Once each year, the Sun returns to the exact position that it held at the time of your birth. This report outlines the astrological influences on the year ahead for the positions of the planets at the precise time of your annual solar return.
The report delineates the influence of the Ascendant, Midheaven, Sun, Moon, and each of the nine planets as they interact with each other and with the Houses of the horoscope. Because there is such a wealth of information, you may find it helpful to orient yourself by first reading the following three sections in their entirety (including their subsections):
- 2 – The Solar Return Sun: The Central Focus of the Year.
- 3 – The Solar Return Ascendant: Personal Themes for the Year.
- 15 – Connections between Planets and House Cusps: Key Events of the Coming Year.
The report is based on your natal and solar return charts cast for the following data:
Annie Rtn for 2011
Table of Contents
Natal and Return Data Used in this Report
- 1.0 – Introductory Comments: What is a Solar Return?
- 2.0 – The Solar Return Sun: The Central Focus of the Year
- 2.1 – The House Occupied by the Sun: Major Issues of the Year
- 2.2 – The Sun’s Aspects in the Solar Return Chart
- 3.0 – The Solar Return Ascendant: Personal Themes for the Year
- 3.1 – The Return House Containing the Planet Ruling the Return Ascendant
- 3.2 – The Natal House Highlighted by the Solar Return Ascendant
- 3.3 – Aspects of the Ascendant in the Solar Return Chart
- 3.4 – Planets Rising in the 1st House of the Solar Return Chart
- 4.0 – The Solar Return Midheaven: Worldly Status, Career, and Public Activity
- 4.1 – The Return House Containing the Planet Ruling the Return Midheaven
- 4.2 – The Natal House Highlighted by the Solar Return Midheaven
- 4.3 – Aspects of the Midheaven in the Solar Return Chart
- 4.4 – Planets in the 10th House of the Solar Return Chart
- 5.0 – The Solar Return Moon: Your Emotional Life
- 5.1 – Aspects of the Moon in the Solar Return Chart
- 6.0 – Mercury: Communication, Learning, Short Trips
- 6.1 – Aspects of Mercury in the Solar Return Chart
- 7.0 – Venus: Love, Money, Values, Relationships
- 7.1 – Aspects of Venus in the Solar Return Chart
- 8.0 – Mars: Initiative, Leadership, Drive
- 8.1 – Aspects of Mars in the Solar Return Chart
- 9.0 – Jupiter: Opportunities for Growth and Expansion
- 10.0 – Saturn: Duty, Responsibility, Important Lessons, Hardship
- 10.1 – Aspects of Saturn in the Solar Return Chart
- 11.0 – Uranus: Novelty, Originality, Disruption
- 11.1 – Aspects of Uranus in the Solar Return Chart
- 12.0 – Neptune: Spirituality, Creativity, Self-Deception, Confusion
- 12.1 – Aspects of Neptune in the Solar Return Chart
- 13.0 – Pluto: Power, Control, Intense Emotional Experience, Transformation
- 13.1 – Aspects of Pluto in the Solar Return Chart
- 14.0 – The Solar Return Part of Fortune
- 15.0 – Connections between Planets and House Cusps
- 15.1 – Solar Return Planets with Return House Cusps
- 15.2 – Solar Return Positions with Natal House Cusps
- 15.3 – Natal Positions with Solar Return House Cusps
- 1 – Introductory Comments: What is a Solar Return?
You have certainly heard the expression “Many happy returns!” – a reference to the annual cycle that begins at your date of birth. The astrological Solar Return is a chart cast for the moment when the Sun returns to the exact position it held in your Natal horoscope. Each year the Solar Return marks the start of your personal New Year, and astrologers look to the Solar Return horoscope to see what events and issues await you in the year ahead.
Astrologers have proposed many methods for interpreting the Solar Return chart. This report follows the method of Alexandre Volguine (1903-1976), a French astrologer who, in 1937, first published his 15 years of research on Returns. Until his death in 1976, Volguine continued to update his study of Returns in subsequent editions of his classic text, “LA TECHNIQUE DES REVOLUTIONS SOLAIRES”. For those interested in the astrological theory, the method of Volguine is outlined in the appendix to this report.
In accord with Volguine’s method, this report is based on a Return chart cast for your location (which may be different from your birth place) when the Sun returns to its position in your Natal chart. Because we insert an extra day into the calendar every four years during the leap year, your Solar Return may occur either on, or a day before or after, your calendar birthday.
