Horizons Relocation Report


Horizons: Relocation Report reveals themes that you are likely to encounter when you relocate (or travel) to a new location.

A relocation chart is a natal horoscope moved to a different location. It’s a chart cast for the same cosmic instant of birth, but looked at from another location, as if the birth happened there. The planets’ sign positions all remain the same, but they will appear in different houses at different locations, thus altering their strengths and areas of influence. So, if you were born in New York, for instance, and then moved to Paris, your relocation chart would have any first house planets shifted about 90 degrees clockwise into the tenth house; tenth house planets would be shifted into the seventh house, and so on, thus giving your natal chart a whole new look for your Parisian adventures. In fact, if it turns out to be a significant improvement, you might even want to move there. Or, perhaps you might just want to visit when you are doing the kind of things that your Paris relocation chart favors — work, play, health, creativity — depending on your planets’ relocated house positions.

** For a limited time, you can order two locations for the price of one.

Please note: the birth time is necessary for this report.

To order, please fill out the following information fields before adding to cart. Please also see the full description of the report plus the report sample below before ordering.


An initial, nickname, or first name only works fine.

Birth Date

Month/Day/Year format or spell out the month (example, March rather than 03 for clarity).

Birth Time

Time of birth, example 7:22 PM. Birth time is necessary for this report.

Birth Place

City, state/country of birth.

Place of Relocation #1

City, state/country.

Place of Relocation #2

City, state/country.



Horizons: Relocation Report reveals themes that you are likely to encounter when you relocate (or travel) to a new location.

A relocation chart is a natal horoscope moved to a different location. It’s a chart cast for the same cosmic instant of birth, but looked at from another location, as if the birth happened there. The planets’ sign positions all remain the same, but they will appear in different houses at different locations, thus altering their strengths and areas of influence. So, if you were born in New York, for instance, and then moved to Paris, your relocation chart would have any first house planets shifted about 90 degrees clockwise into the tenth house; tenth house planets would be shifted into the seventh house, and so on, thus giving your natal chart a whole new look for your Parisian adventures. In fact, if it turns out to be a significant improvement, you might even want to move there. Or, perhaps you might just want to visit when you are doing the kind of things that your Paris relocation chart favors — work, play, health, creativity — depending on your planets’ relocated house positions.

You don’t have to actually show up at a strong relocation place to have it affect you. You may well find that areas where you have locality planets, midpoints, transits, or progressions on the angles have a way of waltzing into your life unannounced, or that you’ll find yourself dealing with people who live there in a way that is described by your chart in that locality. In the era of electronic world travel, you may not need to go out of your door to find your different relocation charts working for you.

The Horizons: Relocation report interprets the signs on the angles of the relocation chart, planets on the angles, paran latitude lines, and current transits and progressions to the relocation chart. It includes a “relocation scoring graph” covering such categories as love, energy, emotions, and success, as well as the relocation chart itself. This report can be run for your current location if different than your location of birth, or for a place you are interested in relocating to, either permanently or for travel.

This report runs approximately 10 pages long.

See a SAMPLE of the Horizons: Relocation Report.

You will need to supply your name, birth date (example, Aug 15/68 – please use Month/Day/Year format if you are using numerical months), birth time (example, 3:21 PM – do not adjust for time zones), birth place (city, state/province, country), and the relocation place (city, state/province, country). When ordering more than one location, keep in mind that cities within approximately 100 miles of one another can yield very similar results.

Pay with your credit card or debit card: We accept payments through a PayPal shopping cart, allowing our readers to pay instantly online using their credit cards, debit cards, or e-checks. The process is considered easy and safe, and you are not required to register with Paypal in order to complete this transaction.

** For a limited time, you can order two locations for the price of one.

#HRR $6.95 US Horizons: Relocation Report computerized report sent through email usually within 24 hours of receipt of payment AND full information required.

Report Sample

See the full PDF sample here.

