Karmic Insight Report with the Karmic Past Life Report


The Karmic Insight Report (with bonus Karmic Past Life report) is a computerized report that takes a look at a number of factors in your birth chart from an esoteric, karmic, and spiritual standpoint. It’s very revealing, especially for those interested in learning their spiritual strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to see a sample report.

From an esoteric point of view, your birth chart is a portrait of your soul’s intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, service to be rendered. From that perspective, the choices one makes in one’s daily life have reverberations that may last beyond even this lifetime.

This report is written to help you clarify your lessons and goals, illuminate your struggles, and encourage you to move in the direction of your true purposes.

We also include a bonus Karmic Past Life Report with your order–an insightful report that runs approximately This report examines possible past life connections using astrological methods. Interpreted are the twelfth house, Saturn, Jupiter, the Nodes of the Moon, and retrograde Planets.

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The Karmic Insight Report (with bonus Karmic Past Life report) is a computerized report that takes a look at a number of factors in your birth chart from an esoteric, karmic, and spiritual standpoint. It’s very revealing, especially for those interested in learning their spiritual strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to see a sample report.

From an esoteric point of view, your birth chart is a portrait of your soul’s intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, service to be rendered. From that perspective, the choices one makes in one’s daily life have reverberations that may last beyond even this lifetime.

This report is written to help you clarify your lessons and goals, illuminate your struggles, and encourage you to move in the direction of your true purposes.

We also include a bonus Karmic Past Life Report with your order–an insightful report that runs approximately This report examines possible past life connections using astrological methods. Interpreted are the twelfth house, Saturn, Jupiter, the Nodes of the Moon, and retrograde Planets.

We are offering these reports at a comparatively low price. The Karmic Insight and Karmic Past Life Reports option is $5.95 US, and is delivered by email via an attachment within 24 hours of receipt of payment AND full information requiredYou will need to provide the following information:

  • Name (First name only is absolutely acceptable).
  • Birth Day (example, Aug 15/68)
  • Birth Time (example, 7:25 AM; Do not adjust this time – provide the birth time as given at the place of birth).
  • Birth Place (City, state/province, country).

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#KI-PL $5.95 US Karmic Insight Report with bonus Karmic Past Life report.Computerized reports sent through email usually within 24 hours of receipt of payment AND full information required. Fill in the fields above and then click on “Add to Cart”.

Karmic Insight Report Sample

The Karmic Insight Report for

Jennifer Coolidge
June 1, 1961
1:09 PM
Boston, Massachusetts

Cafe Astrology

From an esoteric point of view your birth chart is a portrait of your soul's intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, service to be rendered. From that perspective, the choices one makes in one's daily life have reverberations that may last beyond even this lifetime.

This report is written to help you clarify your lessons and goals, illuminate your struggles, and encourage you to move in the direction of your true purposes.

The best to you on your journey...

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Sun 10 Gem 57 Pluto 5 Vir 36
Moon 15 Cap 04 N. Node 0 Vir 33
Mercury 4 Can 13 Asc. 19 Vir 10
Venus 26 Ari 43 MC 17 Gem 14
Mars 14 Leo 21 2nd cusp 13 Lib 54
Jupiter 7 Aqu 05 3rd cusp 13 Sco 34
Saturn 29 Cap 26 5th cusp 21 Cap 30
Uranus 22 Leo 09 6th cusp 22 Aqu 32
Neptune 9 Sco 08

Tropical Placidus Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 17:09:00 Time Zone: 5 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 42 N 21 30 71 W 03 37

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction : 7 Deg 00 Min Trine : 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 7 Deg 00 Min Sextile : 3 Deg 00 Min
Square : 7 Deg 00 Min Quincunx : 3 Deg 00 Min
Conjunct Asc: 3 Deg 00 Min Above, 5 Deg 00 Min Below

Chapter 1: The Moon

The placement of the Moon in your birth chart is very significant from a karmic perspective, as it indicates the accumulated karmic tendencies, both positive and negative, that you carry from your past incarnated experiences on earth.

While the Sun reveals your intended purposes and lessons for this present life cycle, the MOON represents what you have already done and developed, hence, what is instinctive and natural to you, and what you tend to do over and over again. Your childhood is also reflected in the Moon's placement, as it is through those childhood circumstances that any unresolved past-life issues are re-stimulated.

Your subconscious predisposition is indicated by the Moon's position. It is the psychic imprint of the past. The nodes of the Moon describe behavior patterns from the past, as well as delineating a direction out of outworn or overdone behaviors and habits.

Moon in Capricorn:

You instinctively respond to challenges or stress by suppressing any emotions you have which might interfere with the job at hand, and taking control of the situation in an unsentimental, no-nonsense sort of way. You may become super responsible or throw yourself into your work - anything to keep feelings of helplessness or other "unacceptable" emotions at bay. "Don't agonize - organize!" is your motto.

Early in life, and in previous lifetimes, you learned through circumstances not to expect others to take care of you, to rely on yourself emotionally, and to stifle or neglect your own needs for care and comfort, in order to survive. As a result you developed a certain toughness and a disinclination to trust, an underlying cynicism, which can interfere with your ability to establish emotional rapport and intimacy with people.

You want proof of another's love or good will, some tangible evidence of their loyalty and commitment and you may "test" your friends or lover over a long period of time before you surrender your defenses and allow yourself to be truly close to them. Or you may care very much but, because your emotional self-control is so deeply ingrained, may be unable to communicate and express it openly, directly, warmly, with feeling.

You may substitute symbols of affection, gifts, or even money, for the real thing (being with the person, touching, listening, sharing your feelings.) You fear dependency, and may be intolerant of others' lack of discipline, emotional self-indulgence or neediness, and "babyish" behavior in anyone, even little children. You were not allowed those sorts of feelings, either because of life circumstances or due to a rather critical, strict, authoritarian upbringing.