If you do not know your exact time of birth, you can still do a general Return chart by using as your presumed “birth time” the exact moment of sunrise on your birth date. The Solar Return chart calculated from a sunrise birth chart provides a generally accurate astrological forecast for the year ahead; but, if possible, use your actual time of birth to get the most accurate forecast.
According to the astrological theory of Solar Returns, the Natal chart represents a basic blueprint of the individual (similar to the DNA within the nucleus of the cell) and the Return chart reveals the annual renewal or reactivation of the Natal chart as measured against both the ongoing movement of the planets and the newly generated set of House cusps at the time the individual’s Natal Sun is “reborn” at the annual (SR) birthday. A key feature of Return chart interpretation involves studying the relationship between the annual Return Houses and the birth chart Houses.
Beginning with the next section, this report will review and interpret the major factors identified by Volguine for identifying the themes and events that will dominate your life during the coming year. The current Solar Return chart actually spans a period of about a year and a half because its influence is felt from three months before the current birthday until three months after next year’s birthday. This three-month transitional overlap between subsequent Returns represents the period when the themes of one year gradually give way to those of the next.
A note on stressful aspects:
In some delineations you will read that an adverse event could occur if the planet being discussed forms discordant aspects in the chart. The harsh aspects are the semi-square (45 degrees), the square (90 degrees), the sesqui-square (135 degrees), the inconjunct (150 degrees), and the opposition (180 degrees). In addition, the conjunction (joining together) of certain pairs of planets is intrinsically difficult because of the conflicting nature of the planets involved. To determine whether a stressful aspect is in effect, you may need to refer to the section where the aspects formed by the planet were first discussed in the report.
Into every life a little rain must fall. Do not be alarmed if negative predictions show up in various sections of this report. Stressful events often hover as potentials in the background but never materialize. The repetition of a trend in several parts of the horoscope chart is the key to accurate prediction in astrology. In general, adverse events occur only when many aspects or configurations repeatedly point toward their manifestation. If a stressful event is mentioned but once or twice, it is unlikely to manifest. In any case, forewarned is forearmed.
On Aspect Strengths: Next to the aspects you will often find a listing of the “strength” of the aspect. The number you see is based on how close the aspect is to being exact. The higher the number, the more exact the aspect. The aspects range in strength from a low of about 1 to a high of about 8. Theoretically, the very close aspects are more likely to manifest in your life.
Astrological Houses in the Return Chart
If you are not familiar with astrology, it will help to know a little about the astrological Houses as you read this report. You probably know that there are 12 signs of the zodiac. In a similar way, astrologers divide the horoscope wheel into 12 “Houses,” which look like a pie cut into 12 pieces. Each House represents a particular area of life. The 1st House starts at the Ascendant, which is the point where the zodiac circle in the heavens crosses the horizon in the east. By convention the Ascendant lies at the “9 o’clock” point on the circle. The remaining Houses follow the 1st House in a counterclockwise direction around the wheel so that the 10th House, which symbolizes your career and standing in the world, lies at the very top of the chart. The entry point into each House is called its cusp. Below is a list of the twelve Houses and some of their key meanings for reference as you read this report.
1st House: your body, personality, personal initiatives, life force.
2nd House: money, income, possessions, values.
3rd House: communication, analytical thinking, writing, local travel, siblings, neighbors.
4th House: home, family, parents, past conditioning, final endings.
5th House: fun, romance, recreation, vacations, children, sports, gambling, creative self-expression.
6th House: service, health concerns, daily grind, subordinates, tenants, pets.
7th House: significant others, consultants, partnerships, contracts, lawsuits, open enemies, the public.
8th House: death, sex, taxes, joint finances, surgery, investigation, transformation, occult studies.
9th House: higher education, long-distance travel, religion, philosophy, the law, foreign interests, publishing, broadcasting.
10th House: career, worldly status, honors, public standing, reputation authority, bosses, parental figures.
11th House: friends, hopes & wishes, group involvements.
12th House: solitude, imaginative endeavors, confinement, hospitalization, spiritual pursuits, loss of freedom, secret enemies, self-undoing.
