing difficult and complex operations off with what appears to be ease and naturalness. You probably have a personal style which many others admire. You may achieve much fame for your reputation in handling difficult situations with grace and respect.
Venus/Mars Insights; Issues to Deal With; and/or Recurring Themes:
Likes to Begin with Harmonious Approaches; Appreciates Hustle; Male and Female
Activities, Movements which bring Inner Delight; Courteous but Pushy
Love Spats, Disagreements; Civilized Indignation; Battles Involving Jealousy
Desires Commotion, Activity; Passion and Sexuality within Artistry
Rivalry Amongst the Same Sex; Does Things in Beautiful Ways; Driven by Vanity
Raging, Bitter Disagreements; Others Admire their Initiative; Busy Colors
Making Accommodations due to Disagreements; Envious of the Competition
Rushes into Affection; Showing Appreciation for Beauty and Athletic Prowess
Actively Monitors Finances; Rejoices in Sexuality; Shows Energy for Loving
Calm amidst Danger; Expressing Outrage at Self-Gratification, Self-Importance
Respectful but Quarrelsome and/or Prickly; Tranquility amongst Uproars
Expects Arrangements be Made Quickly; Assessments of Accidents or Injuries
Famous People who are STRONG in Venus/Mars characteristics include: Bob Hope, Albert Camus, Willie Mays, Adolf Hitler, Jack Paar, Israel Regardie, Alexis Carrel, Richard Strauss, Dr. Tom Dooley, Johnny Carson, Edna Ferber, Stephen Crane, Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Famous People who are WEAK in Venus/Mars characteristics include: Jim Thorpe, Alexander Graham Bell, Komar, Jean Houston, Bob Fosse, Gus Grissom, H. G. Wells, H. Toulouse-Lautrec, Benito Mussolini.
Notable Events with Venus/Mars active or strong include (a weak event is shown in parenthesis): Lee’s Surrender at Appomattox, James Meredith Enrolled at U. Miss., East Coast Power Blackout, Richard Nixon’s Resignation, (Women’s Suffrage Amendment Passed).
Equivalent or Corresponding Astrological Combinations: Venus in the 1st House, Venus in the 8th House, Mars in the 2nd House, Mars in the 7th House, Venus in Aries, Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Taurus, Mars in Libra, Venus semi-square (anything), Mars sextile (anything).
The Mars/Neptune Midpoint strong by MWA:
This combination helps you see and envision a future course of action and then move boldly along to effect this purpose. Your approaches to doing this may be so subtle that others probably will not be aware that you are even moving along in a determined direction. Yet, you are able to see, dream and follow an inner guidance. Your great sense of inner guidance or knowing helps you understand that the plans and courses being followed are important for reasons known mostly to you. This guidance helps you grow, become, and complete the person you inwardly want to be. Despite criticism, despite setbacks, despite others arguing against you, you can continue and complete.
There may be troubling complications caused by accidents, diseases, and/or internal or external battles. These may bring serious harm to the physical body, but rarely serious enough to deter you from bringing the visions you have to fulfillment. You will probably continue to struggle on despite any illness or handicap encountered.
Another lesson here is learning about dissolving anger which has accumulated through past experiences. Anger can be difficult to overcome, especially if it is emotionally based and deep seated. Yet through the energy of this combination you are able, and in fact should, look at any deep seated anger, imposed anger, or irritations, and see a more constructive way of working these through self so that overall they do not cause inner psychological blockages which impede spiritual growth or earthly progress.
Also here is energy to propel your spiritual growth, and often helping this is an enhanced psychic ability and insight. This ability adds awareness about life and the people around in ways which others can not comprehend. You may have active dreams, some of them troubling, you may hear voices, or you may just have a firm inner sense of which is the best course of action to effect movement and progress. Whatever form the ethereally-based information takes, it is there for you to use, and it is also up to you to recognize what it is, how it works, and how best to use it for furthering personal growth.