For whatever reason you absorbed the message that "life is a struggle", "no one is going to take care of me", and possibly "I don't deserve to have my needs fulfilled". Very likely the approval and love you received were not unconditional, but contingent upon proper behavior, achievement, or being responsible and not being a burden. It may be hard for you to remember a time in your life when you were truly a child, carefree and innocent.

Due to these subconscious imprints and beliefs about yourself, you could experience a sort of chronic, low-grade depression, and a tendency toward pessimism and negativity. You may feel a compulsion to achieve in a material sense, in order to feel good about yourself. Or, you may be comfortable in the role of protector and provider, offering stability and security to others, but (once again) neglecting your own needs to do so.

You can socially endure and forbear for long periods of time in rather meager or difficult circumstances, due to past experiences of deprivation and hardship. This may work to your benefit, for instance, in the pursuit of some academic or professional goal, or in any endeavor that requires denial of immediate gratification for the sake of a long-range objective. In your emotional and personal life, too, you are willing to hang in there through the hard times. However, sometimes you will stay with something or someone because you are used to subsisting on very little nourishment (emotional or otherwise) and you cannot envision or accept the possibility of anything better for yourself.

Security is extremely important to you and you are willing to sacrifice or forego much in order to maintain it. A great fear of poverty and emotional or material lack underlies this even if you have never really experienced such in your present lifetime. Memories of such lack from your incarnational past are likely to continue to influence you, unless you consciously change or "re-program" yourself (splurge a little, challenge those old patterns). Along those same lines, an overconcern with your reputation and public standing, proper form, adhering to certain societal rules and standards, having approval from the "right" people, ritualized etiquette, and so on, is deeply embedded in you.

You have learned to bow down to authority, and to achieve a measure of security in return. Most likely, you expect others to do the same. You can be emotionally dry, seemingly unfeeling or detached, and, when pushed to the extreme, a very controlling disciplinarian.

You would benefit from learning to relax, not to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, and that life is not all struggle, all duty, all work.

Moon Quincunx Mars:

Your instinct to take aggressive action, to take on challenges and to fight, has deep roots, and in terms of your current life and circumstances it may well work both for and against you. If you find that your personal life is stormy and conflicted or that people at work aggravate you, it would behoove you to consider your role in the situation. You are apt to project early and intense sibling rivalries and other unresolved competitive and angry feelings on to many situations in life (usually quite unconsciously).

You are likely to be touchy and defensive, quite sensitive to having your will and desires impeded, and the women in your life may especially be the targets for your unacknowledged anger. There may be one woman in particular with whom you have a volatile karmic relationship, and coming to resolution with her would bring peace to many other areas of your life.

In any case, you must learn not to direct your aggressiveness on to innocent people! You do have an independent, energetic, spirited approach to life, a passion for doing and achieving, which are pluses. To balance your emotional energies, learning and regularly practicing techniques for calming and relaxation would be very beneficial for you. You have a tendency to burn out because you do not moderate yourself. If you are so inclined, meditating with or wearing certain stones may be an aid in this regard, including: chrysoprase, rose quartz, moonstone, and jade.

North Node in Virgo:

In your incarnational past you tended to be idealistic and imaginative, and longed to escape the difficulties of ordinary physical life. Your growth direction now is to learn to be more clear and focused, and to ground your charitable impulses in some sort of practical service.

North Node in 12th house:

You may find that your past tendencies are activated particularly in your job, the daily tasks you perform, and they also strongly influence your health for good or ill. Exploring the deeper, hidden dimensions of yourself (through dream work, hypnosis) or purposefully engaging the parts of yourself you consider to be weak or unacceptable are also an important part of your growth direction in this lifetime.

Chapter 2: The Sun

The Sun in your birth chart represents the primary creative thrust for this lifetime, those qualities you are to develop (or further develop) and express, and your current life focus. This may be in harmony with your instincts and your emotional habits, or along completely different lines. The Sun represents your conscious identity in this lifetime.

Sun in Gemini:

You came into this life equipped with great curiosity, a lively, versatile, inquisitive mind, and an urge for constant learning and new experiences. Your most basic inner drives are to communicate, to make connections and association (between people or ideas), and to develop your gift for language and expressing yourself through the spoken or written word. Thus, being an intermediary or messenger, a translator, a teacher, a broadcaster, a correspondent, or in some field where you can mix and mingle and interact with a broad spectrum of people, suits you well.

Fascinated by life's seemingly endless variety and the multitude of options and choices available, you may flit from one person, job, hobby, or location to the next, restlessly seeking new experiences and stimuli. Even if you do not do this in your outward behavior, inwardly your mind is in constant motion, and you require a healthy dose of variation and mental or social stimulation in your life in order to approach anything resembling contentment. Skimming lightly over the surface of life, however, can lead to a shallowness of understanding and a fluttering away of your energies.

At a deep level, you are much more identified with your mind (or spirit) than with your body and, in fact, you may feel peculiarly detached from your body, and somewhat at odds with being physical. Compared to the lightness and rapidity of thought, earthly experience can seem dull and slow to you and this contributes to your bouts of impatience and restlessness. Psychologically, also, you are more androgynous than sharply polarized as either man or woman. This means that you are able to relate equally well to men and women, having much of both in your inner make up.

In some ways, however, you are apt to feel non-identified with your gender and perhaps that you are not a "real" man or woman, or a secret confusion over feeling neither wholly male or female but some curious place in between, a blend of both.