Text excerpt below:


Relocation & C*C*G Interpretation for
Jennifer Lawrence
on Jun 04, 2018
at Los Angeles, CA
118W14'34", 34N03'08"



Birth Data
Jennifer Lawrence
Aug 15, 1990
03:20:00 PM EDT
Louisville, KY
085W45'34", 38N15'15"


This report has been provided by:
Cafe Astrology
web: http://www.cafeastrology.com
email: reports@cafeastrology.com




The Relocation Chart
A relocation chart is simply an ordinary natal horoscope moved to a different location. It's a chart cast for the same cosmic instant of birth, but looked at from another location, as if the birth happened there. The planets' sign positions all remain the same, but they will appear in different houses at different locations, thus altering their strengths and areas of influence. So, if you were born in New York, for instance, and then moved to Paris, your relocation chart would have any first house planets shifted about 90 degrees clockwise into the tenth house; tenth house planets would be shifted into the seventh house, and so on, thus giving your natal chart a whole new look for your Parisian adventures. In fact, if it turns out to be a significant improvement, you might even want to move there. Or, perhaps you might just want to visit when you are doing the kind of things that your Paris relocation chart favors -- work, play, health, creativity -- depending on your planets' relocated house positions.

The Relocation Map
Although any one relocation chart opens up new possibilities for you when you travel, if you put a lot of them together and trace them on a map you get a set of marked-out roads of opportunity that stretch around the world, each of which will add strength and emphasis to specific parts of your personality and potential. There is a geographical ribbon running many thousands of miles around the globe, every mile of which gives you Mars rising, adding to your energy and individual power whenever you are on it. Another gives you the Sun rising, another, the Moon, and so on. Around the other side of the earth are similar routes on which your planets are always exactly setting, on the cusp of the seventh house. Similarly, there are north-south pathways each 12,000 miles long where individual planets are on your Midheaven or IC if you go to them. Together, they make up an often-intersecting set of personal highways, a grid of 40 planetary lines that mark out your chart's strongest places for relocation, where one or more natal planets are on the angles.

And if that's not enough potential roads to travel on, there are a total of 180 global lines that depict where your 45 major planetary midpoints are on the angles, adding a subtle substructure to your planetary potential. Altogether, they depict your own personal World Wide Web of highways and byways that add special strengths to your chart and promise new heightened adventure and return for simply taking a trip. You'll find that there's hardly a place on the planet you can go without discovering a new slant on life, a new take on what you already have working inside you.

Windows Of Opportunity
Finally, as your personal progressions and transits move along and affect your natal chart, these same changes will be touching your relocation chart as well, but often quite differently. This will mean that certain parts of the world open up as unique windows of opportunity for a limited, but golden time. A look at these will tell you not only where to travel, but when is the optimum time to be there as well. Find out the best of where and when, and then book your ticket, with the stars on your side.

The Armchair Traveler
You don't have to actually show up at a strong relocation place to have it affect you. You may well find that areas where you have locality planets, midpoints, transits, or progressions on the angles have a way of waltzing into your life unannounced, or that you'll find yourself dealing with people who live there in a way that is described by your chart in that locality. In the era of electronic world travel, you may not need to go out of your door to find your different relocation charts working for you.

Local Space Astrology by Michael Erlewine
If you were to walk outside your home at the moment of birth and look around you, the Sun, Moon, and planets would each be somewhere in the sky above and around you. For example, the Moon might be rising low to the Southwest, and so forth. If you were to draw a line from your birth spot in the compass direction of the Moon, it would extend across (and around) the Earth, passing through any number of cities. The circular line of those cities and places mark a path across the earth toward the direction of the Moon. If you did this for the Sun and all the planets, you would be examining a map of the space surrounding your locale. That map would be a standard geographical map with the direction of each planet laid out on it as lines. This is why I originally called this technique Local Space Astrology.

At any given moment, the Sun, Moon, and all the planets are above a certain spot on earth and in a particular direction from your birthplace. In fact, not only planets and stars, but also cities, countries, and even the local water tower or the neighbor's house has a place and direction on this map. It does not matter how far away an object is, we only want to know in what direction it is. You can walk toward, write letters to, or get up and relocate into, for instance, the direction of Venus or Mars, and we each do this all the time.