- 2.0 – The Solar Return Sun: The Central Focus of the Year
General Significance of the Sun
The Sun, ruler of Leo, is the most important “planet” in the Return. The primal energy of the Sun makes possible our life on earth. The Sun enlivens, asserts, illuminates, vitalizes, promotes, fathers, energizes, individualizes, elevates, and makes conscious. Astrological aspects involving the Sun show how we achieve (or fail to achieve) honor, status, recognition, achievement, and individuation – how we shine, create, and make our mark on the world. People signified by the Sun include fathers, husbands, mature men, bosses, authority figures, and people of influence. In health matters, the Sun symbolizes the heart and the spine.
The Return placement and aspects of the Sun may involve us either personally through health matters and life circumstances governed by the Sun, or indirectly through people symbolized by the Sun. We will next look at the zodiacal sign and House positions of the Sun in the Solar Return chart.
Return Sun in Virgo
The Return Sun occupies the exact location in the same sign as the Sun in your birth chart. Having the Sun in meticulous Virgo generally makes you modest, shy, disciplined, discriminating, analytical, practical, reliable, efficient, health conscious, good with details, and fond of helping or serving others. You are probably a bit apprehensive and feel that you can’t be too careful. Your faults may include worrying too much and being overly fussy, fastidious, and critical of yourself and others.
Having considered the sign containing the Sun, we now turn to the Sun’s Return House position, which highlights the central themes of the year ahead.
- 2.1 – The House Occupied by the Sun: Major Issues of the Year
Return Sun in the Return 10th House
The Sun occupies your Return 10th House and places the focus on career, honors, professional advancement, authority, parental issues, worldly status, and associations with people of influence. This is a year when you can shine — a time of recognition, popularity, credit, and prestige. You could assume a position of influence or leadership. Business contacts that you develop at this time may lead to new and exciting career opportunities. You may need to look after the affairs of a parent or authority figure. Matters related to your mother may take on special importance. Events may occur that affect your reputation or public standing. A change in marital status or employment is commonly indicated by this placement.
- 2.2 – The Sun’s Aspects in the Solar Return Chart
Return Sun inconjunct Return Neptune (Strength: 2.36)
This can be a year of artistic, musical, poetic, or religious inspiration. Neptune heightens your intuitive and imaginative creativity. Glamour, glitz, and illusion may become appealing. Spiritual experiences could involve you in an increased awareness of hidden dimensions of reality. You may need to reconsider your pursuit of a cherished dream or ideal. Events may occur that dissolve the boundaries of your ego, enhance your appreciation of mortality, and make you more cognizant of the universality of human experience. You may engage in activities that selflessly assist others or promote the common good. You will want to reserve time alone for reflection, prayer, and meditation. Neptune is a slow-moving planet and this influence may be felt for several years.
This stressful Sun/Neptune aspect warns that the self-sacrifice of Neptune could turn into victimization, paranoia, martyrdom, or deliberate self-harm. In rare cases, you, or someone close to you, may entertain thoughts of suicide. You would be wise to shore up your mental health and avoid acting as your own worst enemy. You may confront issues involving escapism, confusion, self-deception, hopelessness, drug or alcohol abuse, illicit behavior, con games, or loss of touch with reality. Be sure to stay attuned to your own inner psychological states and motivations.
A significant man could pass from your life. Extra responsibilities for children may arise. If other factors suggest health problems, this aspect could signify mysterious or difficult-to-diagnose ailments, either physical or emotional, that affect you or a significant other. On occasion, grief, loss, hospitalization, or confinement may be indicated.
Return Sun sesquiquadrate Return Jupiter (Strength: 1.32)
The Sun stressfully aspecting Jupiter advises you to remain cognizant of the dangers of immoderation in all your activities throughout the year. Difficulties may arise because of greed, arrogance, extravagance, or illicit behavior. Events may stimulate your awareness of philosophical, religious, moral, and ethical issues. It is important to avoid taking unnecessary risks and to remain aware of your own limitations. Health problems that are the result of excess, overindulgence, lack of proper precaution, or poor nutritional habits may surface.
- 3.0 – The Solar Return Ascendant: Personal Themes for the Year
The Ascendant-Descendant or East-West Axis in the SR chart
The East-West Axis of the astrological map represents the Celestial Horizon. The Ascendant (in the East) signifies the filter through which you view the world and the manner in which you project your personality toward others. It also reflects your physical body and your personal initiatives. The Descendant (in the West) symbolizes your partnerships, close relationships, and the way you get along with other people.