Esoterically or spiritually considered, you are here (among other reasons) to develop an awareness of dualism and of opposites. You see at least two sides of everything and are often of two minds about any given topic. You possess many opposing attributes within yourself and it is part of your soul development to bring them together within yourself. In addition to the male/female dualism, there is the idealist/cynic and the rational scientist/intuitive mystic (or "believer"), among others. You are apt to switch from one to another or, chameleon-like, to change according to your surroundings, circumstances, or companions.

This mutable quality is apt to earn you a reputation for being somehow shifty, fickle, or outright duplicitous, which may or may not be accurate. What is true is that because you see validity in both ways of being, you can not take either of them completely seriously, or to put yourself whole heartedly into either. You are keenly aware of the humorous, the paradoxical, the other side of the coin - and often can not help pointing it out.

The above mentioned urge to connect and communicate which at one level may simply be expressed as incessant talking or a ferocious need for social interaction is operative on an inner level as well: you need to connect your intellect with your intuition, your conscious with your unconscious, your head with your heart.

(Being, at a deep level, more allied with your mind and ageless, ever-young spirit rather than your body has another significance as well: you may be terribly resistant to and fearful of the body's aging process. Denying your advancing years, even lying about your age, is a typical response to this. Coming to terms with the fact of aging and dying is very important because otherwise you are apt not to take your life seriously either).

Sun Square Pluto:

In this lifetime you are apt to undergo a series of death-and-rebirth experiences, deep personal crises which force you to make radical alterations in your self or your life, and to dig deep within to find the resources to begin anew. You are attracted magnetically and karmically to the very people and situations which will compel you to confront your true motives, the stuff you are really made of, and those aspects of life we usually keep hidden away.

The development of the will, and the use/abuse of personal power, are key issues for you in this present life cycle. Early in your life you are apt to meet tyranny, domination and the excesses of another's personal power. The results of which are likely to be your deep resistance to being controlled and a rejection of authority. Your relationship with your father may be a particular focus for all of these issues (the early death or absence of your father may be crucial here also).

While you may indeed have been a victim of another's abuse of power, you also need to recognize your own will-to-power, your drive for personal recognition and self-glorification. You tend to be intensely compulsive, and even ruthless when pursuing your own goals, not even realizing that you may be trampling over others' feelings or life-requirements.

You are capable of going to extraordinary lengths to get what you want, perhaps on an entirely unconscious level. This trait is apt to create havoc in your relationships, until you become aware of it and make conscious efforts to change it. At your worst you can unconsciously assume that everyone in your life exists to promote your own objectives and, put bluntly, you tend to lack humility entirely until life brings you to your knees a few times.

Part of your life mission is to understand the taboo, hidden, or dark side. You may have a great fear of and fascination with death, with the "have not's" or outlaws of society, with things that others may consider ugly, fearful, and unredeemable. Or it may be your own darkness and negativity that you must confront. Either way you will not be allowed to glide along on the surface of life.

To facilitate this process, certain gemstones may be helpful for you to wear or carry, including: amethyst, malachite, garnet, ruby, and green or watermelon tourmaline.

Sun SemiSquare Venus:

How to be true to yourself while also enjoying close personal relationships is a pointed issue for you in this lifetime. When you compromise or give up too much of yourself for the sake of making other people happy or keeping a relationship intact, a lot of internal friction is created and you feel increasingly empty or uncertain of your identity. At other times you may see-saw to the other extreme and expect others to totally support your creative efforts or to revolve their lives around your needs. Finding a balance between blending intimately and being authentically yourself is your challenge.

Sun Quincunx Neptune:

A high degree of spiritual perceptiveness and psychic sensitivity opens you to the intangible side of life. You may possess unusual gifts, such as the ability to see auras or to "read" people intuitively, clairvoyantly or the ability to channel healing energy or a prodigious musical or artistic talent. Your imagination and capacity to create from images in your fantasies or dreams is one aspect of your giftedness. An awakened sense of unity with all other living things also engenders within you much compassion, gentleness, and a desire to help or "save" them. Part of your soul mission is the further development and refinement of these gifts.

However, such sensitivity and openness is not without potential problems. Being aware (however subtly) of the vastness of life and of the spiritual dimension may lead you to abdicate personal responsibility for directing your own course in life ("let God do it", or "It's my fate"). Escapism, evasiveness and passivity in the face of challenges from the outside world are negative potentials. You can be too yielding, too gentle. Your assessment of yourself may also be unclear and less than accurate. Quite often you underestimate your own power to determine your life and your own abilities in other areas.

When out of balance, you tend to glamorize or overidealize yourself or others, to get caught up in some fantasy (without distinguishing between truth and fiction), to neglect your emotional and/or physical self for the sake of some dream or spiritual ideal, or to be naive and gullible and easily manipulated. There is some indication that a misunderstanding or mis-direction of spiritual energies in your incarnational past needs to be addressed and balanced out in your present cycle.

It is especially important for you to be thoroughly grounded in the physical world, and especially to avoid mind or mood altering substances which could serve to distort your perceptions, confuse, or destabilize you. Incorporating a regular, rhythmic pattern and some form of self discipline in your life will also enable you to use your imaginative and spiritual gifts to the fullest. Above all, rigorous honesty with the self is required. It can also be helpful to get feedback and assistance from people who are mature, well-grounded, practical, and effective in the world.

Chapter 3: Rising Sign

The point that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth is called the ASCENDANT, or rising sign. While the Sun describes your conscious direction and current life focus, and the Moon your subconscious predisposition and past, the Ascendant indicates a way of being that transcends and embraces past, present, and future. It describes the way you engage and merge with the outer world and how you bring through into life the energies depicted by the Sun, the Moon, and the rest of your birth chart. Everything is filtered through the Ascendant from an esoteric point of view. It indicates your soul's function and thus a key part of your destiny.