Local Space maps are useful when it comes to relocation and/or when we want to pick a city (and direction) of a planet we would like to experience more of, like perhaps Venus (love, beauty, value) or Jupiter (might help us find our life path or career), and so forth. There are also planets we might like to experience less of, as well, so we might avoid those spots. But these lines are also great for picking spots for vacation and business trips, as well as checking out where friends and not-so-friends live. It could be someone all the way in China or as close as a neighbor's house.

Understanding Local Space allows you to fine tune your life by picking the places you live or want to visit in terms of what they can add or take away from your overall life experience. For example, if you are struggling to find the right career, you might want to take a trip or have a vacation in the direction of the planet Jupiter (the planet of vocation) and see what develops. Or, as I myself did, you may want to permanently relocate to a Jupiter spot until you can find your way to making a living. Or, if you find yourself living in a city along your Saturn line and you feel too hemmed in and inhibited, you might want to just move to a city in line with a planet that is more encouraging. You get the idea.

Check out your Local Space Chart and look at each line to see in what direction it is and what cities or places it passes through. Read about and consider what each planet offers you in the way of qualities and changes. Don't forget about the places where your friends and not-so-friends live, whether they are far away cities or just across town. Give it some thought. Local Space can be very useful in fine-tuning your life experience through astrology.

Angles in Signs
Ascendant in Scorpio
You've got everything to gain here from hiding something -- or at least pretending to. Playing an intense and somewhat mysterious role comes naturally and will get you the most attention with the least risk. You're at your best when smoldering, with just enough smoke to show there's fire down below.

Midheaven in Leo
A reputation for warmth and good times will precede you here, so all you have to do is live up to it. Don't pass up a party, and showing off your talents of the heart will get you everything. You can get away with things you never could at home, simply by wearing a smile and inviting others to do the same.

Planets on Angles

Any planet on one of the angles (Ascendant, MC, Descendant, IC) of your relocation chart will be greatly strengthened when you are at the place of relocation, very much like if it were on the angles of your natal chart. If the Sun is on an angle, you'll have more confidence; if Mars is there you'll have more energy, and so on. Moreover, you don't have to actually go there to get the effect. Having a planet on a relocated angle will accentuate that place for you even if you are only doing business with people there over the phone. You have an accentuated quality to people in such places that you may not have elsewhere.

Natal Sun/Venus On MC (Strong)
Sunny side up.

A very nice place for you to make a home. You are also likely to have very friendly contacts at work and some good friends. If you are interested in starting a business that involves beauty or art in some way, this is a good place for this purpose as well.

This is a great place to let people know what you want and what you're willing to give in exchange; a nice location for local or long-distance commerce. Charm and personality will get you everything, and that's what will be brought out in you here. There's little need to hide, and you probably won't want to.

Natal Neptune Local Space Line (Strong)
The Neptune line is all about inspiration, whatever it is that inspires us, and the pure flight of the imagination. Neptune places are ones where we can let go of differences, and where the sense of unity is greater than that which divides us.

A trip to a Neptune place can be filled with inspiration, whether of a spiritual nature or simply taking in some incredible music, theater, film, or poetry. These are places where you can just let your hair down and join in with those around you -- a deep sense of belonging and unity.

Neptune in Third House
People will say anything here (and you reply in kind), but getting them to be specific and make airy conversation turn to concrete results may be a bit dicey. It's not necessarily insincerity or dishonesty that's to blame, just good intentions without solid foundations. When needs are specific, insist on clarity -- otherwise be happy to shoot the breeze.

Natal Neptune Ssx IC (Strong)
You can be tagged as a dream-maker, a wish-fulfiller here, and whether you become another Walt Disney may be all about how you play the hand that's given you on arrival. What people hear about you may not be real, but it's not bad, either, and pretty easy to step in and fill the role in a comfortable and profitable way.