This combination helps make you a good bluffer, but then you may not always see who is a friend and who is a foe. You are able to put up a good front, even when you are unsure, or perhaps at a physical low point, to carry through with your actions. You may lose a struggle, but probably will win the battle. Your innate ability to bring the best out in people who are there to help you is a great asset. You do this by listening to your guidance, and then helping them make the decisions you had envisioned prior for them to make.
Self destruction through drugs or detrimental social actions is possible. The choice is always yours as to how you wish to implement the energies which are made available to you. Be aware that not every person around you will be helpful or have your best interests in mind.
Mars/Neptune Insights; Issues to Deal With; and/or Recurring Themes:
Hastens Inspiration; Remains Bewildered about Rising Anger within Situations
Anger or Hostility within Dreams, Troubling Dreams, Dreams of Destruction
Inspires Action; Unable to Explain Hidden or Deep Anger or Aggressiveness
Troubling Complications; Deceptive Toughness; A False Front about Attacks
Avoiding the Competition; Annoyance at Situations which Defy Understanding
Bluffs in Battles or Competitions; Hot Oil or Gasses; Decay Caused to Heat
Insists on a Deception; Convoluted Arguments; Hidden Gestures which Inflame
Sudden Neglect or Anger at Shoddiness; Anger which Invokes the Use of Poison
Losing a Struggle; Doubts about the Readiness of Defenders, Attackers, Troops
Dissolves Anger; Helps to take Inner Anger of Aggressiveness and Deflect that
An Active Psychic Ability; Strong Intuitive Faculties; A Decided Lack of Trust
May not See, Recognize or Understand Competitors and/or their Aims, Goals
Famous People who are STRONG in Mars/Neptune characteristics include: Jimi Hendrix, Gen. Charles Gordon, Shirley Jones, Edna Ferber, Carl Sagan, Albert Einstein, Jack Nicklaus, Ulysses S. Grant, Bobby Fischer, Franklin Roosevelt, Adolf Hitler, Charles Addams.
Famous People who are WEAK in Mars/Neptune characteristics include: Gianni Agnelli, Rosanno Brazzi, Robert DeNiro, Albert Speer, Rupert Murdoch, Art Linkletter, Yehudi Menuhin, Liberace.
Notable Events with Mars/Neptune active or strong include (a weak event is shown in parenthesis): First Wright Brothers First Flight, Woman’s Suffrage Amendment Passed, Pearl Harbor Attack Begins, Alaskan Earthquake, (Challenger Explosion).
Equivalent or Corresponding Astrological Combinations: Mars in the 9th House, Mars in the 12th House, Neptune in the 1st House, Neptune in the 8th House, Mars in Sagittarius, Mars in Pisces, Neptune in Aries, Neptune in Scorpio, Mars novile (anything), Neptune semi-square (anything).
The Sun/Neptune Midpoint strong by MWA:
Powerful inner mental imagery helps formulate dreams, dreams which can become reality if you have the persistence to see them through. One of the primary combinations for a visionary person, this combination can bring tremendous insight into the various possibilities along life’s path. The formation of ideas, and the bringing of dreams to reality are two different qualities. You probably have tremendous insight into possibilities, but at the same time can have difficulty focusing on everyday tasks or responsibilities. There can be areas of personal existence which go completely ignored; perhaps totally impractical ways of living — yet behind this personal untidiness can lie the most beautiful dreams and possibilities.
There probably is a strong urge to help those more unfortunate, from people to animals to causes. It can become quite easy for you to become involved with people or situations which have lofty ideals and goals, but are not always able to produce practical or workable results. This may not matter to you, and the possibilities and potentials within the dreams you are pursuing can lead you on for years and years through wonderful and enthusiastic pursuits of some vague, yet possible glory.
This combination can bring situations and inner assessments which make it quite easy for you to mislead yourself, and if your powers of persuasion are strong enough, then others too. Like the Pied Piper, you have inner qualities which others see and hear, and then are drawn to follow along with you as you pursue these possible and impossible dreams. The chasing of rainbows can be more exciting than the capture of any prize at their end. Yet it is this chase, the romantic pursuit of imaginative figments, which generally occupies central stages in life. Such imaginative power can lead to outlets involving the playing or creation of music or art, writing, religious inspiration, seeking lost treasure, adventures in exotic lands looking for the sources behind legends, etc. The possibilities are endless.