Virgo Rising:

You do everything skillfully with a fine sense of craftsmanship and precision, perfectionism, care and attention to detail. You are keenly observant and have an acute sensitivity to each and every thing in your environment; therefore, you attend to small things that others do not readily notice, the subtleties, the fine points. You fulfill your soul function through service, assisting and helping others, perhaps in a rather humble, understated, unglamorous way, and doing a job for its own sake rather than for personal recognition or glory. Your simple desire to be useful and to be of service, your willingness to engage in ongoing practice in order to improve, and your willingness to change or adjust yourself according to the light you have at any given moment, enables you to fulfill your function. When out of balance, you criticize, worry, obsess about yourself and/or your health or body, and tend to magnify problems.

Virgo Rising and Mercury in Cancer:

Your ruling planet, Mercury, is in the sympathetic and subjective sign of Cancer, indicating an interest in children, women's health and/or the healing professions in general, food and nutrition, psychology, and teaching. You are a worrier, and need to learn to let go of excessive anxiety, especially over people you care about. (You tend to criticize or fuss about little things when you are afraid for their well-being). The domestic arts are your forte, as well, and an important part of your contribution to life.

Chapter 4: Saturn, Your Achilles Heel

Karmically considered, the placement of Saturn in your birth chart indicates where your energetic blockages, weaknesses and fears lie, and the areas of your life where the most concentrated effort and discipline will be required to master and overcome them. Yet it also points to the aspects of life which can become your greatest strength if you are willing to face your fears and difficulties honestly, and work with them patiently.

Saturn in Capricorn

The quality which is most likely to undermine you is your propensity to be very judgmental and hard on yourself (and on others as well). It is as if there were within you a very stern, exacting Father, always critically assessing your actions and condemning your weaknesses or mistakes, urging you to grow up and take responsibility for yourself and reminding you that life is serious business, not a playground. While this is not entirely without merit, it is hard to live up to these internal standards all of the time, and a sense of inadequacy, of never quite making the mark, can plague you.

You can become overly responsible, overly conscientious and depressed by this burdensome state of mind. Coldness, cynicism and a callous worldliness are negative potentials. And if you project these attitudes outwardly, you will find other people can never meet your expectations.

A karmic link to your father with whom you are apt to have a rather difficult or distant relationship is also indicated. The test or lesson for you is to learn to embody all of the positive attributes of a father (regardless of your own gender), while also having compassion, humor and forgiveness towards yourself.

Saturn in 5th house:

A deep sense of being unloved and a fear of going unnoticed and unappreciated for your creative efforts is apt to effect you in a number of ways. You may work very hard at being the best in some sport or art, or at producing the best possible product, spurred on by a sense of personal inadequacy ("I'm #2, so I try harder"). Yet you tend to labor over (even suffer over) your creative projects and offspring, rather than enjoying them. Or, you may simply believe that you are "not special" or "not creative", and thus experience a block whenever you attempt to express your unique self.

The whole arena of self-expression, in the sense of pouring out your energy into the world and receiving a response, is difficult or frustrating for you. The basic lesson for you to learn here is how to let go of control, whether of your own creative impulses or of the desire to control others' responses to you. Developing self-approval and self-love will enable you to untie the knots you are apt to be tangled up in this area of your life.

Saturn is Retrograde:

All of the above is complicated by the fact that you carry a rather heavy burden of self-doubt, mistrust, or guilt over having let yourself and others down in your past, when you struggled (and failed) with these same issues. You now have the opportunity to correct your course, make amends and resolve a difficult karmic tangle, or a difficult state of mind.

Saturn Square Venus:

In this lifetime the arena of human relationships and personal love will be full of challenge and lessons for you. Love is hard to find, hard to sustain, or just plain hard! Shyness and loneliness, due mostly to an acute sensitivity to the possibility of rejection, are apt to plague your younger years. Even when friendship and open affection is offered to you, you are prone to doubt it, push it away in disbelief, or feel unworthy of it. Pure, unadulterated pleasure in any form discomforts you. Subconsciously at least, you believe that there is a price to be paid for any love or pleasure you receive, that you may be punished if you enjoy too much or love too much.

There is an inner link between love and loss, love and separation, or love and punishment that inhibits you or makes you wary. Worst of all, you may feel that you are unlovable or unwanted. All of this is a karmic carry-over which needs to be handled with great compassion toward yourself. You may have toughened up and hardened your heart a great deal due to past injury, so that you have acted in cold, unfeeling, ungenerous, or unloving ways towards others and yourself.

Perhaps, too, you have put work or other responsibilities ahead of the needs and desires of your heart. An opening and healing of the heart, first of all by cherishing yourself, is necessary. Once you start valuing yourself, your personal relationships will reflect that, and happiness in love in your later years can do much to make up for the earlier difficulties.

You might wish to wear or carry rose quartz, tourmaline, lavender, jade, or chrysoprase.

Chapter 5: The Hard Aspects

The following is a description of your MAJOR LIFE CHALLENGES, both in terms of energies you are to learn to develop and express in a positive way, and those which are the result of struggles and unresolved karmic issues which you have brought into this life.

Mercury Quincunx Jupiter:

Forging a link between your conscious intellect and your super-conscious or higher mind is a major focus for you in this lifetime.

This may be felt initially in a number of ways: an urge to expand mental horizons and absorb as much knowledge as possible through broad study or world travel, an attraction to spiritual philosophy, or simply as mental restlessness and dissatisfaction with the mundane details of life. What you are seeking is to see the larger pattern, an overview which gives both an integrated understanding and meaning to one's experiences.