Planets that form close aspects with the East-West Axis of the Return chart will color your personality style, personal initiatives, and manner of relating. The degree of the zodiac rising in the East (the Ascendant) varies with your location on earth at the time of your Solar Return. If the Return Ascendant receives particularly stressful aspects, some astrologers advise their clients to travel to a location that will minimize or negate those aspects on the day of their Solar Return. In the following section we consider the influence of the horizon (Ascendant-Descendant) axis in the year ahead.
Return Ascendant in Scorpio
The Scorpio Ascendant emphasizes the intense and secretive sign of the scorpion. This year you will need to deal with matters related to power and control, taxes, loans, debts, mortgages, joint finances, sexual issues, psychological conflicts, alimony, or property owned jointly with others. Sound financial management, perhaps involving large sums of money, will be essential. You could find yourself involved with investigation, research, near-death experiences, legacies, or inheritances. Sexual activity may increase. Your need to get to the bottom of things will be strong. Superficial living simply will not do this year! A strong inner need to connect to something more rich and meaningful will motivate you to seek out intensity.
More than any other sign, Scorpio represents transformation. A noteworthy separation or ending may occur in such a year, and if it does, you can be certain that it was “meant to be”. Significant personal growth and healing are possible. Wisdom can be gained by paying attention to your gut feelings and intuition. Now is a time to bury the hatchet and seek reconciliation with significant people in your life, especially those who may soon leave this earthly plane.
The Ascendant signifies your body. If the Ascendant-rulers Mars and Pluto form stressful aspects you could encounter health problems (such as illnesses, accidents, injuries, burns, heat stroke, etc). Because Scorpio governs the functions of excretion and reproduction, potential health difficulties could involve the genitals, the gall bladder, or the organs of elimination. Please note that these health issues are only remote possiblities.
Pluto and Mars are respectively the modern and traditional planetary rulers of the sign Scorpio. Thus, Pluto and Mars are the rulers of the Ascendant in this year’s Return chart.
- 3.1 – The SR House Containing the Planet Ruling the SR Ascendant
Return Pluto in the Return 2nd House
Pluto, the planet of radical change and transformation, occupies your Return 2nd House of values, possessions, and income. Events may occur that will help you to put your values in perspective and to get your financial house in order. Attend to financial matters that have built up over some time so that you can begin a new cycle of growth. This is a good time to get rid of things you own that are no longer useful and to repair or refurbish items that you wish to keep. Changes in the source or nature of your income are possible. Money can be earned from matters related to research, investigation, healing, sexuality, financial management, or the affairs of the dead. Take this opportunity to increase your sense of mastery over your life through how you handle money and possessions. If it’s time for a change, this position will aid you to determine a new financial plan that is self-empowering.
- 3.2 – The Natal House Highlighted by the Solar Return Ascendant
Return Ascendant in the Natal 7th House
The Natal House placement of the Return Ascendant shows where you are most likely to take personal action during the coming year. Your dominant interests and activities will center on 7th House issues such as marriage, partnerships, significant others, contracts, negotiations, lawsuits, adversarial relationships, alliances, consultations, and dealings with the public.
The Return Ascendant-Descendant axis also highlights 1st House issues such as personal projects, leadership, initiative, self-promotion, and matters of self-interest. Your appearance and the way you present yourself to others will assume great importance. Pay special attention to how you use and care for your body. You may wish to engage in a diet and exercise program to improve your stamina and endurance. If you have any physical complaints, get a medical exam.
- 3.3 – Aspects involving the Ascendant in the Solar Return Chart
Return Ascendant sextile Return Mercury (Strength: 2.93)
Mercury favorably aspecting the Return Ascendant puts a positive light on communication, education, travel, and commerce. This year will be full of mental activity, talk, letters, phone calls, writing, travel, movement, busy work, short trips, and frequent comings and goings. You tend to be more youthful, agile, adaptable, quick-witted, and verbally expressive. You may teach, take classes, or receive training under this influence. Pursuing further education can have a beneficial effect on your career. Activities that require physical movement and dexterity are especially appealing. You are also likely to have frequent contacts with siblings, young people, kin, neighbors, and members of your local community. Things that you write or say help to define who you are to others. A major trip is possible.