Natal Saturn Local Space Line (Strong)
Saturn is generally considered a pretty heavy planet, and probably not at the top of the list of places to visit by most. And this is as it should be, since Saturn brings rules, regulations, and restrictions, and these can easily appear as inhibitions, barriers, and delays. And this is probably the way Saturn does affect most of us. But there are cases where we need barriers, where rules and restrictions protect us. Saturn also represents the walls that make homes possible.

If you already, by nature, tend to be gloomy, somber, or too serious, then this is probably not a place you will enjoy. However, if you lack discipline and do well with directions or following rules, then this could be a source of strength and organization.

Saturn in Third House
The less said the better, or at least you'll hope that's true here, as communication may be short and spotty. That doesn't mean no one's out there, just that wasting words is not what's going on here. Say it and be done with it, make a single conversation or phone call suffice, and move on. That could also reflect the cultural/language difference, if there is one.

Natal Sun/Saturn On AS (Medium)
To slowly go with measured step.

You may find yourself becoming involved in relationships out of a sense of responsibility. Meeting responsibilities is very good, but too much emphasis on responsibilities can take some of the fun out of life.

Any native caution you possess will likely be increased while here, so it's probably not the spot for a honeymoon. If history and traditional culture is your meal, however, you will probably find much to learn. Don't expect to take it all in at once, because the slow and reticent approach rules you here.

Natal Pluto Sqr IC (Medium)
You are likely to become deeply entangled and enmeshed with others at your place of work, and complex interpersonal dynamics can make your situation a difficult one to improve or work out of at times.

You can find your reputation battered here as a result of trying to take charge too much, or at least being perceived that way. If you go out of your way to show you're a cooperator, the problem will be solved, but you may have to sidestep confrontations along the way, even though they may at first seem unavoidable.

Pluto in First House
You may find yourself being especially forceful here, and you may have to be in order to get things done. The trick will be to do it like a natural force and not like an ego trip. That means checking out your motives before you push your way through. If you don't really need to do it, let someone else ahead of you.

Natal Uranus Tri DS (Medium)
A lively, spirited quality enters your life while in this area. You open up to new ideas and you get involved in creative new interests. This influence is so natural that you may not consciously recognize the extent to which you are more free-spirited while in this area.

This can be a land of discovery for you if you ease yourself into it on a personal basis. Just show up and look for something different, and the chances are you'll find it. It's partly about what's there, and partly about the fresh pair of eyes you bring to the situation that gives everybody a new look.

Uranus in Second House
Your financial resources here may be a bit erratic and spotty, so it will be wise to always have a backup, a reserve fuel tank that can kick in during times of unexpected change. Don't be alarmed by it, however, as constant fluctuations will likely become the order of the day and you'll get used to the non-rhythm.

Natal Sun/Jupiter On MC (Medium)
Job and career opportunities are very good for you in this area. You attract the interest and support of employers and business people, and there are opportunities for you to advance in your career.

Whatever you find to do here will be on the sunny side and your positive attitude will make itself heard across town. When you're feeling good about yourself, it shows, and this place will likely increase both the feelings and the show. You can't be on all the time, but you would hardly know that here.

Natal Mercury Ssq AS (Medium)
Talk is not cheap here, it's expensive. You may have to say the same things several different ways to get your message across. It's just that they think they hear one thing from you, while you're actually saying something else. It will eventually get cleared up, but expect to have to repeat and clarify yourself.

Mercury in Eleventh House
Talking turkey with close friends comes easy here, and intimate conversations lead to all kinds of new possibilities. Whether it's about just the two of you or about constructing that next step up the ladder, what you say will tend to corral closeness in any person you choose. Just keep it private, be selective.

Natal Neptune Tri DS (Mild)
You enjoy creative and imaginative times with others while in this area. You may act in uncharacteristically silly or childish ways - and enjoy it! A good place to spark your imagination and creativity. You have better access to your latent creative talents in this location. As well, personal relationships are a little more playful here.