This cannot be apprehended solely through the conscious intellect, but comes through the capacity to intuit and make connections and see patterns. This desire to see the big picture sometimes translates as a certain sloppiness or imprecision in your thinking. The broad brush strokes are often enough for you. Also, you quickly grasp the overall idea or concept and do not want to get bogged down with the particulars.

You tend to focus on what is possible (the limitlessness of potential) rather than what already is. Optimistic and open-minded, you see reasons why things could happen rather than why they cannot. The development of this kind of faith and the belief in things not yet realized is also an aspect of your linking your conscious mind to your higher mind.

The ability and the calling to communicate truth is a part of this energy pattern as well. When out of balance you can be preachy, exaggerate what you know, or think you know it all. Channeled positively and productively, you could evolve into a teacher who brings parts of the world together. Long distance communication and journeys (both in the physical, outer world and in the inner realms) are part of this aspect. At your finest with this particular pattern, you will act as a mediator or bridge between different places or realms.

Mars Square Neptune:

Your masculine, yang, assertive energies combine (somewhat tensely and uneasily) with your urge for transcendence, grandeur, and a life beyond the every day or material. This could be expressed through you in various ways. At best you are an inspired creative genius with the drive and need to physically manifest your dreams and visions. (This may, nevertheless, be hard on those around you or the part of you that wants a normal, orderly existence, as you tend to become fanatical and to ignore the more mundane stuff).

You may have a great deal of fantasy about and infatuation with masculinity, male power, which can lead to feelings of personal inadequacy, sexual confusion, an overidentification with macho strengths and values, muscles, competition, or simply an unclear relationship with men. You may idealize the man (father, husband, son) and fail to perceive them accurately. You tend to go to extremes, either denying all male attributes, functions or values, or secretly worshipping them.

You may also have great aspirations and far reaching ambitions which may or may not be practically realizable. However, for you, to live is to dream. Strive for complete honesty, with yourself as well as others, because the downside of this pattern is a tendency to evade or deceive or simply ignore what is. Also avoid the tendency to use either your physical strength or your sexual power and charisma in an exaggerated way. Misdirection of these energies can weaken your vitality considerably.

Ultimately you may be led to devote your strength and all your actions to something that transcends personal gratification and personal desire, becoming a channel for a higher power to work through.

Jupiter is Retrograde:

Moral concerns (including lingering unresolved issues stemming from a prior lifetime or lifetimes in which you exercised poor judgment in moral, ethical, or religious matters) come into play here. Thus, it is especially important for you to maintain high standards while pursuing your aspirations.

Jupiter Square Neptune:

You are a visionary, a philanthropist, an idealist whose imagination knows no bounds. You believe in miracles, in the reality of the intangible realms, and you KNOW that nothing is impossible. Because your higher centers of intuition, spiritual vision, and openness to the divine are very active, you accept and experience things many people would think quite impossible.

When out of balance with this energy (if, for instance, you are operating out of greed or neediness), your imagination and expectations can be grandiose, impractical, naive, and overblown. You may have difficulty accepting and working within the limits of mundane reality, and with setting boundaries in many areas of your life. Escapist fantasies, gambling on highly speculative ventures that promise great gain with little effort expended, or wandering far and wide without grounding yourself anywhere are also tendencies when you are less emotionally and spiritually mature. You will evolve as you choose to discipline yourself and FOCUS your intent on real, concrete, practical ways. You can bring your vision to earth.

Jupiter Quincunx Pluto:

Part of your life mission involves learning how to generate and direct a great leap of material, political, social or spiritual power. You have a gift for spiritual or intellectual leadership. As an agent of transformation in your world, you are intended to help regenerate social or religious institutions and to effect profound change and growth in the people around you. There are karmic pitfalls involved in all of this, however. First, is the tendency to become infatuated with power and/or inflated with a sense of your own greatness.

Secondly, conflicts with those in power may result in loss of social standing or reputation. Pitting yourself against the big guys and losing is always a risk you will have to take if you are to fulfill your natural role and function. In past incarnations this did in fact take place, perhaps leaving you now with a fear or disregard of government, the church, or other great authorities. Thus, you may have a struggle accepting your role as a leader or teacher, and/or integrating with society as it currently exists.

Neptune is Retrograde:

The above is complicated by the fact that you had a prior lifetime or lifetimes in which you dissipated your energy, fell away from your disciplines, or were too passive or irresolute to go after the spiritual opportunities open to you at that time. This carries over as a vague yet persistent inner nagging that you should be further on than you are, or a fear of spiritual failure.

You may also have been involved in mystical or magical practices that created distortions in your life. It is important for you to take a balanced, patient, well-grounded attitude toward life - nothing too otherworldly, ethereal, or glamorous. Indulging in any mood-altering substances is particularly deleterious for you.

Pluto Conjunct North Node:

Profoundly transformative events or crisis will occur in your life periodically as you follow your growth direction. It may be that impersonal forces beyond your control impinge upon your personal destiny. Or, a significant death, failure, or loss will usher in an entirely new life and sense of personal mission. For you, FATE is always an important player.

Chapter 6: Soft Aspects

The following is a description of your GIFTS and STRENGTHS which can help you work with your major life challenges. These are abilities and qualities of heart, mind, and soul which are quite natural to you. You probably take them for granted. Because these represent the lines of least resistance for you, you may rely too much upon them at times; hence, there are some cautions suggested. Still, these are the areas where good flows into your life and/or where you have considerable inner resources.

Sun Trine Jupiter:

Your life is blessed in numerous ways because you have developed intuitive vision (the ability to envision greater possibilities, to "see" potentials and future developments) and faith (in yourself, in the Universe's essential beneficence and abundance, and/or in a higher power that guides and protects you). Because you feel and know your connection with the whole, God, the Tao (or whatever you wish to call it), your actions and intentions are more likely to be in harmony with the larger reality and hence successful. What may appear to be your prodigious good "luck" is actually an inner alignment with this larger reality which enables you to take risks and trust, and to be generous knowing you have an inner source of support.

