May 18 2023
18mayOverview of the DayMay 18 2023Daily Overview
Thursday, MAY 18 This morning’s Sun-Neptune sextile can help us tune into our imaginations and intuition. Instinctual judgment is enhanced under this influence. We see things from
Thursday, MAY 18
This morning’s Sun-Neptune sextile can help us tune into our imaginations and intuition. Instinctual judgment is enhanced under this influence. We see things from a perspective that celebrates our differences. We take things as they come, finding meaning in our experiences more readily than usual.
This influence sets an excellent mood for respecting our intuition. We’re tuned in, inspired, and charitable. What feels like serendipity experienced now may have to do with a good sense of timing and a feeling of being in sync with the universe.
As the day advances, however, we approach a Mercury-Saturn sextile, which grounds our thinking and expectations. This is the third and final pass after Mercury and Saturn returned to this aspect while Mercury was retrograde last week.
We are mentally prepared, desiring more order and organization in our lives. Decisions made now tend to be practical and well thought out.
Nevertheless, a New Moon will occur tomorrow, and it’s best not to begin something entirely new today.
May 18, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)