You have imagination -- your own and others' -- going for you here, and playing parts may come quite naturally to you, without having to give up your own true identity. A sense of what people would like to see you as comes naturally, and so does your natural ability to actually fit the idealized mold.

Natal Mercury/Uranus On AS (Mild)
Looking for that light bulb to flash over your head? This is the place. For whatever reason, the environment stimulates original thinking and is receptive to your own special, unique approaches. Changing your mind is part of it, so don't impose boundaries unless you're itching to have them broken. Expect epiphanies.

You get lots of creative new ideas while in this location. New ideas seem to just pop into your head and you may find yourself getting more involved in new technology or innovative concepts. You are a bit impulsive at times also, and should be careful to avoid situations that are accident-prone.

Paran Latitude Lines

Mercury-Uranus Latitude Line at 33N46'01"
If you're looking for spontaneous flashes of insight, this may be the place to go. Bolts from the blue illuminate the mind and you could find yourself rolling in revelations or being a mouthpiece for the same. It's spontaneous, however, not on demand, and it's flashes not a steady beacon, so don't expect to turn on the spigot any time you want a hit of inspiration. But expect it to be lurking in the environment, ready to reveal itself in some unlikely spot just in time to interrupt lunch or something even more important. When it happens, listen -- it's what this place has to say to you, and what you'll bring home from it.


Relocation Wheel

Relocation Scoring Graph

Los Angeles, CA - 118W14'34", 34N03'08"

C*C*G Planets on Angles

Transits to Angles
Location charts respond to transits very much like your natal chart. Although Jupiter, for instance, may not be transiting your natal Ascendant right now, it is transiting your relocated Ascendant somewhere, and that somewhere is likely where you'll easily get a lot of extra attention and enhanced personal prospects if you go there or start doing business with people there. The same goes for the rest of the planets, so you can travel to seek or to escape their transits at the place of your choice.

Progressions to Angles
Although you can't escape your natal progressions, you can go experience them someplace else, particularly where a favorable progressed planet relocates right on an angle and thus gets extra emphasis. As with transits, your progressed relocation paths will tell you where it's happening according to the nature of each planet. Being that they are progressions rather than transits, the effect will be more internal than external, but noticeable all the same.

Transit Saturn Tri DS (Strong)
You're in for a year or so of fairly consistent support from the situation in this locale, at least insofar as you show yourself to be a part of its establishment and don't rock the boat. People look to you for security, so remember the feeling for when it comes time to reverse the process.

Progressed Moon Ssq MC (Strong)
A few months of disconnect from your public image here means you should probably get someone else to promote you for the moment, as the spirit doesn't move you to wave your own flag very effectively. It's not that you're not proud of what you do, just a little defocused as you gather your energies for the next step.

Progressed Venus Sxt AS (Medium)
You like what you look like here this year, and it shows. It's not so much narcissism -- just that you feel good about yourself and you don't need a mirror to check whether you appear the way you ought to. By the same token, when you emit that feeling, it bubbles up in others and you become the object of desire.

Transit Jupiter Sqr IC (Medium)
Watch out that your reputation here does not get ahead of you this year, as enjoyable as the applause may seem at first. You can have too much of a good thing, and too much going on for you to live up to when you wake up the next morning. Put a positive spin on your accomplishments, but don't claim more than you can defend.

Progressed Mercury Sxt AS (Medium)
You'll feel very on-message here this year, but without having to make a big deal about it. Words just flow more smoothly out of your mouth and your brain is naturally in gear without having to pump the clutch. Body language does a lot to get the point across, and you may not even know it's happening unless you catch yourself on video.

Progressed Sun Ssq AS (Medium)
Keeping your ego appropriately packaged in your skin may be a challenge here for a year or so, as it's easy to go overtax your physical limits with your own enthusiasm and the message in your heart may not be reflected in your mirror. Looking the part will ultimately be essential, so tweak your exterior to suit.


Report Order FAQ

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Reports are generally delivered within 24 hours of order placement, or if there were missing details, within 24 hours of the receipt of full information needed to generate the report(s). Occasionally, an order might arrive a little late if there was an unexpected influx of orders, for example, a power outage, etc.