You make choices and decisions not based solely on self interest. Innately optimistic, you tend to radiate and project positive expectations into the world, thereby actually creating or drawing them unto yourself. Because you are open to miracles, you are more than likely to see them and make them happen. The only drawback to all of this is a tendency to get lazy, because things come so easily to you. It seems as though you wear a halo, as though you are especially favored by the gods, so to speak. As long as you are willing to share your good fortune, however, this should not be a serious problem.

Mercury Trine Neptune:

An innate understanding of spiritual and metaphysical principles, and a direct perception of the inner world (via intuition, clairvoyance or clairaudience, etc.) enables you to speak of or teach others these subjects. Your conscious mind links easily and readily to other dimensions. This is something you probably take for granted and it may happen without any conscious effort or intent on your part. You are like a "cosmic radio" and you may pick up certain vibrations and the feelings of others without realizing you are doing so. You also have a sensitive nervous system which responds quickly to stimuli, so you require a harmonious atmosphere in order to function at your best.

Your psychic and/or musical, artistic, and poetic sensibilities are pronounced due to prior development in these arenas.

Mercury Sextile Pluto:

You have a gift for intellectual strategy and solving mysteries and puzzles. Intense mental focus and concentration, combined with your acute perceptions, enables you to do "magic" when you set your mind to it, and your wizardry in some specialized field may be well known.

You are deeply interested in what lies below the surface in any situation or person, and have an instinctive grasp of these subtleties. You may, for instance, use your hands to perceive the auric field, discover imbalances, and transmit healing energies to the one in need. The deep study of esoteric subjects, as well as the development of your mental powers, is natural to you, for you have pursued these areas in your incarnational past. This knowledge can be reawakened in you rather easily, and you are likely to be a teacher and/or transmitter of the understandings you have gained.

Venus Trine Uranus:

Your gifts include an unusual flair or creative spark, playful inventiveness, and a taste for adventure and surprise that lead to new forms of pleasure or beauty.

You are also open to unconventional, nontraditional ways of sharing, loving, and relating to people. Collaborating and bringing unusual combinations of people together makes you happy.

Having bells or chimes in your environment can augment and bring out these qualities and gifts. Musical abilities and a wonderful sense of rhythm are talents you have brought with you into this cycle of life. When you are out of balance or overwhelmed, music or dancing is a way you can rejuvenate yourself.


Karmic Past Life Report Sample

The Karmic Past Life Report for

Jennifer Coolidge

June 1, 1961
1:09 PM, Daylight Savings Time
Boston, Massachusetts
Latitude 42 N 21 30
Longitude 71 W 03 37

Cafe Astrology


Introduction to Karmic Astrology

The effects of past life experiences can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias which would defy explanation by conventional methods.

This report examines possible past life connections using astrological methods. It is not intended to be taken as a complete interpretation of your birth chart; it looks at your chart from only one perspective.

It is written in simple language, avoiding the use of astrological terms as much as possible. For the interest of students of astrology, relevant astrological references are made at the top of each section.

There are certain factors which indicate a need to seek further answers through past life regression. If you find reference to this within your chart, you may discover that your spiritual growth will be enhanced by using this method. (Note: Individuals with a number of these indicators in the chart have probably already experienced spontaneous regressions.)

Not all charts will indicate a need for regressions. If your report does not indicate such a need, then it is most likely that discovering your past lives through regression is of little interest to you this time around.

Chapter 1: Most Important Prior Life Experiences

In traditional astrology, the Twelfth House represents your self-undoing, hidden matters and the subconscious process. It is believed that we carry karmic memories in our subconscious, and that these subconscious memories can undermine our current life efforts.

When we remove the walls created by subconscious fears and guilt, we find that the path to personal transformation lies beyond.

If, in your chapter you find a number of descriptions of planets placed in your twelfth house, consider exploring your hidden self through past life regression.


12th house cusp in Leo

You have considerable inner strength. Willpower and persistence are hidden beneath your surface. Your self-image is out of proportion, being either too great or too small.

Look for a significant prior lifetime in a leadership position. Your use or abuse of that position will tell you much about your current self-image. Possible areas of prior life experience may be in the aristocracy, military leadership, political leadership, actor-manager of a theater troupe, business executive, or head of a family business.

Leo 12th House, Virgo Rising

You are meticulous in every endeavor. Others see you as being practical and organized, paying attention to the smallest detail. You need to learn that not everyone is as concerned with perfection as you.

Pluto in 12th House

In your prior life, you misused your psychic gifts to dominate others. Most likely, you practiced witchcraft or used hypnotism to control and instill fear. This time, the karmic fear of unleashing your inner power is so deep that you may allow yourself to be victimized without putting up any resistance.

KARMIC LESSON: Channel your passionate energies into creative projects, exercise or therapy. Accept that all humans have the capabilities of great emotions, some of which can be destructive. Inner peace comes with facing your fears, asserting yourself and transforming negative energy into positive endeavors.

Chapter 2: Saturn (The Great Teacher)

The source of many of our self-imposed restrictions can be found in the placement of the planet Saturn. The location of Saturn in a horoscope represents the area of life where we have to learn the greatest lessons. It is through these lessons that we grow and improve.

Just like your least liked teacher in school, Saturn's lessons require hard work and self-discipline. And like the lessons from that teacher, Saturn's lessons are not easily forgotten. The lessons you learn help you to find order and security in your current life.

When a lesson from a prior life was not learned, you can experience inexplicable guilt or self-restriction. Exploration of the unlearned lessons of Saturn can free you to use all of your natural talents.