Life may consist of a series of back and forth efforts. Energy in one direction can be expended only to find that something blocks the way. No problem, there are other inspirations to pursue. Perhaps a relaxing time with friends, and discussions about possibilities. Perhaps the pursuit of the promise of places with Shangri-la potentials. Perhaps the founding of communities which promise some betterment for self or mankind. Perhaps the undertaking of religious or magical exercises to expand consciousness and awareness. Perhaps developing inspirational talks, books, etc. Anything which can bring your inner inspirations into a reality for others to try, use and even personally grow from. Yours is the task to present dreams and visions to others so that their environments and lives can be enriched.
There can be a powerful pull to using drugs to heighten inner senses. While it is not always necessary to use drugs, and self-development can work around those, sometimes drugs can short-cut personal development practices which can take years. If you use drugs to help escape the realities of life, then you should also make yourself aware of their potential downsides.
Sun/Neptune Insights; Issues to Deal With; and/or Recurring Themes:
Subtle Displays of Power; Idealizes Self-importance; Lively Inspirations
Ineffective Commitments; Misleading Motivations; Disorganized Enterprises
A Preference for Escape; Techniques to make the Invisible Visible
Physical Incapacitations; Gambling on Speculations; Denial of Self
Behind the Scenes Support; A Complicated Character; Lively Fairy Tales
Inspires Influential People; Uses Drugs to Motivate; Convoluted Days
Hidden Meanings behind Passions; Exciting Special Effects; Elegant Fantasies
Circumventing Authority; Convincing Mysteries; Effective Disguises
Uncertain Interest; Vague Commitments; Self-Delusion; Exciting Rescues
Careless with Health; Brilliant but Convoluted Ways or Approaches
Enjoyment centering Around Magic and Deceptions; A Lively Interest in Frauds
Motivations with Hidden Meanings; Cartoon Creations; Physical Subtleties
Famous People who are STRONG in this midpoint’s characteristics include: Jean Cocteau, Shirley Jones, Stephen Foster, Mario Andretti, Paul Newman, Vittorio DeSica, Ellen Burstyn, Stephen Crane, Sir William Crookes, Jimi Hendrix, Lawrence Welk, Earl Warren.
Famous People who are WEAK in this midpoint’s characteristics include: Steve Allen, Marlon Brando, Carl Sandburg, Willie Mays, Gen. Joseph Joffre, Elton John, Thomas H. Huxley, Arthur Ford, Hank Williams.
Notable Events with this midpoint’s active or strong include (a weak event is shown in parenthesis): Lewis & Clark Expedition Starts, James Meredith’s Enrollment at U. Miss., George Washington’s Inauguration, Pearl Harbor Attack Begins, (Apollo 11 Moon Landing).
Equivalent or Corresponding Astrological Combinations: Sun in the 9th House, Sun in the 12th House, Neptune in the 5th House, Sun in Sagittarius, Sun in Pisces, Neptune in Leo, Sun novile (anything), Neptune conjunct (anything).
The Venus/Pluto Midpoint strong by MWA:
This combination highlights your need for personal privacy about your love or fiscal affairs. There can be strong, even expensive, measures taken to ensure that your privacy is maintained, and that your private life is protected. While there may be some outward shows intended to impress others with your status or position, the inward definition of what you are and how you live as a private person usually remains protected — even if this takes some extra-ordinary means or expense. This need for privacy and protection can become obsessive, but is certainly well deserved. The public face generally presented can mask a person who is quite different in private and removed situations where they feel they no longer have to hide who they are or can be. This is not necessarily imply a “Jekyll and Hyde” personality, but in some cases such extremes of love vs. monstrosity can result.