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No, you should specify that the birth time is unknown rather than guess it so that the report can be created specifically for unknown birth times.

Although unknown birth time reports can be a little shorter than the reports with known birth times, they only include information that is known. Most importantly, the ambiguous information is excluded from the report.

Some people feel that they will get more for their money if they guess at the birth time, as they assume that more interpretations in the reports are better. However, it's much better to have a shorter report with accurate interpretations than a longer report with a mix of accurate and inaccurate interpretations! In this case, less is definitely more.

Yes, absolutely. The start date of a report can be any date in the past or the future.

In the case of a Solar Return, the start date will be on or in the two days surrounding the birth month and day due to the nature of this type of forecasting technique, but the year of the report can be any year in the future or past.

In the case of the Time Line report, the software only allows the start date to be the first of any given month, for example, May 1st, 2017.

No, the shopping cart used on the site is run by Paypal, but all the usual payment options are included so that you can use credit cards, debit cards, and the like. There are different shopping cart technologies available to sellers, and Cafe Astrology has selected the Paypal shopping cart as its solution. All payment details are sent to Paypal and not to Cafe Astrology. Paypal sends Cafe Astrology an email with each order that lists the order details and email address, not any payment information. We are not set up as a merchant at this time.

Reports are based on your birth time, while horoscopes are based on solar charts. A solar chart places the Sun's sign on the Ascendant, and most people don't have the same Sun and Ascendant in their natal charts. While a solar chart is a valid chart and certainly has its merits, the natal chart should be the first you look at.

For reports, the default house system used is Placidus. However, you can request another house system for your order (example, Koch, Equal, Whole Sign, etc.).

It's important to note that there are many different valid methods for arriving at various astrology calculations, including the Zodiac (Sidereal or Tropical), system of houses used, method of progressing the houses in the case of progressions, use of current or birth location for certain forecasting techniques, and many more. It's rare that an astrology software program is making wrong calculations. Typically, discrepancies have to do with different systems and not about one or the other being "wrong." When the Ascendant differs, it's usually about an ambiguous time zone since we must use the time zone that was in effect at the time of birth and historical time zone information is not perfect. It is simply not true that any one particular software program has every historical time zone correct, although many efforts are made to get them right.

If you receive unexpected results, please send us an email at reports@cafeastrology.com so we can look into the matter and explain the reasons for it, such as an ambiguous time zone or a particular calculation method. It's important to provide as many details as possible.

The Solar Return chart is drawn for the date and time of the return of the Sun to its exact position at birth, and not to the birthday itself. The Sun returns to its birth position once a year on or near the day of birth, and rarely coincides with the time of birth. For example, if my birthday is September 2nd, 1970 @ 5:00 PM, my Solar Return could be September 1st, 2016, @ 4:24 AM one year, September 2nd, 2017, @ 1:22 AM the next, and so forth. If the birth data is entered correctly on the report, you can expect the Solar Return date and time to be accurate.

Report orders are promised within approximately 24 hours from the time of order placement and complete information required to create the report. We send out reports by email and are at the report computer typically eight hours a day. Because orders and responses come in from all around the world at all hours of the day and night, rush orders are not possible. However, to prevent delays, making certain that you've included all information requested and that it's accurate will prevent the need for email back and forths that will cause delays.

Typically orders are emailed out within 12 hours or so, but they do sometimes come closer to 24 hours. The most common reason is a sudden influx of orders. There are times when more than the usual number of orders come in and it takes much longer to complete orders.

Within 24 hours of order placement, you should receive an email from Cafe Astrology, either as a request for further information or clarification if there is missing/unclear information or with a report attachment. If the information is incomplete, we will request it from you and you will receive your order within 24 hours of receipt of the full information necessary to create your report.

If you are buying more than one report in one order, you can enter birth information only once if you prefer. However, it's important to note that some reports require different or additional information, so be sure to supply all that is needed to create your reports.