Saturn in 5th House

Creativity and self-expression do not come easily to you. You find romantic encounters unsatisfying. Children or the ability to procreate can be a source of considerable disappointment.

Difficult childbirth, guilt from feeling responsible for a child's distress, or frustrations in a creative endeavor in that prior life could be the root cause of your current blockage.

On the positive side, you are able to apply discipline in your current life to your creative endeavors. On the negative side, you may still avoid any creative expression, out of fear of disapproval or rejection.

When you learn the reason for your blocks in this lifetime, you can open up your creative energies and use the talents which have been brought forth from your previous life.

Saturn Conjunct Jupiter:

Your optimism is tempered with caution. In prior lifetimes, you have taken many responsibilities and duties without concern for personal reward. This lifetime offers you the opportunity to make the best career decisions and the determination to stay with that decision until success is achieved. Balance your hopefulness with practical reason and success will be yours.

Saturn Square Venus:

A sense of duty was the reason for maintaining partnerships in prior lifetimes. This time, you find it difficult to accept the gift of love and consequently may feel very lonely. When you learn to appreciate your loved ones for whom they are, you will diminish feeling of isolation. Much of your stress in this life comes from relationships, either family or work, and you tend to direct that stress inward.

Chapter 3: Jupiter (Your Karmic Gifts)

Personal karma is not necessarily negative. You bring to this life certain talents and interest which enable you to expand your horizons. Often overlooked for its karmic value, the placement of the planet Jupiter in your chart can tell you about your karmic gifts.

Jupiter describes spiritual rewards as well as the area of your current life where you may experience material gains.

The lesson of Jupiter is best described as the acceptance of the law of karma. The rewards you reap in this life time come from your prior life's good deeds, and your future benefits (this life or another) are the rewards of your present fair dealings and generosity.


Jupiter in Aquarius

You have an unusual set of moral values, unique to yourself but true for you, nevertheless.

You are tolerant to new ideas and may find comfort in Eastern philosophy or religion, astrology, or reincarnation. Your prior life as a social reformer or possibly a member of a religious order is reflected in your interest in humanitarian organizations.

Jupiter in 5th House

You are creative, romantic and optimistic. In a prior life you inspired creativity in children, thus giving them your greatest gift. Your interest in fine arts, theater, and music is what you have retained from that previous life.

Jupiter Opposition Mars:

Physical strength and stamina were very important to you in a prior life and you still rate them very highly. You like to test your endurance whenever you get a chance, taking many risks to your health and well-being. Learn to use good judgment when it comes to satisfying your thirst for adventure. Base your decisions about your risk-taking upon the effects on yourself and those around you.

Jupiter Square Neptune:

You had a great capacity for spiritual understanding in prior lifetimes, which you either denied or exploited. This karmic memory has left you confused about the real nature of empathy and compassion. This time, you are again blessed with psychic ability, empathy and the power of imagination. Learn to accept your abilities as gifts and take responsibility for the proper or improper use of your talents.

Jupiter Trine Sun:

Personal philosophies developed in your karmic past have given you a great deal of self-confidence. In other lifetimes, you controlled your ego by some form of religious discipline. This time, you can benefit from your prior lives' lessons, as karmic memories are very close to the surface. You are cheerful, optimistic, courageous and sociable.

Chapter 4: Nodes of the Moon (Your Karmic Doorways)

The point on a horoscope chart called the North Node of the Moon is not actually a planet, but can be thought of as a doorway from your current life to your future. And, its opposite point (the South Node of the Moon) can be thought of as a doorway from your past life to your current one.

These two sensitive points can show you what goals you are concerned with in this life and what habits from prior lives are holding you back from reaching those goals.

North Node of the Moon in Virgo

Much confusion clouded your reasoning in prior lives. You relied upon others for direction and your superstitions held you prisoner.

Your judgment is still colored by emotion and you are easily swayed by another's tales of woe. You have a great intuitive ability, but your sensitivity to others' emotional states can trigger bouts of depression.

Since your emotions can adversely affect your health, you should take extra care with your diet and exercise regimen. Avoid alcohol and non-prescription drugs.

You have probably spent past lives as a poet, psychic, mystic or religious martyr.

In order to maintain the balance between your two karmic doorways, you need to learn to focus on and define your goals, while retaining a sense of compassion for others.

Chapter 5: Planets in Retrograde (Reversed Energies)

Planets in a horoscope chart which are marked as being in retrograde motion, hide or reverse the true energy of that planet.

From a perspective of past life experiences, this usually means that some experience in a prior lifetime was so negative that the individual refuses to use that planetary energy in any manner.

Jupiter Retrograde

You are concerned with growth and expansion, but find it difficult to achieve. Success or luck may elude you.

In a prior life, you may have refused to change with the times, holding on to outmoded ideas and ideals. In each life, you learn lessons and grow. Since you chose not to make changes in one life, it is necessary for you to go through the lessons of that life again.

Your lesson in this lifetime is to determine which opportunities offered to you will create the greatest amount of personal (inner) growth and expansion. When you make your changes, success will occur on the outside as well.

Saturn Retrograde

You have a great deal of inner reserve. You are very serious about completing everything you start, sometimes when better judgment would recommend abandoning a project. You have always appeared mature beyond your years.

In a prior life, you avoided or were unable to fulfill your responsibilities, thus leaving many things undone or partially complete.

Your lesson in this lifetime is complete your projects and live up to your responsibilities. You have a great deal of wisdom from prior life experiences which will help you to teach others the value of completion.

Neptune Retrograde

Sometimes you find it difficult to determine what is real and what is not. You have a vivid imagination and you find comfort in your daydreaming and fantasy. Although it may not be recognized as such, you have a psychic gift.

