(Unknown Birth Times)
LoveTies Relationship Analysis for
Faith Hill
Tim McGraw
Birth Data for Faith:
September 21, 1967
Calculated for 12:00 PM (Precise birth time not known)
Jackson, Mississippi
Birth Data for Tim:
May 1, 1967
Calculated for 12:00 PM (Precise birth time not known)
Delhi, Louisiana
Cafe Astrology
LoveTies Compatibility Report
Data for Faith: Data for Tim:
Tropical Zodiac Tropical Zodiac
Daylight Savings Time observed Daylight Savings Time observed
Time Zone: 6 hours West Time Zone: 6 hours West
GMT: 17:00:00 GMT: 17:00:00
32 N 17 55 90 W 11 05 32 N 27 27 91 W 29 35
Sun 28 deg 01 min Vir Sun 10 deg 38 min Tau
Moon 0 deg 49 min Tau Moon 13 deg 44 min Aqu
Merc 18 deg 37 min Lib Merc 29 deg 28 min Ari
Venus 27 deg 40 min Leo Venus 20 deg 13 min Gem
Mars 7 deg 46 min Sag Mars 18 deg 59 min Lib
Jup 24 deg 54 min Leo Jup 26 deg 59 min Can
Sat 9 deg 53 min Ari Sat 7 deg 08 min Ari
Uran 25 deg 02 min Vir Uran 20 deg 36 min Vir
Nept 22 deg 13 min Sco Nept 23 deg 20 min Sco
Pluto 20 deg 44 min Vir Pluto 18 deg 10 min Vir
SECTION I: What Faith is Like as a Person
Part 1: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation.
Sun in Virgo:
You are a hard worker, approaching everything you do with great efficiency and attention to detail. Work is of paramount importance in your life. You have great powers of analysis, and you apply them to all your experiences. Your standards for yourself and others are exacting. You’re a perfectionist, and may be quick to find fault and criticize.
Sun Conjunct Uranus
You’re original, inventive, and very independent. You have flashes of intuition and insight, and when you do, you will act suddenly and decisively. You do what you think is right; you make your own rules. Others may find you especially interesting or eccentric.
Part 2: Mental Interests and Abilities
Mercury in Libra:
You like to consider an issue from all sides before making a decision. Your concern for others’ points of view makes you especially diplomatic in your communications.
Part 3: Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance
Moon in Taurus:
Security and stability are important to you. Your emotional reactions tend to be steady and placid. Your feelings build slowly and don’t change quickly.
Moon Trine Venus
You have an affectionate nature and a strong appreciation for beauty. You may have artistic ability. You like to take care of people and make them feel good. People enjoy your company.
Venus in Leo:
You are passionate and loyal in love, and give of yourself with generous enthusiam. You enjoy the drama of courtship and romance, and are demonstrative in your affection.
Venus Conjunct Jupiter
You have a cheerful, friendly disposition, and you’re kind and giving towards those you love. Your relationships are harmonious and happy. People generally like you.
Part 4: Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your Goals
Mars in Sagittarius:
You have strong religious or philosophical convictions, which you actively support and defend. You believe in being direct and open about your attitudes and actions, and can be undiplomatic in speech. Freedom is important to you. You enjoy travel, games, and the outdoors.
Mars Trine Saturn
You have a great deal of endurance, and will work long and hard to achieve your goals. You’re efficient in your efforts, and don’t waste energy in fruitless directions.
SECTION II: What Tim is Like as a Person
Part 1: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation.
Sun in Taurus:
You love the good things in life. Material considerations are important to you, and you prefer surroundings that are comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. Security, both emotional and financial, is a major motivating factor in your life. You are cautious and methodical, and can be very stubborn. In relationships, you are loyal and reliable, and tend to be possessive of people you love.
Sun Square Moon
You are not entirely at peace with yourself, and suffer from a sense of inner conflict. You may have problems getting along with others at times. It’s difficult for you to express who you are.
Part 2: Mental Interests and Abilities
Mercury in Aries:
You have a competitive orientation, and enjoy debates and arguments. You make decisions quickly, sometimes impulsively, and tend to be impatient.
Mercury Square Jupiter
You tend to lack common sense, and may be over-optimistic or over-confident about your ideas. You can be pompous and preachy in expressing your opinions. You dislike detail, and often promise more than you can deliver.
Mercury Square Asc.
It’s difficult for you to express your ideas. Misunderstandings with others create problems for you in your life in general, and in your relationships in particular.
Part 3: Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance
Moon in Aquarius:
You are eccentric and independent, and must have freedom of emotional expression. Humanity at large may move you more than any particular individual.
Venus in Gemini:
You’re curious about people, and enjoy getting to know them. You like variety, and may find it difficult to settle down with one person. You need freedom to love.
Venus Trine Mars
You get along well with others, and you have a lot of sex appeal. You find love easily, and are rarely without a relationship.