There should be an inner intensity about music, art, acting or performance which drives you to seek the ultimate in personal endeavors. This may come about in day-to-day interactions, or it may be used in professional situations as in film or on stage. The need for ensuring that what happens is the best which can be produced may take extreme measures. There may even be strong outbursts directed toward those whose performance seems to be lacking in some way. What can or will be tolerated for a lesser performance is probably set high, and many involved may not be able to measure up. Thus there can be much rejection, creation of ill-will, or even outright hostility by those who are being thrust aside. This can lead to jealousy and petty retaliations which overall may be harmful to continuing processes. Learning to live through such for the sake of perfection is a trait which needs to be learned. The final results are the proof of strong demands made along the way as situations or enactments are produced.
There should be a fascination with the role of life and the effects of death. This can lead to many investigations of purposes to life, the lessons we each need to learn, accounting for our individual contributions to family, self, profession and humanity, or simply new goals for continuing professional competency. The role of occult ideas such as life-after-death, reincarnation, astral entities, extra-terrestrial influences, etc., should hold a fascination for those with these energies strong. Such interests can bring many interesting twists and turns to your life as such education continues.
An important consideration should be that you can not rest on your laurels. That is, what is past is done, but what remains for the future mostly needs to exceed the effects and efforts put forth in the past. Thus, life can become a series of imposed personal tests to ensure that what is produced soon is better than what came about in the past. The lowering of personal values rarely continues with this combination, but it can. However when it does there usually are further attempts at achieving increased perfection and success.
Venus/Pluto Insights; Issues to Deal With; and/or Recurring Themes:
An Intense Artist; Obsessive Envy; Modifications to Artistic Techniques
Gaudy and/or Showy Displays of Power; Expensive Efforts to Ensure Privacy
Respect for Transformative Processes; Becoming Comfortable with Major Changes
Extreme Demands which Occupy Resources; The Allure of Life and Death Processes
Facing Massive Destruction with Grace and Poise; Lowering of Fashion Tastes
Extremes of Fiscal Interactions; A Lot of Money and then almost Nothing
Becoming Comfortable with Power, or Displays of Power; Showing Unkindness
Displays of Brutality to Lovers; Attractions Involving Chaotic Situations
Appreciation for the Role of Death and/or Afterlife; Strong, Demanding Love
Changeovers from Easy or Comfortable Ways to Difficult, Hostile Situations
Satisfactions Derived from the Outcome; Undermined by not so Petty Jealousies
Innocent Injuries; Loyalty Generated by Personal Magnetism, Attraction
Famous People who are STRONG in Venus/Pluto characteristics include: Sean Connery, Erwin Rommel, Alexis Carrel, Harry Shoaf, Ferdinand Foch, Liberace, Jimmy Carter, Henry Mancini, Winston Churchill, Jean Francois Millet, William Butler Yeats, Paul Newman.
Famous People who are WEAK in Venus/Pluto characteristics include: Merv Griffin, Steve Wozniak, Dustin Hoffman, Charles Gordon, Bob Fosse, Emperor Hirohito, Stephen Sondheim, Charles E. O. Carter.
Notable Events with Venus/Pluto active or strong include (a weak event is shown in parenthesis): First A-Bomb Explosion, Woman’s Suffrage Amendment Approved, First Medicare Patient Accepted, Alaskan Earthquake, (Chernobyl Nuclear Accident).
Equivalent or Corresponding Astrological Combinations: Venus in the 1st House, Venus in the 8th House, Pluto in the 2nd House, Pluto in the 7th House, Venus in Aries, Venus in Scorpio, Pluto in Taurus, Pluto in Libra, Venus semi-sextile (anything), Pluto sextile (anything).
The Uranus/Midheaven Midpoint strong by MWA:
As you proceed through life you may find that not all situations are laid out in well defined patterns. You can find yourself in many situations where plans you thought were satisfactory have to be modified to fit new circumstances. This may come from a marriage, a friendship or a job which starts out well but then ends abruptly for reasons beyond your control. The lesson here is one of being able to adjust to life’s uncertainties and then still make something positive out of the situation. You need to learn to focus on proceeding through such disruptions with personal dignity and professional pride. When accomplishment is not what you had envisioned, or is thwarted for some reason, then finding and developing alternative paths and new directions is called for. With this combination strong how you handle such challenges can become defining moments of life.