In a prior life, you may have used illusion and delusion to take undue advantage of others. You were attracted to things psychic and may have even represented yourself as a medium or even as a magician. In this lifetime, you are still drawn to psychic and occult matters.

Your lesson in this lifetime, is to develop your real spiritual side. You may decide to use your psychic gifts for personal gain. If you do so, use them honestly, avoiding deception of others at all costs.

Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below:

Sun 10 Gem 57 Neptune 9 Sco 08
Moon 15 Cap 04 Pluto 5 Vir 36
Mercury 4 Can 13 Asc. 19 Vir 10
Venus 26 Ari 43 MC 17 Gem 14
Mars 14 Leo 21 2nd cusp 13 Lib 54
Jupiter 7 Aqu 05 3rd cusp 13 Sco 34
Saturn 29 Cap 26 5th cusp 21 Cap 30
Uranus 22 Leo 09 6th cusp 22 Aqu 32

Tropical Placidus Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 17:09:00 Time Zone: 5 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 42 N 21 30 71 W 03 37

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 8 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 8 Deg 00 Min
Square : 7 Deg 00 Min
Trine : 7 Deg 00 Min
Sextile : 6 Deg 00 Min

Report Order FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions related to Report Orders

Reports are generally delivered within 24 hours of order placement, or if there were missing details, within 24 hours of the receipt of full information needed to generate the report(s). Occasionally, an order might arrive a little late if there was an unexpected influx of orders, for example, a power outage, etc.

However, if 24 hours have passed and you don't find an email from Cafe Astrology (reports@cafeastrology.com) in your inbox or spam folder, then please write and let us know. Please understand that we make every effort to send your order, and if this is impossible, you will receive a refund.

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By default, we send report orders placed in this shop to the email address you enter during the checkout process. You can specify an email address where you prefer we send your reports.

No, you should specify that the birth time is unknown rather than guess it so that the report can be created specifically for unknown birth times.

Although unknown birth time reports can be a little shorter than the reports with known birth times, they only include information that is known. Most importantly, the ambiguous information is excluded from the report.

Some people feel that they will get more for their money if they guess at the birth time, as they assume that more interpretations in the reports are better. However, it's much better to have a shorter report with accurate interpretations than a longer report with a mix of accurate and inaccurate interpretations! In this case, less is definitely more.

Yes, absolutely. The start date of a report can be any date in the past or the future.

In the case of a Solar Return, the start date will be on or in the two days surrounding the birth month and day due to the nature of this type of forecasting technique, but the year of the report can be any year in the future or past.

In the case of the Time Line report, the software only allows the start date to be the first of any given month, for example, May 1st, 2017.

No, the shopping cart used on the site is run by Paypal, but all the usual payment options are included so that you can use credit cards, debit cards, and the like. There are different shopping cart technologies available to sellers, and Cafe Astrology has selected the Paypal shopping cart as its solution. All payment details are sent to Paypal and not to Cafe Astrology. Paypal sends Cafe Astrology an email with each order that lists the order details and email address, not any payment information. We are not set up as a merchant at this time.

Reports are based on your birth time, while horoscopes are based on solar charts. A solar chart places the Sun's sign on the Ascendant, and most people don't have the same Sun and Ascendant in their natal charts. While a solar chart is a valid chart and certainly has its merits, the natal chart should be the first you look at.

For reports, the default house system used is Placidus. However, you can request another house system for your order (example, Koch, Equal, Whole Sign, etc.).

It's important to note that there are many different valid methods for arriving at various astrology calculations, including the Zodiac (Sidereal or Tropical), system of houses used, method of progressing the houses in the case of progressions, use of current or birth location for certain forecasting techniques, and many more. It's rare that an astrology software program is making wrong calculations. Typically, discrepancies have to do with different systems and not about one or the other being "wrong." When the Ascendant differs, it's usually about an ambiguous time zone since we must use the time zone that was in effect at the time of birth and historical time zone information is not perfect. It is simply not true that any one particular software program has every historical time zone correct, although many efforts are made to get them right.

If you receive unexpected results, please send us an email at reports@cafeastrology.com so we can look into the matter and explain the reasons for it, such as an ambiguous time zone or a particular calculation method. It's important to provide as many details as possible.

The Solar Return chart is drawn for the date and time of the return of the Sun to its exact position at birth, and not to the birthday itself. The Sun returns to its birth position once a year on or near the day of birth, and rarely coincides with the time of birth. For example, if my birthday is September 2nd, 1970 @ 5:00 PM, my Solar Return could be September 1st, 2016, @ 4:24 AM one year, September 2nd, 2017, @ 1:22 AM the next, and so forth. If the birth data is entered correctly on the report, you can expect the Solar Return date and time to be accurate.

Report orders are promised within approximately 24 hours from the time of order placement and complete information required to create the report. We send out reports by email and are at the report computer typically eight hours a day. Because orders and responses come in from all around the world at all hours of the day and night, rush orders are not possible. However, to prevent delays, making certain that you've included all information requested and that it's accurate will prevent the need for email back and forths that will cause delays.

Typically orders are emailed out within 12 hours or so, but they do sometimes come closer to 24 hours. The most common reason is a sudden influx of orders. There are times when more than the usual number of orders come in and it takes much longer to complete orders.

Within 24 hours of order placement, you should receive an email from Cafe Astrology, either as a request for further information or clarification if there is missing/unclear information or with a report attachment. If the information is incomplete, we will request it from you and you will receive your order within 24 hours of receipt of the full information necessary to create your report.

If you are buying more than one report in one order, you can enter birth information only once if you prefer. However, it's important to note that some reports require different or additional information, so be sure to supply all that is needed to create your reports.