Venus Square Uranus
You like excitement and variety in love, and may find it difficult to maintain a relationship with one person. You fall in and out of love suddenly, and your relationships may end abruptly. You can’t bear to be tied down.
Venus Square Pluto
Your love affairs are are intense, both emotionally and sexually, and may become obsessive. You have trouble controlling your passions, and may attempt to control your partner instead.
Part 4: Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your Goals
Mars in Libra:
You prefer to act in concert with other people rather than on your own, and you are sometimes overly influenced by others’ wants and desires. Rules of social conduct are important to you. You have a strong sense of what’s fair, and become angered by situations you feel are unjust. You express your desires in a graceful, charming way.
SECTION III: The Relationship from Faith’s Point of View
Your Sun Sextile Tim’s Jupiter
Your relationship is friendly and cooperative. Tim’s kindness and generosity help give you the confidence to succeed, and he feels satisfaction at your success. You like spending time together.
Your Sun Sextile Tim’s Neptune
Tim has an intuitive understanding of who you are as a person, and you enjoy the sense of being “seen” without having to explain yourself. His imagination and sensitivity to you encourage your creativity and self-expression. Your relationship has a gentle and romantic quality.
Your Moon Conjunct Tim’s Mercury
You have an intuitive understanding of what Tim is trying to get at when he speaks, and he is able to understand and verbalize your feelings. You can discuss emotional issues with relative ease. If his approach is too analytical, your feelings may be hurt.
Your Moon Square Tim’s Jupiter
You tend to encourage each other in excesses and self-indulgence. You’re more likely to wallow in feelings when Tim is around, and he may tend to be over-confident or extravagant.
Your Mercury Trine Tim’s Venus
Conversations between you flow easily, and are enjoyable for you both. Tim likes your intelligence and communication style, and his pleasant manner and affection encourage you to express ideas freely. You may spend much time discussing your love lives or the arts.
Your Mercury Conjunct Tim’s Mars
Your relationship is intellectually stimulating, and you enjoy joking around together and engaging in games of skill. Tim challenges you to put ideas into action, and can become frustrated with your inclination to analyze situations. You may think he is too impulsive or aggressive, and you can have heated arguments.
Your Venus Square Tim’s Neptune
Your relationship is subject to illusion, and the affection between you may be one-sided. Tim’s elusiveness or deceptiveness may lead you to mistake his true feelings. He may have a clouded or over-idealized view of you, and suffer pain and disappointment when the way you care about him falls short of his conception of true, spiritual love.
Your Mars Trine Tim’s Saturn
Tim influences you to be more cautious, disciplined and organized in pursuing goals, and your energy and enthusiasm can help him to overcome excessive worry and negativity. The combination of his deliberation and your aggressiveness can result in an effective working relationship. You may find it difficult to be totally spontaneous around him.
SECTION IV: The Relationship from Tim’s Point of View
Your Moon Trine Faith’s Mercury
Your intuitive understanding of what Faith is trying to get at when she speaks eases communication between you. She can help you to understand your feelings by putting them into words. You have a natural rapport.
Your Moon Sextile Faith’s Saturn
There is a strong sense of mutual respect and responsibility between you. Faith’s reliability gives you a feeling of security, and your sensitivity, responsiveness, and nurturing ease her fears and insecurities. Your loyalty to each other gives you the ability to survive hard times together.
Your Mercury Trine Faith’s Venus
Conversations between you flow easily, and are enjoyable for you both. Faith likes your intelligence and communication style, and her pleasant manner and affection encourage you to express ideas freely. You may spend much time discussing your love lives or the arts.
Your Mercury Trine Faith’s Jupiter
Faith and you are good friends, and find it easy to talk to each other. She broadens your philosophical outlook, and helps you to see the bigger picture. You draw her attention to relevant facts and details. You enjoy talking with each other and sharing ideas.
Your Venus Sextile Faith’s Jupiter
Your relationship is marked by deep affection, kindness, supportiveness, and mutual consideration, and is likely to be enduring. Faith’s generosity and benevolence inspire your love, and your caring encourages her to reach out in the world.
Your Venus Square Faith’s Uranus
There was an immediate, electric attraction between you. Your relationship may have started very suddenly, and may end just as suddenly. While you were initially drawn to Faith’s uniqueness and unpredictability, these same traits can later cause problems between you. And while your affection is at first exhilarating to her, you can ultimately seem too sentimental, or tied to possessions and material values.
Your Venus Square Faith’s Pluto
Your manner of expressing affection evokes Faith’s deepest longings, which may cause her to try to control or own you. While her intensity is compelling to you, you also may feel oppressed by it. There may be an especially intense sexual attraction between you.
Faith has no Major Aspects to your Sun
You often may have the uncomfortable sense that Faith doesn’t understand you, doesn’t really “see” you. Your basic motivations and drives, and the goals you need to achieve to feel successful in life, are difficult for her to understand and relate to.