Much time and effort may be spent adjusting to the changes thrown at you by life. This should help you develop a flexible psychological and mental approach to situations. Life can disrupt situations, but how you handle and grow through these is what will make you more noticed by others and feeling fulfilled inside. Learning to not dwell on the obstacles, but concentrating more on how to work around such to personal advantage is what is needed. Revising or altering the purposes which were set up, perhaps early in life for you, by family or others can become necessary. As you make these alterations you grow as a person in intellectual and psychological ways, and it is this personal growth which is a very important consideration.
As you take a personal inventory of your strengths and weakness, you may discovery that you have unusual and/or extraordinary skills. These may lie in the area of mechanical or electrical intuitive understandings, or they may lie in understanding people and their motivations using astrology. The social interactions amongst people, the gadgets which people use, promises from new technological breakthroughs, or simply offbeat or unintended uses of existing products should all interest you. You can take these interests and develop new and interesting ways to proceed through life with these concerns. Having the interest is one thing, taking the time to develop and hone skills to bring recognition and expertise is another. You may find that you are quite skillful using tools, and inventive and clever with these too.
You may not inwardly care or even show indifference to feelings about personal growth. But your soul cares. You may show a disinterest in personal fulfillment, but you can not ignore such. Life is about learning, adapting, qualifying and conforming. But these may not be qualities which you find easy to do. Your inner rebelliousness may shout “No!”, but you can also find that learning to channel and control this rebelliousness is really what life and these energies are asking of you. Defiance and/or indifference toward reputation or personal growth may satisfy short term, but is rarely fulfilling over the course of a life where personal quality is an important measure.
Uranus/Midheaven Insights; Issues to Deal With; and/or Recurring Themes:
Adjusting to Life’s Changes; An Extraordinary Emphasis on the Mastery of All
Revising or Altering Life’s Purposes; Atypical ways of Coping; Odd Rewards
Feeling Pressured to Develop, Grow; Gadgets, Machinery as a Measure of Wealth
Rebelling against Standards; Inner Agitation to Attain Accomplishments
Disinterested in Personal Fulfillment; Counteracting Professional Setbacks
Remarkable Personal Growth; Accepts Different Criteria for Measuring Progress
Unusual Expertise or Skills; Accomplishment due to Personal Resourcefulness
Upsetting Revelations about Personal Integrity; Interruptions of Thoughts
Exposure to Astrology; An Unusual Family Lineage; Honest but Eccentric, Odd
Mastering Urges to Rebel; Challenging the Experts; Uncontrolled Conduct
Gaining Respect or Honors as a Scientist, Electrician, Astrologer or Mechanic
Indifferent to Their Personal Reputation; Feels Pressured by their Conscience
Famous People who are STRONG in Uranus/Midheaven characteristics include: Paul Newman, Charles E. O. Carter, Maurice Ravel, Johann Von Goethe, Elton John, Nikola Tesla, Jacques Cousteau, Thomas H. Huxley, Ada Lovelace Byron, Jack Schwartz, Fidel Castro, Muhammad Ali.
Famous People who are WEAK in Uranus/Midheaven characteristics include: Lance Reventlow, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Jerry Reed, Drew Pearson, Robert DeNiro, Yehudi Menuhin, Art Linkletter, Henry Mancini.
Notable Events with Uranus/Midheaven active or strong include (a weak event is shown in parenthesis): Richard Nixon’s Resignation, Lindburgh Lands in Paris, Lee’s Surrender at Appomattox, USS Maine Explosion, Mt. St. Helens Explosion, (Watergate Burglary Discovered).
Equivalent or Corresponding Astrological Combinations: Uranus in the 10th House, Uranus in Capricorn, Aquarius on the Midheaven, Midheaven 1/11 (anything).