- 3.4 – Planets Rising in the First House of the Solar Return Chart
Solar Return Planets occupying the Solar Return First House
The Return 1st House reveals your yearly personal or psychological activity. Any planets that occupy the Return 1st House show the nature of your activity and your psychological reactions during the coming year. If a planet lies close to the Return Ascendant (within 5 degrees), you will have a fair amount of personal control over the action. Planets in the 1st House that lie further away from the Return Ascendant (more than 5 degrees) indicate that you will have less control and be more at the mercy of the forces symbolized by those planets.
The Return planets that occupy your Return 1st House are listed below. If this section is blank, there are no 1st House planets in your Return chart.
- 4.0 – The Solar Return Midheaven: Worldly Status, Career, and Public Activity
The North-South or Meridian Axis of the Solar Return Chart
The North-South or Meridian Axis of the astrological map represents your vocation, public image, parents, and family matters. The Midheaven at the top of the chart (due south in those charts of the northern hemisphere) symbolizes your career, worldly status, and public activities. The Imum Coeli (I.C.) at the bottom of the chart signifies your home, your domestic life, and the final conclusion of pending affairs.
Planets that form close aspects with the North-South Axis of the Return chart will color vocational and family matters during the year. The degree of the zodiac on your Return Midheaven depends on your location on earth at the time of your Solar Return. If the Return Midheaven receives particularly stressful aspects, some astrologers advise their clients to travel to a location that will minimize or negate those aspects on the day of their Solar Return. In the following section we consider the influence of the meridian axis in your Return chart.
Return Midheaven in Leo
The Midheaven in Leo suggests that your career, status, and public activities will involve your ability to put yourself in the spotlight and make your unique mark upon the world. You will be self-confident and assertive on the job. Your ability to sell yourself and your ideas can lead to advancement in your career. Others are likely to recognize and reward your achievements at this time.
The House position of the Return Midheaven’s planetary ruler gives further information about your social reputation and vocation in the year ahead. The planet ruling the Return Midheaven is discussed below.
Because the Sun rules the sign Leo, the Sun is the ruler of the Midheaven in this year’s Return chart.
- 4.1 – The SR House Containing the Planet Ruling the SR Midheaven
Return Sun in the Return 10th House
This interpretation appeared previously in section §2.1 – The House Occupied by the Sun: Major Issues of the Year.
- 4.2 – The Natal House Highlighted by the Solar Return Midheaven
Return Midheaven in the Natal 6th House
The Return Midheaven at the top of the Return chart reveals the actions and circumstances of your life that will be most visible to others during the coming year. When the Return Midheaven lies in your Natal 6th House, it highlights issues related to work, health, illness, co-workers, and pets. You are likely to have added job responsibilities in such a year. It is possible that you could take time off from work for reasons of health or to pursue a needed form of therapy. The welfare of a parent may occupy your mind. Your own needs and desires tend to be subordinated to the needs of others at this time.
- 4.3 – Aspects involving the Midheaven in the Solar Return Chart
Return Midheaven conjunct Natal Venus (Strength: 6.30 )
With the Return Midheaven conjunct your Natal Venus, others are likely to view you in terms of your outward appearance and your material possessions. This aspect increases your popularity and brings many social contacts into your life. An increase in income from career is also possible. You may take public action with regard to matters ruled by the Natal or Return Houses with Taurus or Libra on the cusp. Your sense of fairness, balance, and harmony could lead to some type of public recognition.
Return Midheaven conjunct Natal Jupiter (Strength: 4.39 )
The Return Midheaven conjunct your Natal Jupiter brings career opportunities and often correlates with a promotion, an academic degree, or a public honor. You may need to travel or be in contact with people from other cultures in connection with your work. In some cases, you may need to relocate to accept a new job position. Those in positions of influence and authority tend to be favorably disposed toward you. You might even rub elbows with the rich and famous. Your popularity increases, and you could assume some type of public office. Your expansiveness and broad-mindedness could lead to some type of public recognition. Changes in your worldly status could also include marriage or the birth of children into the family. You may take public action with regard to matters ruled by the Natal or Return Houses with Sagittarius or Pisces on the cusp.
- 4.4 – Planets in the Tenth House of the Solar Return Chart
SR Planets in the Solar Return Tenth House
The Return 10th House relates to career, family, worldly status, and any public actions you take during the year. The Return planets that occupy the Return 10th House reveal the nature of such public activity and how it may affect your vocational and family life.
The Return planets that occupy your Return 10th House are listed below. If this section is blank, there are no 10th House planets in your Return chart.
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